InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Harder Than Calculus ❯ Chapter 1
[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Harder Than Calculus
Author: teishou
Rating: Y
Warning: Sexual Content **Lime**
Pairing: InuxKag
Summary: Kagome finds a way to pass the time during calculus.
Disclaimer: Nope, don’t own Inuyasha and I never will. Rumiko Takahashi holds all rights to him. . I got nothing I tell ya, nothing.
Author: teishou
Rating: Y
Warning: Sexual Content **Lime**
Pairing: InuxKag
Summary: Kagome finds a way to pass the time during calculus.
Disclaimer: Nope, don’t own Inuyasha and I never will. Rumiko Takahashi holds all rights to him. . I got nothing I tell ya, nothing.
I sighed once more as my calculus professor droned on about the importance of math. Ironic how his words were so passionate and eager whereas his tone was blank and impassive. You’d think they would stop giving the speech after while, but no, these math teachers were stubborn. I’ve heard the same speech every year since seventh grade in one form or other. Yeah, math was pretty important, but it didn’t mean you had to like it. I hate math, by the way. With every ounce of my soul. Every single drop of blood in my body despises the damn thing. You get the picture.
My head fell heavily into my hands, elbows propped on the table as I crossed and uncrossed my legs. From my perch in the highest and furthest row, I surveyed the rest of the class. The people in the first row were rigid and nodded animatedly, bodies trembling with excitement and enthusiasm. The rest of the class were either half-listening, doodling in their notebooks, or outright sleeping. Catching sight of Miroku and Sango, I suppressed a laugh. Both were deep asleep, Sango resting her head upon Miroku’s shoulder, his arms wrapped around her. They are so in love with each other. Now only if they weren’t too stubborn to admit it…
Sighing again, I turned to look at the person sitting next to me. His burnished gold eyes were closed, arms crossed across his chest as he leaned back in his seat. His long, silver hair hung behind him, stirring slightly as he moved his head. I could tell by the even rhythm of his breathing that he was asleep too. Anger arising, my thoughts turned wicked. Why should I have to suffer this lecture while he slept blissfully?
Smirking evilly as an idea popped in my head, I focused on the professor as a hand wandered to the lap next to mine. A few moments later, he apparently felt the hand on his crotch, for he bolted up and gave a strangled shout. Pulling my hand back quickly but subtlety, I turned to stare at him strangely just as everyone else had.
“Takahashi Inuyasha!” Our professor barked. My shoulders shook slightly as I tried to hold back my laughter. Inuyasha stood and mumbled an apology to the professor before taking his seat again, glaring angrily at me.
“What the fuck was that for?!” The Hanyou sitting beside me hissed angrily. I schooled my expression, putting a blank, bored face that Sesshoumaru himself would have been proud of.
“Don’t play dumb, Kags.” I merely arched a brow as his piercing gold eyes bored into my own sapphire orbs. After staring daggers at me in vain, he huffed and turned back to the lecture. I crossed my legs as I danced and whooped in my head. Chibi Kags was pumping her first and making peace signs as I, the real Kagome, sat staring into space, the corner of my mouth quirked.
The minutes passed and boredom fell heavily upon the class, save for the first row and our professor. Amazing. They’re still at it. Glancing at the clock, I groaned as I realized we had about another hour to go until class ended. Glancing back at Inuyasha, I smirked. He’d fallen asleep. Again. Reaching out, my hand once again found itself in his lap. This time, I slipped my hand into his basketball shorts and slapped my other hand over his mouth. Nobody heard him as my hand muffled whatever he’d said as he woke up. His wide eyes found mine and he glanced down at his lap, where I was idly caressing something that was hardening by the second. I pulled my hand away from his mouth and gestured for him to be quiet. He opened his mouth to speak but quickly shut it as I gripped his hard-on tighter. I slowly worked my hand up and down his dick through the fabric of his boxers, delighting in the way he was breathing raggedly. Here I was staring ahead with a bored expression on my face, my head resting in one hand, while the other was giving the guy beside me a hand job. Oh yes, Sesshoumaru would be so proud of me.
I continued my administrations on Inuyasha until he began to buck into my hand. Shaking my head at him, I pulled my hand back and once more stared into oblivion as Chibi Kags danced around in my head. The frustrated growl I heard beside me was music to my ears.
It was some time later before anything else happened. I felt that I’d had enough fun with Inuyasha and was thinking about taking a nap myself. Nodding to myself, my body easily reacted to my decision as I slumped over into a boneless heap. I stared ahead through my eyelashes before my eyes completely shut.
