InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Heated ❯ KougaxKat ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Hola people and Welcome. This is `Heated' my four part lemon series. Well I hope you enjoy it… you better because if I don't get a positive response, you'll be lucky if I don't get into angst mode, with absolute NO-Fluff. -Evil smile- BTW this is the only scene I'm continuing from `The Dollhouse' so live with it!
---Where we had left off from `The Dollhouse'---
Kat was only a little way from Kouga, she took a lung and landed on his back, making him lose balance and fall. Kat stood up, and waited for Kouga to turn, so his back was on the ground, then she straddled him, pushing her hands down on his chest so that he wouldn't be able to get up and start running again. She was tired and wanted answers.
“What the hell are you running for?” Kat said, she didn't know why… Yeah they had embarrassed the boys, but Kouga was one that didn't come up much. “I… I don't know!” He yelled back angrily. He just wanted to get away for her, he knew he had like her, it was different than Kagome, for Kagome he just wanted her to help his tribe but now with most of them gone he could actually focus more on him self, and he had feelings.
She leaned down to him her face angry, “What the hell got into you! You scared me!” She was panting, and she didn't know it but she was making Kouga, just a tiny horny, but what happened next he had no control of; he reached up and pushed his lips to hers.
She gasped slightly, letting Kouga, slip his tongue into her mouth, exploring though her whole mouth, getting the taste of her. She moaned onto his mouth, causing shivers to run down his spine. When they broke for air, Kat searched his eyes, before dipping into another kiss.
Kouga's hands began to run over Kat's body; eventually one took up on the back of her head pushing her lips closer to his. His other hand ended hesitantly on he thigh, and shyly crept up her to it reached her ass; giving it a light squeeze. Kat gasped again; taking this as her signal she moved her hands over his chest plate, the cool metal on her hands. She broke the kiss and went to take it off.
Successfully taking the breast plate off, showing his bare chest she one again rubbed her hands over his chest. She then reached up and removed his hair from the pony tail. His midnight black hair splashing down a crossed his shoulders, she twirled a finger in it before she moved to kiss him again.
Smirking as they broke from yet another kiss, Kouga reached up pulling off the bathing suit/ bra type of top, leaving her breasts exposed. Kouga shifted and rolled over having him be on top Kat beneath him. She looked up at him, with an innocent look. It seemed genuine, Kouga smirked it didn't matter.
He brought a hand up and cupped her breast then slowly started to massage it with one hand. Dipping his head down as if to kiss her, but instead of bringing his lips to her lip he brought them down to her semi-hardened nipple. Moaning softly as Kouga nipped and licked her nipple she threw her hands into his hair.
Once the rosy nipple was brought to attention her worked his way over to the other. Slowly nipping and licking it. Suckling on it every now and then, getting moans from Kat as he did so. He moved his head in between her breasts, kissing down until her stomach wear Kat instantly removed the golden band from it; Kouga went down father down to her skirt.
He took a small hold of it with his mouth pulling it down until it was looped at her legs where she gently kicked it off. He looked up at her and smirked. Pulling his head down to her wetness, he had smelled her arousal since they began the heated kissing but now it was overflowing him, helping him harden faster.
He darted his tongue out, licking her outer lips making her shudder and groan. He then encased her throbbing clit inside his mouth, sucking and nipping on it. He moved out licking around her licking up all of her juices with continually poured out. She was moaning the whole time. Satisfied when he managed to get his fill, he then removed the rest of his clothing.
`We might have to re think that list, who knows maybe I'll de pants Inu-Yasha later and take a look.' Kat was jerked from her thoughts when she felt Kouga slide into her. Kat closed her eyes and took deep breathes, it had hurt. It was her first time, she took in a deep breath, and slowly the pain was disappearing.
Kouga laid their on top of her for a while letting her throbbing walls get used to his feel. He slowly pulled out then back in; Kat was moving her hips up and down a rhythm coming into form. He looked down at the girl beneath him, she had her eyes closed moaning his name softly. Kouga was holding in from just pounding into her, he didn't want to hurt her more than necessary.
They began to speed up; Kouga moved a hand to her hips helping her slide easier on him. She was screaming his name as she was about to come, this being the biggest one. Kouga could feel him self coming too, and slowly began to deeply moan her name. Kat screamed as she came, spilling her juices over Kouga, in seconds he too had come grunting Kat could feel his warm seed spreading though her.
Kouga collapsed on her, before taking himself out of her and rolled over. She spooned against him; they lied there for a while. Kouga kissing the back of her neck and nipping on her collarbone.
“Does this…” Kat trailed off. Kouga put a hand in front of her pushing him self over so he half leaned on her looking her in the face, “Does this what Kat?” He asked, curious to her statement.
“Mates…” She said in a soft whisper, Kouga looked down at her smiling, “If that's what you want.” He whispered back, laying back down into their spoon position.
Kat rolled over to face him, “Are you… Are you sure you want me? I mean I can forget about this, and you wouldn't be obliged I mean, I was once princess of the neko tribe but it was wiped out and…” She said babbling on and on, about reasons why he shouldn't mate her, until one hit him. “…and what about that Ayame girl? Aren't you promised to her?”
Kouga looked down at Kat, stealing her into another kiss. “I have almost no tribe left either and Ayame… I haven't seen her, besides I didn't promise her anything! I don't know what crap Kagome is filling you head but I don't like it.” Kouga replied roughly.
Kat nodded, “Okay… We should get back Kouga… they may come looking for us.” Kouga nodded, and stood picking up their clothing, before he too picked up Kat, and bare naked went to the river. “We should wash off first.” Kouga said, Kat giving him a nod.
That's it, I know it sucked but oh well I wasn't feeling this one. Anyways MirxSan is next, the InuxKag then my very special one, but I'll give you a hint, and if you guess it… I'll dedicate the special chapter to you!