InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Have a Horney Halloween ❯ Have a Horney Halloween ( Chapter 1 )
Have a Horney Halloween By Mija
Disclaimer~Do not own Inuyasha and Company.
A/N~This is my Halloween Fic, its a one shot lemon and although the gang is present there are no demons or half demons and stuff, everyone is human.
~~~Kagome yanked on her skirt and pulled on her top. Oh Gods she couldnt wear this, she thought. She couldnt believe she had let her friends talk her into this. Ok so she had been a bit siked about it at first, till she pulled out her card. She had wanted to back out but if she did she wouldnt of ever lived it down. Everyone had agreed that since they were now seniors, they couldnt go to the big Halloween party at Rins in the same old kiddy costumes they had every year. So this year they had promised to go in more daring fun ones. They had placed some seductive and fun ideas in a cap and then all took turns pulling out thier chosen costume. Rin had picked the playboy bunny outfit, Kagura the Mistress of the dark outfit Elvira, and Sango had gotten the french maid one. And what did Kagome get? Of all the costumes she got the hooker one. A Hooker for goodness sakes! Luckily her mother had gone out earlier or she would never have made it out of the house. Part of her wished her mother had found out, then she would have a reason not to go. How could she leave the house looking like this?? It was too embarassing and humiliating!
~~The outfit was consisted of a very short leather mini skirt with a hot pink halter top that only covered her breast but nothing else. Her belly button showed and the thigh high fish net stalkings didnt help at ALL! The skirt didnt even cover the garters that held up her fish net stalkings. To add to that was the black stilletto heels. She hoped she didnt fall and break her neck. Except for some gaudy jewelry, way too much makeup and pinned up hair, that was the extent of her outfit. She blushed as she looked at herself in the mirror. She had to admit if only to herself that she felt really really sensual and sexy in this outfit, ya so she also felt a bit slutty but compared to her normal everyday clothes, this costume made her look very curvy and vuluptious. She would have no trouble getting Inuyasha's attention tonight she thought. Then frowned. She didnt want his attention. He was a jerk. Ok so she had a major crush on him, but he treated her like she was a pest and basicly ignored her most of the time. Sango had told her it was probably cause she looked like his ex Kikyo. They had broken up not that long ago and it had really hurt Inuyasha alot. At least thats what Miroku, Sango's boyfriend and Inuyasha's best friend had told her. Yes. Inuyasha was a pain most of the time and had a habit of calling her names. He was loud foul mouthed and rude, but something about him drew her to him. But he would never see her as anything but Sango's bestfriend.
~~~Kagome heard the honk of Sango's car and hurried downstairs, carefull not to trip over those big spike like heels. She grabbed a jacket and went out to the car. Sango whistled in a wolfish way and leered at her.
"Woohooooo momma you look hot.." Sango teased, and Kagome blushed a bright red.
"Stop teasing Sango its not least you have more covering you up than me.." Kagome replied as she got in the car after some manuvering and tugging of her skirt and pulling up on her top. Sango laughed and drove off.
"Your going to knock every ones eyes off Kagome, every guys there is going to drool." Sango said trying to sooth her friends fears. She knew Kagome was nervous, but she looked good and it was only for one night and it was a halloween party.
"I dont want them to drool." Kagome pouted.
"Not even Inuyasha?" Sango grinned and winked at her.
"Especially not Inuyasha..I wont play carbon copy of his ex girlfriend Kikyo." Kagome stated crossing her arms around her chest which felt wierd since she wasnt wearing a bra. The halter top wouldnt allow one.
"You know shes going to be there dont you??? Rins mom told Rin to invite her since they are nieghbors." Sango replied, her voice showing her own distaste for the girl. Kikyo was not a very nice person, she made fun of people and was a major flirt. She went after any guy she wanted with a fierce determination and didnt care if he had a girlfriend or not. The witch had even went after Sesshoumaru, Rins boyfriend and Inuyasha's older brother for goodness sake. But at least Sess had more honor than to fall for his little brothers ex she bitch, plus he really did love Rin and would never hurt her.
"What do you think Miroku is going to do when he sees you in that outfit Sango?" Kagome asked, not wanting to talk about Kikyo. She didnt care if she was there. She had no hold on Inuyasha and if he wanted to get back with Kikyo then she could care less. Even though the thought of it made her sick inside and her heart hurt.
