InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Hanyou of All Trades ❯ Chapter 4: Comings And Goings ( Chapter 4 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Hanyou of All Trades

A/N- It's been a while hasn't it? Sorry about the extreme leave of absence for this fic...but I couldn't figure out how to move the storyline along so I took a break, I should have told yah guys, sorry...
Anyway, I don't own Inu...XP
So...without further ado, enjoy chapter 4, finally...

Chapter 4: Comings and Goings
The day had started off without a hitch, InuYasha had been up before the rest and was surprised when she found Sesshoumaru waiting outside of Kaede's hut for her. They had spent the early morning hours conversing, but when the sun had turned the clouds pink and orange, the others had awoken and come outside only to find InuYasha being held in a headlock by Sesshoumaru.
That was where the day had really started, Sango had immediately lifted her Hiraikotsu while Miroku had his hand fisted towards Sesshoumaru prepared to release his wind tunnel at any moment. Kagome had her bow in hand and was poised to draw an arrow when Shippou came stumbling out, rubbing his eyes groggily, looking up at everyone around him he was drawn towards InuYasha and Sesshoumaru.
A smile broke out on his face as he bounded forwards and leapt right at InuYasha, seeing this Sesshoumaru immediately released her and watched with a smirk on his lips as Shippou nestled himself comfortably against InuYasha's chest.
“InuYasha…what's everyone just standing around for? Aren't we going to the Northern lands today? And Sesshoumaru's here already…when did he get here? What are we…mrph?”
Shaking her head, InuYasha looked down at Shippou before she smiled up at Sesshoumaru, she could tell that Shippou's mindless rambling had gotten on his nerves, “Shippou…one question at a time please...” nodding to Sesshoumaru, InuYasha turned her eyes back on Shippou as Sesshoumaru removed his hand.
Shippou smiled sheepishly as he looked between InuYasha and Sesshoumaru, “sorry…I was just so excited…” clearing his throat, Shippou pointed over to the others, “and why are they all like that, did something attack?”
InuYasha raised an eyebrow as she glanced up at them only to find that all of them looked as if they had been splashed with cold water and slapped in the face for their stupidity, “I don't know…why don't you ask them Shippou…”
Nodding his head, Shippou hopped out of InuYasha's arms and ran over to Kagome and the others, “what are you guys doing…did a demon attack?” InuYasha watched with much satisfaction as Kagome's face flushed red and she started to fidget, at her side Miroku and Sango started to chuckle to themselves, Kirara just mewed and started to groom herself.
Shaking her head, InuYasha looked up at Sesshoumaru, “you ready to go brother?” Sesshoumaru flashed InuYasha a small smirk before settling his face into an almost complete copy of the normally cold and emotionless expression that he was well known for, InuYasha chuckled lightly at that, `some things will never change, but enough of that, we had better get going if we are to reach the northern castle before the party.'
“Alright then, guys…let's get moving, we don't have much time before the ball, so let's go!” Not wanting to wait for their reactions, InuYasha flashed Sesshoumaru a wide grin before she turned and leapt into the trees, a feeling of excitement and hope grew in her belly as she jumped. `I feel like I'm going to go crazy if we don't get to the Northern Castle soon…something is going to happen at the party, I don't know what, but it's something big. Ooooh, I can't wait!'
Meanwhile, at the outskirts of the Northern Castle a figure could be seen pacing through a rosebush patch, another figure was there as well.
Kouga couldn't stand still, he just couldn't, no matter how hard he tried. Looking down at his mother as she continued to prune the rosebush before her, Kouga growled as he ran a hand through his hair exasperatedly.
“Calm down Kouga, it's not the end of the world…it's only a ball, just remember last time and all the fun you had with Lord Sesshoumaru's sister. What makes this time so different?” The gentle tone of his mother's voice washing over him had Kouga stilling, letting out an exasperated sigh, Kouga walked over and knelt next at his mother's side.
“Mother…I had forgotten her, how could I do that? She was intriguing, infuriating, interesting, beautiful, strong…different…so how mother, how could I ever forget such a jewel as her?” Kouga had knit his brows in frustration as he looked into his mother's pale grey eyes, seeing laughter reflected there caused Kouga's face to scrunch up into an embarrassed scowl as he looked away, his cheeks tinged a light pink.
Chuckling silently to herself, Kouga's mother turned from her son and continued to prune her rosebushes, “You like her don't you? If that's the case, then why are you so worried about this, she'll be here for the ball…you two can catch up then, so what is it that is really bothering you?”
Letting out a tortured sigh, Kouga let his shoulders slump as he looked at the grass beneath his bare feet, “it's the fact that I've been running into her all the time mother, but she…she has been disguised as a male and so I never knew it was her until just recently, what am I going to do mother? I've been treating her as some bug beneath my feet…she'll never forgive me for that, I just know it!”
Kouga watched as his mother shook her head as she got to her feet, after dusting off her knees, she looked down at him with gentle and understanding eyes. “Kouga, my son. She will accept your advances…if you approach her right, just remember to be yourself or she will never regain interest in you…let alone remember you.”
Hearing the sound of running feet off to their side, Kouga got to his feet as well, prepared to defend his mother if necessary. He relaxed when he saw that it was his mother's personal servant, Rhiana, she came to a panting stop before them.
“Mi…milady Taiku, mistress Kamari has fallen ill! The medicine woman cannot figure out what's wrong with her…Milord wishes for you're presence in the nursery at once.”
Kouga felt his heart nearly stop beating at Rhiana's words, at his side he felt his mother stiffen in horror and sorrow, “tell my father that she will be there momentarily.”
