InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Happy in the Club with a Bottle of Wine ❯ Last night was awfully crazy ( Chapter 6 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

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Kagome’s emerald green glimmered with interest at Koga. He was furious his eyes flashing red, he was causing a scene and she was just not going to have it.

“Koga.” Her voice was a cool wind that blew over his fiery skin.

“Sesshomaru, what do you think you’re doing with my woman?” It was a ferocious snarl that was gladly met by one vibrating out of Sesshomaru’s bared teeth.

“I presume that is Ayame standing behind you. She’s beautiful.”

Kagome’s forwardness made Koga blush. It took everything in her power to remain focused; the drugs were really starting to kick in. She began to focus her miko powers on dissolving the drugs pumping through her system. She was going to kill Koga when she was sober; this was just as bad as if she had flushed them down the toilet, what a waste. Her eyes darted towards the petite girl standing behind Koga cautiously; she was very pretty much to Kagome’s dismay. Her strawberry blond hair was pin straight reaching her shoulders with beautiful green eyes that rivaled Kagome’s, she wasn’t very shapely however making it seem as if she hasn’t even hit puberty yet. How old was she?

“Um, thank you…” The small girl said shyly behind Koga who suddenly had become very embarrassed.

“Maybe it would be best if the two of you left.” Koga flinched at her coldness, but obliged as he noticed all of the spectators.

The party had continued until Kagome wasn’t even sure, and boy was it a party. She had effectively undressed Inuyasha causing glares from both Kikyo and Sesshomaru appreciating his toned muscular body. The rest of the night was a psychotropic haze.

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Her lithe body stretched uncomfortably from the pressure holding her tightly to the force. She snuggled into the firm warmth enjoying the masculine scent, god she just wanted to lick it. Opening her eyes in a daze she noticed she was sleeping in her bed… on Inuyasha. One slim arm wrapped around his waist and the other resting by his furry ears. Her head was lying comfortably on his bare chest while his arms were wrapped tightly around her. This was her chance; she moved her hand so that it gently rubbed the ears that graced the half-breeds head. They were softer than she imagined little silk appendages on his head; she continued rubbing them receiving an appreciative growl from him. He was only wearing his red boxers while she graced her gold bikini from the night before.

Moving the beige down comforter and prying his strong arms from her she glanced around the room. Lying on the floor in each others arms were the naked couple Miroku and Sango, she smirked well damn they finally did it. Quietly she tip toed into her closet changing into a pair of gym shorts and a sports bra, her warm feet melting away at the wooden floors as she exited the room, that’s when she smelled the most disgusting scent that nearly had her running for the toilet, following she landed to a door that led to the guest room, quietly opening her face distorted with disgust. Lying there was a very naked Kaugra and Rin his arms wrapped casually around both of them fast asleep. It stunk of sex that had been brewed in a cold moldy room with a vagina (s) that reeked of fish. He had the nerve to have sex with them in her house! She silently hoped that they would catch something.

“Hey, whoa! That’s disgusting.” She had smelt Sango approach wearing one of her robes and grinned at her disgusted face as she looked upon the same sight Kagome was.

“So Sango, wild night huh?” Her best friend inquired as they walked downstairs towards the kitchen.

“You are my savior Kagome; you don’t even understand how much I owe you.” Love shone in the girls coffee eyes, if only she could feel the jealousy seeping from Kagome’s pores.

“Anytime love, you know I’m here for you. So how was it?” She winked.

Sango sighed, “Better than I ever could have imagined, it was like I was in another world.”

“I was talking about the sex, not the drugs.” Came the laughing melody.

“Well I was talking about both; anyway I’m going to take a shower. Mind if I use your bathroom?”

“Not at all, but use another one if you plan on having sex with Miroku in it, I don’t want to have to smell the residue. I’m going to be in the gym.”

Sango blushed violently at her statement but nodded and padded away wondering exactly how big this house was if there was a gym in it.

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She had just finished taping her knuckles and strolled over to the giant punching bag in the corner of her gym. How she adored boxing, the feeling of the ground of her bare feet, adrenaline pumping through her body. Thinking back to the things Koga said had her furious, she began violently punching the bag which had to be specially adjusted so it didn’t tear with her demon strength.


Her fists moved quicker than lighting and stronger than thunder. Thump thump thump, it was loud and the bad swung dangerously every time she hit it.


