InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ He's My Girl ❯ Puppy Punishments ( Chapter 12 )
[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Disclaimer: We only use the Inuyasha characters for our own devious purposes. They will be returned (mostly) unharmed when we are done. Inuyasha is the property of Rumiko Takahashi and we make no profit from playing with and/or tormenting her characters.
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Warnings: Foul language and plenty of limey action.
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Special thanks to our awesome and talented betas: Hedanicree, SplendentGoddess and Blackdeathmessenger!
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Co-authored by Ai Kisugi and Karaumea
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Warnings: Foul language and plenty of limey action.
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Special thanks to our awesome and talented betas: Hedanicree, SplendentGoddess and Blackdeathmessenger!
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Co-authored by Ai Kisugi and Karaumea
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Chapter 12: Puppy Punishments
Sesshoumaru stood poised outside the entrance of the Seventh Heaven nightclub. He had walked past the establishment for the past three nights and had not dared to walk inside.
He had always kept a cool demeanor, but now his ice-cold façade was fracturing, all because of a petite woman who worked at the club as a stripper. She had been the very woman he had intended to make his mate if she had only stayed with him. However, she had disappeared soon after the death of her father and had never even bothered to contact him. He had feared that she had been kidnapped or perhaps had been killed. He never knew her fate until a tip from a stranger revealed where she had been hiding. She stayed away from me. She chose not to be with me.
He didn’t know what made him angrier. That she had been living a scant 15 minutes away from his work and had never bothered to even let him know that she was alive or that she was working as a stripper, like a common whore.
His blood writhed in fury at the idea of the countless men who had seen his Rin naked. How many men have seen Rin nude while she’s stripped? How many men have touched her body? How many men has she slept with?
His poisoned claws emitted a green vapor and the flyer for tonight’s headlining act started to smoke. Within his hand was a shiny piece of paper regaling the main act, ‘The Lady of the West.’ It showed a picture of Rin with a white-feathered mask and her body entwined with a large white boa. The paper twisted and turned black before fluttering away with the green vapor.
“I said have you made up your mind yet?” queried a scantily dressed woman at the front of the nightclub.
Sesshoumaru paused to actually take in the woman at the entrance. He supposed that humans would think she was beautiful. She had long brunette hair, a tight red top that barely concealed her generous cleavage, a golden lamé miniskirt and long black boots. But, it was the stench of cigarettes and the lingering smell of cocaine on the girl’s body that made him feel revolted. How do these humans stand it?
His eyes narrowed at the question, and the girl stamped her high-heeled boot. “Yes,” he replied with icy tones. He slapped a 5,000 Yen bill into her hand as he stormed past her and into the smoky bar.
He put his hand over his nose. He could usually smell a flower from over a kilometer away, but not in this stinking hive. He smelled sweat, oiled bodies, smoke, liquor and the telltale smell of arousal that permeated the air. It was so vile he nearly choked.
However, what really made him uneasy was the reason he had come here tonight. The last time he had arrived he had managed to detect her scent. But there were too many bodies and too much of a stench for him to be able to discern how much Rin’s unique fragrance had changed.
He didn’t want to know, but somehow, he had to know. Who had touched her? Who had violated her? If the stench on her body was strong enough, he was prepared to track down and murder the prick responsible–whether or not it had been consensual.
Sesshoumaru gazed about the room with an impassive glare. A scantily dressed woman was trying to smile at him and get his attention. He ignored her; she was beneath him. He just needed to find the person in charge of this establishment. Some well-placed cash could get him a chance to observe Rin in close quarters, and her scent would tell him everything that he needed to know.
After a few inquiries at the bar, he was introduced to the manager, Bankoutsu. The man had an oily smile and long, dark, braided hair. He was wearing a white kimono with purple and gold trim. The manager dipped his head in a meager bow. “What can I do for you?” the man questioned with an overeager smirk.
Sesshoumaru’s cold amber eyes absorbed the scene in front of him. It took more than a few moments for him to speak.
“You have a dancer,” the dog demon intoned.
The manager snorted and waved his hand at the stage. “I have plenty of dancers, which one are you interested in?”
Sesshoumaru’s lips drew into a thin line. “The one called Rin,” he responded as if that was enough of an explanation.
Bankoutsu’s face twisted in confusion. “How do you know her real name? No one here knows that.” The man paused and stepped back, tapping his fingers on his arm. Before he smiled awkwardly at the demon he considered a client. “What do you want with ‘the Lady of the West’?”
The dog demon only stared at the manager with a cold visage. The human in front of him blanched. “I wish to hire her…” was his stoic response.
The manager emitted a barking laugh. “Bah! She doesn’t let me hire her out.” The man stood back against the bar casually. “I wish I could have.” His eyes glazed over as he looked out at the smoky crowd and the dancing platform. “She would have made this place even more money.”
Sesshoumaru’s fangs managed to peek over his lips, and his clawed hands were gripped tightly against his side.
Bankoutsu continued on his tirade. “But, hey. She doesn’t do the extras, if you know what I mean.” The man smirked at Sesshoumaru. “Is there anyone else I can interest you with? What about ‘Spank-Me Usagi’?”
The dog demon’s impassive countenance hid his deep desire to shove his poisonous claws into the man’s gut. However, he turned his feelings aside and pulled a few bills from his wallet.
“I want a private lap dance…with Rin,” Sesshoumaru ordered while placing 100,000 Yen in the man’s palm. “And, I want a separate room, away from this stench.”
The manager straightened his back and looked at the cash in his hand with amazement. “I…I want to help you. She just doesn’t do that sort of thing. She…”
Sesshoumaru stepped so close to Bankoutsu that the manager felt the icy breath of the demon against his face. He couldn’t help but to swallow in alarm. Suddenly, another wad of cash was placed in his palm. He looked down in surprise to see the multi-colored paper. “What? 500,000 Yen?”
“That is my final offer,” the dog demon announced. “And you will take it, or things will get very…unpleasant.” His claws started to emit green vapors, and the poison from them dipped onto the floor with a hiss.
The frightened manager only grinned at Sesshoumaru greedily. “I’ll make sure that she gives you everything you want.” Bankoutsu then attempted to slap Sesshoumaru in the back before a warning glare kept the human in his place. The manager backed away from his client and gestured to the black door near the bar labeled with ‘PRIVATE’ in gold letters. “You can go in there. Find yourself a comfortable seat. I’ll make sure that she takes care of all your needs.”
Sesshoumaru could only frown at the manager. Somehow, he was secretly relieved that a lap dance wasn’t something that she normally did. However, since price seemed to be the only impediment, he wondered how many buyers had paid for her services. Had she fallen into the same disgrace as the other women he had smelled? The majority of the women here smelled of drugs and of multiple sex partners. His stomach recoiled, and he felt ill. Not. Rin.
He turned to enter the room the manager had indicated. It was dark and was swathed in black and burgundy cloth. There were alcoves with tables that offered a modicum of privacy. He settled into one seat and moved himself with catlike grace as far to the back and the shadows as possible. When Rin entered the room, he didn’t want her to see him. All he was going to do was smell her scent. It would tell him everything. If his suspicions were confirmed, he would leave without a word and she would never know that he was there, never know that he had been searching for her for more than two years and never know how betrayed he had felt.
A door slammed shut loudly. He could hear Rin’s voice yelling in anger. “I don’t know who you think you are, hot shot! But, I’m not giving you a lap dance! I don’t do private shows! And I’m certainly not going to sit on your lap. I don’t care how much you paid!”
He paused to sniff the air. He was so sure of what he would find, so he was astounded to find the exact opposite–Rin’s clean, clear scent. The smell of a cool, pure waterfall cascading down enveloped him and soothed him. Some of his agitation was immediately washed away, and he found his fists were starting to unclench.
There were no drugs poisoning her perfect scent. He sniffed once more, and his eyes widened in astonishment. No one has touched her since me…
Rin had been away from him for more than two years, and she had never slept with another man or demon. It had only been him, always him–no one else.
“Go to Bank, and ask for your money back. I don’t care who you are!” she shouted.
A bitter smile warmed his lips. “You will come forward and let me look at you, Rin.”
The small woman spun around to look at the man who had called her by her name. Her large chocolate eyes grew wide and dazed. The anger that had been coursing through her body seemed suddenly spent. “Sesshoumaru?” she whispered to the shadows.
“Come to me, Rin,” he ordered. He was pleased to see her respond hypnotically to his voice. She moved without pause and drew close to the darkened area where he sat. As she walked closer, he was able to make out her features more clearly. The petite woman in front of him wore her long thick tresses in waves down her back. Her slender and curvy body was only sporting a white bikini top with tasseled fringe and a white g-string that barely covered her center. She was wearing white, high-heeled, leather boots that went up to her thighs. The heels gave her the illusion of height and made her legs appear long and shapely.
She looked exquisite. She had never dressed like this for him before. Renewed anger raged through him as he realized that she dressed like this daily for all of the men of the club to see. Her sensuous outfit wasn’t for him; it was for other men. Men she paraded before daily with nothing on her but her birthday suit.
He was warring with himself. Part of him wanted to beg her to take him back, to come back home with him. The other part was too angry, too humiliated at her betrayal and her apparent desire to keep away from him. His hurt started to consume him, and he glared his icy gaze at her delectable form. Something inside of him was wounded, and it required that Rin be subjected to the same pain.
“You will sit on my lap, Rin. You will give me what I have paid for,” he responded icily.
The fragile girl swallowed nervously, “But, Sesshoumaru.”
“Don’t you dare call me by my given name,” he commanded as his eyes narrowed. “You have no right,” he hissed. “Call me ‘Lord’ if you must.” He smirked at the incredulous look in her widened eyes. “Now, I have paid for your services and I require that you fulfill them.”
