InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Hidden Affection ❯ New Friends ( Chapter 2 )
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Here is chapter 2. For all of you who decided to stick around for chapter 2. If you didn't fall asleep in chapter 1. ^^;
Forbidden Affection
Chapter 2: New Friends
Kagome and her three friends walked outside to eat their lunch. They had spied a bench that was sitting underneath a tree. They all decided to go and sit there to eat their lunch.
Kagome pulled out her lunch, which consisted of rice balls and green tea. She and the others began to eat happily and sit on the shady bench, watching the other students. Some of them were fooling around, as usual. Everyone seemed to be walking around, trying to find an appropriate place to eat.
Kagome and her friends seemed to be enjoying each other, eating and talking of summer and what fun they had. They were telling their most embarrassing summer moments to each other.
Inuyasha seemed to be the last out of the doors. He walked down the stairs and seemed to be aimlessly wandering around. He stood in some grass for a while and seemed to be wondering what to do.
"Hey, look Kagome. It's the new guy." Sango said as she took a bite of her rice dish.
"Huh?" Kagome looked over at Inuyasha, who was still standing there.
"Why don't we ask him to come eat with us?" Yukina questioned.
"I dunno." The schoolgirl in the ponytail replied.
"Nozomi." Yukina began.
"He does look lonely." Sango added.
"Well?" Kagome questioned.
The three girls looked at Kagome.
"Oh no!" She protested. "Your not thinking what I think you are......Are you?"
They trio looked at her still.
"Do I have to do everything?" Kagome questioned, seeming frustrated.
"Well, you did talk to him in class." Sango said. "That's more then I ever said to him."
Kagome got up and sat her food down in her empty seat. She slowly walked up to Inuyasha and tapped his shoulder.
"What do ya want?" he seemed frustrated.
"Sorry..Geez." Kagome yelled. "Do you have to be such a jerk?"
Kagome spun around and crossed her arms. "I was going to invite you to eat with my friends and I, since your new but now I don't think I want to."
"Eat?" Inuyasha questioned.
"Yeah, it IS time to eat you know." Kagome informed.
"Crap." Inuyasha's face became annoyed.
"What now?" Kagome questioned, still agitated by her cold welcome.
"I didn't bring anything to eat." The boy whined.
"You can have some of my rice balls, if you come over and promise not to be such a jerk."
"I've had a bad day, ok?" Inuyasha huffed. " No one would even show me the way out, so I just followed everyone else."
"Why didn't you say you needed someone to show you around?" Kagome asked as she turned back around to face Inuyasha again.
"Eh.." It was the only sound Inuyasha could make.
"I can show you around." Kagome pointed to herself. "Come on."
Kagome grabbed Inuyasha's wrist and pulled him over to her small group of friends.
"This is Inuyasha." Kagome said as she pointed to him. "Inuyasha, these are my friends. Introduce yourselves, guys."
The first black haired girl in a green fuku had stood up.
"I am Yukina." She said cheerfully and then gave a courteous half bow. "Nice to meet you, Inuyasha."
Nozomi and Sango sat together, as Yukina was telling Inuyasha bits of information about herself. After she was done talking to the black haired schoolboy, Nozomi stood up. Nozomi was reserved and kind of serious, unlike Yukina, who was lighthearted, laid back and friendly. Nozomi looked at Inuyasha.
"My name is Itoki Nozomi, and I am head of the volleyball team. It's nice to meet you, Inuyasha." She said with a sip of her tea.
Sango and Kagome just stared. Nozomi could seem very cold and informative at times, they hoped that she didn't cause Inuyasha any type of trouble.
"I'm Sango." Sango pointed to herself. She was a bit hard to see, since she sat on the very end of the bench, underneath the shade of the old tree.
"In case you forgot, I'm Kagome." Kagome smiled a cheery smile.
"Well, now that we're acquainted." Nozomi said eyeing Inuyasha.
Inuyasha opened his mouth to talk and got hit in the back with a small rock from two boys who had been fooling around. Then Yukina, Sango and Kagome made faces of shock and Nozomi just looked annoyed.
Inuyasha turned around and shouted at the two boys.
"Hey! What's your problem?!" He yelled.
"Oops...sorry kid." One of them said in return.
"I'll show you sorry!" Inuyasha pulled up the sleeve of his school uniform and took a few steps forward. He felt something grab the back of his uniform.
"Hey!" Kagome warned. "What are you doing? Do you want to get detention your first day!"
"He hit me with a rock!" Inuyasha whined.
"I don't know where you come from, but you just don't go around beating the crap out of people that hit you with rocks on accident. Look, he said he apologized." Kagome responded.
"Feh." Inuyasha complained.
He turned back to the girls who still sat upon the bench. Yukina made a face of surprised and Sango just looked on. Nozomi continued eating as if nothing had ever happened.
"Don't worry." Kagome told the dark haired boy. "Those kids are just jerks anyway. They're always picking on each other."
"They're immature if you ask me." Nozomi said sipping the last of her tea.
"You'd be better off sticking around with us." Yukina smiled. "Some boys are so ignorant."
"Hey!" Inuyasha said, seeming insulted by that remark.
Nozomi looked at Inuyasha. "She said some not all, unless your the majority."
With Inuyasha's last complaining word, the school bell rang again and it was time to resume classes.
"I swear, lunch period just isn't long enough to get to know someone. " Yukina huffed.
"Well, I'll see you guys later." Nozomi said as she swung her book bag over her shoulder and began to walk in the opposite direction. Everyone said their good-byes and took off in their opposite directions, leaving Kagome and Inuyasha standing beside of each other.
"Hey." Inuyasha said to Kagome.
"Yeah?" Kagome turned half way to look at the young man.
"Could you show me where the classroom is? Everyone else just keeps walking as if they can't tell I don't know where the hell I'm going." Inuyasha asked, seeming annoyed.
It was true, everyone would just walk past if they saw him. Since he didn't know anyone or anything about the school, he wandered around and hoped he found the right class, or the right place to go. He did, however end up in the wrong class a couple of times, feeling quite embarrassed about what he had done.
"Sure." Kagome told Inuyasha. "After school, I can show you around. Maybe then you won't feel so lost."
"I've got nothing else better to do." Inuyasha responded.
Kagome and Inuyasha walked slowly down the cement road as she showed him to the proper class.
~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*
Well, here is chapter 2 of my little AU. I still can't believe I wrote an AU, please leave a kind review! I really want to know how I'm doing on this. Since it is my first AU, I would love to know how I am doing.