Each punch was filled with more anger; she began using her legs doing intricate kicks. Thump thump thump, she could here the metal straining to hold up the bag.


With her final punch kick combination the bag tore from the ceiling and flew across the room creating a boulder in the wall.

“Shit, I would be scared if I was the bastard you were imagining there.” Inuyasha’s golden eyes flickered with amazement; he had been awake ever since she escaped his arms.

“Good thing its not you then.” Short pants in the form of words left her mouth; her face was flushed with anger and excitement. The sweat dripped calmly from her body as she smirked at him. “Sleep well?”

“Better than I have in ages in fact, you?” She could smell the nervousness roll off of him, but chose just to reply with a mysterious wink, only creating more anxiety for him. “So who were you thinking of?”

“No one important.” He hadn’t missed the anger… and hurt? Flash through her eyes. “Just another stupid mistake about to happen.” She flinched as she remembered what happened in Kyoto. “Let’s go check out the damage.”

They strolled from the third floor of her house back down to the second where the party was held entering the room that was certainly destroyed last night. Inuyasha was shocked to find the room completely cleaned, other than the fountain in the center of the pool. He had tried to see how strong it was by jumping from it; it was very delicate and broke the second he reached the top. This resulted in Kagome teasing him with fat jokes for the rest of the night. He looked at Kagome his eyes filled with shock but she was just grinning at him. Uneasiness engulfed him but it only lasted momentarily and was replaced with water.


Kagome was doubled over in laughter at the cute scowl etched on his face, his platinum hair plastered to his face. His anger dissipated quickly at her laugh and then his when he pulled her in after him dunking her in the water unsuspected. They were laughing hysterically however it was quickly halted.


Her head whipped around to see her mother and father standing there, a prominent air surrounding them.

“Mother, Father, I expected you home Sunday.”

Inuyasha wadded in the water uneasily, his eyes cast downward at the awkward family reunion. Kagome had completely changed, she was icy and withdrawn. He hated this cold air about her.

“Business ended early, why are you not training?” His voice was brisk and cold similar to Kagome’s, it demanded respect. He reminded him very much of his own father.

“Kenji! Leave her alone, she trains endlessly its good she’s having a break. I see you’ve made a friend!” Her mother was filled with compassion and love, it shocked him, eh had never seen Kagome show any of those emotions. But what shocked him more was that she was human!

“I apologize father; I will begin again as soon as I escort my friends out. Mother this is Inuyasha Taisho.” He nodded curtly accepting her answer.

“Inuyasha! I haven’t seen you since you were a pup! My you have grown into a handsome young man.” Inuyasha blushed at her comments.

“Darling save the reminiscing for tonight, Kagome has to focus today.” Mrs. Higurashi smiled at the pair standing in the pool before leaving with her husband.

“Kagome…” Inuyasha started hesitantly, she had masked all emotions, it reminded him of Sesshomaru if not more vacant.

“I have to train, it would be best if you all left.” Jumping out of the pool she headed to her room to once again change into gym clothes before completely disappearing.

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“It was fucking weird! It was like she was another person. She was like you, but with tits. And hot.’

Sesshomaru growled, his patience was wearing thin. Yes he was intrigued at the idea of this new Kagome but he was still sexually frustrated by having to resort to Rin and Kaugra, neither of them whom satisfied his needs completely. “I have not cared since the moment you began this conversation, cease your incessant babble.”
Inuyasha and Sesshomaru had come home to find that their house had been mysteriously decorated during the short time they were gone. The scent of Inuyasha’s mother and their father wafted to their noses unexpectedly.

“Mom, dad?”

“Father.” Sesshomaru refused to call that woman her mother since she mated with his father over a century ago.

Moments later they were informed there was to be an event at their house to honor the merging of Higurashi Inc. and Taisho Inc. Including the Higurashi’s, Taisho’s, Wolf’s, and more. It was definitely bound to be an interesting night.

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Kagome had trained for four hours after her friends abruptly left and was exhausted only to be informed by her father that she was to attend an event with her family at the Taisho’s. She had tried everything to impress her father since she was a little girl, she mastered all languages and instruments became a skilled fighter in all forms, but nothing could impress him. His first born was a woman, and that was not acceptable in his eyes. Her younger brother Souta, on the contrary, got immense love from him; he showered him in gifts and never expected anything of him. She loved her brother very much and they had a wonderful relationship, but there was always that brief awkwardness between them regarding their father.