The young woman shook her head. “Just let me…” she pleaded in a whisper as she drew near to him. He could hear her voice tremble while her arm reached out to touch his hand.
He felt light headed as her scent started to enmesh with the air around him. However, he fought against the very aroma that drew him in and calmed him. He pulled his hand away and frowned at her. “Enough. Do as I have paid you to do,” he uttered coldly with disdain.
He could hear her heart flutter and watched as her tiny hands fisted by her side. Then, all of the emotion, all of the want and the childlike innocence that she exuded disappeared. In its place was a calm, cool façade–the very one he had seen on stage when she attempted to strip as ‘the Lady of the West.’ The Rin he knew was now gone, and in her place was someone cold, sensual and calculating. He immediately regretted every harsh word he had just spoken. Part of him knew he should be apologizing to her, but ‘Lord Sesshoumaru’ never apologized to anyone.
“As you wish, my lord,” she answered while looking impassively into his eyes.
He held his breath as he watched her move forward. His eyes were mesmerized by her every movement. Her hips rolled as she walked, and soon, she was right before him. She stood straddled in front of his lap with a sensuous sneer on her lips. She had learned a lot about how to move in the past two years. The knowledge that she wasn’t the Rin he had known twisted something deep inside of him, and he scowled at her.
“Dance for me,” he demanded as his narrowed golden eyes focused on her soft brown orbs.
With the flexibility he had never known her to possess, she shifted above his lap and kicked up one leg high in a circle above his head. As her leg traveled above him, he couldn’t help but to stare at her barely concealed core or the slender leg that passed over his head. The leg landed on the other side of his knee, so that she was straddling only one leg and had her backside to him.
She bent down, crouching as she pushed her rear end up against his crotch. She gyrated her rounded bottom between his thighs, and he wasn’t surprised to feel the rush of blood between his legs. Against his will, he was hardening.
“A few rules, my lord,” she murmured as she twisted slyly to gaze at him. She let her hands travel from her neck, to cup her breasts, and down her torso. Her hand reached and stroked within her bikini bottom before letting her rear end settle against his growing hardness. “You’re not allowed to touch me. There’s a camera on the wall.” Rin gestured to a small red light blinking against the darkness of the far wall. “They’re going to watch everything we do. You see, I can touch you…” And with that her hands drifted toward his engorged length, stroking it.
“Rin!” he gasped. It had been far too long. Two years of celibacy, and he was suddenly aware of how much he wanted her again. How he wanted to feel her walls around him. How much he still loved her… No! He gritted his teeth and focused away from her scent and the body he desired.
He could only see her back as she finished the rules, “I can touch you. And I will touch you,” she threatened. She moved even further back against his crotch and his stiff need. Her g-string didn’t really cover anything. Her soft, silky bottom was pressed up against his trousers and hardness. He felt himself resting between her two firm and almost bare butt cheeks.
“Remember Sesshoumaru?” she sighed as she continued rubbing against him. “You always liked to take me from behind. Remember when you slid into me? Pounded into me?” He could swear that he heard a smirk in her voice as she reminded him of their past.
Even before Rin, he had been very choosy about whom he associated with. He had only slept with two other female demons. They were good in bed, but he really didn’t enjoy their scent, which diminished the experience greatly for him. Then, he remembered the first night he took Rin, her tight virginal form wrapped around his length as he pistoned her from behind. Her lovely scent mixed in so nicely with her arousal, and more than anything, he loved the way she smelled with his sweat and seed entwined within her body.
He loved taking her from behind. He was a dog, he couldn’t help it and he could smell the aroma of her sex right under his nose. It was truly the best of both worlds–sexual pleasure and the enjoyment of their unique bouquet.
Her wordplay teased him mercilessly, and then, the subtle scent of Rin’s arousal wafted under his nose.
His eyes rolled backward as he started to shove his crotch into her bottom. His fangs crept past his lips again, but this time it was in desire, not anger.
He was surprised and annoyed when her form drew away from him. She turned around and looked at him appraisingly. He was shocked to see her grinning at him with a pleased expression. She straddled him again and then sat snuggly on his lap. This time, they were face to face. She was so light and lithe that he barely felt her weight, but he could feel her presence pressing up against his manhood.
She licked her lips while her hands moved against his dress shirt and under his jacket’s lapels. With one smooth motion she pushed up against both shoulders and pushed his charcoal blazer off of him. It tumbled to the floor like discarded refuse. He should have told her to stop, but somehow, he couldn’t muster up the will to do so. There was too much cloth between her sweet smelling core and his engorged length. He needed completion.
Rin tugged at his royal purple tie, loosening it and pulling it down so that it hung in a messy discord about his neck. “Remember what I said, you can’t touch me,” she murmured while her lips teased his elf-like ears and then traveled down his neck.
Her fingers made quick work of unbuttoning his shirt. Her hands moved from his bare chest into both of his sleeves before shoving them down and off his body. He was sitting with her on his lap with no shirt and only a dangling tie that looked like a hangman’s noose.
She continued, “And if you do touch me…” she whispered while lathering his now erect nipples, “you will be kicked out of the Seventh Heaven and they will never let you in again. No matter how much you pay.” Rin never smiled, but she moved with deliberate grace as she unstrapped his belt and pulled down his zipper. Then, she lifted her body off of his lap, crouching above him by mere centimeters as her hands moved to his waist and pulled his pants down to his shoes.
He knew that he shouldn’t let her undress him, but there was just too much clothing between him and what he wanted. Now, all he wore were a pair of satin purple boxers and his tie. She settled down again on his lap, and there were only two thin pieces of fabric between them.
He moved his hands to her hips. He needed to grip onto her in order to grind against her. And while he was at it, only a quick flip of his claws and her g-string would be gone. Just as the tips of his thin lips were about to curve upward for the first time this evening she stepped off of his lap. He was utterly aghast and upset at losing her intimate warmth.
She crossed her arms in front of him, jutting her breasts together in a fairly impressive display. The fringe under her bikini bra jiggled suggestively. Her eyebrows arched in what he absentmindedly thought was a very Sesshoumaru fashion. She started to lecture him.
“I told you once and I won’t remind you again. You can’t touch me.” Her arms dropped to her sides, and she bent down in front of him so that her eyes were at the same level as him. Proud chocolate eyes glared at him. “The next time you try, Bank will be in here before you can even breathe to escort you out of this joint.”
He tried to be unflappable; his exterior was always so smooth and collected. However, he couldn’t help but to glare at her.
“Now that we understand each other. Now that you know I’m just a trick and you’re a John who can’t touch me,” her last words were said with an increasing amount of venom. “I’ll continue.”
She sat down on his lap again, rubbing against his engorged ache. Her scent filled his nostrils, and he tried his damnedest to keep from touching the smooth skin that he remembered–the very skin that created the sweet agony he was suffering from. At the moment, he didn’t know if he was in heaven or hell or perhaps some purgatory in between.
Just when he thought he couldn’t stand the exquisite friction any longer, her small hand reached inside of his boxers to pull out his hardened length. He thought his pale member looked strange against his dark purple boxers. But he didn’t have much time to think before she started moving herself against him again.
He had already smelled her arousal, but now he could feel the moisture that was soaking into the flimsy fabric that covered her womanhood. Sesshoumaru never felt as much jealously and anger toward a piece of cloth in his entire life as he did for the meager g-string that separated the joining of their bodies.
Her hand placed him right against her heat with only cotton to stop him. He groaned in excitement as he pushed further and further into her velvety warmth. He swore then and there that he’d break the very fabric with his dick if he had to.
Rin’s slender hands caressed his neck as she kissed his chin, his cheeks and his ears, but never his lips. “Remember how you’d take me?” she teased with a lilt to her voice. “Remember what it was like to be inside me?”
He couldn’t stand it anymore. “Yes!” he hissed as if in pain. “I remember!” His hands hovered over her waist, his fingers clenching and unclenching close to her skin.
She took off her bikini top. While still holding a string with one hand, she smashed her warm bosom into his. Her warm bare breasts were touching his naked chest and he lost it.
“Rin!” he screamed as he bucked against her and she writhed on top of him. His essence erupted against her bikini bottom and his chest. He felt the warm, goopy fluid hit his chest and then slither down. However, he was too spent to react. He had never felt so exhausted or frail. Though he hadn’t slept with a woman in two years, he had certainly taken matters into his own hands more than once. Each time he had imagined Rin as the one he was with, but the real thing was so much better. He realized that he was a hopeless addict as far as Rin was concerned. He needed her.
The warmth of her body left him as she straightened herself off in front of him and readjusted her bikini top. Then she tore his tie off of his neck to clean his jiz off of her lower abdomen.
She stood up before him with her hands resting on either hip. “I’m glad that you remember, you conceited jerk. You never even let me explain!” She whipped his tie at him, slapping him against the chest. He winced, not at the pain, but at her words. “Do you really think I would have left you without a good reason?”
For one of the first times in his life, Sesshoumaru almost felt ashamed. Rin turned on her high-heeled boots to exit the room. The clacking of her heels echoed as she walked away. “I have a show to do, Casanova. Why don’t you show yourself out?”
Sesshoumaru stood poised outside the entrance of the Seventh Heaven nightclub. He had walked past the establishment for the past three nights and had not dared to walk inside.
He had always kept a cool demeanor, but now his ice-cold façade was fracturing, all because of a petite woman who worked at the club as a stripper. She had been the very woman he had intended to make his mate if she had only stayed with him. However, she had disappeared soon after the death of her father and had never even bothered to contact him. He had feared that she had been kidnapped or perhaps had been killed. He never knew her fate until a tip from a stranger revealed where she had been hiding. She stayed away from me. She chose not to be with me.
He didn’t know what made him angrier. That she had been living a scant 15 minutes away from his work and had never bothered to even let him know that she was alive or that she was working as a stripper, like a common whore.