"Are you kidding?? he'll probably drop to his knees and ask me to bare his children again." Sango replied with a laugh, which made Kagome laugh too. The first time Miroku had ever seen Sango hed fallen to his knees and asked her to bare his children right before he groped her on the ass. The hit Sango gave him knocked him unconscience. But since that day, Miroku had eyes for no one other than Sango and pursued her till he had won her heart. They've been going steady for over a year now and were very much in love.
~~~They arrived at the party, which you could hear down the street. The music was so loud and cars were parked down the entire street. Sango found a place to park and they got out of the car only to be whistled at and propositioned. Sango just rolled her eyes as if used to this sort of thing, then again her boyfriend was a lech, maybe she was. But Kagome? She blushed a shade of pink that almost rivaled her top. She wasnt used to guys oogling her and blatently staring at her ASSETS so to speak. And many of the propositons she got were lude and dirty. Once inside the hopping house packed to the rafter with costumed party goers, the comments, leering and propostions continued, making Kagome very very uncomfortable. Alot of the whistles and leers Sango got were cut off when Miroku dressed as a pirate swooped to her side, glareing at any guy who looked at his girl. Sango giggled. Miroku looked down at her and growled. Sango quirked an eyebrow and loooked at him oddly. He never did that. Kagome giggled.
"What the hell are you wearing Sango??" Miroku asked in a possesive hiss.
"A french maid costume." Sango said absently.
"I can see that." Miroku gritted threw clentched teeth.
"Then why the hell did you ask me for?" she replied irratably.
"Let me make it a bit more clearer for you to comprehend sweet Sango...what the hell possesed you to wear something so scant?..something that practically reveals your private goods to the whole world." Miroku stated with a very very angry tone. Sango frowned.
"Ohh geez Miroku calm down, all of me is covered, nothings showing."
"For Kami's sake your boobs are about to pop out of the top and if you bend over even slightly or site down for Kami's sake you can see your panties." Miroku hissed. Sango grinned.
"Who said Im wearing panties." she teased and for a second Miroku's eyes glazed over, before he shook his head to clear it of his hentai thoughts and started to drag Sango off with him. Sango giggled and went along with him, waving to Kagome with a big grin on her face. Kagome knew that Sango and Miroku had been having sex for over a month now so it didnt surprise her much. But after Sango left, Kagome began to fidget. She was alone. Oh Gods.
~~~It didnt take long for guys to start hitting on her and asking her how much she would take for an night with them, or an hour even. Each propostion make her face heat up with the embarrassment and humiliation of it all. Then Kouga came. And when he snaked one hand up her fish net clad thigh she turned around and slapped him hard. He laughed and so did a few others, till a very husky and cold voice was heard from right behind her.
"Well what did you expect Kagome??? Your dressed like a whore..but the outfit really does suit you you know..shows your true colors." said a very snide Kikyo who laughed at her own comment which had a few of her own stuck up friends laughing. This pissed Kagome off. Kikyo was dressed in a traditional white wedding Kimono that really looked beautifull on her and bought out the best of her lovely features.
"Well at least I cant say the same for you Kikyo...I mean white??? paleeeese...not in your wildest dreams..I think my costume would fit you more appropriately..ooh but dont charge for your services now do you?? your legs are like a revolving door, and you have a ticket dispenser by the side of your bed..with a bright yellow neon sign the reads over 1 million served right?" Kagome asked in her most sweetest and most innocent voice. This had alot of people laughing hard and her soo called friends had a hard time holding back thier own giggles.
"Fuck you Bitch!." came Kikyo's whispred venomous retort. Kagome smiled.
"Sorry Kikyo..I dont do girls, but thanks for the offer." Kagome replied as she flung her head and stuck her nose in the air and walked off with a whole hell of alot of grace. She could still hear laughter and she just knew Kikyo was fuming. She could care less.
