InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Happy in the Club with a Bottle of Wine ❯ I don't love you ( Chapter 10 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]


The vast oceans rolled quickly in front of her eyes, her body shook from stir crazy and the deep vibrations of the plane.

“Darling sit still.”

Vibrant green eyes glared haughtily at the beautiful man sitting in front of her, his silky baritone was almost playful. He had strong proud features; his prominent face structure was emphasized by his Greek nose. The maroon orbs on his face were the deepest red enchanting everyone woman who fell into them. His red curvy hair was tied into a high ponytail keeping it out of his face allowing the world to see the ruby triangle that rested on his forehead, a triangle only the 4 war gods beheld.

“Fuck you Kyura, sitting for 11 hours is simply not my forte and I do not enjoy it in the least bit. I shall do as I please.”

Her long wavy light brown hair shimmered as she turned her head to look out the plane window. He chuckled, God he loved how feisty she was, it had taken him a while to swoon her. She was stubborn, cold, and the first woman not to fall at his feet when he approached her. In fact she demanded he ‘remove himself from her presence before she removed him herself’ and when he didn’t budge she surely followed through with her threat easily throwing him 25 meters from his previous spot. She was perfection, which is why he had to have her.

“We are nearly there Kagome.”

Smiling at her showing his pearly fangs, she got up from her leather seat and moved to sit in the vacant one next to him resting her head on his shoulder. Closing his laptop and placing it away he wrapped his arm around her pulling her closer to him; she loved his scent, a clean woodsy smell.

“I’m scared.”

It had taken him 3 years to break the strong façade she put on, and although she didn’t do it much she confided in him allowing him to protect her. Something he greatly enjoyed doing.

“Why darling?”

“Four years is a long time. It was the longest time I had ever been away from my family.”

“I understand, but you are back now.”

He drew figures on her back; something she had said soothed her. It also reminded her of Sesshomaru, but he didn’t need to know that.

“I’m back for business; he wouldn’t even let me visit. Always keeping me too busy, wretched old man.”

“Shh darling it’s ok.”

“Excuse me, we are about to land. Can you please buckle your seatbelts?”

The stewardess had come out, her chest puffed outwards in a failed attempt to accentuate her mosquito bite breasts. She was obviously attracted to Kyura, but she could go fuck herself if she thought she was getting him. Kagome noticed the distasteful look that was cast in her direction, bitch. She simply did not share.

“We should expand further in Europe; currently we have France, German, and Spain. It would be best if we best if we expanded in England, Scotland, and perhaps even the Middle East. Dubai and Saudi Arabia are growing exponentially-“

“Miss you can’t go in there!”

Heads turned to the door of the room that was suddenly burst open. Standing in the doorway was a tall slim demoness, her light coffee hair pulled up into a French twist her side swipe bangs pinned to the side; she certainly did not look Japanese with her freckles and tanned skin that was acquired from spending 4 years in the sunny state. The lovely mocha skin tone was complimented with the black tights and stilettos accompanied with a beige pencil skirt that ended mid thigh with a white blouse tucked in and a black jacket. The frantic secretary was hyperventilating behind her in fear of loosing her job.

“How rude, I spend half my day traveling to attend a meeting that has begun without me.”

The icy tone only accentuated the beautiful melody that escaped her mouth. A stoic face that rivaled Sesshomaru’s.


Her jade orbs shifted over to Toga who was sitting at one end of the table, he did seem awfully confused.


“We’re terrible sorry Ms. Higurashi Kenji insisted we begin early.”

She transferred her attention to a human man quivering in fear, as he should. They followed her gaze, her head turning slowly to the opposite end of the table where her father was sitting smugly. That bastard.

“Hn, well my father has no input in this situation since I am head of foreign affairs and therefore the leader of this meeting as well as all final decisions made.”

He was seething, how dare she embarrass him like this! Everyone sat in shock, the hatred Kenji felt for his daughter wasn’t unknown, and thus the reason he sent her away. However she had always given him full respect.

“Kagome, I suggest you learn your place. I am the owner of this company.”


“Excuse me?”

Rage was breaking off him in violent waves; her indifferent tone only seemed to anger him further.

“You are simply a co-owner; you co-own this company with Mr. Taisho and therefore can not make any decisions without his consult. And if you wish this company to continue to grow as fruitfully as it has then I suggest you learn your place and mine. I am the head of foreign affairs; you have absolutely no right to attempt to conduct my meeting.”

Everyone sat in fear, fear for the demon about to attack his own daughter, fear of the demoness who did not fear Kenji Higurashi Lord of the Eastern lands.

“Ok well thank you for that Kagome, now please explain to us your plans of expansion.”