His blood writhed in fury at the idea of the countless men who had seen his Rin naked. How many men have seen Rin nude while she’s stripped? How many men have touched her body? How many men has she slept with?
His poisoned claws emitted a green vapor and the flyer for tonight’s headlining act started to smoke. Within his hand was a shiny piece of paper regaling the main act, ‘The Lady of the West.’ It showed a picture of Rin with a white-feathered mask and her body entwined with a large white boa. The paper twisted and turned black before fluttering away with the green vapor.
“I said have you made up your mind yet?” queried a scantily dressed woman at the front of the nightclub.
Sesshoumaru paused to actually take in the woman at the entrance. He supposed that humans would think she was beautiful. She had long brunette hair, a tight red top that barely concealed her generous cleavage, a golden lamé miniskirt and long black boots. But, it was the stench of cigarettes and the lingering smell of cocaine on the girl’s body that made him feel revolted. How do these humans stand it?
His eyes narrowed at the question, and the girl stamped her high-heeled boot. “Yes,” he replied with icy tones. He slapped a 5,000 Yen bill into her hand as he stormed past her and into the smoky bar.
He put his hand over his nose. He could usually smell a flower from over a kilometer away, but not in this stinking hive. He smelled sweat, oiled bodies, smoke, liquor and the telltale smell of arousal that permeated the air. It was so vile he nearly choked.
However, what really made him uneasy was the reason he had come here tonight. The last time he had arrived he had managed to detect her scent. But there were too many bodies and too much of a stench for him to be able to discern how much Rin’s unique fragrance had changed.
He didn’t want to know, but somehow, he had to know. Who had touched her? Who had violated her? If the stench on her body was strong enough, he was prepared to track down and murder the prick responsible–whether or not it had been consensual.
Sesshoumaru gazed about the room with an impassive glare. A scantily dressed woman was trying to smile at him and get his attention. He ignored her; she was beneath him. He just needed to find the person in charge of this establishment. Some well-placed cash could get him a chance to observe Rin in close quarters, and her scent would tell him everything that he needed to know.
After a few inquiries at the bar, he was introduced to the manager, Bankoutsu. The man had an oily smile and long, dark, braided hair. He was wearing a white kimono with purple and gold trim. The manager dipped his head in a meager bow. “What can I do for you?” the man questioned with an overeager smirk.
Sesshoumaru’s cold amber eyes absorbed the scene in front of him. It took more than a few moments for him to speak.
“You have a dancer,” the dog demon intoned.
The manager snorted and waved his hand at the stage. “I have plenty of dancers, which one are you interested in?”
Sesshoumaru’s lips drew into a thin line. “The one called Rin,” he responded as if that was enough of an explanation.
Bankoutsu’s face twisted in confusion. “How do you know her real name? No one here knows that.” The man paused and stepped back, tapping his fingers on his arm. Before he smiled awkwardly at the demon he considered a client. “What do you want with ‘the Lady of the West’?”
The dog demon only stared at the manager with a cold visage. The human in front of him blanched. “I wish to hire her…” was his stoic response.
The manager emitted a barking laugh. “Bah! She doesn’t let me hire her out.” The man stood back against the bar casually. “I wish I could have.” His eyes glazed over as he looked out at the smoky crowd and the dancing platform. “She would have made this place even more money.”
Sesshoumaru’s fangs managed to peek over his lips, and his clawed hands were gripped tightly against his side.
Bankoutsu continued on his tirade. “But, hey. She doesn’t do the extras, if you know what I mean.” The man smirked at Sesshoumaru. “Is there anyone else I can interest you with? What about ‘Spank-Me Usagi’?”
The dog demon’s impassive countenance hid his deep desire to shove his poisonous claws into the man’s gut. However, he turned his feelings aside and pulled a few bills from his wallet.
“I want a private lap dance…with Rin,” Sesshoumaru ordered while placing 100,000 Yen in the man’s palm. “And, I want a separate room, away from this stench.”
The manager straightened his back and looked at the cash in his hand with amazement. “I…I want to help you. She just doesn’t do that sort of thing. She…”
Sesshoumaru stepped so close to Bankoutsu that the manager felt the icy breath of the demon against his face. He couldn’t help but to swallow in alarm. Suddenly, another wad of cash was placed in his palm. He looked down in surprise to see the multi-colored paper. “What? 500,000 Yen?”
“That is my final offer,” the dog demon announced. “And you will take it, or things will get very…unpleasant.” His claws started to emit green vapors, and the poison from them dipped onto the floor with a hiss.
The frightened manager only grinned at Sesshoumaru greedily. “I’ll make sure that she gives you everything you want.” Bankoutsu then attempted to slap Sesshoumaru in the back before a warning glare kept the human in his place. The manager backed away from his client and gestured to the black door near the bar labeled with ‘PRIVATE’ in gold letters. “You can go in there. Find yourself a comfortable seat. I’ll make sure that she takes care of all your needs.”
Sesshoumaru could only frown at the manager. Somehow, he was secretly relieved that a lap dance wasn’t something that she normally did. However, since price seemed to be the only impediment, he wondered how many buyers had paid for her services. Had she fallen into the same disgrace as the other women he had smelled? The majority of the women here smelled of drugs and of multiple sex partners. His stomach recoiled, and he felt ill. Not. Rin.
He turned to enter the room the manager had indicated. It was dark and was swathed in black and burgundy cloth. There were alcoves with tables that offered a modicum of privacy. He settled into one seat and moved himself with catlike grace as far to the back and the shadows as possible. When Rin entered the room, he didn’t want her to see him. All he was going to do was smell her scent. It would tell him everything. If his suspicions were confirmed, he would leave without a word and she would never know that he was there, never know that he had been searching for her for more than two years and never know how betrayed he had felt.
A door slammed shut loudly. He could hear Rin’s voice yelling in anger. “I don’t know who you think you are, hot shot! But, I’m not giving you a lap dance! I don’t do private shows! And I’m certainly not going to sit on your lap. I don’t care how much you paid!”
He paused to sniff the air. He was so sure of what he would find, so he was astounded to find the exact opposite–Rin’s clean, clear scent. The smell of a cool, pure waterfall cascading down enveloped him and soothed him. Some of his agitation was immediately washed away, and he found his fists were starting to unclench.
There were no drugs poisoning her perfect scent. He sniffed once more, and his eyes widened in astonishment. No one has touched her since me…
Rin had been away from him for more than two years, and she had never slept with another man or demon. It had only been him, always him–no one else.
“Go to Bank, and ask for your money back. I don’t care who you are!” she shouted.
A bitter smile warmed his lips. “You will come forward and let me look at you, Rin.”
The small woman spun around to look at the man who had called her by her name. Her large chocolate eyes grew wide and dazed. The anger that had been coursing through her body seemed suddenly spent. “Sesshoumaru?” she whispered to the shadows.
“Come to me, Rin,” he ordered. He was pleased to see her respond hypnotically to his voice. She moved without pause and drew close to the darkened area where he sat. As she walked closer, he was able to make out her features more clearly. The petite woman in front of him wore her long thick tresses in waves down her back. Her slender and curvy body was only sporting a white bikini top with tasseled fringe and a white g-string that barely covered her center. She was wearing white, high-heeled, leather boots that went up to her thighs. The heels gave her the illusion of height and made her legs appear long and shapely.
She looked exquisite. She had never dressed like this for him before. Renewed anger raged through him as he realized that she dressed like this daily for all of the men of the club to see. Her sensuous outfit wasn’t for him; it was for other men. Men she paraded before daily with nothing on her but her birthday suit.
He was warring with himself. Part of him wanted to beg her to take him back, to come back home with him. The other part was too angry, too humiliated at her betrayal and her apparent desire to keep away from him. His hurt started to consume him, and he glared his icy gaze at her delectable form. Something inside of him was wounded, and it required that Rin be subjected to the same pain.
“You will sit on my lap, Rin. You will give me what I have paid for,” he responded icily.
The fragile girl swallowed nervously, “But, Sesshoumaru.”
“Don’t you dare call me by my given name,” he commanded as his eyes narrowed. “You have no right,” he hissed. “Call me ‘Lord’ if you must.” He smirked at the incredulous look in her widened eyes. “Now, I have paid for your services and I require that you fulfill them.”
The young woman shook her head. “Just let me…” she pleaded in a whisper as she drew near to him. He could hear her voice tremble while her arm reached out to touch his hand.
He felt light headed as her scent started to enmesh with the air around him. However, he fought against the very aroma that drew him in and calmed him. He pulled his hand away and frowned at her. “Enough. Do as I have paid you to do,” he uttered coldly with disdain.
He could hear her heart flutter and watched as her tiny hands fisted by her side. Then, all of the emotion, all of the want and the childlike innocence that she exuded disappeared. In its place was a calm, cool façade–the very one he had seen on stage when she attempted to strip as ‘the Lady of the West.’ The Rin he knew was now gone, and in her place was someone cold, sensual and calculating. He immediately regretted every harsh word he had just spoken. Part of him knew he should be apologizing to her, but ‘Lord Sesshoumaru’ never apologized to anyone.
“As you wish, my lord,” she answered while looking impassively into his eyes.
He held his breath as he watched her move forward. His eyes were mesmerized by her every movement. Her hips rolled as she walked, and soon, she was right before him. She stood straddled in front of his lap with a sensuous sneer on her lips. She had learned a lot about how to move in the past two years. The knowledge that she wasn’t the Rin he had known twisted something deep inside of him, and he scowled at her.
“Dance for me,” he demanded as his narrowed golden eyes focused on her soft brown orbs.
With the flexibility he had never known her to possess, she shifted above his lap and kicked up one leg high in a circle above his head. As her leg traveled above him, he couldn’t help but to stare at her barely concealed core or the slender leg that passed over his head. The leg landed on the other side of his knee, so that she was straddling only one leg and had her backside to him.
