InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Hanging by A Moment ❯ Chapter 4 Trip Down Memory Lane ( Chapter 4 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Hanging by A Moment

by Lor

This author is now in a good mood! Ok fine I lied I'm still depressed but to a small extent! Sorry this took so long to get up I've had this chapter written for awhile like a week or so it just took me awhile to get it typed up since I have found a new addiction....Playing Lord of the Rings the Two Towers on PS2. I've had it for months but I've been afraid to play it ever since the first time I played...Aragorn died! ::sob:: Sorry I'm just a HUGE Aragorn fan and plus I think Viggo Mortensen is hot...creepy eh? He's like 44 and I'm 16 so he's old enough to be my father!! Ohh one more thing before I continue onto the story.....If anyone has any ideas for this fic let me know and I'll try to fit it in! Most likely I'll be able to fit it in unless it totally goes against the wee bit I have planned out for future chapters! Once this story reaches 20,000 words a 10 reviews for a new update will be in effect..... (only for

If you want to be notified of the updates made put your e-mail in your review and I'll be sure to e-mail you each time I update this fic. Hopefully I'll be able to update twice a week starting next week, (I have to pack this week. I'm going to Ohio for my cousin's graduation which means no updates on Saturday or Sunday)

R&R Please!

` .... ' thoughts

" ..... " dialogue

~ ...... ~ flashback

Chapter 4

Trip Down Memory Lane


Kyro stood there in front of Akio and Yash waiting for them to throw the first punch, when Akio and Yash were waiting for Kyro to act first. "So it's going to be two against one, eh?" Kyro said as a hand slide into one of his back jean pockets, "Then let me try to even out the score..." He pulled his hand from his pocket and with a flick of his wrist, showed a 5 inch switch blade. `Shit....' Akio thought as he looked at the blade. Yash was actually thinking something quite the opposite, `More fun for me then....'

Yash did an evil half smile, "Get all the blades you want! You're still not going to win!" Akio looked at Yash as if he was insane. Kyro's smirk slightly wavered as he saw red begin to seep into Yash's golden amber eyes. "Heh like two high school twerps could beat me!" Kyro moved in to Yash's right to punch him, his other hand with the blade coming at Yash's left, `This is going to be too easy' Kyro thought as Yash made no move to get out of the way.

Akio jumped and did a powerful sidekick into Kyro's right shoulder causing him to fall to the left. Yash stepped back to dodge the punch Kyro was trying to throw at him as he fell. "Pitiful" Yash said as he looked down at the fallen Kyro. Kyro sat up slightly and did a spinning kick at Yash's legs. Yash didn't react quickly enough and fell hard against the lockers with a bang.

Kyro got up and smirked, then turned his attention towards Akio, who glared right back and moved into a defensive stance, waiting for Kyro's inevitable attack. Kyro stepped forward to punch Akio in the stomach; Akio used his right hand to block and his left to deliver a blow to Kyro's chin. Blood dripped down Kyro's chin; he lifted his left hand to wipe away the blood when he felt a kick to his lower back.

Yash stood behind Kyro, his eyes flaring red as he watched Kyro fall to the ground, his head bounced off the tile floor. "Baka Ningen, ya never want to attack a hanyou, especially me," Yash did a cocky half smile, "Unless you want to die of course." Yash kicked Kyro over so he was lying on his back. His face was covered in blood. To Akio and Yash's amazement, Kyro began to laugh. "What's the teinousha's problem?" Akio asked Yash, who replied with a shrug. "Baka yarous, you think you've beaten me?" Kyro said then he began laughing again as he stood, wiping blood from his face.

Akio didn't give Kyro a chance to attack and punched him in the chest; Kyro went slamming against the opposite wall. What Akio hadn't noticed was that Kyro had lifted his blade as Akio's punch had come towards him. When Kyro's body slide down the wall, Akio noticed blood seeping into his shirt sleeve, and pulled it up to see a deep cut in his right arm, "Fakku!" Akio said as he grabbed his bleeding arm with his left hand to try to see how deep the cut was, and to try to slow the bleeding.

Meanwhile, Yash started punching Kyro rapidly until he was slumped on the ground, bloody and unconscious. His blows had been impossible to see or deflect. "I should kill you...." Yash said looking down at Kyro's body, "But I won't, you deserve to die slowly suffering." He lifted a hand to brush some of his silver white hair out of his face when he realized the knuckles on his right hand was bleeding, "That whip actually cut me..." Yash looked over and saw Akio leaning against the opposite wall, his long shirt sleeve covered in blood. That's when Kags, Ror and the police arrived.....