Watching as Rhiana bowed before speeding off again, Kouga looked at his mother and saw how her body was shaking uncontrollably, reaching out Kouga pulled her into his arms and held her close.
“It's alright mother, let's go see her and I'll see if there's anything that I can do to help, we'll figure this out, alright…trust me.”
Clearly unable to speak, Kouga accepted the nod that his mother gave him, holding her close to him, Kouga lead them back inside and towards the nursery his heart beating quickly and painfully within his chest.
`Kami…what are we going to do? There has to be something…ah! Kagome! She's a miko and she's different…I've seen her patch every wound that InuYasha has ever received, if anyone can help us, it would be her. I must go and get them…but first, I have to find out what has happened to my sister.'
Content with his thoughts Kouga moved to the doors that seemed to just appear before him, it seemed that while he was thinking to himself, they had reached the nursery within the castle.
Sobs could be heard down the halls and Kouga felt his heart clench in pain yet once more, as they entered the room Kouga released his mother and watched as she ran over to her mates' side, seeing his mother now locked within his father's embrace Kouga made his way to the small crib a few feet away.
Looking into the crib, Kouga sank to his knees at what greeted his eyes. Kamari was curled onto her right side with her tail flared out behind her, but it was the color of her skin and the shallow breathing coming from her that had Kouga reaching a hand down to brush the hair from her face.
`This is much worse than I thought it would be, there's no putting it off now, I must get Kagome and the others here as soon as possible. I just hope I won't be too late…' feeling the clamminess of his sisters skin as his fingers lightly brushed against it, Kouga shuddered before he leant over the side of the crib to place a soft kiss upon her cold cheek.
Pulling back, Kouga took one last and long look at her before he pulled back and got to his feet, turning towards his mother and father he kept his eyes serious as he slowly spoke.
“Mother, father…I ask that I may be given permission to find InuYasha and her traveling companions and bring them here at once. Before you ask why, I want you both to know that among them is a powerful miko, the one who is the bearer of the Shikon jewel. She has special healing items that I am unfamiliar with and she might just be able to help Kamari…please allow me this one request.”
Having said what he needed to say, Kouga knelt onto one knee before his parent's eyes, whatever his father told him he would obey without question. He just hoped that his father would give him this chance.
“Alright…but you must be quick, the healer said that she doesn't have much time left, if this friend of yours can save her, the sooner she is here the better. Go, you have our permission and hurry.” The strain in his father's voice was evident and Kouga knew that if he failed in this, his father's spirit as well as his mother's heart, would be broken.
Getting to his feet he bowed low before his parents before turning and without a word, fleeing the room and the castle as fast as his legs could carry him, `please allow me this one thing, that is all I ask…'
At the same time miles away, “that's it! Argh! I've had it Miroku, if you try that one more time, I swear that you won't have Naraku to blame for your demise anymore!”
Reluctantly, InuYasha leapt down from the tree she was currently in, a scowl on her face, “alright, what happened now?”
They had been traveling for a few hours and had decided to take a break for the sake of the human's in the group, InuYasha had just about fallen asleep when Sango's voice filled the clearing for the third time in the last twenty minutes.
One glance at Sesshoumaru was all InuYasha needed to know that he was quickly loosing his patience just like her, walking over to where Kagome, Sango, Shippou and Miroku were sitting as they played one of Kagome's games from the future, InuYasha crossed her arms as she glared at them all.
“Well?” Kagome smiled sheepishly as she looked up at her, “Uh…Miroku keeps groping Sango when asking her if she had any of the same cards…” InuYasha's brows knit at Kagome's words, “what are you playing?”
Feeling a tug on her pant leg, InuYasha looked down into the smiling face of Shippou, “it's Go Fish…at least that's what Kagome calls it, it's a lot of fun, do you want to play InuYasha?”
Smirking lightly, InuYasha tousled Shippou's hair before pulling back, “not right now…but anyway, stop groping her Miroku, I think we're all tired of hearing you two go at it like this. So just give it a res…damn it!”
“InuYasha?” Ignoring the looks she was being given, InuYasha cursed under her breath.
Growling low in her throat, InuYasha turned from Kagome and the others as she faced the tree line, she could smell it…they we're going to have company very soon. As if agreeing with her, Kagome hesitantly got to her feet at InuYasha's side, “Kouga's coming…I can feel his shards…what does he want?”
“Looks like we're going to find out,” glancing to her side, InuYasha found Sesshoumaru eyeing her as if she had gone daft or something, “what?”
Shaking his head, Sesshoumaru turned and walked off into the trees in the direction Kouga was coming from, worried InuYasha started after him, “wait here Kagome, I'll be back in a bit.” With that said she disappeared into the trees after her brother leaving Kagome looking after her in confusion.
Coming to a stop when she sighted Sesshoumaru leaning against a tree, InuYasha grit her teeth and stomped up to him, gripping the front of his haori InuYasha glared up into her brother's bored looking face.
“Are you mad at me or something? Damn it Sesshoumaru, tell me if you want to talk to me, don't just act indifferent all the time! It really pisses me off, now what did you want to tell me?”
Sighing, Sesshoumaru easily shook off InuYasha's grip as he looked down at her, “you really don't remember him do you, Lord Taiku's eldest son, Kouga.” Seeing InuYasha's eyes blow wide in shock and confusion, Sesshoumaru looked away into the forest, he couldn't believe that she hadn't noticed yet, `she always has a one track mind.'
“Come out Lord Taiku and explain yourself.”

A/N- Cliff hanger...I know...T.T Sorry! Just to reasure you all, the next chapter is well underway and should be up in a little while...till then, Ja!