She bent down, crouching as she pushed her rear end up against his crotch. She gyrated her rounded bottom between his thighs, and he wasn’t surprised to feel the rush of blood between his legs. Against his will, he was hardening.
“A few rules, my lord,” she murmured as she twisted slyly to gaze at him. She let her hands travel from her neck, to cup her breasts, and down her torso. Her hand reached and stroked within her bikini bottom before letting her rear end settle against his growing hardness. “You’re not allowed to touch me. There’s a camera on the wall.” Rin gestured to a small red light blinking against the darkness of the far wall. “They’re going to watch everything we do. You see, I can touch you…” And with that her hands drifted toward his engorged length, stroking it.
“Rin!” he gasped. It had been far too long. Two years of celibacy, and he was suddenly aware of how much he wanted her again. How he wanted to feel her walls around him. How much he still loved her… No! He gritted his teeth and focused away from her scent and the body he desired.
He could only see her back as she finished the rules, “I can touch you. And I will touch you,” she threatened. She moved even further back against his crotch and his stiff need. Her g-string didn’t really cover anything. Her soft, silky bottom was pressed up against his trousers and hardness. He felt himself resting between her two firm and almost bare butt cheeks.
“Remember Sesshoumaru?” she sighed as she continued rubbing against him. “You always liked to take me from behind. Remember when you slid into me? Pounded into me?” He could swear that he heard a smirk in her voice as she reminded him of their past.
Even before Rin, he had been very choosy about whom he associated with. He had only slept with two other female demons. They were good in bed, but he really didn’t enjoy their scent, which diminished the experience greatly for him. Then, he remembered the first night he took Rin, her tight virginal form wrapped around his length as he pistoned her from behind. Her lovely scent mixed in so nicely with her arousal, and more than anything, he loved the way she smelled with his sweat and seed entwined within her body.
He loved taking her from behind. He was a dog, he couldn’t help it and he could smell the aroma of her sex right under his nose. It was truly the best of both worlds–sexual pleasure and the enjoyment of their unique bouquet.
Her wordplay teased him mercilessly, and then, the subtle scent of Rin’s arousal wafted under his nose.
His eyes rolled backward as he started to shove his crotch into her bottom. His fangs crept past his lips again, but this time it was in desire, not anger.
He was surprised and annoyed when her form drew away from him. She turned around and looked at him appraisingly. He was shocked to see her grinning at him with a pleased expression. She straddled him again and then sat snuggly on his lap. This time, they were face to face. She was so light and lithe that he barely felt her weight, but he could feel her presence pressing up against his manhood.
She licked her lips while her hands moved against his dress shirt and under his jacket’s lapels. With one smooth motion she pushed up against both shoulders and pushed his charcoal blazer off of him. It tumbled to the floor like discarded refuse. He should have told her to stop, but somehow, he couldn’t muster up the will to do so. There was too much cloth between her sweet smelling core and his engorged length. He needed completion.
Rin tugged at his royal purple tie, loosening it and pulling it down so that it hung in a messy discord about his neck. “Remember what I said, you can’t touch me,” she murmured while her lips teased his elf-like ears and then traveled down his neck.
Her fingers made quick work of unbuttoning his shirt. Her hands moved from his bare chest into both of his sleeves before shoving them down and off his body. He was sitting with her on his lap with no shirt and only a dangling tie that looked like a hangman’s noose.
She continued, “And if you do touch me…” she whispered while lathering his now erect nipples, “you will be kicked out of the Seventh Heaven and they will never let you in again. No matter how much you pay.” Rin never smiled, but she moved with deliberate grace as she unstrapped his belt and pulled down his zipper. Then, she lifted her body off of his lap, crouching above him by mere centimeters as her hands moved to his waist and pulled his pants down to his shoes.
He knew that he shouldn’t let her undress him, but there was just too much clothing between him and what he wanted. Now, all he wore were a pair of satin purple boxers and his tie. She settled down again on his lap, and there were only two thin pieces of fabric between them.
He moved his hands to her hips. He needed to grip onto her in order to grind against her. And while he was at it, only a quick flip of his claws and her g-string would be gone. Just as the tips of his thin lips were about to curve upward for the first time this evening she stepped off of his lap. He was utterly aghast and upset at losing her intimate warmth.
She crossed her arms in front of him, jutting her breasts together in a fairly impressive display. The fringe under her bikini bra jiggled suggestively. Her eyebrows arched in what he absentmindedly thought was a very Sesshoumaru fashion. She started to lecture him.
“I told you once and I won’t remind you again. You can’t touch me.” Her arms dropped to her sides, and she bent down in front of him so that her eyes were at the same level as him. Proud chocolate eyes glared at him. “The next time you try, Bank will be in here before you can even breathe to escort you out of this joint.”
He tried to be unflappable; his exterior was always so smooth and collected. However, he couldn’t help but to glare at her.
“Now that we understand each other. Now that you know I’m just a trick and you’re a John who can’t touch me,” her last words were said with an increasing amount of venom. “I’ll continue.”
She sat down on his lap again, rubbing against his engorged ache. Her scent filled his nostrils, and he tried his damnedest to keep from touching the smooth skin that he remembered–the very skin that created the sweet agony he was suffering from. At the moment, he didn’t know if he was in heaven or hell or perhaps some purgatory in between.
Just when he thought he couldn’t stand the exquisite friction any longer, her small hand reached inside of his boxers to pull out his hardened length. He thought his pale member looked strange against his dark purple boxers. But he didn’t have much time to think before she started moving herself against him again.
He had already smelled her arousal, but now he could feel the moisture that was soaking into the flimsy fabric that covered her womanhood. Sesshoumaru never felt as much jealously and anger toward a piece of cloth in his entire life as he did for the meager g-string that separated the joining of their bodies.
Her hand placed him right against her heat with only cotton to stop him. He groaned in excitement as he pushed further and further into her velvety warmth. He swore then and there that he’d break the very fabric with his dick if he had to.
Rin’s slender hands caressed his neck as she kissed his chin, his cheeks and his ears, but never his lips. “Remember how you’d take me?” she teased with a lilt to her voice. “Remember what it was like to be inside me?”
He couldn’t stand it anymore. “Yes!” he hissed as if in pain. “I remember!” His hands hovered over her waist, his fingers clenching and unclenching close to her skin.
She took off her bikini top. While still holding a string with one hand, she smashed her warm bosom into his. Her warm bare breasts were touching his naked chest and he lost it.
“Rin!” he screamed as he bucked against her and she writhed on top of him. His essence erupted against her bikini bottom and his chest. He felt the warm, goopy fluid hit his chest and then slither down. However, he was too spent to react. He had never felt so exhausted or frail. Though he hadn’t slept with a woman in two years, he had certainly taken matters into his own hands more than once. Each time he had imagined Rin as the one he was with, but the real thing was so much better. He realized that he was a hopeless addict as far as Rin was concerned. He needed her.
The warmth of her body left him as she straightened herself off in front of him and readjusted her bikini top. Then she tore his tie off of his neck to clean his jiz off of her lower abdomen.
She stood up before him with her hands resting on either hip. “I’m glad that you remember, you conceited jerk. You never even let me explain!” She whipped his tie at him, slapping him against the chest. He winced, not at the pain, but at her words. “Do you really think I would have left you without a good reason?”
For one of the first times in his life, Sesshoumaru almost felt ashamed. Rin turned on her high-heeled boots to exit the room. The clacking of her heels echoed as she walked away. “I have a show to do, Casanova. Why don’t you show yourself out?”
Headmistress Kaede stared at the small YouTube video on her iPhone. It was of Shaya demolishing the school’s track with a ‘Windscar.’ She winced as the damage came into focus. She turned it off before the camera started to zoom in on Shaya’s exposed panties. The iPhone was then pocketed into her jacket.
She sighed before looking at the entire crowd that was gathered at the edge of the field. Most of the students were gaping in astonishment at the utter destruction that had been wrought. Burnt netting, twisted and melted metal, and gaping chasms of torn earth surrounded them.
“Will the responsible party step forward?” asked the headmistress sternly. Her eyes narrowed at the crowd, and she noticed that Shaya was grimacing. Since no one spoke up, she continued, “Everyone in this PE class will be serving detention for the next two weeks, unless someone cares to take responsibility for their actions.”
Kaede smirked as the student body before her stirred and moaned.
Inuyasha grimaced. He knew that he didn’t have the money to cover the ridiculous amount of damage that he had done. In fact, he barely had enough money to take Kagome out on a date. But, he would never cause Kagome any undue harm, not if he could help it. Detention would take her away from her family, and that would truly upset her.
Shaya stepped forward, away from the crowd and stopped in front of the headmistress. “I did the damage.” She leveled her amber eyes directly at Kaede. “Take the punishment out on me instead.”
Kaede’s severe face softened, and one eyebrow was raised. “So, you are mature enough to take responsibility for your actions, Shaya. You understand that the punishment will be severe?”
Shaya only kicked the scruff of her Mary Jane shoes into the ground. While she looked at her feet, she nodded her head in acknowledgement. Shit! How am I ever going to pay for this?
Kagome was both relieved and saddened that Shaya was going to take the fall. She just wondered what the girl would be able to do about the field that looked like it had been deliberately torched after an earthquake.
“Shaya-kun!” a voice cried out over the gathering. “There you are!”
“What?” questioned Kagome. Shaya-kun? Only boys are addressed with a ‘kun.’
Everyone turned to see a lovely woman of an indeterminate age who was the epitome of elegance and grace. She had long, ribbon-like, black hair that fell down nearly to her knees and shimmering violet eyes. She was wearing a stylish, three-layered silk kimono. The outer kimono was white with blushes of pink at the edges. Across her narrow waist was a golden obi bound with a silken red cord. A stylized print of a grey dog demon sprinted across the side of her dress.