"What's with all the cop cars?" Shippo looked up at Miroku pulling his head out from under the car hood, "Huh?" "The cop cars parking in front of the school, Isai." He looked over in time to see an ambulance pull up and to see a group of people exiting the school. "Uh, dude...Why is Yash surrounded by cops?" Shippo asked turning to look back at his lecherous friend. But Miroku wasn't there; he was already halfway to Yash, and the police. Shippo slammed down the hood, careful not to dent it, and then ran to catch up with Miroku.

"Yash what happened?" Miroku asked as he and Shippo reached the hanyou. "Beat the shit out of the bloody yarou," Yash replied tilting his head to indicate who the bloody yarou was. Miroku and Shippo looked over and saw the police putting a bloody, beat up guy in the back of a squadron car. A police officer led Yash over to the ambulance, to get his knuckles cleaned up and bandaged. Shippo turned and looked at Miroku, who looked back with the same expressions on his face, confusion.


Roru exited the building with an arm around Akio's waist. Kagome followed out behind the. `Why did he snap at me?....I was only trying to help him,' Kagome thought as she looked over at Yash. He was glaring at the technician who was bandaging his hand. `Why does he hate me?'

~Kagome and Roru arrived with the police to see Yash and Akio both bleeding. Roru rushed over to Akio, trying not to start sobbing again. Kagome went to Yash and tried to take a look at his hand, "Fuck off wench, I don't need your damn help!" Then Yash stormed away from her, leaving Kagome looking after him looking hurt.~

Roru and Akio headed towards the ambulance, leaving Kags alone with her thoughts, `What did I do....'

Kags was so deep into thought that she didn't notice Miroku coming towards her, `Was it because.....' Kags felt a hand on her ass, then felt a squeeze. "HENTAI!" Kagome screeched. She spun and slapped Miroku across the face. "CHIKUSHOU JA-KU!!" she screamed as she slapped him again. "Ow ow ow ow ow," Miroku said covering his head with his arms, trying to protect himself from Kagome's hits.


"How is he doing?" Ror looked over at the door way to see Yash standing there. "He's getting stitches right now. They want him to stay overnight, though." Ror looked down at the ground. `There's more to what had happened then what Kagome told me.' Yash walked into the room and sat down in a chair beside Roru.

Ror felt Yash sit down beside her and looked up. He was watching her, concern in his golden amber eyes. "What really had happened?" She tilted her head slightly not sure what he was asking, "About what?" "When Kyro attacked you..." "I already told you on the way here..." "The first time." Yash finished. Roru's face paled. "Kags said he had attacked you...but there's more to it isn't there...right?" Roru nodded. `Why is she afraid to tell me?' Yash noticed a change in her scent.

Roru looked away from Yash, afraid that if she looked at him, that she'd tell him what had happened. Tears began to well up in her eyes; she tried to blink them away, but failed. A single tear slid down her left cheek. Yash took a hand and gently made her look at him. "What happened?" he asked again. "I first met Kyro about ten months after I moved here..."


Akio slowly walked towards his room, but stopped when he saw Yash in there. Then he heard Roru speak, "Kyro was really sweet at first...then he changed." Akio leaned against the door frame to listen...


"It was three years earlier...."

~A 15 year old Roru walked into a dark club. She wore a short black skirt and a blood red, low but midriff tank top. As she walked, her high heeled black knee boots clicked on the bare cement floor. Her long brown hair swung loose on her bare back. "Kyro? Where are you?" She reached out and opened a large door, her small black leather purse bounced on her hip as she turned the door knob.

"Oh my gods..." Roru said as her eyes scanned the room. Things were thrown all over; CDs, TVs, VCRs, jewelry, DVD players, guns, computers, stereos, almost anything you could imagine that was worth a good amount of money and could be stolen was in there. Roru knew it all was stolen; price tags and security tags were still on everything. "He lied...." Roru's voice quietly entered the room. She walked inside and opened the door on the right wall and entered.~


Roru's voice began to shake as she spoke. She wasn't looking at Yash anymore, she just looked down at her hands. Yash put a hand on her arm to try to comfort her. Roru opened her mouth to speak again.


"Hey, Akio! You're up! How's the...." Kagome stopped talking, but continues to walk towards him. Akio had raised a finger to his lips to silence her. "What?" Kagome asked quietly. Akio nodded towards the room. That's when Roru began to speak...


