InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Happy Holidays Inuyasha! ❯ Unfinished Business ( Chapter 11 )
[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
AN: Thanks very much for the reviews guys I love em. Ok this chapter starts on Christmas night! It's very mystifying! Well I don't know. But just read anyways.
Unfinished Business
Kagome couldn't sleep. Even though she was exhausted from playing with Shippo today she still was restless. She couldn't help but think about Inuyasha's request of her. Sealing him to the God Tree again would be killing him. And he wants her to do it not because he wants the jewel but because he wants to protect her. She shivered. From the thought or from the cold she didn't know.
She sat up with Shippo in her arms and placed him gently between Kirara and Sango. She looked over to the hanyou whose eyes pierced hers from the corner of the room. He looked beautiful there with his stature complimented by the fire's dim flames. He was sitting back against the wall with his claws behind his head.
“Inuyasha?” she whispered to keep the others from waking up, especially Shippo.
“Can't sleep. I know.” He replied. He sat up and took off his fire rat robe. “Kikyo is far off from the village now. Come here.” She nodded and crawled over to him. He pulled her down onto his chest and draped the robe over both of them.
“Inuyasha, I've been thinking about the favor you asked of me.”
“I'll do it.” She choked out. “I'm thinking that if I don't, then she'll try to go after the others as well. I'm afraid that sealing you back to the tree is my only option. It's not like I can fight her back. She's already dead. And I need to protect little Shippo. The others may have a chance against her but I know he wouldn't.”
“I know, Kagome. You're practically his mother.” He said. He felt her sobbing against his chest. “Shh. You need to be strong now, Kagome. Be strong for Shippo.”
“I just don't think I'll be able to do it. I can't kill you.” She said.
“You can do it, Kagome. You're strong. Don't think of it as killing me but rather just putting me to sleep.” That made her felt even worse. Now she knows why vets use that phrase when putting old dogs down. To make the family feel better, `He's not dying he's just taking a long, long nap.'
“Go to sleep, now.” Inuyasha said. He looked up at a pair of green eyes peering over Kirara. Shippo had heard the whole conversation and clearly wasn't asleep. He noted the look that Inuyasha gave him to be quiet and just turned over into a sleepless worry.
---------- Next day
Kirara roared as she leapt into the air with Sango and Miroku mounted on her. Sango was dressed in her warrior attire clutching onto her Hiraikotsu. The gang had some unfinished business to attend to.
Inuyasha turned around to a tree and growled in his usual impatience. “You ready yet? Miroku and Sango are already out there. I'm itching for a fight.”
“Almost!” the miko's voice rang from behind the tree
“Feh! I don't know why you bother changing behind there. I've seen it before.” He said.
“It isn't modest for a lady to change in front of a man!” she shouted.
“It isn't modest for you to shout at him while naked either.” He said with a big smirk on his face.
She heaved out a big sigh before responding. “Sit.” She came out from behind he tree to find him spread out on the ground. He growled out in frustration and pulled himself up. Just before he was going to lash out at her his eyes fell on her new look. The blue hakama hugged her hips and the white haori was more open to reveal her new black armor underneath. The hanyou lightly smiled.
“So do you like it?” She asked noticing the smile. He swiped off the smile and huffed again.
“It's fine. I'm just glad you're wearing something other than that revealing uniform or whatever. You would have died of a cold in no time.” He said. She shook her head and walked over to him. He handed her bow and quiver. “You ready?”
“Hai.” Kagome confirmed with a nod. The hanyou turned his back to her and kneeled down. She smiled and accepted his offer to climb onto his back. As soon as he got a hold of her thighs he leapt up into an oak and pounced from tree to tree advancing into the forest.
After a few minutes of traveling, Inuyasha began to realize that he was starting to miss the school uniform she wore. His hands yearned to feel her warm skin and even sometimes he'd get a feel of her panties underneath her short skirt. He sighed in frustration to the change, but these thoughts snapped out of his head when a roaring screech fell upon his sensitive ears.
The forest shook when the giant reptile tore from its underground slumber. Sango had wakened it with her scent charmers that even made Inuyasha's nose sting. The reptile stood on two legs and stomped around in a manner that reminded Kagome of all the Godzilla movies she used to watch when she was little. In her eyes, the two Shikon Jewel shards sparked on its forehead concealed by an orange gem of demonic aura. She also noticed that its once discarded tail had regenerated into two tails. Kirara yowled as she dodged one of the lizard's claws swiftly. The hanyou and miko landed on a nearby cliff. Kagome slid off his back. Inuyasha drew his Tetsusaiga.
“Alright, Kagome. Let's do this,” He said with a smirk. “I'll wear him down and you'll finish it off by shooting the gem. You got that?”
“Got it,” she nodded. Inuyasha stepped up to the ledge of the cliff and tightened his grip on his sword, readying himself. “Inuyasha?” she called. He looked back at her. “Be careful.” He gave her a smirk and a nod before launching himself into the air towards the demon lizard. He threw his sword up and plunged it down onto the lizard's scaly hide on its arm.
“What?” he blinked in surprise when his Tetsusaiga didn't even scratch the surface. The reptile roared and sent the hanyou skidding across the ground. Inuyasha quickly stopped his sliding by racking the demon sword in the ground for resistance. The lizard shot out a breath of flames at him. The hanyou brought his arm up to shield the flames with his fire rat robe.
“Hiraikotsu!” The bone boomerang ceased the flamethrower by striking the demon's mouth. The hanyou stood up and pried his sword from the ground.
“So that's how you wanna play now is it?” he asked before swinging the Tetsusaiga over his head as swirling energy surrounds the blade. “Then you got it! WIND SCAR!” He roughly swung the blade into the ground releasing a blast of yellow energy that shot toward the lizard. The attack struck the giant and threw him back into a cliff wall searing its scales.
