InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Happy in the Club with a Bottle of Wine ❯ Running back with original flavor ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Review!! Xx
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It had been a hectic 3 months. Kagome had been dragged to the principles office where she received a month of detention which included writing daily apology letters to Inuyasha. He enjoyed this thoroughly, she was certain he had each framed and hung up in his room. His mocking was persistent knowing that she hated it and couldn't do anything about it. Her parents were obviously called and she had her car revoked during the time of her detention. She still had to wear the same hideous man clothes. But worst of all, she became friends with Koga and Sango.
The first lab of the year, she was dreading this day, praying it would never come. Before it was just lectures, that's easy she could ignore Koga and focus on the teacher. Now they would actually have to converse.
Ok so we have to determine the maximum angle for which the first order expression for the period of a simple pendulum is valid.
Kagome stood there her vibrant green eyes vibrant in horror.
Ok, so Koga I'm gunna let you take the lead on this one because frankly I have no idea what the fuck you just said.
Seriously? We've been in this class for 2 months, it's a higher level class…”
I'm not exactly very studious.
She sat there staring at her hands in her lap. The moment was rather awkward until Koga started laughing violently. Azure eyes shimmering with entertainment. Oh my god she was going to kill him!
Shut up! Koga I need to get a good grade! Ugh your so annoying!
Hahaha, ok ok I'm ok now. Listen I'll help you, if you go to the movies with me this Friday.
He had just finished wiping tears from his eyes from the laughter when it began again. The horror that was shone in her eyes was absolutely brilliant.
Fuck no.
Then I'm not helping you.
She was desperate, twiddling her fingers she made a compromise.
Fine, but no movies. We can lunch together, only during a weekday on school grounds.
He victoriously shot his muscular arm into the air, damn straight bitch! Everything just sort of fell together after that, one lunch turned into 2, and then they began having lunch every day. He found her laughter beautiful and that smile, wow it was enchanting. However she refused to ever see him outside of school, her personal life was never a topic of conversation, only danced around dangerously.
End Flashback
“So Kaggie, what're the plans today?”
Koga threw his arm around her small shoulders, and looked down at her smiling face. Blue eyes glistened and a heart skipped a beat.
“The same as every other day Koga, home, homework, dinner, sleep.”
“Can I come?”
“How about tomorrow?”
“Day after?”
“Day after that? Wait, you said yes! Seriously? Oh my god, this is a day to be remembered!”
Koga swiftly jumped up onto one of the lunch tables situated on the cafeteria, his mouth opened to make an announcement but instead of words all that was heard was a large thump as he fell to the ground and ringing laughter.
I was kidding.”
“Listen I'll see you after your free, class is about to start. But I promise you Kagome Higurashi, one day I'll see you outside of school and it will be a day to remember.”
He winked at her as he walked away, his sleeves were rolled up giving Kagome a tease of his sexy muscular arms. God she was so deprived it was killing her. Secretly she found Koga extremely attractive, his stunning blue eyes and delicious bone structure. His hair had grown out slightly giving him the shaggy look Kagome adored. Her porcelain skin creased as she frowned.
“Hey Kags, what's wrong?”
Sango was another friend she had somehow adopted along the way, she wasn't quite sure how it happened, but she enjoyed the fierce girls company.
Hey, you're the girl that beat the shit out of Inuyasha.
Green met brown, eyes clashing Kagome just shrugged. It was only day 2 and she just realized that one of Inuyasha's little followers was in her AP English class.
Sorry you got in so much crap for it, they always over react here especially since he`s a Taisho.
Staring at the girl she suddenly became envious. Long tanned legs were sexily displayed by the short green uniform skirt most girls wore, the white button down shirt fit her nicely emphasizing her large breasts. She truly missed wearing normal clothes.
I don't care who he is.
The Taisho's are one of the most powerful families in Japan!
I know.
Sango stared at her with both confusion and interest, this girl wasn't going to put up with Inuyasha's shit like everyone else.
I'm Sango Nato by the way.
Now it was just frustrating, she was trying to make a fucking effort and this girl was just being a total bitch.
I don't know what your problem is but you better get over it fucking quickly cause I'm definitely not going to deal with your moody shit.
That was the moment Kagome gained respect for her. They soon realized they had 2 frees together and conversation would be unavoidable. Sango explained her friendship with the Taisho's went way back to when they were kids because they're families were good friends. She learned that the sex god's name was Sesshomaru and was apparently a cold hearted bastard as well as a notorious playboy. Miroku, the boy with the fantastic purple eyes was a massive pervert and has received at least one slap a day since the day he hit puberty.
If you asked Kagome for the day her and Sango became friends, it would be the day she showed up to her house and found out Kagome was a Higurashi. And didn't care.
End Flashback.
“Nothing, I just miss Kyoto. Ugh a normal life, jesus christ I hate these man clothes.”
Sango laughed at the disgust that marred Kagome's flawless face.
“Didn't you say your parents would give you back your clothes if you did well on your report card?”
“Ya, but that's ages away. Sango I'm dying!”
She grabbed the color of her friend shirt and shook her in mock desperation.”
“Kagome, do you know what day it is today?”
“The day after yesterday.”
“You're hopeless you now that. Tomorrow is the end of the quarter, Friday…”
Sango rolled her eyes at the blank expression on Kagome's face.
“We get our report cards retard!”
Realization smacked her in the ass as they sprinted to the administration office to get their report cards.
Kagome Higurashi
Grade 12
AP Physics: A-
AP English: A
AP French: B
AP Math: B+
AP History: A
“Sango, tonight you're going to experience a part of me you've never seen before.”
Vivid green eyes glistened in excitement. Freedom is toxic, and comes in the form of drugs and booze.