InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Harem ❯ Chapter 12

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

DISCLIAMER: Inuyasha belong to Rumiko Takahashi and not to me. The AU world this story is set in, the plot and any additional characters do belong to me though, and so please don't try to take them without my permission. I make no profit of this story, and am doing it only for my own enjoyment (and hopefully yours too).
It was late morning in the capital of Inu, fast approaching noon. Throughout the city and the palace both there was a hustle and bustle of activity as men and women went about their various occupations as they had been for the past several hours. However, within the private chambers of the younger prince of Inu, within his heavily guarded harem, said prince was still in bed with no desire to leave any time soon. Not because he was still asleep though, not at all. In fact he had been awake for several hours, and had been rather active himself during that time. Hence the reason why didn't want to get up.
Inuyasha panted, still recovering from his most recent release, his third this morning, as he gazed fondly on the woman lying next to him. The woman in question looked back at him with eyes still glazed over with her own pleasure, looking every bit as worn out as he did from their rather intense sex that morning but with a smile of her own on her face.
Smiling Inuyasha reached over to brush a stray lock of Kagome's hair out of her beautiful face. He was actually pretty surprised that she'd been able to keep up with him for so long that morning, especially after how little sleep the two had gotten the night before. It just went to prove that Kagome was a keeper all right.
Inuyasha sighed to himself as he continued to watch her, once again hit with feelings he did not understand. He'd never felt for any of his other concubines the way he did Kagome. Actually he'd never felt this way about anyone, period. He loved spending time with her, whether in the bedroom or not. He loved to hear her laugh and would feel so warm inside when he knew that he was the cause of it, as if making her laugh or even smile was one of the proudest things he'd ever done. He longed to know everything about her, and wanted her to know about him too. Some things he hadn't been able to tell her yet, just like he was sure she hadn't told him everything either, but somehow he knew that one day they would both know all about the other. So far he had been able to keep that at bay for the most part (he didn't want to do anything too stupid around her until he sorted his feelings out), but he knew that when it came down to it, it was likely only a matter of time. Whenever they were apart he found himself wondering about her, about what she was doing and worrying if she was okay. The fact that the Royal Family's harems were probably the most well guarded locations in the whole country couldn't stop him from worrying about her safety whenever he couldn't see her with his own eyes. Inuyasha had never felt this way about his other concubines. Yes he generally enjoyed spending time with Sango, and even Dalal and Muna in some circumstances. Yeah he liked knowing that his other concubines were happy, but looking back he had to admit that he had never gone out of his way just to make them smile like he did Kagome, nor had he ever got that warm, smiley feeling when he succeeded. He did tell his other concubines things about himself but he had always felt the need to hold things back with them, even Sango. With Kagome he instead felt an at times almost overwhelming urge to talk, at times only barely squashed. Ever since his sixteenth birthday when he first meet Sango and Dalal he'd never forgotten the fact that he had a harem, but he'd also never found himself constantly thinking (or obsessing might be a better word) about any of his concubines before Kagome had arrived. And while he had certainly never wanted any of them to be harmed in any way, he'd also never really worried about their safety in the past either, trusting the harem guards to do their jobs to keep them safe. Once again he wondered why Kagome was so different in his mind, what this feeling in his heart was whenever he thought about her. Whatever it was was strong, and so frustrating because he knew he should know what he was feeling but he just couldn't put a name to it. And he wanted to know, so badly. All he knew for sure was that for whatever reason Kagome was important to him, and that he never wanted to be rid of her. The very thought of life without Kagome was painful. He never wanted her out of his sights. In fact, right now he felt that he would be perfectly happy to stay right here in bed and gaze at her for the rest of his life.