The demon let out a howl of pain and frustration before opening its mouth and sent needles of energy at the hanyou. Inuyasha tried to dodge the attack as best as he could but one of them stuck him in the abdomen causing him to fall on the ground.
“Inuyasha!” Kagome yelled in worry from the near by cliff. The lizard lifted itself off of the ground and headed toward the stricken hanyou.
“Spinning Top!” Shippo yelled with fear in his voice as he threw his fox magic at the lizard. The spinning toy fell on the demon's head, halting its pursuit on Inuyasha. Shippo quickly retreated to Sango's group. “Somebody save me!” he wailed out hiding behind Miroku.
The lizard swatted the annoying toy off his head and swung around to face the group and stomped toward them.
“Wah! It's coming! Miroku! Use your wind tunnel!” Shippo screamed.
“I can't use my wind tunnel when the demon still have the shards,” the monk said while gripping onto his prayer beads. Everyone yelled in alertness as the lizard's mouth hung open again, but a greater energy started to build. Kirara tried her best to haul the group out of range but the lizard kept a locked aim on them. The blast was released.
“Kagome!” Inuyasha yelled as he leapt in front of the blast. “BACKLASH WAVE!” He swung his sword, throwing a tunnel of spiraling energy against the white blast from the lizard's mouth.
“Go!” Kagome released her arrow. It glowed with blue energy as it flew into Inuyasha's Backlash Wave entangling with its energy and struck the demon's gem. The impact let out a white blinding light. Everyone covered their eyes to the light but it eventually subsided.
The demon's body sizzled as it stood. It was completely headless and its shards fell to the ground causing the body to shrink to a fourth of its size. It finally collapsed backwards shaking the ground. Kagome made her way down to it and retrieved the shards. The rest of the group joined her.
“Great job, Kagome.” Sango said as she slid off of Kirara. Kirara transformed back to her smaller self when Miroku and Shippo followed the warrior. Inuyasha approached the group and sheathed Tetsusaiga.
“You took the whole head off,” he hanyou blinked in surprise.
“What? You mean that wasn't you?” she asked.
“My attack was only strong enough to burn the surface. It looks like your powers channel out stronger through the wood of the Sacred Tree.”
“Well, it certainly makes sense.” The monk said. “It looks like your relation to the God Tree benefits you in more ways than one.” The monk stepped over to the demon's corpse. “I guess we better clean up. Wind tunnel!” He released his prayer beads and the black void sucked in the body. Miroku then sealed his curse up again. Shippo took the opportunity to jump on Inuyasha's shoulder.
“Ack!” the hanyou immediately fell over in pain. Shippo pounced into Kagome's arms.
“Inuyasha, why didn't you tell us you were in pain?” Kagome asked.
“Shut up!” He growled out while twitching. “It's just a scratch!” (sigh)
Kaede's hut:
“Oi! I told you it's just a scratch! It'll be gone in the morning!” Inuyasha growled as he pulled himself away from the miko.
“Inuyasha!” she gave him a warning look. He knew that look. It was the “Sit” look. He growled in annoyance and gave in to her.
“I just want to take a look at it,” she soothed. She grabbed onto the neck of his robes and pulled them open. A light blush kissed her cheeks as she slid the fabric off his shoulders and exposed his chiseled muscles. She heard him give out a gentle growl that sounded more like a purr. He glanced away with a flushed face when her eyes met his momentarily.
She looked down at his wound. It was only about a quarter-sized hole and maybe about two inches deep. She turned to her first aid kit and pulled out some ointment and bandaging. She opened the ointment and squeezed a fair amount of it on her fingers. She then applied the medicine to the wound.
“Damn it, woman!” he winced and hissed in pain at the applied pressure.
“Gomen! Gomen.” She apologized. “Here, I'll make it feel better.” She placed her hands on his hips and leaned down. This action made Inuyasha's face heat up and his legs tense. She lightly blew cool air onto the wound. Kagome's mother would always blow air on her skinned knees and elbows when she was little that always helped the pain. She felt him beginning to relax. She sat up again and wrapped his wound in the bandage. She leaned down again to kiss his wound quickly and sat back up.
“There is that better?” she asked giving him a warm smile. He returned her smile with a smirk.
“Feh.” An idea suddenly struck him. “Well, I kinda fell on my wrist funny. It hurts, too.” He held up his exposed wrist to her.
“Oh, really?” she asked and took his wrist to gently massage it. She then placed her lips on it with a kiss. She looked back up at him.
“And I think Shippo accidentally kicked me here,” he said with a smirk and placing a claw on his mouth. She knew what he was hinting at and blushed a little again. She crawled over him and brought her face up to his. They both had reddened cheeks at this point but were lost in each other's gazes. Kagome closed her eyes slowly as she leaned in to kiss him.
“Well, well. What do we have here?” Miroku asked as he walked in. Kagome swung herself back from her `almost kiss' with the hanyou, blushing wildly in embarrassment.
“Miroku!” Inuyasha growled as his face reddened like his fire rat robe.
“You two weren't doing anything in here, were you?” he asked.
“N-no! I was just tending his wounds!” Kagome said in her defense swinging her hands up. Miroku let out a small laugh.
“Hmm. Is that what you call it now, Inuyasha?” he asked. The hanyou growled in frustration and shot up to whack him in the head but the damn pervert blocked his blow with his staff.
“I'm gonna rip you into shreds!” Inuyasha yelled. The monk made a run for it. “Hey! Get back here!” He followed the monk out of the hut.
AN: Yay! Story is progressing very nicely I think. Ok review now! Come on, you know you want to! *^_^*