The woman moved as slowly as her dainty geta clad feet could carry her toward the scene of the crime. Everyone assembled at the field watched her progression, especially an amber-eyed dog demon. Inuyasha blanched as he saw his mom come face to face with his latest debacle. Izayoi looked over the field, and her eyes grew wide with astonishment. Inuyasha could only cringe; he was quite certain that he would be subjected to a tongue-lashing. But, he was even more worried that his days at the ‘Shikon All Girls School’ were at an end.
He was amazed that he actually wanted to stay there and be with Kagome. Hell, she’s my girlfriend now! The thought that he would have welcomed staying at an all-girls school would have mystified him even a few weeks ago. Now that he had gotten to know Kagome and enjoyed being her roommate, he really didn’t know what he would do if he had to be separated from her again. He fidgeted and wished he had his sword at his side. It would have calmed his nerves.
His mother’s perfectly sculptured brow arched in amusement. “Now, Shaya!” The older woman admonished. “What is your dad going to say to all of this damage?”
Shaya only shook her head in misery. Fuck! Now I’m royally screwed!
Kaede looked back and forth between the parent and child with a pleased expression. “You are more than welcome to carry out Shaya’s punishment, Takahashi-san.”
The hanyou looked up sorrowfully at her mother. “I’m sorry, Mom. I know that I have disappointed you before. But, I was really upset and I was so excited to finally wield the ‘Wind Scar.’”
Izayoi’s lips tightened. “I will be dealing with you shortly.” She turned to Headmistress Kaede, who seemed very pleased with Shaya’s new-found humility.
Izayoi Takahashi looked over at Kaede first and bowed politely. “The Takahashi Corporation will be happy to construct a new and improved track and field that will put any college stadium to shame.”
“What?” exclaimed Shaya. “I thought…”
Izayoi chanced an icy glare at her son. The meaning was clear. He was to stay silent. Inuyasha’s heart fell deep into his chest. Please don’t take me away from Kagome!
“Headmistress Kaede, if you don’t mind, I need to take Shaya with me, so that I can work out a proper punishment.” Izayoi and Kaede bowed slowly to each other. Kaede tried to hold back a smile as Izayoi pulled her daughter off the field by her ear.
“Ouch, ma! Not the ears!” screamed the hanyou in embarrassment. Several girls in the audience giggled nervously as they watched the pair leave. Only one young miko left the group to follow after Shaya.
“Oh, now don’t take that tone with me, young man,” Izayoi managed to whisper while still tugging at the abused ear. She was making her way to a limo near the edge of the track. Shaya only followed along with her head bowed in abject misery.
Crap! She’s going to take me to see dad. I bet they’re going to leave me on some deserted island. I’ll never see Kagome again!
His mother’s face was hard and stern as she launched into a lecture. “You haven’t bothered to call your mother in two whole weeks, and now I see that you have a girlfriend.”
“What? Mom? Girlfriend? How did you…?” he asked in complete confusion.
Izayoi grinned and Inuyasha was startled by her abrupt change in demeanor. “Your dad is so pleased. We saw the video last night on YouTube; Kaede was very helpful in forwarding it to us. You finally managed to summon a Windscar!” She sighed happily. “I always knew that you had it in you. And who was that cute girl that you were kissing?”
Inuyasha’s face turned bright red and he suddenly found the dirt near his shoe to be extremely intriguing. “I can’t believe that you saw that. This is fucking embarrassing!”
“Language!” Izayoi grabbed his aching ear again and tugged harshly. “You are a young lady now, and young ladies do not use those words!”
He tried to keep from rolling his eyes. I’m a fucking guy, not a girl! “Stop it, Mom. I’m sorry. I’ll…”
Izayoi pursed her brows together, and Inuyasha knew that she was not about to relent. “You better be after this latest disaster.” Then, she paused and tapped her fan against her hip. “How much damage have you done in this past month, anyway? First was Naraku’s casino, which you demolished, then the security guards, who are hospitalized and now you destroyed your school’s track and field! I must find the proper punishment for all of this damage you have done.” She waved her fan and gestured in a wide arch to the field that had been demolished behind them. Inuyasha noticed a stray burnt net from the soccer goal fluttering in the wind.
Shaya tried to get a word in edgewise. “Ma, you see…”
“See what?” continued his mother. “See that you have done billions of Yen worth of damage AGAIN!” Shaya flinched at her words. Then, Izayoi’s voice changed to more soothing tones. “But your father and I are willing to forgive this little trespass…”
“Little trespass…?” questioned Shaya as she rubbed her abused ear.
“All because you mastered the Windscar! And, because I am so happy that you have finally found a cute girl.” Izayoi moved up to her ‘daughter’ and pinched her cheek.
“Owww, Mom,” murmured Shaya with a small amount of petulance. She crossed her arms.
Inuyasha smelled Kagome’s scent long before he heard her shoes scruff against the pebbled sidewalk. “Shaya?” questioned Kagome as she approached the duo off the field.
Izayoi’s eyes shone with sheer joy as she looked at Kagome. “And who might you be? Oh?” Mrs. Takahashi asked. “You’re Higurashi-san’s younger daughter, aren’t you?” Shaya’s mother moved forward to grip Kagome’s hands in hers. “Kagome, right? You have grown up to become such a lovely young lady.” Izayoi stepped back and grinned at Kagome.
Mrs. Takahashi glanced at her son. “Now, my darling Puppy-chan,” said Izayoi.
“Puppy-chan?” asked Kagome, her mouth agape.
“Mother!” exclaimed Inuyasha, his face turning beet red.
“Oh pooh! You have no right to be upset. You’ve done major structural damage to this place, and we’re paying to have it fixed.” Izayoi paused as if in thought as she tapped her fan against her chin. “You need to be punished, and I’m afraid that you’re going to have to face the music.”
“What is it, Mother?” glared the hanyou at his Mom.
She only turned around to beam at him. “Follow me, Shaya-kun! We’re going shopping! I’ve been meaning to go to the Roppongi Hills district, and you are to carry all of my bags for the entire day. And you will try on all of the clothes that I pick out for you! ” She paused and then smiled back at her son. “Even if they’re pink and frilly!”
“But, Mom!” exclaimed Shaya in exasperation.
“No buts, Shaya-kun! And bring your lovely friend with you; we just have to talk! We’ll have tea afterwards…” Izayoi’s voice trailed off as she walked off the field and toward an awaiting black limo.
Shaya groaned as he hurried after his mother and dragged Kagome along with him.
After a quick limo ride into downtown Tokyo, the trio found themselves at the Roppongi Hills district. Izayoi gracefully slid out of the car with the driver holding her hand. Shaya followed along in a grouchy huff. Kagome just stared wide-eyed at the fabulous array of shops, many of which she knew that someone with her limited income should not even think of entering.
Izayoi motioned for the two girls to follow her into a building labeled, Giorgio Armani. The teenaged girls looked on in confusion as the older woman quickly had a saleswoman helping them choose clothes for Shaya and Kagome.
Shaya could only look on in utter dismay as a large pile was accumulated for her. Practically everything that was gathered was a pink dress or skirt. His mother only smirked at her son as she continued to pick out the clothes.
“I’m not going to wear any of this!” frowned Shaya as she looked up at her Mom.
But her mother only smiled. “Not only are you going to wear it, I have a mind to take you to my next formal tea with Moroboshi-san and her son, Ataru, in this little pink number!”
Shaya’s eyes widened in horror. “Mom, you wouldn’t dare! Ataru is a letch. He can’t keep his hands off of any girl he sees.”
His mother flittered about and pulled another hot pink miniskirt off of the racks. “You need to think about this the next time you do billions of Yen worth of damage. I think a long tea with Ataru will help to cure you of your blatant tendency to utterly disregard everything your parents have taught you.” Izayoi turned and pressed the short miniskirt up against his thighs. “Oh, yes. This one is simply adorable. You have got to try it on!”
Shaya rolled her eyes. “I am not trying it on, mother!”
His mother raised an eyebrow at him. “You know, Shaya. All my life I have dreamed of shopping with my daughter. Buying her princess clothes and pink outfits. You are going to indulge your mother’s fantasy right now, especially considering the many messes that you have gotten in!” Izayoi shoved the miniskirt and the frilly, poets blouse at her daughter. “Dressing room. Now!” she ordered while pointing to the sign at the end of the hall that said ‘Women Only.’
Inuyasha sighed in exasperation as he moved toward the dressing room. Kagome followed dutifully, with a number of outfits slung under her arms. Izayoi had been just as insistent that Kagome try on some new outfits as well.
Shaya walked into her cubicle and threw the clothes she was wearing on the floor. Looking at the miniscule mountain gathered at his feet, she groaned miserably.
“Shaya?” Kagome whispered hesitantly as she knocked on her roommate’s door. “Are you all right?”
The hanyou jerked the door open and scowled. “No, I am not all right. My mom is blackmailing me into wearing this crap. I hate skirts and I hate pink and I hate…”
“Shaya-chan!” exclaimed Kagome as she put her arms around her roommate. Inuyasha was instantly soothed as he basked in her scent and sniffed at her hair. His anger that had been so palatable had now virtually evaporated. He took a deep breath and squeezed Kagome tighter to him.
“Thank you, Kagome. It’s just that I can never please my parents. I feel like an utter failure.”
“Shaya,” Kagome murmured while she put both hands around the sides of the hanyou’s face. “It’s OK. Just try on the clothes. It’ll make her happy. And you’re not a failure! You’re my best friend, and the one I…” Kagome paused, the words stuck in her throat. She had nearly said the one she loved, but that wasn’t right, was it? She was just getting used to the idea of liking Shaya ‘like that’. Wasn’t it too soon for love? Still, Kagome knew she cared for the hanyou girl, whatever it was.