Inuyasha sighed again, this time sadly, as that thought summoned another which he wished he could ignore but knew that he couldn't, that it wasn't possible for him to stay in bed looking at Kagome any longer. In fact he should have gotten up ages before now. He was supposed to meet Miroku this morning for a somewhat informal update about what various priests had been doing throughout the kingdom lately, which he was probably already late for. And since Inuyasha had been stupid enough to give Miroku walk in privileges to his harem, that most likely meant that the stupid monk was probably waiting in the garden for him now, thinking up teasing remarks to say to his prince and best friend about the probable reasons for his lateness (which, ironically, would in all likelihood be right for once), and upsetting and panicking the maids and guards, all of whom had made it no secret over the years that they didn't like the idea of such a notorious lecher as Miroku being allowed into the semi-sacred halls of the harem. Even if Inuyasha were to ignore the likelihood of Miroku current proximity and his impact on the harem staff, and were to put off the reason for his meeting with said Spiritual Advisor until a later date, he would still have to get up. He had another meeting with his father and his advisors this afternoon, and this one was one that he knew he would not be allowed to miss. Tonight was the third New Moon of the year. Every third, six, ninth and twelfth New Moon, the intelligence reports from their spies in Inu's various neighbouring countries came in and were given to the King and his council. It wasn't a meeting Inuyasha would be allowed to skip, and in truth he didn't want to. With Emperor Naraku still ruling Agabre, and still as power hungry as ever, Inuyasha wanted to be aware of everything bit of information he could get about the bastard and his plans. Like his father and elder brother, Inuyasha felt in his gut that it would no doubt only be a matter of time before Naraku turned his sights on Inu, and the men of the Royal Family had no intention of being caught with their pants down when that happened. Agabre may be a much larger kingdom than Inu and thus have far more men and resources than Inu, but because of its size and the fact that its past actions and earned it no allies in the neighbouring kingdoms it could only commit so much of said resources into an invasion if it came to that. There were several responses Inu could take to an attack which would make it difficult for Agabre to win in a pitched fight, and their odds increased with every bit of intelligence their spies managed to find. Not that such a fight would be costly to Inu as well, but as things stood, the future of Inu wasn't nearly as grim as one might think at first glance, should Naraku really invade.
Inuyasha shook his head to banish such thoughts, as he sat up and smiled down at Kagome who looked slightly confused by his actions, and more than a little worried by his suddenly grim expressions. Now was not the time to be worrying about this. It wasn't like there was any chance of an invasion happening any time soon. One of their spies in Agabre had managed to get himself a job as a clerk with the Agabrian Army, pretty high up too, and would know if anything big was planned long in advance. Schedule or not, if that kind of information was known it would have been given to King Inutaisho, his sons and his advisors the moment they received it. All signs pointed to Inu being safe for the moment and working himself into a panic over what might happen in the future helped no one. It was better to concentrate on the present and all the good things he had going for him in the here and now. For instance, the fact that he needed to have a bath and that once again he would be able to have said bath with Kagome. Sounded like a good way to end their morning together if you asked him and from the look on Kagome's face when he told her, she seemed to agree.
Miroku sighed with absolute boredom, as he sat staring in space into the harem's largest garden, just as he had for the last forty-five minutes. Inuyasha was ridiculously late, and it didn't look like he was going to turn up any time soon either. Add in the fact that unless there was a serious emergency - such as the palace is on fire, or the Agabrian Army is invading, or something along those lines - there was a standing order to never bother Inuyasha when he was in his room with a concubine and no one in the harem if not the whole country was brave enough to break that rule, it looked like Miroku might be stuck waiting for a long time. Actually, it wasn't true that no one was brave enough to break Inuyasha rule about not disturbing him when he was with a concubine, the King would do so if he felt it necessary. And if Inuyasha didn't get his act together soon and come out before the intelligence briefing this afternoon, the King just might find it necessary to do so. Hence another reason why Miroku hoped Inuyasha would come out soon, this one for his friend's sake rather than his own. King Inutaisho was a good King and a better man, but when he got angry... well let's just say that Inuyasha didn't get his temper from his mother.
Anyway, they weren't quite up to that stage yet, and hopefully Inuyasha would remember his duties before it got to that point. In the meantime, Miroku was stuck sitting here, alone, hoping that Inuyasha might suddenly remember he was alive and come to greet him. Even the guard who had let him into the harem and lead him here had left already, the long period of time spent away from his post eventually over riding his need to ensure that Miroku behaved so he had reluctantly left, though not without a strong warning about the law in regards to those who do anything with the Royal Family's concubines.