~The room was filled with smoke. There weren't any windows in the room. Light came from small red lamps in the corners of the room, they stood on small maple wood tables. Roru stepped in the room onto the plush gray carpet, "Kyro?" She saw someone move on the couch to her right, then heard a groan. Roru walked over to the side of the couch and saw Kyro laying there, a bag of cocaine was a needle, the tube connected to it was empty. "You said you stopped! You just got out of rehab a few weeks ago and you're already back to stealing and doing drugs!!" Roru yelled at him, "You lied to me!! You lied to me!"

"Aw shut up wench." Kyro grumbled sitting up, running a hand through his messy black hair. "I AM NOT A WENCH!" She yelled slapping him across the face. Kyro turned his head towards her and glared. "I'm tired of being put threw all this shit of yours! It's over! I'm not going to let you control me anymore! IT'S OVER!" and with that Roru turned to leave, then Kyro grabbed her arm, spinning her around. "Leave me alone! It's over! For real this time!" Kyro stood up, squeezing her arm her so hard it throbbed, "No one leaves me..." then he pulled back his arm to punch her. As his fist neared her face she thought, `I'm going to die.....'~


Akio looked at Kagome dumbfounded, "That really happened?" Kagome nodded, "she was in ICU for 2 weeks. In the hospital for about 2 months. She looked really beat up for awhile." Akio looked into the room seeing Yash told the crying Roru, `How could someone ever do that to her?' "That bad? She had made it seem like no big deal, minus the freaking out part." Akio slowly entered the room, followed closely by Kagome.

Akio walked over to Roru and Yash. Yash looked up at Akio and nodded as he backed away from Roru. He went and stood beside Kagome. Akio then slid into Yash's vacated seat by Roru and turned it so he was facing her, "Roru-chan?" he said looking directly at her. Roru was sitting hunched over in her seat holding her arms across her stomach. In response to hearing Akio's voice she looked up and blinked rapidly.

"You're okay?" Roru said quietly, just staring at him, his right arm was bandaged up and resting in a black sling. "They want me to stay overnight, but un, I'm okay." Roru launched herself at Akio giving him a tight hug, "I was so worried. I didn't think you would get hurt! It's entirely my fault if I had..." Akio wrapped his arms around her resting his head on top of hers. "It's not your fault, so don't even think that. I'll be back to normal in a few weeks." They sat there in silence for a few minutes, just holding each other.

`Aww they look so cute like that!' Kagome thought smiling. `Ewww somebody hand me a barf bag!' Yash thought trying not to gag. Kagome saw him and elbowed him in the ribs. "Oi!" Yash yelled then turned to glare at her.

Roru and Akio pulled away from each other to see what Yash had yelled about. Yash and Kagome were glaring at each other. "What did you do that for wench!?" Yash yelled his eyes narrowing. Hearing Yash yell wench caused Roru to flinch which went unnoticed by Yash and Kagome. "You were making gagging noises!" Kagome yelled back. "No I wasn't!" "yes you were!" "I was trying NOT to gag!" "Ha! So I was right!" "right `bout what bitch!?" "Uh...why were you trying not to gag?" Roru asked looking at the arguing two. "You two!" Yash said glaring at Roru now. "Huh?" "You and Akio both looked so cute together! Just sitting there in each other's arms." Kagome said with a small smile while Yash pretended to gag behind her, making Roru and Akio laugh.


"How do we always end up waiting?" Miroku asked banging on the soda machine. "Because your cousin is a moron." Shippo replied leaning against a snack machine, eating a bag of pretzels. "AHHHH! The damn thing won't give me my Pepsi!" Miroku yelled now kicking the evil soda machine. One of the hospital employees ran over, "Sir I have to ask you not to abuse the vending machines." Miroku turned to yell about his soda when he realized it was a female nurse and instead took her hand causing her to look flustered. (AN: That's such a funny word...flustered!) Shippo just rolled his eyes. "Will you do the honor of bearing me child?" The nurse's eyes bugged out then she slapped him across the face, causing Miroku to fall over into the soda machine, then she stomped away grumbling about horny teenagers.

Shippo looked down at Miroku, then his gaze shifted when he heard a thump. That was when he started to laugh, "Oi, Miroku? Can I have your soda?" Laughing Shippo grabbed the soda and opened the can. Pepsi sprayed out all over himself and Miroku. "Ahhh!" Miroku yelled waking and sat up quickly. Shippo held out the can to Miroku, "Want your soda?"


