InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Heart of Ice ❯ Terror and Rage ( Chapter 12 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

A/N In case you were wondering- I know Kagome trained in her own time, but she wants to train with Sesshomaru to get better and she thinks he will be a challenging sparing partner.

As soon as the word Inuyasha left his mouth he could feel Kagome tense beside him. The air was heavy with the scent of her terror. When he turned his head to look at her he saw that her small form was racked with tremors and her face had gone deathly pale. ` What did that stupid half breed do to make her so afraid?' He could sense her need to fun, but surprisingly she held her ground. ` What is wrong with me? Why do I feel this need to protect her?'

Shaking the thought aside Sesshomaru turned to look back out into the horizon, and waited for his brother to arrive. Kagome was terrified her mind was running a hundred miles a minute. ` Why did Inuyasha come after me?' ` What am I going to do?' ` I can't run, there IS nowhere to run.' ` NO I will face him and his dead bitch they wont scare me anymore.' Strengthening her resolve she straitened her shoulders and turn to wait with Sesshomaru.

After five minute of tense silence a bellow filled the air. " SESSHOMARU!" Inuyasha and the rest of the group could be seen approaching the front gates where Sesshomaru and Kagome waited. Kikyou was being carried on Inuyasha, and Sango and Miroku were ridding Kilala (SP). The all pulled to a halt right in front of Sesshomaru and Kagome. Sango and Miroku got prepared for a fight while Kikyou readied an arrow. Inuyasha drew Tetsusaiga and faced his brother.

" Let Kagome go you asshole." Inuyasha demanded a small growl entering his voice. " What ever do you mean brother?" Sesshomaru asked in a mocking tone. " What the fuck do you think I mean you bastard now let Kagome go." " She is not my prisoner brother." Sesshomaru stated. " Ya right." Inuyasha snorted. " If you don't believe me why don't you ask her your self." With that both brothers along with the rest of the group tuned to face the Kagome.

Kagome had done nothing while the confrontation between Inuyasha and Sesshomaru was taking place. She decided the best way to handle the situation was to not say anything and hope Inuyasha didn't notice her. Her hopes were dashed however when she heard him tell Inuyasha to ask her for himself whether of no she was Sesshomaru's prisoner. Once the two brothers turned to her she stayed as she was not looking at them for a few minutes praying that it was all a bad dream.

Finally she turned to face them and felt a new wave of terror and rage pass over her when she looked at Inuyasha. " Well wench what's the deal?" Inuyasha demanded angrily. " What do you care Inuyasha." Kagome asked her voice disturbingly polite. " What do you mean what do I care? You're my shard detector." Inuyasha said annoyance in his voice. " You have Kikyou now she can find the shards for you just as easily as I can." Kagome pointed out her voice never changing. " And no I'm not Sesshomaru's prisoner I `m here of my own free will."

Inuyasha was shocked to say the least. " W-w-what do you mean Kagome." " Just what I said." Kagome added stiffly. Inuyasha was silent he couldn't believe it, he had gone threw all this trouble to try and rescue the bitch only to find out that she has teamed up with his bastard brother. Once the shock wore off the fury started kicking in. ` How DARE she that ungrateful bitch.' ` After all I've done for her she takes the shards and goes running to my brother, not a chance.' ` I kill her! And that bastard Sesshomaru to.'

Inuyasha's growl started to rise in volume gripping Tetsusaiga in both hands he looked to Kagome malice and rage in his eyes. " You fucking bitch after all I've done for you this is how you repay me!" " After all you've done for ME!" Kagome was angry now as she faced Inuyasha her earlier fears had evaporated with that one single sentence. " You bastard I gave up everything for you. My home, my family, my friends, MY LIFE." " Now you have the guts to come to me after you betrayed my with that corpse and yell at me. Well fuck off Inuyasha I don't give a damn about what you think anymore."

Inuyasha was livid now, a faint tent of red started to cloud his vision. " Give me the jewel shards." Inuyasha demanded quietly. " Fuck off I'm there protector and protect them is what I'm going to do even from you." Kagome stated simply. " If you want them your going to have to get threw me first." " Fine bitch with pleasure."

Inuyasha lunched himself at Kagome arm extended claws ready. " DIE!" Kagome didn't know what to do she couldn't dodge in time and she was too terrified to move even if she could. She braced herself for the blow but it never came. Quick as lightning Sesshomarus hand shot out and closed around Inuyashas neck. A low dangerous growl was rumbling in his chest. " Forget about me brother." Sesshomaru asked.

Review! I need to know if you guys want a lemon in this story.