InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Happy in the Club with a Bottle of Wine ❯ Oh these times are hard ( Chapter 8 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Review!!! Thanks ;)

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The applause thundered around her, shook her body wildly. Well that’s what she thought, reality painted a different picture. A picture of a beautiful miko-demoness clapping appropriately with the crowd with not a sliver of emotion hidden on her face, her face turned slowly towards her mother. Everything was in slow motion, the drunken colleagues shaking hands with her father in a congratulatory manner, her mothers brown eyes turned to meet hers. An apologetic flicker danced across her face before she returned to her happy husband. Well fuck them all. Using her demonic senses Kagome sniffed out the kitchen, cringing when she found it. Emptiness, like her soul. Throwing the silver refrigerator door open she found several bottles of liquor lying idly at the bottom waiting for her slender fingers to grab them. Grabbing the neck of a vodka bottle with one hand and a whiskey glass in another she slid onto the floor her beautiful dress flaring out around her. Lets get this party started she thought bitterly. She had begun drinking violently, the clear liquid searing down her delicate throat when a couple rudely interrupted her.

“Inuyasha what the fuck are we doing in the kitchen, I didn’t even know u had a kitchen.”

It was Kikyo’s shrill voice that brought her out of her fuzzy thoughts, thoughts of hatred and betrayal from her family.

“Fucking hell Kikyo, do you want to keep your voice down I’m fucking hungry so just fucking wait!”

Her jade eyes glimmered in appreciation, and drunkenness at Inuyasha’s raging comment. She could imagine his golden eyes burning with frustration, but she was too lazy to lift herself from the solace behind the island counter and in front of the refrigerator. It was such a comfortable place.  

“Fine, then I’ll just be in your room, pleasuring myself without you.”

Kagome pretended to gag as she finished another glass of vodka, there was only a slice left at the bottom. A growl erupted from the hanyou’s mouth followed by a high pitched giggle. Well fuck, everyone gets ass but her. Ok next guy who walks through the door is mine… next guy under 30. Grinning at the idea of playing her old game she waited patiently

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How could everything whirl into chaos in a week? In a week he met the most fascinating girl who haunted his dreams, dreams he shouldn’t have with his age and control. In a week he tried drugs, something he promised he wouldn’t succumb to. In a week he started smoking again. And in this week, he learnt his bad habit was leaving him to live in another continent. What an interesting and morbid week it’s been, he rolled up his sleeves, his taunt muscles accentuated by the form fitting shirt. He was making his way to the garage as an attempt to make a stealthy escape when he saw Kagome using intense focus to hold herself steady on the counter. Green clashed with gold in a sensual battle; she lifted a delicate finger and motioned him to come to her.

“What do you want?”
He was beyond fed up with her mixed signals, his voice was icy and withdrawn something he had mastered over his several generations of existence. All he wanted to do right now was get belligerently fucked out of his mind then fuck some random chick that was sure to be hitting on him. Suddenly Kagome was in front of him, impeccable grace from someone as wasted as she was. Her slender hand reached behind his neck pulling him closer to her.


Her hot breath tickled his senses; hands lay immobile by his side, yellow eyes wide with shock.

“Lets play a game, I take off something, and then you take off something.”

God he loved that husky voice, it suffocated him with sexual tension. Not a second later dangling in front of his face was a see through lace thong, oh shit. Her soft tongue licked his jaw suckling on his ear lobe.

“Your turn,” she whispered.

Second later they were in his room, shoes kicked aimlessly on the beige carpet falling onto the navy bed sheets. Tongues battling for frantic dominance, hands entwined in hair. Kagome had long ago ripped his shirt open; buttons flew frantically, and was now pulling it off his shoulders her claws scrapping lightly along his chiseled back stimulating a shiver to escape the daiyoukai’s mouth. A grin etched on her face, she loved being in control. However than ended suddenly when his fierce claws ripped her expensive dress to shreds revealing her waxed womanhood and lace encased breasts. A thick growl seeped from his throat as he ripped the irritating contraption off her chest.

“That was my favorite bra!”

Her whines ceased the moment his lips latched onto her breast suckling hungrily, one hand kneaded her other breast the gum drop nipple hardening with excitement while his other hand moved to work on his pants suffocating his throbbing member.

“Fuck Sesshomaru…”

Emerald eyes were glazed over in lust, god how she wanted him. Arching her delicate back as he began to rub her clit with his rough thumb inserting two fingers inside her, she was gasping in pleasure and he loved it. But she had enough, it was her turn to dominate, she quickly flipped them over effectively shocking the horny dog demon. Her pink tongue darted out to lick and nibble his firm nipples while her delicate hand reached to rub his throbbing erection. The smirk returned when she heard him moan softly, his large hands tangled in her silky hair. How she missed this. Sesshomaru tried to push against her to lead again, but she wasn’t having that, she roughly kept him in place.