Miroku snorted to himself, like the guard really needed to remind him of that law. For the last six months and more that law was forever on his mind, taunting him and keeping him from the one thing he wanted most in this entire universe. Sango. Beautiful Sango. For all of his womanising Miroku knew she was the only woman who could ever ignite such feelings in his heart. Feeling which he knew were returned, but could not be acted upon. To do so would be to forfeit their lives, not to mention their betrayal would hurt a man they both cared about and were loyal too. If not for the fact that Sango was Inuyasha's concubine, he might have been tempted to risk it all for her. But as it stood he was loyal to the younger prince, as was Sango. They both owed too much to him, and they both cared too much.
But, oh, what Miroku wouldn't give to hold Sango in his arms, to kiss her beautiful lips and feel her magnificent body pressed up against his. What he wouldn't give for a chance to live out his dreams of him and her, if only once, if only for a moment.
It was then that fate seemed to intervene in Miroku's love life once again, when as if summoned by his thoughts Sango walked into sight. For a moment Miroku wondered whether maybe Sango had heard he was here and wanted to see him. But no, the look of surprise on her face was far too genuine; clearly this was merely a coincidence. Still, a very pleasant coincidence Miroku would admit, for even the opportunity to merely look upon the love of his life was something he had come to treasure. And from the look in Sango's eyes after the initial surprise had faded, she was happy to see him too.
“Ah, Sango, to what do I owe the pleasure of your presence, beautiful lady?” Miroku asked, being sure to keep his voice light and joking in case someone might be around to hear them. It wouldn't do for him to admit his undying love for the girl only to have it overheard by an overzealous maid.
“This is merely a coincidence, I assure you Priest.” Sango said calmly, as her feet lead her closer to her secret love without a conscious thought. “I was just out for a walk, and wondering where Kagome was. I didn't know you were in the harem. By the way, why are you in the harem?”
“Well, dear Sango, while I wish I could say I came only for the pleasure of looking upon your beautiful face I'm afraid that would be a lie.” Miroku said, by now fairly confidant that no one was around to see or over hear them. “I was supposed to meet Inuyasha, but so far this morning he has yet to leave his room, so here I am waiting. By the way, don't expect to find Kagome around for a while, if you know what I mean.”
Sango nodded and sat down on the bench next to Miroku. “Well then, do you mind if I sit with you for a while Miroku while we both wait? I've already had one unfortunate encounter with Dalal and Muna this morning, and I feel the strong urge to be around someone I can actually stand right now.”
“Of course, Sango, I would welcome your company.” Miroku said with a real smile. “I would always welcome your company.” He added in a fierce whisper, making Sango actually blush slightly.
It was then that it happened. Months of being in love with Sango and yet not being able to act on his feelings finally taking their toll as something inside Miroku finally snapped. Miroku then shocked himself by leaning forward and capturing Sango's lips in a fierce kiss.
If Miroku surprised himself with his actions, Sango was in complete disbelief. She never would have expected that Miroku would kiss her like this, and part of her couldn't help but wonder if this was some wonderful dream. She had thought that Miroku had understood that they could never act on their feelings and would just have to be content with loving each other from afar. She had never dreamed that she would actually have the opportunity to actually kiss Miroku like this, especially not while sitting smack dab in the middle of Prince Inuyasha's harem. For a moment, Sango couldn't resist the urge to kiss Miroku back with equal passion, caught up in the bliss that was this moment. But suddenly, after what seemed like both a second and an eternity, Sango pushed Miroku away and jumped to her feet taking a few steps back as she stared at the monk with eyes that were quickly filling with tears.
“Please, don't do that.” Sango said softly, her voice filled with sadness. “I love you, you know that. But you also know that we can never be together. Please don't make this harder for both of us by giving me a taste of what we both know all too well can never be real.” With that, Sango turned and ran out of the garden, leaving a mournful and somewhat shell-shocked Miroku behind watching her leave.
Unfortunately for the lovelorn pair, they were as alone as they had hoped. Not very far away at all, safely hidden from few behind a large flowering bush, a pair of avaricious eyes watched the scene with delight. She had known when she'd stumbled across the pair talking earlier that staying put and spying on them might prove to be in her favour and she was right. Not only had she seen the priest kiss Sango, she'd actually heard Sango declare her love for the lecherous bastard. Oh, this was just too good! It was the kind of news that every concubine with half a brain and a healthy thirst for power dreams about, the kind that earns you the gratitude of the master of the harem and permanently removes one of your biggest rivals in the process. Even if the Prince had recently seemed to have that weird infatuation with his latest toy, Sango had been his favourite for too long for Dalal not to still consider her a real threat. Oh this was perfect, now all she needed to do was find just the right moment to tell Prince Inuyasha of Sango's betrayal and her rightful place as the Prince's favourite concubine was as good as assured.