When Roru finally talked Akio into resting on the bed an announcement was made over the hospital's PA system, "Open visiting hours will be in 15 minutes, at 6 o'clock." "FUCK!" Roru yelled jumping up from her perch on the side of the bed. "what?" Akio asked giving her a worried look. "I was supposed to be at rehearsal 45 minutes ago!" Akio looked confused. "She got a job in the jazz group at Jazz Mocha." Kagome explained. "crap...crap....crap...." Roru said over and over.

"I'm sure they'll understand why you're late," Kagome said trying to get Roru to relax. "But how am I gonna get there?!" "I'll take ya" Everyone turned and looked at Yash in surprize, "What? She shouldn't go alone, we don't know if Kyro's been working with anyone. Akio's stuck here and Kags isn't a good choice to go with her." "Why not!?" Kagome said putting her hands on her hips. "He's right, Kags even though I don't want to admit it. If someone came after me, neither of us would stand a chance." "I could drop Kags, Miroku and Shippo off at the school. She can take them home. Then we'll take my car." Yash said making sense once again. "Fine." "Fine." The girls responded.

"But my sax is in Akio's car." Akio hands Roru his keys, "And after rehearsal could you take my car? It's not a good idea to leave it in the parking lot over night." "Sure" Roru said with a smile, `I've always wanted to drive that kind of car.' "Uh, we should go unless you want to miss the entire thing, Ror." Yash said pulling out his keys. Roru bent and gave Akio a quick kiss, "I'll pick you up tomorrow." "Be careful." "I will," she smiled, "Don't worry."

Then the three left the room, leaving Akio alone to channel surf on the TV. Akio flipped through the channels until it ended up on Comedy Central. "Oi! The Man Show is on!"


After finding Miroku and Shippo arguing about a can of Pepsi, Yash finally got everyone into his car. Much to Kagome's unhappiness, she was in the backseat between Shippo and Miroku. "Having fun Kags?" Roru said looking into the backseat with a smile. `How can she be happy right now?' Yash thought taking a quick look over at her as he started the car. Kagome glared at Roru, "How bout you sit back here?" "Can't sorry! Miroku would try to grope me then Yash would kill him and that'd be a bad thing." "So if Miroku gropes me that's ok?" "Un" Yash said laughing as he pulled his car out of the parking lot.

"Anyone want to hear a joke?!" Miroku suddenly said. "No" "No" "Yes" "No" "Alrighty then!" Miroku coughed and cleared his throat. Kagome rolled her eyes, "It's a word association joke, and it is highly amusing! I have titled it, Break a Slinky." He cleared his throat yet again, "Break a Slinky. Slinky Spring Spring Bed Bed Bounce SNAP Kinky Slinky!" Kagome just groaned but everyone else started to laugh. "Oi! That's a good one Miroku!" Roru said laughing.

Yash pulled the car into a sharp left turn making Kagome squeak looking for something to hold on to. Roru looked at Kagome with an eyebrow raised, "What's wrong with you?" Miroku had this lecherous glint in his eye, "You can hold on to me if you want Kagome" Which got another squeak from her. "Ah, Miroku leave her alone." Yash said looking in the rear view mirror at Miroku. "Since when are you afraid of someone's driving? You have no problem with mine." "But you don't do sharp turns when you're going 50!" Roru laughed, "True, True."

Ror reached and started playing around with Yash's stereo system. "You might not want to do that." Shippo said. Ror looked back at him, "Why not?" "Last time I tried to put in a CD, Yash almost sliced off my arm." Roru laughed, "That's because you were trying to put some crap CD in there. What was it? Oh yeah, Garth Brooks or something?" Yash commented. Shippo just looked out the window. "Where's your CD case?" "Under the seat probably." Roru bent trying to dig for it, her shirt lifted up enough for her lower back to show. Miroku leaned and rubbed her back making Roru scream, and Yash have the car swerve nearly hitting a parked Maida. "What the Fuck!?" Yash yelled getting the car back under control. Roru turned in her seat and slammed Miroku with Yash's huge, and heavy CD case. Miroku slumped down on the backseat his eyes in anime spirals. @.@ "Damn Lech." Roru grumbled as she flipped through Yash's CD case.

"Ah Ha! You have it!" Roru squealed taking out a CD and putting it in the stereo. "What CD?" Shippo asked leaning forward trying to see. "The Clarks, Let it Go! One of my favorites!" The CD began to play, the first song was I'm a Fool. The group drove on in silence listening to the music. Until Chasin' Girls began to play that is. That was when Miroku woke up. "I LOVE this song man!" He reached forward into the front seat and turned the volume all the way up and began to sing along in a deep tenor, almost baritone voice.

