InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Haze of the Heart ❯ The Well ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

The Well
WOW! I'm on a role! Truth is, I've had these chapters, just not the time to put them up. Oh well, read and review!
A week passed, and Kagome's mood had done little to improve. She ate one meal a day, and slept the rest of the time, hoping for dreams of the feudal era. Then, one night as the wind blew the curtains of Kagome's room, Kagome decided that she would visit the well house... Taking a blanket, Kagome trudged miserably to the well house, feeling it hopeless to dream about rejoining her friends in the past. The rain battered Kagome unmercifully, as if taunting her pain. Kagome opened the door to the well house, her feet feeling heavy as lead as she walked toward the portal to her happiness. Kagome looked at the well sadly, knowing her friends could have very well been in her imagination, and cursing her life. Kneeling down, Kagome fingered the ancient wood of the well, an image flashing in her mind, an image that would haunt her forever.
"Inuyasha!" A harsh voice pierced the night as a blur of flashed by. An arrow accompanied the voice, a voice so full of hate, and made contact with flesh, sending blood into the air. Inuyasha winced, "K- kikyou... why?" Kikyou smirked in amusement, eyes glimmering as death. "Is it so wrong to lie Inuyasha, when that lie may save the lives of your people?" Inuyasha's face held no comprehension, so Kikyou continued, “To you Inuyasha, I was the light in a dark world, ne? And you foolishly thought I felt the same. But my words were lies, to gain your trust, so that I may kill you!” Inuyasha hurt by Kikyou's words, but unwilling to admit it, smirked, "You an' what army, huh?" Kikyou smiled in innocence, betraying the evil that writhed inside her, "I'm glad you asked!" As Kikyou said that one word, Kagome's heart leapt into her throat, "INUYASHA NO!" The arrows that had been let loose didn't veer off path, and the soldiers didn't stop. The flew with procession, piercing skin and bone. As Inuyasha watched the arrows approach, he felt assured, as though something better were waiting, if he let the arrow's pain consume him. So he did, he let the arrows puncture his flesh and take his life. Inuyasha, the hanyou Kagome loved, was dead, and Kikyou was laughing, holding his bloody figure in her arms, a river of blood flowing between her fingers, “A lie to save humanity Inuyasha! Life is all a lie!”
Kagome cried in pain, her forehead leaning against the well. She hit the ground with all her might, screaming hellishly, her voice lost in the chaos of the storm outside. Her shoulders shook with grief as she had been proven that the past as real, but something was askew. Eyes widening, Kagome watched as her hands began to bleed, blood flowing through her outspread fingers. "N- No.... NO! I DIDN'T KILL HIM! NO! INUYASHA!" Kagome wailed, the well house walls muffling her shrieks. Kagome's throat constricted. "No... I, I tried to save him." Kagome looked at her hands and cried, realizing that the blood was not Inuyasha's as she had first thought it to be, but her own blood, swimming through her self inflicted wounds. "Th-This is crazy... maybe, maybe I'm crazy…"
Her hands dropped, once again making contact with the wells ancient wood, staining it red. And once again, just as before, an image came.
Sango's death played in her minds eye, causing her to writhe in pain, a warm, tearing feeling ripping at her heart. Clawing frenziedly at her chest, Kagome panted, passing into darkness, shrieks and blood her only companion in darkness. As Kagome lay, once again unconscious, a figure approached her.