InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Hating to love him ❯ Over-due introductions ( Chapter 2 )
[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Cht 2- Over Due Introductions
“ Kagome sure has been gone a while now.” Inuyasha spoke as if he were trying to pass it off as a simple comment. He turned to Sango who was sitting with Miroku by the fire. “ Why didn't you make sure she came up with you?”
“She said she wanted to stay a bit longer. You can go check on her, she's probably waiting for you there.”
Inuyasha got up and inconspicuously walked towards the river, leaving Miroku and Sango flirting and cuddling by the fire.
“ Kagome? You'll get wrinkly if you stay in the water this long. Kag?”
He entered the clearing where the river ran through expecting to see her in the water of by a rock but he saw no one. What he did see was her clothes strewn across the banking. Running to her clothes, he picked them up and sniffed them,
“ Naraku, damn it!” Picking up the remainder of her clothes, ran back to the camp. “ She's gone. And she is without her clothes.”
“Does that mean she is running around naked?” Miroku asked stupidly,
“ You idiot!” Sango slapped him in his head as she stood up, “ Do you know what happened to her?”
“ Naraku has her and the jewel shards. You two stay her and wait for the brat and Kirara to get back, I'm going after them.”
“ OK, but be careful Inuyasha.”
“ Imma tear that monster apart once I get a hold of him.”
Sango looked frightened but confident. She hadn't seen Inuyasha this angry in a long time. The last time being when he had confronted Naraku about the betrayal of Kykio. She smiled softly as he leapt off into the woods.
Kagome had given up any hope of escaping. She traveled willingly as she sat in the light purple bubble of Naraku's barrier. She tried to cover up herself at the start of their journey but didn't see a purpose anymore, as Naraku seemed not to notice or care that she was completely naked. There hadn't been a word from him. She had tried to ask what was his purpose with her or where he was taking her but no avail. He didn't answer her once. She shifted into amore comfortable position from the one she was currently in. It didn't matter; the blood had stopped running in her foot a long time ago. She sighed as she wondered if Inuyasha had noticed if she was missing yet and if he did, was he coming after her. It has been a while since I told Sango that I'd be there, they must have noticed me gone by now. Eh, I can imagine Inuyasha now, how stupid can I be to get abducted. How ironic for the last thing for him to tell me is be careful. I really wonder what he's doing now. Kagome was so caught up in her thoughts she didn't realize when they had landed at the entrance of a cave on a mountainside. The bubble around them dispersed and cool air came rushing to Kagome's naked skin. Goose pimples ran up her arms. Naraku suddenly pulled her up off the ground and dragged her into the cave. Inside the cave it seems that he was prepared for her arrival. The damp cave had a small campfire going and a change of clothes was in a corner. Way at the back of the cave, there was a dripping noise that Kagome was sure was going to annoy her. Naraku went over to the clothes and threw them at her,
“ Here, put these on.”
Unbeknown to Kagome, her naked body was bothering him. He had purposely not said anything to her the whole journey to avoid looking at her. Her ebony hair fell in droves down her back with some covering her chest and the rise to her breast. Her breasts were full and pert and her nipples stood erect to the cold she felt. He skin was a soft ivory smooth complexion that went undisturbed until it reached the triangle between her legs. Her hips expanded gently from her small narrow waist giving her a soft petite curve. Her legs were long and smooth; she had a body sculpted by the gods.
Kagome opened the clothes he gave her and held them up. It was a red kimono, similar to Kykio's own. Kagome quickly pulled the clothes on and stood up. She looked at her abductor for a brief moment before speaking,
“ You know he's gonna come after me.”
“ That's the plan.”
“ I thought you wanted me to look for the jewel shard for you?”
“ That's what I initially wanted but I knew you wouldn't find them willing for me. So I hold you hostage until he gives me more shards.”
“But he doesn't know how to find the shards!”
“ Well I know you mean a lot to that dumb hanoue so he'll find away.”
There was a slight pause before Kagome spoke cautiously, “ What makes you think that I mean a lot to him?”
“ He is a hanoue, meaning he is half human. The human part of him cant resist Kykio, even if its just her reincarnation.”
He spoke all this time with his back turned to her, but when he heard no reply to his stingy insult, he turned to her. She was kicking pebbles across the floor and looking down. He had obviously hurt her. He quickly added, “ But I see the way he protects you. I'm sure its not just obligation.”
“But it is. He only travels with me because he feel s grateful that I released him from the tree of ages and he feels partly responsible for shattering the jewel.”
“ It has to be more than that. No man or demon can resist a beautiful face, trust me its more than that.”
Kagome looked up at Naraku was stared at her intently. He broke the trance by swiftly turning on his heels and walking to the cliff that the cave stood on. Acting on impulse, Kagome ran out after him,
“ Wait a minute! “
“ What is it?”
Kagome didn't know what she had run out there for. She wanted to talk to him more, he was showing a weak side; a human side.
“ I haven't eaten anything all day.”
“ I sent for food, it will be here soon. Anything else?”
“ Well, I was kinda hoping we could talk.”
“ Talk about what?”
“ I dunno. I always hear stories about you. I guess I wanna know if their true.”
“ They are.”
“ No their not.”
He attempted to walk around her but she stepped into his way.
“ Naraku……”
She had never expected his name to come out like that but when it did she saw him go stiff, like he was stunned. “ Please just talk to me.”
“ Is that all you want me to do?”
Kagome didn't know how to answer that question so instead she did something that shocked both Naraku and herself. She flung her arm around him in an inviting embrace. He stood still for a minute before he lifted his arms and enveloped her in them. They stood like this for a while before a soft cough interrupted. Kagura stood at the edge of the cliff with a basket of fruits, bread and fish.