After Kagome had walked off as gracefully as she could she found a empty cornor and slumped against the wall. She sighed. She wasnt a violent or mean person by nature, but she wasnt one to let others push her around either, especially Kikyo. But even the scene with Kikyo wasnt troubling her right now. She was alone at this party. Sango and Miroku were God knows where, not to mention Rin and Sess who she had yet to see, even if this was Rin's party. As for Kagura she had caught a sight of her earlier in her Mistress of the dark costume, leading a very very handsome young man towards the back yard. Kagome knew what she was planning to do, it hadnt beent the first time Kagura had used Rins pool side cabana to have one of her many trists. One would think all of Kagome's friends where horney and sluttly little devils, but they werent. Well except Kagura, she was a hell of a girl, funny loyal and a great friend, but she had a thing for the guys, and felt no shame in admitting it and indulging in it. As for Sango she had been a virgin till Miroku and that barely happened a month ago and who could blame Sango for taking every chance she could to spend some intimate time with the man she loved? Same went for Rin. She and Sess had been seeing each other since the ninth grade and they hadnt consumated thier relationship till just a few month ago, at the spring formal.
~~~Kagome sighed again. It looked like everyone had someone except her, and the only guy she really wanted was Inuyasha. But he couldnt see her from adam and that pissed her off. Kagome started to get pissed again. Why should she wait for him? Or any man to finally rid her of her virginity. Ok well she needed a man, but why did she have to wait? Right now there was plenty of guys out there who would gladly take her to some place private and give her something shed been yearning for since Rin, Kagura and Sango began sharing thier intimate encounters. Kagome had not wanted to hear any of it, but what could she do? She had stayed shut and listened while they all spoke of thier sexcapades. Kagome always tried to make herself really small and unnoticable at those times. It wasnt fair that she was the only one who didnt have those sort of stories to share with her best girlfriends. Thats when she decided. Tonight would be the night. She was going to have at least one hot story of her own to share and to remember before she graduated highschool.
~~~With new resolve she walked over to the refreshment table and got herself a wine cooler. She never drank more than two of these cause she didnt like being addle minded. But she was going to need at least three to boost her courage up tonight. But the guys she choose wasnt going to be any guy, she was going to be picky, after all this was her first time dammit, she deserved to be a bit choosy right? And she was soo glad alot of the guys had masks on. She wanted the man she choose to be anonymous, and stay that way. She never wanted to know what he looked like or see his face after tonight so the mask would stay on and she would make sure that if he wanted her that he would never ever come up to her and ask her about this night. For her she wanted him to stay a mystery forever.
~~~Kagome danced alot of songs with various guys, all in masks, trying to figure out which one she would enjoy an intimate interlude with this night. By the looks in thier eyes they all wanted more than just a dance and that made Kagome feel a bit wanton and sexy. The fire in thier eyes and the yearning behind those grins made her feel confidant and sensual. Tonight she wasnt just plain old quit and shy Kagome, but a temptress. A siren that would lure the right man into her spell of lust. Alot of the dances were slow or the beat in such a way that it gave her plenty of opputunities to grind and dance sexily with her partners. But sadly, none of them really sparked the sort of intrest she was looking for. As she downed her fifth wine cooler, taking a breather and scanning the room, she watched as a very sexy guy in a vampire costume came towards her. He wore all black, with a long flowing cape around his very nice fit form. He had long raven hair cascading down his back and a white black mask that covered his eyes and the top of his nose. He had violet colored eyes, she noticed when he came right up to her and grinned down at her. Oh my, he had a pair of really nice and very real looking fangs in that sensual mouth of his. And he was looking at her like he would like to eat her up. That turned her on and made her panties damp. Too bad it wasnt Inuyasha she thought. Unlike this guy Inuyasha had the most beautifull head of silver hair and heart stopping amber eyes. But this guys was a very very close second and she couldnt help how her heart raced at the way he looked at her and held out his hand.
"Dance with me." he said in a husky whisper. Looud enough for only her ears to hear. The sound of that husky voice made her shiver with unexplainable tingles. And the way he said it was not a question. He was commanding her.
~~~With out much thought, as if he really were a vamp and had her in his thrall, she put her hand in his and let him lead her out onto the dance floor where a very nice slow song was playing. Without a word or protest from her, he pulled her close to him and wrapped his arms around her body, not an inch of space between them. He bent his head slightly and nuzzled her neck as he began to rock back and forth to the soft beat of the music. Kagome was in heaven. She couldnt remember ever feeling this good inside, this cherished. He was holding her as they danced, as if she were a treasure, something pricless and delicate. As they danced Kagome molded herself more into him and sighed with utter bliss. She loved the feel of his chest his arms, his entire being surrounding him. And he smelt heavenly. When his hands started to slide slowly down her back till they cupped her leather clad ass, she almost whimpered with glee. But when his fake fangs began to nibble gently at her neck as he kissed her and licked her pressure point, Kagome let out a very aroused moan. She felt his lips smirk against her neck and she was about to blush when he moved an inch and whispered into her ear.
