InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Heart of Ice ❯ Morning, and misery ( Chapter 9 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Hi all. I want to thank you for the wonderful reviews!!!!!!!!!

Make sure you keep them coming. On WITH THE STORY!!!!!

Kagome woke slowly. Struggling her way threw the layers of fog that clouded her mind trying to keep her trapped in the dark. As soon as her body registered sensation she became aware of a pounding head ach that threatened to rip her head in two. ` What the hell is happening? Where am I?' Kagome asked her self as she got her first look at her surroundings.

She was in a huge bedroom. The walls where white stone that gleamed as the sunlight hit them. The floors were, what look like brilliantly polished black marble with a few white fur rugs placed strategically around the room. She was lying in a huge four-post bed made of dark brown almost black wood. The blanket and pillows were a royal blue with sliver sakura ( Spelling?) blossoms across most of the far fight corner.

A large vanity sat by a massive window along the right wall. There was also a full-length mirror and a beautiful changing screen (What are they called?). The royal blue curtains on both of the windows that flanked the bed were open letting the sun pour in. A knock was suddenly heard from the double wooden doors. Each had a carved picture of a huge silver dog howling at the moon.

" Come in." Kagome said nervous of who lay beyond the doors. They swung open to reveal a tall elegant female inu-youkai. She was in a simple yet elegant kimono that was a light green. She had stripes on her face like Sesshomaru only they were a light reddish pink. Her hair a deep brown was pulled back into a tight bun. " Hello lady Kagome my name is Akina (Sorry I'm horrible at names) I will be you servant while you're at the castle." She said. " Wait a second castle? Where am I?" Kagome asked more confused than ever.

" Forgive me Lady Kagome you are at Lord Sesshomaru's place in the Western Lands." Akina said cheerfully. Before Kagome had a chance to respond Akina spoke again. " Hurry now I'm to help you get ready, Lord Sesshomaru wants you to join him in the dinning hall as soon as you've awakened." " Ok." Kagome answered quietly. ` Why would Sesshomaru bring me here?' Kagome wondered as Akina led her to the baths. ` I guess I'll just have to wait and ask him myself.' Kagome decided when she came up with no answer.

After a long bath that left her felling much better Akina led her back to her room and started to help her into a kimono that was lying at the end of the bed. It was a deep ruby red with a lighter red waterfall and edges. After she was dressed and she put her shoes on and sat down at the vanity to let Akina fix her hair. It was fixed into a high ponytail with a few tendrils lefts down around her neck.

" Now that you ready Lady Kagome I will led you to the dinning hall." Akina said. " Thank you Akina and just Kagome is fine." Kagome said cheerfully. " Alright Kagome if you will follow me…….?" Akina let her sentence trail off as she led Kagome threw the halls. Soon they arrived at another set of double doors with the same silver dogs carved into them.

Akina pushed the doors open and stepped inside followed by Kagome. The room as beautiful with lightly stained glass windows, (Think frost) the same white rugs, and the same royal blue drapes. In the center of the room was a long wood table surrounded by what looked like twenty chairs.

At the head of the table Kagome saw the great inu-youkai himself seated stiffly, looking at her as he might an annoying nat. Akina had since left the room closing the doors behind her leaving Kagome and Sesshomaru alone. They just stared at one another waiting to see who would break the silence first.

I know kind of boring but I'll get to the next chapter soon!!