500 years ago when Kagome discovered about the Shikon Jewel she made it her goal to obtain it and become a full demon. Certainly her father would be proud of her then. Yes, she was hanyou, just like Inuyasha and her brother. After years of searching she had found it in the protection of a priestess Midoriko who had become weak and old but was still beautiful at her old age. She had willingly given Kagome the jewel noticing her unique spirit, she was miko yet demon who was determined, strong, and pure, the perfect protector of the jewel. Kagome had become full demon in exchange for protecting the jewel which Kagome gladly accepted. She had become one of the most powerful demons to ever exist rivaling only few; this however did not impress her father who only saw this as an opportunity to make his power stronger.

She sighed with loneliness remembering her empty past as she entered the Taisho mansion. It was decorated tastefully in white ornaments which blended nicely with the first snowfall they had received that night.

“Kagome is that you!” Kagome turned her head delicately as she noticed Izayoi and Toga approaching her family with a grace that astounded the gods.

“Izayoi, it’s been a long time. It’s a pleasure seeing you again.” Her voice was powerful but soft dazing the lovely couple; they had forgotten how charming she was.

“Around 500 years I believe, you look ravishing tonight if I might add.” Toga, Sesshomaru and Inuyasha’s father added in his deep smooth baritone. Kagome did indeed look ravishing; she wore a white silk dress which was over the shoulder that had a clear white slip over it both which grazed the floor. Her beige stilettos complimented her figure making her legs look even longer if that was possible. The chocolate curls flowed from her head down her bare back, with minimal make up on her face. A natural beauty.

Sesshomaru was astonished; surely if Kagome knew his family 500 years ago he should have met her! This girl was just a mystery waiting to be unwrapped, which he would be more than willing in his room alone.

“Charming as ever I see. Please excuse me momentarily.” With that she excused herself out to the magnificent garden. Neither Toga or Izayoi missed how cold she had gotten, she used be so filled with warmth, eager to please her father. Kagome despised their looks of pity; she took a long drag on her cigarette ashing on the ground. She had perfected reading faces and sensing emotions, because she tried to do so with her father praying that he was simply pretending to ignore her.

“I must agree with my father, you look… edible.” The husky whisper blew into her ear, however she didn’t react as he had wished. In fact she didn’t react at all.

“Control yourself Sesshomaru.” Inuyasha was right, she was frost, that he was determined to melt.

“Why? I know you want me.” He was moving his arms up and down her curves slowly, admiring them, studying her body. However she simply moved away from him attempting to block out his voice and enjoy her cigarette.

“Then you do not know much. They’re making the announcement.” Leaving Sesshomaru completely alone she sauntered inside. Never before had a woman so openly turned him down, so naturally he followed her. Determined to figure out why. He heard the ringing of a champagne glass as it was tapped by a knife and he watched as his father gained the attention of everyone in the room.

“I hope you are all enjoying yourselves, I know I am.” He turned to his wife winking at her causing the company to laugh and clap at his humorous personality. “This party is a celebration, a celebration of the merging of Higurashi Inc. and Taisho Inc.” Everyone clapped appropriately, except a stunned Sesshomaru. How dare his father make such an arrangement without consulting him first! He was meant to take over the company in a few years. “Now my partner Kenji would like to say a few words.” Toga slapped him lightly on the back smiling, a symbol of friendship.

Sesshomaru looked at him closely; he remembered the man, and the woman standing at his side. They had often visited his father’s castle. “Thank you Toga, you have always been the life of the party.” He said with a smile as everyone laughed again. “Yes Higurashi Inc. has worked closely with Taisho Inc. for many years now and we believed a merger was in the best interest for both companies. And we were right!” The group laughed once again, however it was becoming more of a drunken happiness. “While Toga and I work here to complete the merger, my daughter Kagome will be organizing everything in California in the United States as President to prepare for Taisho Inc. to become international.”

A huge round of applause emitted from the guests, including Kagome who was fuming on the inside, her face however remained impassive. She wasn’t even warned about this! What about her schooling! Of course she had been in school several times throughout her life, testing out different things each time, but she enjoyed it, the thrill of learning something new that contradicts something she had learned several hundred years ago.

Sango, Miroku, Inuyasha, and Sesshomaru stood in the corner in complete shock. So… Now what?

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