"I want you bad Kagome..Dont turn me down..come with me some place private." he said, his hot breath and sexy husky voice sent more shivers up her spine, then she pulled back a bit.
"Do I know you?" she asked suspiciously.
"What makes you think that?" he asked with a grin.
"You said my name."
"Your name is the topic of the party Kagome..didnt you know that?? Every guy here knows the name of the hottest and most sexy chick here....and everyone of them wants to be in your pants tonight." he grinned, and Kagome blushed. Ok so they werent romantic fluffy words of love, but hell, she was turned on by them all the same.
"So what makes you think that YOU"LL be the one in them tonight?" she asked huskily, teasing him. For a second she swore she saw a very predatory look flash over his violet eyes and his jaw seemed to tighten in anger. Then it was gone so fast Kagome wasnt sure she saw it at all.
"Because if it aint me in them, then I'll garuntee you that it wont be anyone else either..your mine one elses." he replied with an almost feral like grin, that had Kagome's panties soaking. Ok she admited it. She like a guy who was just a bit possesive and aggresive.
"And If I still refuse you?? how can you stop me from being with anyone else?? would you..force me?? hurt me?" she asked, cause although she liked forcefull and aggressive guys she didnt like dangerous ones.
"I would never force my self on ANYONE least of all you..and I will admit I have a temper but never have I used it against a female before and I dont plan on starting to now...if you refuse me then so be it...but if you even try to take off with another guy I will be there..and I cant garuntee you that I wont hurt HIM." he warned and squeezed her butt affectionatly, then nipped her neck with his fangs before he pulled out of thier tight embrace.
"Come with me." he commanded again as he held out his hand to her. He was going to let her decide, his grin and eyes promising that if she put her hand in his, she would enjoy a night of passion she would never forget. Hell who was she to deny him?
~~~Kagome placed her hand in his and he wrapped his long fingers around her tiny hand and gently tugged her along with him, weaving and making his way threw the throng of people and down corridors. Kagome already knew where he was taking her as she looked around her. After all this was Rin's house and she had been here many times before. She vaguely wondered how he knew where they were going. This part of the house was off limits to the guests of the party and was deserted. He led her into a room and shut the door behind him. He flicked on a small lamp next to the door and leered sexily at her. Then without a word he stalked her like a panther, not scared but a bit nervous she began to step back to everyone of his steps towards her. He kept coming and she kept retreating till her butt hit the rim of the billiard table behind her. She let out a small yelp when he took that oppurtunity to press his body tight against hers while taking her lips in a fierce, possesive and passion filled kiss. She moaned in his mouth as he plundered her mouth, groaning with satisfaction as his tongue sought out the very recesses of her mouth. She loved the way he would growl soflty when she would run her tongue against his fangs and suck on his tongue.
~~~Kagome moaned louder when his hands slid up her skirt and pulled the hem of it up with him and then stepped between her legs. Instinctivly she wrapped her legs around his body and cried out softly in his mouth when he began to grind his very large arousal against her thin soaked panties. He growled more and started to nibbled his way down her lips, to her chin, then her collar bone and down her chest, till he came to the top of the halter top. With one hand he pulled it down and set her naked breasts free to his gaze. His eyes seemed to burn with fire as he looked at them and Kagme gasped out loud and moaned long when he took one beaded nipples into his mouth. Oh Gods! Kagome thought. Each suck and tug on her breast with his mouth sent fire into her womb. How could she have known her breasts were so sensitive to such stimuli? She grabbed his black haired head and pressed him tightly to her breast, whimpering with need and desire. Her hips bucked and grinded into his still concealed arousal as it grinded into her more rapidly and more ugently.
~~~Kagome didnt know how to explain it, but the ball of lava that was collecting in her womb, ready to explode outward grew and grew till she was crying out, and just when she was about to reach some pinnacle she yearned for, he stopped. She whimpered and looked at him pleadingly as he stared down at her. His eyes still flashed and his grin was lecherous. He looked at her kiss swollen pink lips and then gazed with satisfaction at the rosey red peaks on her breasts that had been made rosier by his avid attention. When she opened her moutht to beg him to continue he smirk and placed a finger on her mouth, a silent command for her to be silent. Then to her surprise he unwrapped her legs from around himself and places the bottom of her stilletto feet against the rim of the billiard table. The angle had her thighs wide open for his view and made her look totally wild and abandoned. His hard on throbbed painfully in his pants at the sight of her with her breast hanging out of her top, her hair mussed with his fingers combing threw it, and her skirt hiked up around her waist to reveal her thin lacy thong panties, as well as the delicious garter belt she wore to keep those naughty fish net thigh high stalking up.