I was rudely awoken minutes later when a sinfully clawed hand caressed the sensitive skin of my inner thigh. With an ‘Eep!’ I shot up, catching the attention of the other students as well as my professor.
“Higurashi Kagome! Sit down this instant!” Bowing and murmuring apologies, I took my seat, cheeks burning with embarrassment. Once everyone had turned and the discussion picked up again, I turned to smirking Inuyasha. Giving him my coldest glare, I turned away and focused on the professor, my mind reeling for vengeance. Chibi Kags rubbed her hands with anticipation as a plan formed.
Leaning back in my seat and stretching, I made sure that my skirt rode up to reveal more thigh and my top rose to bare some midriff. Seeing his silvery hair stir a bit in my direction, I knew I had his attention. Releasing a soft sound that sounded like a cross between a moan and a sigh, I smirked internally when I heard his breath hitch. Crossing and uncrossing my legs, letting my thighs rub against each other, I snuck a glance at Inuyasha. His basketball shorts were beginning to tent. Faking a frustrated sigh, I began to squirm in my seat, raising a hand to “discreetly” brush against my hardening nipples through the thin fabric of my bra and shirt.
Glancing nonchalantly at Inuyasha beside me, I met his golden eyes for a second before letting them trail down his body, my sapphire eyes widening when they reached the bulge in his lap.
“Oh my,” I murmured softly. He mumbled a ‘no shit’ under his breath. Taking a quick glance at the clock, I saw we had seven or so minutes until class ended. “Need some help?” I asked innocently enough as Chibi Kags cackled maniacally in my head. At his frustrated grunt, I tenderly reached out and palmed the bulge in his shorts. I smiled at his pleased hiss. Reaching into his shorts and pulling his dick out of his boxers, I gripped the base of his hard on and began to stoke him; with slow, firm pulls. Building him up until pre-cum began to bead at his tip, I watched the clock intently from the corner of my eye. Three. . Two. . One. I yanked my hand back and stood as the bell ring; sprinting down the stairs and out into the hall.
I can honestly say that I’m very athletic and although I’m not the fastest chick, I could still make you eat my dust. Unfortunately, I’d forgotten that Inuyasha practically owns the track team. I didn’t make it very far when I was suddenly pulled from the crowd to be pushed into the wall, an angry and sexually frustrated Inu-Hanyou pressing delightfully up against me. I couldn’t prevent the shivers chasing each other up and down my spin as he whispered huskily into my ear.
“Don’t start what you can’t finish.”
My head fell heavily into my hands, elbows propped on the table as I crossed and uncrossed my legs. From my perch in the highest and furthest row, I surveyed the rest of the class. The people in the first row were rigid and nodded animatedly, bodies trembling with excitement and enthusiasm. The rest of the class were either half-listening, doodling in their notebooks, or outright sleeping. Catching sight of Miroku and Sango, I suppressed a laugh. Both were deep asleep, Sango resting her head upon Miroku’s shoulder, his arms wrapped around her. They are so in love with each other. Now only if they weren’t too stubborn to admit it…
Sighing again, I turned to look at the person sitting next to me. His burnished gold eyes were closed, arms crossed across his chest as he leaned back in his seat. His long, silver hair hung behind him, stirring slightly as he moved his head. I could tell by the even rhythm of his breathing that he was asleep too. Anger arising, my thoughts turned wicked. Why should I have to suffer this lecture while he slept blissfully?
Smirking evilly as an idea popped in my head, I focused on the professor as a hand wandered to the lap next to mine. A few moments later, he apparently felt the hand on his crotch, for he bolted up and gave a strangled shout. Pulling my hand back quickly but subtlety, I turned to stare at him strangely just as everyone else had.
“Takahashi Inuyasha!” Our professor barked. My shoulders shook slightly as I tried to hold back my laughter. Inuyasha stood and mumbled an apology to the professor before taking his seat again, glaring angrily at me.
“What the fuck was that for?!” The Hanyou sitting beside me hissed angrily. I schooled my expression, putting a blank, bored face that Sesshoumaru himself would have been proud of.
“Don’t play dumb, Kags.” I merely arched a brow as his piercing gold eyes bored into my own sapphire orbs. After staring daggers at me in vain, he huffed and turned back to the lecture. I crossed my legs as I danced and whooped in my head. Chibi Kags was pumping her first and making peace signs as I, the real Kagome, sat staring into space, the corner of my mouth quirked.
