InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Haunted ❯ Just GO! ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

~*~ A/N ~*~

Wahoo!!! CHAPTER 2!!!!!

Disclaimer: DISCLAIMED!

Summary: Kagome died five years ago at the hands of Naraku. Now 5 years later, Inuyasha is forced to relive the night Kagome died when someone kidnapped his daughter.


It was a beautiful winter night. The moon reflected off the pure white snow, washing everything in an eerie sliver glow. The musical sound of female laughter could be heard in the distance steadily drawing nearer.

"HAHAHA!! You can never catch me Inuyasha!" Kagome yelled over her shoulder playfully as she ran through the forest. Being that she was looking over her shoulder as she ran, she did not see the shadow swathed figure standing before her and so she ran into it.

"OOF!" was all she managed to get out with the wind knocked out of her.

"Oi wench, I thought you said I could never catch you," Inuyasha whispered huskily in her ear. Shivering at the feel of his hot breath on her ear, Kagome giggled a little and looked into his eyes, instantly trapped by their golden beauty. His eyes danced with mischief as his lips slowly lowered onto hers. Their first child had been born only a few months ago and this was the first chance they had to play and act like the 17 year olds they were, so they took full advantage of it.

As the kiss slowly broke he brought his hand up behind her back, his eyes dancing with mirth and mischief and brought a snowball down on Kagome's head. With a surprised shriek Kagome began chasing after Inuyasha as he ran for dear life, all the while laughing his head off. Slowly gaining on him seeing as how he wasn't using his hanyou speed, she came within five feet of him and lunged at him, tackling him with all her strength. They went rolling down a hill, a massive tangle of limbs and clothes, and landed at the bottom, Inuyasha on top pinning Kagome's wrists above her head. With a grin Kagome lifted her head enough so she could gently kiss her love on the tip of his nose. With a playful growl Inuyasha lowered his head and claimed Kagome's lips in a passionate, soul-searing kiss. When they finally parted their breaths were coming in short ragged pants creating a small cloud of white smoke between their two faces, they kissed again this time with more urgency, and they had more on their minds than just an innocent game of tag in the woods.


As they finished getting dressed, a loud crash assailed the couple's ears and they turned in the direction of Kaede's village to find a haze of orange light and black smoke hovering over the small village.

Expertly sniffing the air Inuyasha caught the scent of blood and fire. In a state of panic Inuyasha grabbed Kagome, flinging her over his shoulder and headed towards the village at top speeds.

"What's going on?!" Kagome asked in a panic stricken voice.

"There's been a massacre at the village!" was his curt reply.

"Oh my god! Shippou! Reianna! Please be ok!"

"Calm yourself love. I'm sure Sango and Miroku saw them off safely with Kirara before the fighting even started," he stated despite the worry and fear he really felt.


Snapping back to reality I realized we had finally made it back to the house. Depositing Shippou with his grandmother, I quickly filled her in on the situation and set off after the bastard who dared kidnap my daughter.

Speeding down the highway to the location the note had indicated, I let my thoughts consume me once again.


When they reached the village, most of the villagers lay slain and in the center of the small village stood Miroku and Sango fighting back to back, against a hoard of demons. Breaking through to the center they landed next to them and began fighting.

Pulling out the beautifully crafted katana that Inuyasha had Totousai make for her as a wedding gift, she assumed a fighting stance and began fighting at once. Ever since their wedding day, Kagome always carried that sword on her person, just as Inuyasha always had the Tetsusaiga with him. She had come a long way with her training with both the sword and bow, and her skill even surpassed that of Inuyasha and Sango.

"Where are the kids?" she yelled over her shoulder at Sango as the blocked the fangs and tail of a snake youkai.

"I decided it would be best to send the twins, Shippou, and little Rei off with Kirara and Kaede," she yelled back as she caught the Hiraikotsu.

With a nod and a sigh of relief, Kagome turned back just in time to block a blue oni that came charging at her. The sword that Inuyasha had given her was made to channel her miko powers. To merely be touched by that blade and any youkai save those she had love for would be purified. With a vicious slash and a flick of her wrist two youkai that came charging at her turned to dust and blew away.

Somehow a bird youkai managed to infiltrate their defenses and grabbed Kagome on her sword arm with its sharp talons causing her to lose her grip on the precious sword. Crying out in pain as the bird dug its claws deeper into her arm, breaking it, as it took off, she struggled in vain to escape to clutches of the bird youkai.

"Kagome!" Inuyasha called out as he turned just in time to see her being carried away by the youkai. Turning around he looked to the quickly receding form of the youkai and then back at his friends.

"What are you waiting for baka?! Go after her!" Miroku yelled at his friend noticing his indecision, blocking the claws of a neko youkai with his staff.

"Don't worry about us! We can handle ourSELVES!" she said as she threw the Hiraikotsu again emphasizing the last word. "Just GO!" she screamed noticing his indecision, startling the hanyou into action.