“The one you…?” Shaya questioned, eyes wide.
“Care for.” Kagome answered with a smile before her sweet lips found his. Then he was lost again. Lost in her scent, her soft form, her tenderness…
He didn’t know how many moments or minutes had passed before Kagome drew away from him, leaving him feeling strangely bereft. She looked up to him tenderly before motioning to her stall. “I better try on my clothes. Let me know if you need any help.”
Shaya grabbed her before she could walk away. “There’s no need to leave, Kagome,” Shaya whispered. “Could you help me get dressed?” he asked with a smirk.
“Ahem!” The two teenaged girls were startled out of their reverie when they noticed Izayoi walking toward them. “I think that I will be helping you get dressed, Shaya,” stated her mother. The older woman quickly moved in next to her daughter and started to shove her into the stall.
Inuyasha only stood petulantly with his arms crossed while Izayoi gathered a pink miniskirt in her hands.
“I’m not wearing that, Mother!”
Izayoi quirked a brow at her daughter and gracefully sat down on the leather bench in the dressing room. “I know that you don’t want to, but you will anyway.”
“Oh and why is that?” responded Shaya as she turned her back on her mom.
“Because I know that you would like a new laptop,” she paused while Shaya took a sudden intake of breath. “And…if you behave, I will also buy one for Kagome.”
“Kagome?” Inuyasha’s mind raced. Kagome had to work hard for everything she had. She certainly wasn’t lacking for food or clothing. But she didn’t even have a computer at home or at school. He also knew how costly the Shikon education was and the Higurashi’s were shrine keepers, not millionaires. “That would be very nice, Mother.”
His mother wore a satisfied smile as she motioned for Inuyasha to disrobe. With a defeated sigh he started to pull his sailor blouse off and then his small, green skirt. His mother moved in quickly to pull the blouse over her daughter’s head. But, she quickly found that it was too small.
“Why doesn’t this fit you? You look like a size 11!” asked Izayoi in astonishment.
Inuyasha crossed his arms again. “Mom, I hope that you remember who I really am. My size hasn’t changed at all.”
“Oh!” murmured Mrs. Takahashi. However, she was not easily dissuaded and quickly had the sales lady grab all of the apparel that had already been chosen in women’s size ’17.’
Izayoi wore a pleased smile as she buttoned and zipped up her ‘daughter.’ Soon, Inuyasha looked at himself in a mirror. He blanched to see a very hot, silver-haired chick looking back at him. The busty woman had a tight, hot pink miniskirt on, a white poet’s blouse that exposed her ample cleavage and a pair of tall pink boots. “Mother!” he yelled in exasperation.
“Oh pooh!” answered Izayoi as she gently hit him with her fan. “I always wanted to dress up my daughter in pink clothes. Just consider yourself lucky that I didn’t take you to the Disney store to try on princess fashions.”
Inuyasha’s eyes almost bugged out of their sockets.
A gentle smile returned to his mom’s face. “You can put your regular clothes back on.” She waited for a moment and then started speaking again. “Now, Inuyasha. We need to talk about Kagome.”
Shaya blanched and could see the color drain from her face in the mirror.
“I am very happy that you have found such a pretty young lady. And I always knew that Kagome was the one for you.”
“What? How did you?”
Izayoi waved her fan in the air again. “You never reacted to a girl the way you acted around her. Constantly stuttering, looking at her every time she looked away. And, don’t think that I don’t know about the times you hid in that tree on the Higurashi grounds to spy into her room!”
“What? Don’t remind me about the stuttering…and I…”
Izayoi’s fan pressed against his lips. “She’s your mate, Inuyasha. Your reaction has been perfectly normal.” She paused again and straightened her kimono skirt. “But, doing large amounts of damage to properties because you were frustrated is not normal. I expect that now that we have the two of you in close proximity again, you will finally calm down.”
“Mate?” Inuyasha asked, surprised. She’s my mate? As comforting as that thought was, he couldn’t help but feel a little intimidated by the idea of it. After all, he was still a teenager. “Uh, Mom? Isn’t it a little too early to be talking about that?”
Mrs. Takahashi raised her eyebrows at the hesitantly uttered question. “Yes, it is,” she agreed. She pursed her lips and narrowed her eyes, causing Inuyasha to cower under her suddenly piercing gaze. “And, that’s why I’m warning you now,” she started before waving her closed fan toward the teenager’s lap. “Keep little Tessaiga in its sheath, young man.”
“Little what?!” he cried out incredulously. “How-how did you know what I called it?”
“Called what?” asked the woman curiously.
“It,” he repeated hoping she would understand. Damn! I’m talking to my mother about my dick. This is embarrassing! However, Izayoi continued to look at him blankly. “It, Mom,” he growled as he motioned toward his crotch with his head. His face was beet red by now, and he felt slightly lightheaded.
“Oh!” Her eyes widened in understanding. “Oh, well, I didn’t. It’s just a habit.” After she said that, her cheeks flushed a little and she started fidgeting with her fan. The uncharacteristic display of discomfort threw the hanyou off. “Umm…” she started even as she reddened a little more. Taking a deep breath, she finally blurted out, “It’s what your dad calls his.”
“He what?!” cried out Inuyasha in horror. “Dad calls his dick ‘little Tessaiga’ as well?!” Izayoi tried to shush the traumatized boy at his outburst, but it was now possible that half of the Roppongi Hills knew about the nickname for the privates of Takahashi Inc.’s esteemed CEO.
“Oh, Kami!” groaned Inuyasha after his mother let go of her hold over his mouth. “My poor ears! I don’t think I’ll be able to touch that sword for a while now.”
After a few minutes and countless deep breaths, the hanyou sat calmly on the bench. “Mate, huh?” he muttered distractedly. His brows furrowed then, and he asked, “But, Mom. Kagome thinks I’m a girl! Do you know how damned hard this is for me?”
His mother smirked. “Well, that is your fault for getting Naraku so angry at you. And besides, it’ll keep you two from consummating things.”
He groaned and put his head in his hands. “I don’t know what I’m going to do, Mom. I love her; I want her. And she says...”
“Yes?” prompted Izayoi.
Shaya swallowed nervously. “She says that she’s a lesbian!”
“What?” exclaimed Mrs. Takahashi in astonishment. She rapped her fan across her lap in apparent frustration. “That can’t be true. Mates are supposed to be heterosexual. Oh dear…” Izayoi paused and looked at her daughter.
“Oh dear, what? Mom?” asked Inuyasha in exasperation.
Izayoi sighed. “The call must have her confused. It’s very strong, and you do look like a very pretty girl.”
“Then take it off of me, Mom! I can’t have her being confused. I want her to want me as a guy, not as a girl!”
Izayoi shook her head. “Naraku is still out there, and he has a price on your head. Your life depends on you hiding. We think it will take about a year to clear this up. Perhaps we can get you and Kagome off to a trip to the mainland or Australia once everything’s back to normal. Sesshoumaru will take the bracelet off then.”
Inuyasha sat in his misery and twisted the hated bracelet.
“And if you ever do more monumental damage like you did today…”
“Yes,” muttered Inuyasha in exasperation.
“I will make you wear this hot outfit and I will take you out to tea with Ataru Moroboshi.”
Shaya’s eyes widened in horror. “No! No! I’ll be good, Mom!”
His mother’s eyes softened, and she patted her son on his knee. “Get dressed. I’m going to take you and Kagome to tea on top of the Grand Tokyo Hyatt.”
Inuyasha grudgingly pulled on his school uniform again. Once his socks were pulled up, he heard Kagome’s frantic knocking. He pulled the door open rapidly to look down on Kagome’s flushed face. Her lips were trembling, and she clutched her pink phone in her shaking hands.
“Kagome? What’s wrong?” he asked.
“My sister! It’s Rin! She’s crying!” said Kagome in astonishment. “She’s here in Tokyo and she wants to see me!”
She sighed before looking at the entire crowd that was gathered at the edge of the field. Most of the students were gaping in astonishment at the utter destruction that had been wrought. Burnt netting, twisted and melted metal, and gaping chasms of torn earth surrounded them.
“Will the responsible party step forward?” asked the headmistress sternly. Her eyes narrowed at the crowd, and she noticed that Shaya was grimacing. Since no one spoke up, she continued, “Everyone in this PE class will be serving detention for the next two weeks, unless someone cares to take responsibility for their actions.”
Kaede smirked as the student body before her stirred and moaned.
Inuyasha grimaced. He knew that he didn’t have the money to cover the ridiculous amount of damage that he had done. In fact, he barely had enough money to take Kagome out on a date. But, he would never cause Kagome any undue harm, not if he could help it. Detention would take her away from her family, and that would truly upset her.
Shaya stepped forward, away from the crowd and stopped in front of the headmistress. “I did the damage.” She leveled her amber eyes directly at Kaede. “Take the punishment out on me instead.”
Kaede’s severe face softened, and one eyebrow was raised. “So, you are mature enough to take responsibility for your actions, Shaya. You understand that the punishment will be severe?”
Shaya only kicked the scruff of her Mary Jane shoes into the ground. While she looked at her feet, she nodded her head in acknowledgement. Shit! How am I ever going to pay for this?
Kagome was both relieved and saddened that Shaya was going to take the fall. She just wondered what the girl would be able to do about the field that looked like it had been deliberately torched after an earthquake.
“Shaya-kun!” a voice cried out over the gathering. “There you are!”
“What?” questioned Kagome. Shaya-kun? Only boys are addressed with a ‘kun.’
Everyone turned to see a lovely woman of an indeterminate age who was the epitome of elegance and grace. She had long, ribbon-like, black hair that fell down nearly to her knees and shimmering violet eyes. She was wearing a stylish, three-layered silk kimono. The outer kimono was white with blushes of pink at the edges. Across her narrow waist was a golden obi bound with a silken red cord. A stylized print of a grey dog demon sprinted across the side of her dress.