The minutes passed and boredom fell heavily upon the class, save for the first row and our professor. Amazing. They’re still at it. Glancing at the clock, I groaned as I realized we had about another hour to go until class ended. Glancing back at Inuyasha, I smirked. He’d fallen asleep. Again. Reaching out, my hand once again found itself in his lap. This time, I slipped my hand into his basketball shorts and slapped my other hand over his mouth. Nobody heard him as my hand muffled whatever he’d said as he woke up. His wide eyes found mine and he glanced down at his lap, where I was idly caressing something that was hardening by the second. I pulled my hand away from his mouth and gestured for him to be quiet. He opened his mouth to speak but quickly shut it as I gripped his hard-on tighter. I slowly worked my hand up and down his dick through the fabric of his boxers, delighting in the way he was breathing raggedly. Here I was staring ahead with a bored expression on my face, my head resting in one hand, while the other was giving the guy beside me a hand job. Oh yes, Sesshoumaru would be so proud of me.
I continued my administrations on Inuyasha until he began to buck into my hand. Shaking my head at him, I pulled my hand back and once more stared into oblivion as Chibi Kags danced around in my head. The frustrated growl I heard beside me was music to my ears.
It was some time later before anything else happened. I felt that I’d had enough fun with Inuyasha and was thinking about taking a nap myself. Nodding to myself, my body easily reacted to my decision as I slumped over into a boneless heap. I stared ahead through my eyelashes before my eyes completely shut.
I was rudely awoken minutes later when a sinfully clawed hand caressed the sensitive skin of my inner thigh. With an ‘Eep!’ I shot up, catching the attention of the other students as well as my professor.
“Higurashi Kagome! Sit down this instant!” Bowing and murmuring apologies, I took my seat, cheeks burning with embarrassment. Once everyone had turned and the discussion picked up again, I turned to smirking Inuyasha. Giving him my coldest glare, I turned away and focused on the professor, my mind reeling for vengeance. Chibi Kags rubbed her hands with anticipation as a plan formed.
Leaning back in my seat and stretching, I made sure that my skirt rode up to reveal more thigh and my top rose to bare some midriff. Seeing his silvery hair stir a bit in my direction, I knew I had his attention. Releasing a soft sound that sounded like a cross between a moan and a sigh, I smirked internally when I heard his breath hitch. Crossing and uncrossing my legs, letting my thighs rub against each other, I snuck a glance at Inuyasha. His basketball shorts were beginning to tent. Faking a frustrated sigh, I began to squirm in my seat, raising a hand to “discreetly” brush against my hardening nipples through the thin fabric of my bra and shirt.
Glancing nonchalantly at Inuyasha beside me, I met his golden eyes for a second before letting them trail down his body, my sapphire eyes widening when they reached the bulge in his lap.
“Oh my,” I murmured softly. He mumbled a ‘no shit’ under his breath. Taking a quick glance at the clock, I saw we had seven or so minutes until class ended. “Need some help?” I asked innocently enough as Chibi Kags cackled maniacally in my head. At his frustrated grunt, I tenderly reached out and palmed the bulge in his shorts. I smiled at his pleased hiss. Reaching into his shorts and pulling his dick out of his boxers, I gripped the base of his hard on and began to stoke him; with slow, firm pulls. Building him up until pre-cum began to bead at his tip, I watched the clock intently from the corner of my eye. Three. . Two. . One. I yanked my hand back and stood as the bell ring; sprinting down the stairs and out into the hall.
I can honestly say that I’m very athletic and although I’m not the fastest chick, I could still make you eat my dust. Unfortunately, I’d forgotten that Inuyasha practically owns the track team. I didn’t make it very far when I was suddenly pulled from the crowd to be pushed into the wall, an angry and sexually frustrated Inu-Hanyou pressing delightfully up against me. I couldn’t prevent the shivers chasing each other up and down my spin as he whispered huskily into my ear.
“Don’t start what you can’t finish.”
A/N: Yeah Kagome! Don’t leave Inu hanging! Err, in this case, hard. Chyeah, I’m evil like that.
Bonus quote for all you sexual innuendo users. [Pretty much everyone.]
Confucius say; boy who go to bed with hard problem, wake up with solution in hand.
Bonus quote for all you sexual innuendo users. [Pretty much everyone.]
Confucius say; boy who go to bed with hard problem, wake up with solution in hand.