~~~Before she could open her mouth to say a word, he got down on his knees and bought his face down between her thighs. Kagome's eyes went wide and she was about to protest till she felt his mouth on her damp lace covered pussy. Ohhhh Gods! She cried out loud and she felt him smirk against her swollen lace clad folds. With one finger he pulled the tiny bit of fabric covering her from him, aside and inhaled the musk of her arousal. He wanted to taste it bad. So he did. His tongue delved into her folds and started to explore her hot wet pussy as he sucked on it as well, making slight slurping noises as he did. He loved the taste fo her and wasnt about to stop till she came in his mouth. He probed his tongue inside of her, mimicking what he was going to be doing with another part of his body soon, and suckled on her clit as his face fangs gently grated against her tender and aching flesh. Since Kagome was so new to all of this and what he was doing was soo good and driving her crazy it didnt take long for her to scream out as the ball of lava in her womb finally exploded outward, leaving a wake of heavenly heat through out her body. He had felt her orgasm coming as her walls began to tighten around his tongue and he had worked feverishly to bring her to climax. When she came and shouted out, he growled with male satisfaction and need, as he sucked every single drop of her cum into his eager mouth.
~~~After that earth shattering burt of bliss Kagome fell onto her back against the felt table top and sighed with satisfaction. Her heart was racing and her breathing was shallow. She was still thinking and coming down off that wonderfull high when she felt him move her feet again till her legs were over his shoulders. She got on her elbows to look at him and saw the heat in his eyes and looked down to see that he had freed his enourmous erection from his pants. She gasped at the sight of it. It was HUGE! and looked as hard as steel. He grinned at her and his eyes flashed with something other than heat and want. It flashed with warmth and tenderness.
"Shhh will only hurt for a second I promise." he cooed as he sank the tip of the giant cock into her wet glistening folds.
~~~Kagome bit her bottom lip at the feel of just his tip barely inside of her. It felt incrediable. She let her head fall back on her shoulders as she was still braced on her elbows as he went a bit deeper and deeper still, letting her tight channel adust to his invasion. Soon he was at her virgin barrier and with a swivel of his hips he broke threw it and she cried out. Damn that had hurt. She thought as tears slid down her eyes. He didnt move a muscle as he stayed perfectly still deep within her, buried to the hilt. After the pain receded she looked at him and saw the strain on his face as he held back to let her accept and mold around him. She smiled and lifted her hips up which bought him deeper, which niether believed possible. He hissed and looked down at her with that heat in his eyes again. Gripping her thighs and digging into her flesh with blunt nails he began to thrust in and out of her slowly. By this time the pain had left and all Kagome could feel was that aching burning lava ball within her starting to form. She moved her own hips and met each of his thrusts which made him hiss then groan with pleasure. She moaned out her own pleasure.
"Faster...go faster please??" she pleaded as she moaned louder and moved her hips into him more. He complied and began to pump his cock into her in a fast rythm that bought him in hard and deep. The sounds of flesh slapping agaisnt flesh as he fucked her was erotic and second to thier moans and groans of passion.
~~~He couldnt help but love the way Kagome's tits bounced and jiggled widly everytime he pumped into her. He loved the sight of it and went faster and harder, making them bounce more. He leaned over her form with her legs still draped over his shoulders and took a jiggling mass of flesh into his mouth, sucking on her hard nipple like a starving man. He loved the taste of her, the feel of her tight walls around his cock and the wonderfull friction of each and every thrust into her wonderfully wet, hot and tight passage. She scooted closer to the edge of the table so that he could pound into her better and deeper as he suckled her nipples and she tugged on his hair and held him to her breasts as she panted and moaned and began to feel that ball getting ready to burst again.