The woman moved as slowly as her dainty geta clad feet could carry her toward the scene of the crime. Everyone assembled at the field watched her progression, especially an amber-eyed dog demon. Inuyasha blanched as he saw his mom come face to face with his latest debacle. Izayoi looked over the field, and her eyes grew wide with astonishment. Inuyasha could only cringe; he was quite certain that he would be subjected to a tongue-lashing. But, he was even more worried that his days at the ‘Shikon All Girls School’ were at an end.
He was amazed that he actually wanted to stay there and be with Kagome. Hell, she’s my girlfriend now! The thought that he would have welcomed staying at an all-girls school would have mystified him even a few weeks ago. Now that he had gotten to know Kagome and enjoyed being her roommate, he really didn’t know what he would do if he had to be separated from her again. He fidgeted and wished he had his sword at his side. It would have calmed his nerves.
His mother’s perfectly sculptured brow arched in amusement. “Now, Shaya!” The older woman admonished. “What is your dad going to say to all of this damage?”
Shaya only shook her head in misery. Fuck! Now I’m royally screwed!
Kaede looked back and forth between the parent and child with a pleased expression. “You are more than welcome to carry out Shaya’s punishment, Takahashi-san.”
The hanyou looked up sorrowfully at her mother. “I’m sorry, Mom. I know that I have disappointed you before. But, I was really upset and I was so excited to finally wield the ‘Wind Scar.’”
Izayoi’s lips tightened. “I will be dealing with you shortly.” She turned to Headmistress Kaede, who seemed very pleased with Shaya’s new-found humility.
Izayoi Takahashi looked over at Kaede first and bowed politely. “The Takahashi Corporation will be happy to construct a new and improved track and field that will put any college stadium to shame.”
“What?” exclaimed Shaya. “I thought…”
Izayoi chanced an icy glare at her son. The meaning was clear. He was to stay silent. Inuyasha’s heart fell deep into his chest. Please don’t take me away from Kagome!
“Headmistress Kaede, if you don’t mind, I need to take Shaya with me, so that I can work out a proper punishment.” Izayoi and Kaede bowed slowly to each other. Kaede tried to hold back a smile as Izayoi pulled her daughter off the field by her ear.
“Ouch, ma! Not the ears!” screamed the hanyou in embarrassment. Several girls in the audience giggled nervously as they watched the pair leave. Only one young miko left the group to follow after Shaya.
“Oh, now don’t take that tone with me, young man,” Izayoi managed to whisper while still tugging at the abused ear. She was making her way to a limo near the edge of the track. Shaya only followed along with her head bowed in abject misery.
Crap! She’s going to take me to see dad. I bet they’re going to leave me on some deserted island. I’ll never see Kagome again!
His mother’s face was hard and stern as she launched into a lecture. “You haven’t bothered to call your mother in two whole weeks, and now I see that you have a girlfriend.”
“What? Mom? Girlfriend? How did you…?” he asked in complete confusion.
Izayoi grinned and Inuyasha was startled by her abrupt change in demeanor. “Your dad is so pleased. We saw the video last night on YouTube; Kaede was very helpful in forwarding it to us. You finally managed to summon a Windscar!” She sighed happily. “I always knew that you had it in you. And who was that cute girl that you were kissing?”
Inuyasha’s face turned bright red and he suddenly found the dirt near his shoe to be extremely intriguing. “I can’t believe that you saw that. This is fucking embarrassing!”
“Language!” Izayoi grabbed his aching ear again and tugged harshly. “You are a young lady now, and young ladies do not use those words!”
He tried to keep from rolling his eyes. I’m a fucking guy, not a girl! “Stop it, Mom. I’m sorry. I’ll…”
Izayoi pursed her brows together, and Inuyasha knew that she was not about to relent. “You better be after this latest disaster.” Then, she paused and tapped her fan against her hip. “How much damage have you done in this past month, anyway? First was Naraku’s casino, which you demolished, then the security guards, who are hospitalized and now you destroyed your school’s track and field! I must find the proper punishment for all of this damage you have done.” She waved her fan and gestured in a wide arch to the field that had been demolished behind them. Inuyasha noticed a stray burnt net from the soccer goal fluttering in the wind.
Shaya tried to get a word in edgewise. “Ma, you see…”
“See what?” continued his mother. “See that you have done billions of Yen worth of damage AGAIN!” Shaya flinched at her words. Then, Izayoi’s voice changed to more soothing tones. “But your father and I are willing to forgive this little trespass…”
“Little trespass…?” questioned Shaya as she rubbed her abused ear.
“All because you mastered the Windscar! And, because I am so happy that you have finally found a cute girl.” Izayoi moved up to her ‘daughter’ and pinched her cheek.
“Owww, Mom,” murmured Shaya with a small amount of petulance. She crossed her arms.
Inuyasha smelled Kagome’s scent long before he heard her shoes scruff against the pebbled sidewalk. “Shaya?” questioned Kagome as she approached the duo off the field.
Izayoi’s eyes shone with sheer joy as she looked at Kagome. “And who might you be? Oh?” Mrs. Takahashi asked. “You’re Higurashi-san’s younger daughter, aren’t you?” Shaya’s mother moved forward to grip Kagome’s hands in hers. “Kagome, right? You have grown up to become such a lovely young lady.” Izayoi stepped back and grinned at Kagome.
Mrs. Takahashi glanced at her son. “Now, my darling Puppy-chan,” said Izayoi.
“Puppy-chan?” asked Kagome, her mouth agape.
“Mother!” exclaimed Inuyasha, his face turning beet red.
“Oh pooh! You have no right to be upset. You’ve done major structural damage to this place, and we’re paying to have it fixed.” Izayoi paused as if in thought as she tapped her fan against her chin. “You need to be punished, and I’m afraid that you’re going to have to face the music.”
“What is it, Mother?” glared the hanyou at his Mom.
She only turned around to beam at him. “Follow me, Shaya-kun! We’re going shopping! I’ve been meaning to go to the Roppongi Hills district, and you are to carry all of my bags for the entire day. And you will try on all of the clothes that I pick out for you! ” She paused and then smiled back at her son. “Even if they’re pink and frilly!”
“But, Mom!” exclaimed Shaya in exasperation.
“No buts, Shaya-kun! And bring your lovely friend with you; we just have to talk! We’ll have tea afterwards…” Izayoi’s voice trailed off as she walked off the field and toward an awaiting black limo.
Shaya groaned as he hurried after his mother and dragged Kagome along with him.
After a quick limo ride into downtown Tokyo, the trio found themselves at the Roppongi Hills district. Izayoi gracefully slid out of the car with the driver holding her hand. Shaya followed along in a grouchy huff. Kagome just stared wide-eyed at the fabulous array of shops, many of which she knew that someone with her limited income should not even think of entering.
Izayoi motioned for the two girls to follow her into a building labeled, Giorgio Armani. The teenaged girls looked on in confusion as the older woman quickly had a saleswoman helping them choose clothes for Shaya and Kagome.
Shaya could only look on in utter dismay as a large pile was accumulated for her. Practically everything that was gathered was a pink dress or skirt. His mother only smirked at her son as she continued to pick out the clothes.
“I’m not going to wear any of this!” frowned Shaya as she looked up at her Mom.
But her mother only smiled. “Not only are you going to wear it, I have a mind to take you to my next formal tea with Moroboshi-san and her son, Ataru, in this little pink number!”
Shaya’s eyes widened in horror. “Mom, you wouldn’t dare! Ataru is a letch. He can’t keep his hands off of any girl he sees.”
His mother flittered about and pulled another hot pink miniskirt off of the racks. “You need to think about this the next time you do billions of Yen worth of damage. I think a long tea with Ataru will help to cure you of your blatant tendency to utterly disregard everything your parents have taught you.” Izayoi turned and pressed the short miniskirt up against his thighs. “Oh, yes. This one is simply adorable. You have got to try it on!”
Shaya rolled her eyes. “I am not trying it on, mother!”
His mother raised an eyebrow at him. “You know, Shaya. All my life I have dreamed of shopping with my daughter. Buying her princess clothes and pink outfits. You are going to indulge your mother’s fantasy right now, especially considering the many messes that you have gotten in!” Izayoi shoved the miniskirt and the frilly, poets blouse at her daughter. “Dressing room. Now!” she ordered while pointing to the sign at the end of the hall that said ‘Women Only.’
Inuyasha sighed in exasperation as he moved toward the dressing room. Kagome followed dutifully, with a number of outfits slung under her arms. Izayoi had been just as insistent that Kagome try on some new outfits as well.
Shaya walked into her cubicle and threw the clothes she was wearing on the floor. Looking at the miniscule mountain gathered at his feet, she groaned miserably.
“Shaya?” Kagome whispered hesitantly as she knocked on her roommate’s door. “Are you all right?”
The hanyou jerked the door open and scowled. “No, I am not all right. My mom is blackmailing me into wearing this crap. I hate skirts and I hate pink and I hate…”
“Shaya-chan!” exclaimed Kagome as she put her arms around her roommate. Inuyasha was instantly soothed as he basked in her scent and sniffed at her hair. His anger that had been so palatable had now virtually evaporated. He took a deep breath and squeezed Kagome tighter to him.
“Thank you, Kagome. It’s just that I can never please my parents. I feel like an utter failure.”
“Shaya,” Kagome murmured while she put both hands around the sides of the hanyou’s face. “It’s OK. Just try on the clothes. It’ll make her happy. And you’re not a failure! You’re my best friend, and the one I…” Kagome paused, the words stuck in her throat. She had nearly said the one she loved, but that wasn’t right, was it? She was just getting used to the idea of liking Shaya ‘like that’. Wasn’t it too soon for love? Still, Kagome knew she cared for the hanyou girl, whatever it was.