“Bad puppy,” a smirk danced across her lips.

The pouty lips he adored so much made a small trail of kissed down his carved abs wrapping around his erection but leaving it again quickly causing him to hiss and glare. She smirked letting her small tongue dart out and lick the salty precum off him, then allowing it to trace around his throbbing situation before taking him all in her mouth suckling lightly her hands playing lightly with his balls.

“Fuck Kagome…”

It was barely coherent, he was about to cum, he was so close, and then she stopped. He sat up and growled, but only momentarily because suddenly he was encompassed in warmth, Kagome rode him roughly, it was making him go insane. Her supple breasts bounced as she lifted herself and then came down; her dark tresses clung to her face and back with a salty sheen of sweat. Growling he grabbed her breasts massaging them, admiring her small frame, flat stomach and perfect hips. An hour glass. Desperately trying to keep his beast down, he tossed her aggressively over so that he was on top pumping ferociously into her, her tight pussy was clenching. She was close.

“Oh… my… god…” She was panting heavily, her eyes closed in bliss. “Fuck, I’m COMING!”

She screamed the last bit with the only energy she had left. Her tight walls clenched around him several times as she climaxed sending him into his own oblivion. He collapsed next to her and watched as her chest heaved up and down; a sheet of sweat covered them both. His silver bangs were plastered to his face, but he couldn’t be bothered to move them, he just laid there enjoy the aftershock of the most incredible sex of his life. He stared in confusion as she easily made her way to his ruined shirt placing it over her shoulders, it looked great on her, the rolled sleeves reached her wrists and the shirt ended right above mid thigh.

“What are you doing?”

He was truly curious; this wasn’t evident in his frozen voice and was only acknowledged with a cold sideways glance. The cold golden orbs watched as she lit a cigarette enjoying the burn of her throat, this is all she wanted. Sex, booze, and cigarettes, she thought back to the reason she ended up in this predicament a frown marring her angelic features that glowed in the sunrise. She stood placing on her thong, the only remaining piece of clothing and slipped on his boxers.

“See you at school.”

The distant melody reached his ears and he was furious. How dare she leave him!

“Sleep here.”

It was a demand, and she hated being told anything.

“No, we had sex. That’s it; I’ll return your clothes Monday.”

Needless to say he was shocked, it was always him that fled the house right after sex, and it was always him that forced the girls to leave his room with the little dignity they had left. He growled in frustration, he would show her.

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Monday came, too quickly for Kagome’s likes. Her green pumps clicked loudly as she made her way through the deserted halls, sighing as she ran her hand through her thick wavy hair. She decided to leave it down; it made her feel free when the wind blew it in all multiple directions. When she got home yesterday morning Kaede sorrowfully informed her that both her parents left with her brother to London to see the premier of a movie Souta had been fawning over since the trailer came out. She wished they loved her as much as they loved him.

“Ms. Higurashi you’re late.”

The jade ice cubes just ran her eyes over the arrogant teacher; he froze at her icy glare. No matter what he does he can’t seem to get her to respect him and it was really starting to anger him… and scare him. Sauntering gracefully she sat down at her assigned lab bench between the two attractive demons.

“Kagome I-“

“Kouga, are you deaf? I told you never to speak to me again.”

Inuyasha sat quietly, he remembered being on the receiving side of her cold demeanor and he pitied Koga.

“I know, but I’m sor-“

“I don’t care what you are, shut your dirty whore mouth or I will sew it shut. You disrespected me, in my own house. I gave you my trust, and you just slapped me across the face with it. So you can take whatever you have to say to me and shove it up your ass, because I don’t care.”

Inuyasha’s rough hand reached over and took Kagome’s soft one in his, squeezing gently. As he was about to let go she held on gripping it kindly, she held on as if it was her lifeline. The warm comfort rolled over her in calming waves. Koga’s blue eyes stared helplessly at the girl he once cared for holding the hand of his enemy so gently. That should have been him.

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He was late, again, and reeked of smoke, again. It was his only stress relief, he tried fucking Kaugra the next day in a pathetic attempt to try and relieve the strain Kagome left in his mind, but it just wasn’t the same. He wasn’t even satisfied when it was over just angry. Suddenly he was pulled into the girls’ bathroom his surprised lips in frenzy with another. Golden eyes stared at the sexual intruder he was about to roughly push away until he realized it was the object of his stress. Good the bitch is satisfying him; her nimble fingers pulled him by the green tie regulated by the school into a stall locking it brutally.
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