"I've been chasin' girls

I've been drinkin' beer

I've been getting stoned right here

I've been hangin' out

I've been livin' large

I just wanna know who's in charge

Well this society is pretty sad when any half-ass

jock can make a million bucks even though all his brains are in his

cock and balls go hand in gun like Kurt Cobain and the disenfranchised youth

If I could crash that party I could make a million bucks too"

By that time Yash began singing along too, making Roru laugh. Miroku was acting like he was holding drumsticks playing the drum part to the song.

"I've been chasin' girls

I've been drinkin' beer

I've been getting stoned all year

I've been livin' large

I've been hangin' out

I've been learning how to pout"

Now Kagome, Shippo and Roru had joined in singing. When it got to the instrumental break Roru was acting like she was playing the guitar part. Impressing Shippo and Miroku.

"Well the economy is pretty good when any half-drunk

lass can buy a four-wheel drive with power heated seats for her fat

ass and hole go hand in pocket like Alanis Morrisette and female angst

If I could tap her market I could buy a four-wheel drive too

I've been chasin' girls

I've been drinkin' beer

I've been getting stoned all year

I've been hangin' out

I've been livin' large

I just wanna know

Who's in charge here"

Everyone in the car was way into the song, singing along and pretending to play the different instrumental parts. They had the stereo blasting and the top down.

"I've been chasin' girls

I've been drinkin' beer

I've been getting stoned all year

I've been hangin' out, hangin' out

I've been livin' large

I just wanna know

Who's the idiot in charge here"


The group reached the school not long after the song ended. Kagome, Miroku and Shippo got out of the car, followed by Roru, who went to get her sax from Akio's car. After putting her tenor sax in the backseat of Yash's Jag, she got back into her seat. "Don't kill my car Kags or I'll kill you!" Kagome laughed, "Don't worry I won't!" "Tell Oba-san I'll be home around 7:30." Kagome nodded. As the Jag began to pull away, Yash yelled, "Don't grope her ya Lech!" With that Yash pulled the car onto the road and sped towards Jazz Mocha.

"So beautiful Kagome..." Miroku said as he moved his hand to grope her. Kagome smacked him before he got the chance. "good one!" Shippo cheered. Kags gave him a smile, "come on. Roru's car is over here." Kagome led the way to the car, Shippo dragging Miroku along. "He sits in the back, I don't trust him," Kagome said after she unlocked the Audi. "Aw, that's mean Kagome-chan," Miroku said after regaining consciousness. "Don't call me that lech," Kagome snapped glaring at him.

`I think I like this chick,' Shippo thought with a smile. "just get in the back," Kagome said glaring at Miroku. Once they all got in, Kagome turned on the Audi and pulled out into the road. "How long have you guys known Yash?" "Since I was like 1 or something. Yash is my third cousin or something like that," Miroku answered leaning back into the leather backseat. "I've known him for about 8 or 9 years," Shippo said, "I'm Miroku's neighbor. So you won't have to worry about making two stops." Kagome nodded. "Take a left at the next intersection," Miroku said pointing. "If you've known Yash that must know who Kikyo is." Shippo and Miroku exchanged a bug eyed look. "Uh yeah....she was his girlfriend." Miroku finally said. "Was his girlfriend?" Kagome said gripping the steering well. "Un, she died."


Roru looked out the window watching random things go by, her facial expression showing none of the feelings she was hiding inside her. "Ror?" Yash said glancing over at her as he drove. "Un?" she replied not looking at him. "I'm sorry." That certainly got Roru's attention, `Yash is apologizing?' She looked over at him, "why are you apologizing? You didn't do anything." "I didn't kill the Fakku when I had the chance." he said, having the car take a sharp right turn. "If you killed him, you wouldn't be any better then Kyro and his baka gang." "Wait...he's in a gang." Roru's eyes went wide when she realized she let something slip, and then she quickly focused her eyes on looking on the window.

"Ror..." Yash said, anger creeping into his voice. "Oh look we're here," Roru said going to open the door, but found it locked, "Come on Yash I'm already late!" She tried the door again, it was still locked. "What are you keeping from everyone?" Yash said angrily, forcing her to look at him. Tears began to well up in Roru's eyes, "I'll tell you...not now...please....I'll tell you just not now," she said pleading. "Feh," Yash said hitting a button to unlock the doors. Roru quickly got out, grabbed her tenor saxophone case, and the two entered Jazz Mocha.