Toga had never approved of how his partner treated his daughter, he was a hateful man. But a smart one none-the less and a very good ally.
“Yes, well we will begin with expansion in Angola and Nigeria. Although they are developing countries they are very influential in the oil business, if we create a stable base in each country we can then begin to take over the rest of Africa including Egypt thus being able to move into the Middle East. One of the most important things this company needs is the recognition of attempting to modernize third world countries and this is the best way to start. Our lawyers will research all laws and regulations needed to infiltrate the countries and hopefully we can begin in a few months.”

It was not something the others ever would have thought of, it was extremely clever, an opportunity for them to be the first Japanese company to expand into rural Africa. They applauded her creative decision discussing the fine details of the situation before departing.

“Hello darling, how was your meeting?”

Kagome was the first to leave the room to find her lovely boyfriend waiting outside for her.

“Completely useless, I do not understand why I had to travel all the way over here just to speak five sentences; I could have easily emailed it to them. Have you seen your brothers yet?”

He laughed heartily, a rich seductive song.

“I see you enjoyed yourself, not yet. I was hoping to go with you; I dropped our bags off at the hotel.”

Kagome gave him a brief smile melting his heart. This woman could spit on his face and he would still love her. Was it love?


The fire haired demon turned around to face a tall man with long silver hair and sharp but friendly features.

“Toga, how nice to see you. It’s been centuries. Do you work here?”

Kagome stared in bewilderment, such a small world she thought sadly.

“I know, entirely too long. Yes, I co-own this company with my partner Kenji Higurashi.”

Toga had moved aside to reveal a man that oddly looked slightly similar to Kagome. Revulsion seeped out of her pores, she had hoped they would never have to meet and she could live her life happily knowing the object of her misery would never meet her lover.

“It is an honor to meet you Kyura, I have heard much about you.”

Kenji shook his hand furiously in excitement; Kagome threw up in her mouth. Her dad had a man crush on her boyfriend; she didn’t think he ever gave her that much attention.

“The honor is mine; Kagome is such a lovely girl.”

He had finally stopped shaking his hand; his brown eyes twinkled with curiosity.

“You know my daughter?”

Kyura put a muscular arm around Kagome’s petit shoulders, his exquisite maroon eyes stared at her lovingly.

“Yes, we met in California. The moment I saw her I knew I had to have her, I must admit she put up quite the fight.” He chuckled playfully as her gave her a quick peck on her head. “She’s the most amazing thing that’s ever happened to my life.”

Kenji stared with disgust at his daughter who had been oddly silent this entire time; she did not deserve a man as powerful as him.

“She is very, interesting. Well my wife is hosting a charity event this weekend and I insist you come!”

His enthusiasm had quickly returned as he stared at him expectantly. Toga had been eerily quiet this entire time, he had noticed the distaste in his voice for his daughter and the adoration he held for this young man. This was bound to be a very dramatic visit for the poor young girl. He closed his golden orbs sighing before excusing himself.

“I will discuss it with Kagome. Well Kenji Kagome and I must go and meet with my brothers, until we meet again.”

He quickly whisked the angry girl away before she choked everyone in the room with her furious aura.


Toga slumped into the leather couch facing the massive television. Higurashi just drains him sometimes; his manipulative personality can be over bearing at times.

“Honey, what did he do this time?”

Izayoi looked at him, concern penciled into her eyes as she handed him a brandy on the rocks. The only thing that will relieve him from excessive stress, he loved how she knew these little things about him.

“Kagome’s back.”

Golden eyes continued to glaze over the screen; he felt the spike in his wife’s aura, the shock.

“She’s different, visually of course, but I don’t know. She seems colder; Kenji really did a number on her. Her strength now though, she defended herself.”

“It’s been 500 years; it had to happen eventually…”

“Hn, I worry for her, he will kill her. I can tell he feels threatened by her. She’s dating Kyura now also.”

“One of the war gods?”

Who is this girl? Everything just seems so… out of place.

“Yes, he seems serious about her. But I don’t know, those men have never committed to anything, especially not women. Kenji now wants to have a charity ball this weekend.”

“Do the boys know she’s back?”

He sighed running his hand through his silvery hand; he was getting too old for this shit. Even though he was permanently frozen at the age of 35.

“No, I thought that if she wanted them to know that she was coming she would tell them herself. Perhaps four years was too much separation…”

Izayoi moved over to him sitting on his lap resting her head gently on his chest, if only life was easy. Sesshomaru stood in the door way of the sitting room, golden eyes burning with fury. She was back, that slut, she couldn’t even bother to pick up a phone and call him? And she was fucking some God, what a power whore. Wait? Why did he care? He had moved on, several times in fact, in several different beds. But that itching in his heart didn’t stop as he tried to justify himself.


REVIEW! Btw Kyura is the red-headed war god from the 4th movie incase you didn’t know or thought he was some random character I made up.
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