InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Hanging by a moment... ❯ Birthday Surprise ( Chapter 3 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Genre(s): Romance, Hentai
Rating: X
Warnings: Sexual content
Word Count: 500

~ Birthday Surprise ~

If you asked him how the most recent turn of events had come to be, he wouldn’t be able to answer you. All he knew was that Kagome had overheard Myouga giving him crap about his birthday. Apparently, he had reached the age of majority for inu-youkai, like he gave a shit if “pup” was removed from Sesshoumaru’s list of insults for him. As far as Inuyasha was concerned, he’d been a man the day that bastard had left him to fend for himself after his mother’s death.

Though there were undeniably other benefits to acknowledging one’s birthday.

“Use me.” Kagome had said, her eyes full of determination and love. “Let me be your present.” she had practically begged of him.

He had mentally cringed when the words “Pretend I’m Kikyou.” had left her lips, though he’d been too cowardly to correct her when she’d immediately crossed her arms in front of herself before lifting her shirt off her body.

In the privacy of the cave she had requested he find for them, telling him she had a secret she wished to share once they were assured uninterrupted solitude, Inuyasha hadn’t argued as she’d first removed all of her clothing before then removing all of his. Shocked and unable to speak, he hadn’t resisted as she’d lowered herself to her knees, using the suction of her mouth to pull every spare drop of blood down to his groin. Unable to resist his desire for her one moment longer, Inuyasha had complied without protest when Kagome had then turned away from him, presenting her backside as she’d seductively instructed him to mount her like the dog he was.

And that was how Inuyasha found himself to be on his knees behind the woman propped on hands and knees before him, his hands gripping her hips, his own hips thrusting forward and back at a swift pace. How long he had wanted to be with Kagome, how long he had convinced himself it simply wasn’t meant to be. If he had only known the girl before him loved him as deeply as he loved her, if he had only known she thought he still loved Kikyou, then Kagome wouldn’t have been forced to resort to such drastic measures. He would have approached her long before now.

But there was no time like the present to make up for moments lost. As Inuyasha felt the telltale tightening in his body that indicated his release was near he hooked an arm around Kagome’s hip, reaching between her legs to massage the flesh above her entrance.

“Come with me, Koi.” he murmured, ignoring the faint scent of her tears. She wouldn’t be able to convince herself he was fantasizing about Kikyou for much longer.

Feeling his release climb its way to the surface he doubled his efforts until she was bucking against him, her walls tightening exquisitely. As his seed flooded her body he locked his hips against her, screaming Kagome’s name in pure ecstasy.