“ I see what you asked for so much food.”
She put down the basket and smiled sneakingly at Kagome who had moved away from Naraku and was looking around awkwardly. She then took a feather out of her hair and flew away leaving just a silently as she had came. Naraku went over to the basket and took it up. Without saying anything to kagome, he went inside the cave to prepare the food. Kagome shivered in a gust of wind. What the hell just happened? Did I just hug Naraku? Inuyasha's enemy? The whole reason we're on this god-forsaken quest! What if Kagura didn't come? What would have happened? Oh my god! What's happening to me? Oh Inuyasha, you better be on your way and get here quick!
Inuyasha crouched silently in a tree and sniffed the air. He smelled both Kagome's and Nauraku's sent. That bastard. What did he want with Kagome? He felt a surge of guilt run through him as he recalled their last conversation. He remembered how beautiful she looked as she slept propped up against a tree in the middle of the forest. He remembered how many times he'd tell her that her cooking was bad when he really loved it and he remembered how good it felt when she was on his back. He wanted her back. Not for the shards, but for him. There were many things he had left to say to he. He had to find her. Pulling out the ribbon from her uniform from his robe, he looked at it before resuming his search for her.
Kagome ate a small helping of the food despite her claim that she was starved. She kept looking at Naraku's face for some sort of emotion but his impassive face would not let up. When they were both finish, Kagome rose to clear away the scraps of food. Then she sat down again in front of Naraku,
“ Well what?” His voice was cold and impatient but Kagome had quickly learned not to make that trouble her.
“ You said you were gonna talk to me.”
“ What am I supposed to say.”
“ Tell me about you.”
Naraku looked at her searchingly but found no sign of an evil subplot. Her smile lit up her face and made her eyes shine in the dim light of the fire.
“ Can we go out into the night air?”
Kagome stood up and waited on him to follow suit. When he did, she walked to a large rock on the cliff and listened. He walked to the extreme edge of the cliff and looked down. His hands were folded stubbornly,
“ I was created by the dying wish of a human named Onigumo over 50 years ago. I want the Shikon jewel for the same reasons most demons want it for, the power. Its not that I intentionally go after you guys but ya'll are my biggest problem and you're in my way.”
He was silent after that, leaving his sentence echoing in the silence of the night air.
“ That's it?”
“ That's it.”
“ You'd think you were gonna drop a lecture the way you were acting.” Her voice was laced with humor. Naraku stormed over to her,
“ Well what about you?”
She got up off the rock and began walking aimlessly.
“ I'm kagome and I live with my mom, brother, granddad and my cat. I live in Tokyo, Japan and I'm in junior high. I'm 15 years old and I accidentally discovered my way her when I fell through the well in the shrine at my house. I didn't even know that I was the reincarnation of the priestess Kykio until I accidentally freed Inuyasha from the tree and met her sister Lady Kaede. Now I'm on a quest to correct what I did by taking out the jewel and shattering it. That it I guess.”
“ Tokyo?”
“ Yeah, its my….. village. It's in the future.”
By the time Kagome had finished telling her story, she was in front of Naraku. He looked down at her. It was hard to believe that such a beautiful woman with such curves and assets was only a girl. She was only 15. Although he had her age in mind, Naraku couldn't help it. He suddenly grabbed her and devoured her soft delicate plush lips. She seemed surprised for a minute before she reached up and held the nape of his neck beneath his hair, as if to hold his lips in place. He placed his arms around her tiny waist and pulled her as close to him as he could. A moan escaped her lips as she began to brace herself against him. He went deeper in to the kiss as if to steal the sweetness of her lips from her and as if to steal her breath. He nibbled gentle on her lips as he drank in the essence that was she. He ran his hands up and down the curve of her back resisting the temptation to grab her ass and pull her closer to his area. He wanted her to feel what she was doing to him. Feelings like this had never washed over him like this before, even when Onigumo's lust for Kykio resurfaced every now and then. No, this was completely new to him. He felt as if control was slowly slipping away from him and that if he didn't do something soon, he surely take her to the cave and have his way with her. But no, he couldn't. At least not yet and not on the course ground in a cave on a mountainside. He couldn't, she was still a child. A mature, lovely, beautiful young lady. He…must….. STOP!!!!!!
He stepped back from her violently pushing her to the ground in the process. He was breathing heavily and his face was rosy with either lust of embarrassment. He looked down at her and was shocked at what he saw. Her eyes were half closed in a lustful gaze; her lips were red and a bit swollen from the kiss she had just received. Her breast rose with each deep breath she took. He was lost for words; he had no idea what to say to her right now. Luckily for him, she spoke first,
“ I've never been kissed like that before. Not by a man either.”
Her eyes were fully opened now and trained on him, she spoke boldly, “ I've never felt this way before.”
“ Neither me.” Naraku managed to mutter. He stretched out a hand to help her up. She took it willingly and stood up so close to him she could feel his moist heated breaths on her forehead. Naraku stepped back,
“ That should have never happened.”
“ Why not?”
“ You are not mine, your Inuyasha's and plus you're a child.”
“ I belong to no one, and I'm grown enough to see what's going on here between us.”
Naraku shook his head slowly and repeated himself, “ That should have never happened.”
“ But it did.”
A/N: I think I kinda go away here. I really don't believe kagome is ok flirting with the enemy. But it was sweet isn't it!! And the fact that Naraku has some feelings for her too! OOOOOO! Drama like you can't handle!!! (Snaps fingers and shakes head) PLZ REVIEW!!!