InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Hanging by a moment... ❯ Nothing To Fear But Fear Itself ( Chapter 38 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Genre(s): Action, General
Rating: T
Warnings: Mild mention of graphic violence
Word Count: 500

~ Nothing To Fear But Fear Itself ~

The oni had been a horrifying thing. Fighting it off had been a group effort, though it'd been a battle they were slowly losing. Everyone was injured, though nobody more severely than Inuyasha as he took not only the blows aimed at him that he couldn't avoid, but also the blows aimed at Kagome that she couldn't avoid. He lost his grip on Tessaiga as a massive blast of energy slammed him roughly against the cliff face, and everyone gasped in horror at what looked like a deathblow. Feeling a large pulse of youki emerge from the still form of the fallen hanyou had given everyone a simultaneous sense of relief and foreboding.  

With crimson eyes and a passion for killing, Inuyasha had risen painlessly to his feet, the only thought in his head to kill the monster that stood before him, as he laughed evilly and taunted the oni “Is that all ya got?”

Enraged, the oni had thankfully forgotten about the other members of the inu-tachi, instead focusing all of its energy on defeating the former hanyou, its tiny brain unable to comprehend just how dangerous Inuyasha truly was while in that form.

Something his friends had no trouble comprehending.

With the once formidable oni now reduced to nothing more than a gruesome pile of entrails, Inuyasha turned  his attention back to his companions. Unlike the oni, he had never once forgotten they were there.

Instinctively, Sango and Miroku tightened their grip on their weapons as he looked their way, though they had no intention of striking first, which Inuyasha thankfully realized as he narrowed his crimson eyes to glare at them as if the very act of preparing themselves for his possible attack was a form of betrayal in and of itself, even if he had no intention of actually attacking them because of it.

“You reek of fear, cowards.” he grumbled out with a snort of disgust, chuckling darkly to himself in amusement because a part of him found their fear very amusing indeed. “Some friends...” he mumbled under his breath before shifting his gaze to the third person present.

Kagome, who had never once feared Inuyasha and wasn't about to start now, although she was afraid for him, cautiously stepped closer in that moment, the untransformed Tessaiga in her hand.

“Inuyasha...?” she voiced hesitantly, questioningly, as if to ask him if he was all right.

“Kagome.” he replied with no emotion, as if just to confirm for her that he still knew who she was. She found even that small acknowledgment comforting.

She showed no sign of apprehension as he walked right up to her, looking just as menacing as ever. She held out Tessaiga hilt first.

Glancing down at the sword, he then looked up into her eyes.

“You don't fear me.” he stated knowingly, his pleased expression revealing elongated fangs.

She squared her shoulders. “Never.”


He took the sword, amber eyes reflecting his gratitude.

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