"Oooh Gods Im cumming!" he growled as he pounded faster and sucked harder and she yelled out in pure wanton bliss as her second orgasm flooded her body, her muscles clamping around his satiny hard cock as he thrusted with urgency. Then she felt him tense and arch as he slammed one last time into her hard and shouted out her name as his seed shot into her womb.
~~~When he had finally filled her with each drop he collapsed ontop of her and panted. Sweat beaded his face and neck as it beaded her own exposed flesh. She too panted and tried to stop her eratic heart beat. She instinctivly clenched around his deflating erectoin when he nuzzled her breast and kissed each tip tenderly.
"Gods I love you Kagome..." he whispered. And Kagome's eyes shot open. She pushed him off and looked at him as she pulled up her top and covered her breasts.
"Who are you?" she asked nervously.
"The only man your ever going to do this with ones ever going to look or touch whats mine again..I almost killed Kouga for touching you." came his reply, no longer masked in a husky whisper.
" cant be.." she gasped, as she watched as he pulled off his mask. Kagome just lay there with her mouth hung open in shock.
"Buu..But how??" she asked stupidly, not believing her own eyes. He grinned.
"Hair dye and contact lenses." he explained as he popped the violet colored lenses from his eyes to reveal his natural amber gold orbs.
"Buu..I" she stuttered, still unable to believe she had just made love to Inuyasha, the only guys she had every truelly wanted.
"Cat got your tongue huh?? I know the feeling love." he smirked pulling her to him so that he could wrap his arms around her. She was shaking.
"Kagome?? Whats wrong?? Dont you..dont you like me?" he asked, wondering if he had read her all wrong this last year.
"Nooo..." She whispered.
"Then whats wrong?"
"I..I thought you didnt like meeee!" she cried as she buried her face in his chest and cried. Inuyasha held her and chuckled.
"Silly woman..of course I like you..I love you..."
"But why didnt you ever tell me then?? why have you been treating me like the plague all this time?" she asked angerly as she pushed from his chest to look into his amber eyes.
"Cause I wasnt sure how you felt about me..I mean ya I pretty much had a feeling you liked me as much as I liked you...but..honestly Kagome...I wasnt ready to get into any sort of relationship yet..I mean after that shit with Kikyo.." he was cut off there by Kagome.
"So thats why you want me?? cause I look like her?"
"Fuck NO!...ooh Gods if I thought you looked like her I would never have given you a second look." he said vohemently.
"But I thought she was your greatest love?"
"Are you kidding?? I hate the bitch..cant stand her actually."
"But everyone said she broke your heart and that you couldnt be with anyone because you still loved her." Kagome said with confussion.
"Thats what Kikyo spread..I didnt care what the hell she said as long as she left me alone..and just to set the record straight?...I dumped her not the other way around..shes a bitch and cold as hell..I wanted her gone from my life and dumped her, she didnt take it will at first, and started the story of me being love sick over her because she broke my heart..I just let everyone believe what they wanted to, it didnt matter to me, as long as it kept her away." he explained.
"Kagome..your the only one ive ever felt like this for..I love you stupid girl dont you know that?" he scolded playfully. Kagome giggled.
"I do now..." she replied happily as she snuggled into his chest.
"Nuh huh...not yet vixen..we have a few things we need to talk about." he said as he pulled her from his chest to look into his eyes once again.
"What?" she asked with concern.
"First of all we are going to establish right here and now that your MY one elses k?"
"Of course." she smiled with relief.
"Then were going to discuss what the fuck you were thinking to first of all dress in this outfit of yours and then have one hell of a convo about you fucking me..a guy you thought you didnt know.." he stated with a angry growl.
"Uh ohh.." she whispered, then said shit before she made a bolt for the door. Only to have Inuyasha grab her and toss her onto the leather couch off to the side of the room.
"Ohh no you dont..Im going to make sure you know every inch of my body before the nights you will never ever forget what I feel like even in the dark...cause so help me Kagome if you ever fuck any one but me I will kill him slowly." he stated as he took her mouth in a possesive kiss and started to grind his already hard erection into her again. MMMM Kagome moaned and thought. Damn if this was punishment she sure in the hell liked the way Inuyasha thought. She couldnt wait to share her own hot little story with the girls later, about the best and hottest halloween ever.
A/N~Thee me know what ya think about my one shot Halloween lemon k guys?? till laters you all be well safe and good..huggles and smiles Mija..:-) HAVE A VERY HAPPY AND HORNEY HALLOWEEN..HEHE...