“The one you…?” Shaya questioned, eyes wide.
“Care for.” Kagome answered with a smile before her sweet lips found his. Then he was lost again. Lost in her scent, her soft form, her tenderness…
He didn’t know how many moments or minutes had passed before Kagome drew away from him, leaving him feeling strangely bereft. She looked up to him tenderly before motioning to her stall. “I better try on my clothes. Let me know if you need any help.”
Shaya grabbed her before she could walk away. “There’s no need to leave, Kagome,” Shaya whispered. “Could you help me get dressed?” he asked with a smirk.
“Ahem!” The two teenaged girls were startled out of their reverie when they noticed Izayoi walking toward them. “I think that I will be helping you get dressed, Shaya,” stated her mother. The older woman quickly moved in next to her daughter and started to shove her into the stall.
Inuyasha only stood petulantly with his arms crossed while Izayoi gathered a pink miniskirt in her hands.
“I’m not wearing that, Mother!”
Izayoi quirked a brow at her daughter and gracefully sat down on the leather bench in the dressing room. “I know that you don’t want to, but you will anyway.”
“Oh and why is that?” responded Shaya as she turned her back on her mom.
“Because I know that you would like a new laptop,” she paused while Shaya took a sudden intake of breath. “And…if you behave, I will also buy one for Kagome.”
“Kagome?” Inuyasha’s mind raced. Kagome had to work hard for everything she had. She certainly wasn’t lacking for food or clothing. But she didn’t even have a computer at home or at school. He also knew how costly the Shikon education was and the Higurashi’s were shrine keepers, not millionaires. “That would be very nice, Mother.”
His mother wore a satisfied smile as she motioned for Inuyasha to disrobe. With a defeated sigh he started to pull his sailor blouse off and then his small, green skirt. His mother moved in quickly to pull the blouse over her daughter’s head. But, she quickly found that it was too small.
“Why doesn’t this fit you? You look like a size 11!” asked Izayoi in astonishment.
Inuyasha crossed his arms again. “Mom, I hope that you remember who I really am. My size hasn’t changed at all.”
“Oh!” murmured Mrs. Takahashi. However, she was not easily dissuaded and quickly had the sales lady grab all of the apparel that had already been chosen in women’s size ’17.’
Izayoi wore a pleased smile as she buttoned and zipped up her ‘daughter.’ Soon, Inuyasha looked at himself in a mirror. He blanched to see a very hot, silver-haired chick looking back at him. The busty woman had a tight, hot pink miniskirt on, a white poet’s blouse that exposed her ample cleavage and a pair of tall pink boots. “Mother!” he yelled in exasperation.
“Oh pooh!” answered Izayoi as she gently hit him with her fan. “I always wanted to dress up my daughter in pink clothes. Just consider yourself lucky that I didn’t take you to the Disney store to try on princess fashions.”
Inuyasha’s eyes almost bugged out of their sockets.
A gentle smile returned to his mom’s face. “You can put your regular clothes back on.” She waited for a moment and then started speaking again. “Now, Inuyasha. We need to talk about Kagome.”
Shaya blanched and could see the color drain from her face in the mirror.
“I am very happy that you have found such a pretty young lady. And I always knew that Kagome was the one for you.”
“What? How did you?”
Izayoi waved her fan in the air again. “You never reacted to a girl the way you acted around her. Constantly stuttering, looking at her every time she looked away. And, don’t think that I don’t know about the times you hid in that tree on the Higurashi grounds to spy into her room!”
“What? Don’t remind me about the stuttering…and I…”
Izayoi’s fan pressed against his lips. “She’s your mate, Inuyasha. Your reaction has been perfectly normal.” She paused again and straightened her kimono skirt. “But, doing large amounts of damage to properties because you were frustrated is not normal. I expect that now that we have the two of you in close proximity again, you will finally calm down.”
“Mate?” Inuyasha asked, surprised. She’s my mate? As comforting as that thought was, he couldn’t help but feel a little intimidated by the idea of it. After all, he was still a teenager. “Uh, Mom? Isn’t it a little too early to be talking about that?”
Mrs. Takahashi raised her eyebrows at the hesitantly uttered question. “Yes, it is,” she agreed. She pursed her lips and narrowed her eyes, causing Inuyasha to cower under her suddenly piercing gaze. “And, that’s why I’m warning you now,” she started before waving her closed fan toward the teenager’s lap. “Keep little Tessaiga in its sheath, young man.”
“Little what?!” he cried out incredulously. “How-how did you know what I called it?”
“Called what?” asked the woman curiously.
“It,” he repeated hoping she would understand. Damn! I’m talking to my mother about my dick. This is embarrassing! However, Izayoi continued to look at him blankly. “It, Mom,” he growled as he motioned toward his crotch with his head. His face was beet red by now, and he felt slightly lightheaded.
“Oh!” Her eyes widened in understanding. “Oh, well, I didn’t. It’s just a habit.” After she said that, her cheeks flushed a little and she started fidgeting with her fan. The uncharacteristic display of discomfort threw the hanyou off. “Umm…” she started even as she reddened a little more. Taking a deep breath, she finally blurted out, “It’s what your dad calls his.”
“He what?!” cried out Inuyasha in horror. “Dad calls his dick ‘little Tessaiga’ as well?!” Izayoi tried to shush the traumatized boy at his outburst, but it was now possible that half of the Roppongi Hills knew about the nickname for the privates of Takahashi Inc.’s esteemed CEO.
“Oh, Kami!” groaned Inuyasha after his mother let go of her hold over his mouth. “My poor ears! I don’t think I’ll be able to touch that sword for a while now.”
After a few minutes and countless deep breaths, the hanyou sat calmly on the bench. “Mate, huh?” he muttered distractedly. His brows furrowed then, and he asked, “But, Mom. Kagome thinks I’m a girl! Do you know how damned hard this is for me?”
His mother smirked. “Well, that is your fault for getting Naraku so angry at you. And besides, it’ll keep you two from consummating things.”
He groaned and put his head in his hands. “I don’t know what I’m going to do, Mom. I love her; I want her. And she says...”
“Yes?” prompted Izayoi.
Shaya swallowed nervously. “She says that she’s a lesbian!”
“What?” exclaimed Mrs. Takahashi in astonishment. She rapped her fan across her lap in apparent frustration. “That can’t be true. Mates are supposed to be heterosexual. Oh dear…” Izayoi paused and looked at her daughter.
“Oh dear, what? Mom?” asked Inuyasha in exasperation.
Izayoi sighed. “The call must have her confused. It’s very strong, and you do look like a very pretty girl.”
“Then take it off of me, Mom! I can’t have her being confused. I want her to want me as a guy, not as a girl!”
Izayoi shook her head. “Naraku is still out there, and he has a price on your head. Your life depends on you hiding. We think it will take about a year to clear this up. Perhaps we can get you and Kagome off to a trip to the mainland or Australia once everything’s back to normal. Sesshoumaru will take the bracelet off then.”
Inuyasha sat in his misery and twisted the hated bracelet.
“And if you ever do more monumental damage like you did today…”
“Yes,” muttered Inuyasha in exasperation.
“I will make you wear this hot outfit and I will take you out to tea with Ataru Moroboshi.”
Shaya’s eyes widened in horror. “No! No! I’ll be good, Mom!”
His mother’s eyes softened, and she patted her son on his knee. “Get dressed. I’m going to take you and Kagome to tea on top of the Grand Tokyo Hyatt.”
Inuyasha grudgingly pulled on his school uniform again. Once his socks were pulled up, he heard Kagome’s frantic knocking. He pulled the door open rapidly to look down on Kagome’s flushed face. Her lips were trembling, and she clutched her pink phone in her shaking hands.
“Kagome? What’s wrong?” he asked.
“My sister! It’s Rin! She’s crying!” said Kagome in astonishment. “She’s here in Tokyo and she wants to see me!”
The Next Chapter: Chapter 13: Busted. A new moon, a hot spring and some nudity. We’ll see you then!
Author’s Notes:
#1: Traditionally you can append a girl’s name with –chan and a boy’s name with –kun. It’s a term of endearment, usually used by relatives or very close friends. The exception is if the boy is really small and exceptionally cute, then you can add a –chan to his name. (But he would probably prefer –kun.)
#2: Japanese Clothing size 11 is US size 8 and European size 38. Japanese Clothing size 17 is US size 14 and European size 44.
#3: Did anyone notice that we had characters from Urusei Yatsura and Sailor Moon in this chapter?
#4: Ataru Moroboshi is a character from Urusei Yatsura (Rumiko Takahashi’s first work from the 1980’s). He’s just as lecherous as Miroku, but without the inner wisdom. Urusei Yatsura is a science fiction comedy with (does this sound familiar?): a love triangle, a beautiful miko, a Buddhist monk and a letch. Here’s the first episode:
Author’s Notes:
#1: Traditionally you can append a girl’s name with –chan and a boy’s name with –kun. It’s a term of endearment, usually used by relatives or very close friends. The exception is if the boy is really small and exceptionally cute, then you can add a –chan to his name. (But he would probably prefer –kun.)
#2: Japanese Clothing size 11 is US size 8 and European size 38. Japanese Clothing size 17 is US size 14 and European size 44.
#3: Did anyone notice that we had characters from Urusei Yatsura and Sailor Moon in this chapter?
#4: Ataru Moroboshi is a character from Urusei Yatsura (Rumiko Takahashi’s first work from the 1980’s). He’s just as lecherous as Miroku, but without the inner wisdom. Urusei Yatsura is a science fiction comedy with (does this sound familiar?): a love triangle, a beautiful miko, a Buddhist monk and a letch. Here’s the first episode: