InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Hanyou of my eye ❯ It's not that I hate you, I just don't like you ( Chapter 3 )
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Hey my adoring fans! I'm so happy that I'm really getting hits! *Crying* you like me, you really like me! Well time for, the story!
“You know you will have to go through with it one day Inuyasha.”
“I know. That don't mean I have to rush into sooner then I have to.” Inuyasha glared at his brother. They were having another one of their `Male to male' conversions. The last one involved `The birds and the bees' and had left Inuyasha, hearing little he didn't already hear from Mirkou, and leaving him slightly grossed out.
“Inuyasha this is serious, what do you think you're going to do? You have to pass on the blood line and-”
“Hey! Didn't we already have this talk?”
“INUYASHA! This is not the time for your wise cracks. Now what was I saying?”
“You're going to let me go?” Inuyasha sat up, hoping he could slide.
“Nice try but no Inuyasha.” Inuyasha sunk deeper into the chair he was sitting in. Well, by now he was half way on the floor “Inuyasha don't sit like that it will stunt your growth.”
“Feh.” But Inuyasha sat up in the chair again.
“I was saying that you will have to marry Kikyou by your seventeenth birthday.”
“At least I have four more years of freedom.” Inuyasha seemed to think of something. “Father's will didn't say I had to marry Kikyou, it just said I had to marry the woman who could hold the jewel.”
“And is there any other woman could carry the jewel?”
“There might be one out there.”
“Like who?”
“I'm sure there's some one out there.”
“So how are we going to do this Kagome?”
“Rin will be the judge.” Rin yelped.
“Hey, don't make me a part of this!”
”Please Rin, for your big sister?”
”Please Rin, for your big sister?”
“NO!” Rin ran to the other side of the, sat in a chair. She pushed it so that her was to them, and started to pout.
“I doesn't matter,” Kikyou waved Rin off. “ We'll know when Inuyasha's cracked.”
“Are you sure?”
“Trust me.” Kikyou reached out her hand to shake. For some reason, Kagome was hesitant reach for it.
“Fine.” Kagome shake her hand. She walked around the room a bit. “So, are we going to have that we each get a day?”
“That seems fair.”
“Wait.” Rin piped in, forgetting that she didn't want to take apart in this. She came to them “But whoever is going on the second day will have it easier.” Rin said in a matter a fact way. “ I mean he'll be weaker.”
“Rin's right.” Kikyou placed her hand under her chin.
“I better let you go second Kagome.” Kikyou gave a wry smile. “That way you have at least some of a chance.” Kagome balled her hand into fist, holding back a scream.
“I can do just as good as you Kikyou, if not better. I'll go first.”
“Fine, it's you funeral.”
“No.” Kagome gave a wicked grin. “It's Inuyasha's”
“Kagome what do you think you're doing?” Kagome had found her way to the kitchen. She was going through the shelves, sniffing spice then gathering them in her arms.
“I have to find some way to make Inuyasha life horrible right? I can not be over shown be Kikyou!” She continued to pick up different spices.
“But why do you need this stuff?”
“Inuyasha is a dog demon, right?”
“Yeah…” Rin wanted to know where Kagome was going with this.
“ Well dogs have a good sense of smell. If I try to get near Inuyasha, he will smell me. If I have all these other scents, they will over power my sent, so it will be like I'm invisible.”
“Oh.” Rin didn't really get her plan, but Rin never like to say when she didn't get something. “So, what are you going to do once you get pass him,”
“I'll…well I don't really know, but what ever it is, it will be horrible. This seems like enough.” Kagome took the spices. She pulled a piece of cloth out. She poured a little of all the spices. She wrapped it up with a long piece of string, than hung it on her neck. “Well time to go. Bye Rin!” Kagome ran out, looking for her victim. After looking a while she found him napping in a tree in the forest near the castle. She came up down wind from him, just in case.
Inuyasha sniffed the air. “Cook must be using to many spices again.” Inuyasha said to himself. “I can smell it from hear.”
“Hello Inuyasha” Inuyasha turned around. He saw Kagome standing there. A bag of spices around her neck. He frowned, so that was the smell.
“What do you want wrench!”
“I told you not to call me that! And I want you to come down!”
“SIT!” Inuyasha was on the ground in a second, pinned to the ground. Kagome waited a moment for the spell to sink in.
“Now Inuyasha-”
“Look out” Inuyasha forced his self up pushing Kagome to the side. Where she had been a bat demon was standing. “Let me protect you Kagome.”
“Protect me?” Inuyasha ran to the demon.
“Iron reaver-” But before he could finish his attack, the demon opened his mouth. Kagome felt her ears pop but didn't hear anything.
“Inuyasha did you…” she looked over to him, doubled over in pain. “INUYASHA! What's wrong-” She realized, he was a dog demon. His ears were very sensitive. She covered his ears as she saw the bat open his mouth again. She looked around, no one would here them out here. She looked down at Inuyasha. He was passed out they were sitting ducks. “AHHHHHHHH!” A girl jumped out of the trees. She threw a huge boomerang at the demon. The demon was ripped in half. The boomerang flew back at her; she caught it by the straps and fell to the ground. She walked over two Kagome and Inuyasha. “Are you two ok?” She helped Kagome to her feet. Kagome wiped dirt off her skirt.
“I'm fine but he passed out” The girl bent down to take care of Inuyasha. Kagome looked the girl over. She looked about her age. She was wearing a black full body suit. She had hooked her Boomerang on her back. Kagome started to think about what Inuyasha had said. “I will protect you.”
“What was that Kagome?”
“Oh, nothing.” She broke herself out of the trance. “Will he be ok?”
“Yeah.” The girl wiped her hands. “We have to wait for him to come to.”
“Oh, how rude!” Kagome put out her hand. “What's your name?”
“My name is Sango.”
“Hi Sango. What were you doing out here?”
“I'm here to get rid of the bat demon. They're a real menace.”
“What happened? I have the worst headache”
“Inuyasha!” Kagome ran over to him, rapping her arms around him. “I'm so glad you're so glad you're safe.” She stayed there for a moment until she separated, both of them blushing. “We had better get back.” Kagome hid her face. “Why don't you come with us Sango? I'm sure you need rest.”
“Ok” As they walked something glittery fell out of Kagomes bag.
“What's that?” Kagome down. She yelped then quickly picked the object up. She ran up ahead of them to the castle.
“What was with that?” Sango looked up at the retreating girl.
“I don't know but.” Inuyasha smirked. “I'm going to find out”
“I'm not going to tell you any thing Lord Inuyasha.” Rin had her bags, and some new work clothes. She had them piled in her hands and was walking to the room she and Kagome would share.
“Come on Rin please?”
“Lord Inuyasha, it would not be nice if I spoke of my sister without her permission.”
“Lord Inuyasha, it would not be nice if I spoke of my sister without her permission.”
“I could make it worth your while, if you know what I mean.” Rin raised an eyebrow at him. “Are you coming on to me?”
“No! I meant I could put in a good word to Sesshomaru to you.” Rin blushed.
“No! I meant I could put in a good word to Sesshomaru to you.” Rin blushed.
“What would make you think I would like something like that?”
“I know you like him. And he is in need of a new maid. Hours a day just you and my brother alone”
“Fine, what do you want to know?”
“Is Kagome a demon that has her soul in a necklace?” Rin's face went stony.
“You're kidding right? Where would you get an idea like that?”
++++++++++FLASH BACK++++++++++
“What do you think she was hiding?”
“I don't know Inuyasha.” Him and Sango were walking back to the castle.
“The last time I saw some one like that was-no that couldn't be.” Sango waved her hand as if to shoo the thought away.
“Couldn't be what?”
“Well…” Sango seemed to not want to say it. “Promise me you won't go all crazy ok?”
“The are some demons that put their soul in an object outside their body, so even when they are attacked they will not die.”
“Cool. Bye Sango I have to go talk to Rin.” He ran up to the castle.
“Promise me you won't get crazy!”
+++++++++++++END FLASH BACK+++++++
“No, I'm not kidding.” Rin just stared at him then started to shake her head and walked away.
“Is that a yes or a no?”
~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* INUYASHA POV~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*
I was in Kagome's room going through her bags. Rin had been of no help and just kept laughing at me. I had pulled some clothes and other belongs, making a pile behind me. “Ah ha” I pulled out the necklace I had seen her drop earlier.
++++++++++FALSH BACK+++++++++++++
As they walked something glittery fell out of Kagome's bag.
“What's that?” Kagome down. She yelped then quickly picked the object up. She ran up ahead of them to the castle.
“What was with that?” Sango looked up at the retreating girl.
++++++END FLASH BACK+++++++++++
I held up the necklace. It was just a plain little gold chain, nothing special. I would have thought the Kagome would be the kind of girl (For lack of a better word) that would put her soul in something decent. It was so frail I could just pull it apart.
“What do you think your doing Inuyasha?” Kagome stood in the doorway, rage in her I eyes. “What did you do to my stuff! I should…”
“That wouldn't be wise Kagome, cause I have your soul right here!”
“My what?” I dangled the necklace in front of her face.
“ANOTHER WORD AND I'LL SMASH IT!” Kagome put her hands up to her mouth. Tears started building up in her eyes.
“Inuyasha, please don't” I paused for a second. I was about to drop the necklace.
“Wait!” I grasped the necklace tighter. “This is trick isn't it?” I squished the necklace in my hand until it snapped in my hand.
“No.” Kagome sunk to the floor not moving. Mirokou and Sango ran into the doorway.
“What happened?” Sango looked at Kagome lying on the floor. Clothes were thrown around. The necklace was on the ground shattered.
“I DIDN”T MEAN TO SHE MADE ME!” Kagome stirred on the ground. Sango ran over to her. “Kagome are you alright.”
“Inuyasha.” She spoke in barely a whisper. “That was my mother necklace.”
~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*KAGOMES POV~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*
Why had he done that? Why?
“That's all I have left to remember her by”
“Kagome I-” Inuyasha walked over.
“NOOO!” I screamed I just wanted him to away.
“Kagome, I-I know what's like to lose I mother. You can't think a necklace will hold your mother's sprit, cause she's still in you, it doesn't matter that her body isn't here.” It pained me to say but he was right.
“Y-your right Inuyasha.” I wiped away some of my tears and smiled. “Thanks.”
“You're welcome.”
“FOR MESSING WITH MY STUFF!” Rin came running down the hallway to the room.
“What's going on?” She looked down at Kagome and Inuyasha fighting. “Oh, nothing out of the ordinary.”
Ok, end of Third Chapter! What did you think? Please I need reviews!!!!