Chuckling evilly under her breath, Dalal quietly left the garden and returned to her room to plan out the best way to reveal her news.
It was fairly late in the evening by the time Inuyasha made it back to the harem. He and Miroku had made it to the intelligence briefing on time, Miroku even managing to tell him everything he should have been told that morning just in case anyone at the meeting brought it up, even if the priest had had to speed talk up until the last moment before they walked into the meeting.
Like most intelligence briefings it was way too long in Inuyasha's mind, and while it did contain some information which he freely admitted was important and readily listened to, most of it Inuyasha found mind-numbingly dull. Things in the Agabre Empire still looked quite from a military perspective, which was always a good thing. There were some rumours coming out of the Agabrian court that Naraku might be planning something, but at this point it was just rumours with no evidence to back them up so there wasn't much anyone could do, especially since no one seemed to have any idea just what that something might be. The news from other countries where their spies were located didn't have anything peculiarly troubling to report either. Things in Eriga had thankfully calmed down as the court had decided to support a distant cousin of the late king, a scholarly noble in his early forties with three sons and a daughter of his own, as their new ruler, and so the threat of civil war in that country was averted. Inuyasha had been surprised that things had been settled so peacefully as he knew those kinds of situations were usually powder kegs just waiting to go off and blow everyone to hell. However their spy had reported that the nobles were all rather worried about Agabre themselves and probably knew that a civil war would be like inviting the Agabrian Army to come and take them over. It probably gave them plenty of incentive to sort things out as quietly and peacefully as possible. Other than that there wasn't much to really report, just some trivial information about various countries likely exports and import needs this year, which Inuyasha didn't find all that interesting but had the commence advisors sitting on the edge of their seats.
By the time all the intelligence information was given and discussed it was getting pretty late and Inuyasha was just about to fall asleep in his chair. Add in the fact that the king insisted both his sons have dinner with him and Inuyasha's mother before they left, and it was no surprise that it was already dark by the time Inuyasha made it back to the harem. Inuyasha was in no mood by then to do anything but to go back to his room, spend some time with Kagome and then go to sleep. In fact he was looking to do just that, walking towards his room while keeping an eye out for a servant he could send off to summon Kagome when he ran into Dalal standing in the hallway leading to his room, apparently waiting for him.
“Good evening, Your Highness.” Dalal said in her usual flirting way she used whenever she was speaking to Inuyasha. “How are you this evening?”
“Tired.” Inuyasha said, looking past her with every intention of continuing walking. “So unless this is important Dalal I've got to go.”
“Actually, Your Highness.” Dalal said, in a suddenly very serious voice that Inuyasha didn't think he'd ever heard from her. “I'm afraid it is important. I have discovered some news that, while horrible, I feel is my duty to present to you as soon as possible. May I ask that you spare a moment so that I can tell you? In private?”
Inuyasha raised an eyebrow. If this was another ploy of hers to gain his favour he would be very upset, but then again he'd never seen Dalal look so serious before. Maybe what she had to say really was important. He supposed he should probably hear her out, after all how long could her news take anyway?
“Come on.” Inuyasha said continuing down the hall towards his room, gesturing for Dalal to follow. “This had better be important.”
“Oh believe me Your Highness.” Dalal said, glad that the prince's back was turned so that she didn't have to hide the nasty smirk on her face any longer. “It is.”
Hey people I'm back. So sorry that I've been gone so long, the last two months or so has been incredibly busy and hasn't left me much time to write. The course I was doing ended leaving me scrambling to get all my work in on time, I had to take my car in for service, my job service provider screwed up meaning I would have had to go on `work for the dole' at the end of next month if I still wanted to receive my Centrelink payments, and I finally got a job to go with the two year course I finished last year (which thankfully nipped the work-for-the-dole problem in the butt for me, I wasn't looking forward to whatever crappy job I would have ended up with otherwise.). There's more, but since I'm sure I'm already boring most of you by now I won't mention everything else. Just know that I haven't had much time to write lately but that hopefully I'll be able to get more up in the future. I promise to try at least.