InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Hidden Hanyou ❯ Impasse ( Chapter 10 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Kagome crawled a little bit closer before splaying out on the floor. She was caught off guard by the severity of the set of his mouth and floored by the question. A strangled “Huh?” was all she could manage.

“He your boyfriend?”

She settled herself against the wall parallel to him and, once comfortable, nodded dejectedly. “I mean, I guess you could call him that.” She rested her gaze on the stack of books near his feet, reluctant to meet his eye.

“How come you never told me?” Inuyasha remained atypically still as he questioned her.

“Well, I would have told you the first night if you hadn’t fallen through my doorway half-dead. Besides, I've gotten lucky that Naraku has been stationed up North.” Kagome ignored the queasy turn of her stomach. “I suppose it just never came up.”

He opened his mouth to interrogate her further when the distant sound of her ringing phone startled them both.
Kagome got to her knees once more. Greeaaaat, she groaned internally. Bankotsu must have already called Naraku. “I’m going to get that and make dinner while I’m out.” The hanyou watched as Kagome scrambled through the door.

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Her stomach rumbled expectantly at the scent of the leftover rice she had warmed in the pot. After throwing in some questionable looking vegetables, the tired girl doled out the mixture into a couple of bowls and slid three fried eggs into the first dish and one into another, and with a quick glance to make sure the stove flame was extinguished, slinked back to her bedroom, head full of information she was not sure how to process.

The phone call had been both illuminating and comforting.

She found Inuyasha staring at her as she awkwardly pushed through. He set down the book he had picked up and followed her, or rather the bowls, with eager eyes. “Here you go,” she yawned as she set one on his lap.

They ate in silence, until midway through their meal. With most of his hunger sated, Inuyasha could no longer wait for Kagome to ease back into the conversation. “Who called? Your boyfriend?”

Swallowing the last bit of her egg, she shook her head; the hair which she had so carefully brushed earlier was now a tangled mess. “No.”

“Well, who then?”


“Rin? She called you?” he sputtered excitedly, still spooning food into his mouth. A bit of egg clung to his chin, but he didn’t notice. Kagome snickered at the sight. “What’d she say, Kagome?”

“Well, we had to speak in a kind of code. I think she’s worried about someone listening. Anyways,” Kagome counted off on her fingers, entirely amused at his impatience, “she wanted to make sure you’re ok and wanted me to tell you that everyone knows about turning human, um, that there is a two day hold on all official channels in and out of the country, and” she grinned to see his mouth agog, “to just stay put.”

“Shit.” Was all he had to say.

“I guess I’m not the only one who has secrets,” she muttered under her breath.

“Guess not.” Discarding his spoon and chopsticks, Inuyasha poured the last grains directly into his mouth. “So you ready, pup, to finish what we were talkin’ about earlier?”

“But what about what Rin said?“ Kagome asked, her eyes narrowing incredulously. “Don’t you want to know what we talked about?”

“What’s more to say?” the hanyou wiped his chin, “You’re stuck with me. We can talk about the human thing later if you want. I mean, if there’s no getting outta here, you’re gonna see for yourself anyways.” He hoped he sounded nonchalant and dismissive when, in fact, he was reeling from the knowledge that his greatest weakness was no longer his secret alone. As upsetting as that was, he refused to allow Kagome to distract him further from the information he was after. He filed Rin away, promising himself to bring it up the very next day.

“You mentioned he was stationed somewhere” he asked, “He a soldier?”


“It makes sense as to how you get all that rationed stuff,” he said sullenly. See! he berated himself. You aren't anything to her but a long ago crush, stupid. You really expected her to keep you in mind all this time, didn’t you? What did you expect? That maybe she would have stayed single in the hopes that you would one day show up? Like she would even believe that you were planning on coming back before the war started. Of course she's seeing someone. She’s smart and funny and pretty and abso-fucking wonderful. She supports her mom and grandpa. She’s risking her life to help you out. The words TOO LATE scrolled along a marquee in his mind. “Pretty smart move.”

That he looked both betrayed and angry made Kagome want to cry. “Naraku Takeda is actually very kind. He brings me food and soap and makes it so I don't get raided or my electricity turned off,” she gave Inuyasha a frantic look as her voice turned softly pleading, “He buys me wood and fuel during the winter.”

“Wow, what a romantic,” he sneered.

Though of a similar opinion, having such thoughts conveyed to her by Inuyasha was embarrassing and put her on the offensive; the anger she had suppressed at his perusal of the subject rose like bile.

“You have no right, Inuyasha,” she spat, pausing only to catch her breath. “First, who are you to me? We knew each other, for what, a month when I was a kid? Don’t presume anything about my life, what I like and who I like.”

Looking directly at her, he continued taunting, seemingly unaffected by her outburst. “Don’t take it out on me cuz your life sucks.” he jeered.

In an instant she was nearly on top of him, and he could smell the downiness of her fresh pajamas as she poked the uninjured portion of his chest with a finger.

“You know, you sound like a jealous prick right now, Inuyasha. I had to deal with that creep, Bankotsu Isobe, who happens to be Naraku’s lackey, coming into my house and staring at me with his creepy little eyes trying to look down my dress. Did you once, in all the time you were sitting here, think, ‘Gee, I wonder if Kagome is ok? Who came to the door? Did she tell anyone that I’m here? Is she dead?’ Then your sister in law calls and tells me that I have no choice but to keep you like this until, when, forever? And don’t give me that look,” she growled when his eyes shot open wide, “Of course I would do it. She didn’t have to say the words. I would do it just because it’s you. And here you are, thumbing your nose at me, making me feel bad for choices that, thank you very much, I’m already regretting more than you know. You don’t know anything Inuyasha, stupid hanyou.”

Shit, he was an idiot. “Hey, I’m sorry, I wasn’t thinking, Kagome,” he apologized. Could he fix this without making himself look anymore the jealous asshole? He quickly resigned himself to the fact that he could not. But he couldn’t just tell her the truth. And what was the truth, he asked himself? That you’re fucking crazy about her and that the thought of her touching another makes you physically ill?

He should just piss on her leg and get it over with if he planned on being this obvious.

“I mean, I was thinking about you, but I know you’re not stupid and so when I heard the guy leave, I figured you were ok. I just started thinking about why you wouldn’t tell me you were seeing anyone.” Wow. That came out a lot more pathetic than he had intended.

Somewhat pacified, she sighed, crossing her legs. “He might come back soon, you know. But I guess we’ll get to that when it comes.”

“Which one? Bankotsu or Naraku?”

She wrinkled her nose and gave a rueful smile. “Probably both.”

“He rich?” Now that the subject was broached, he refused to back down.

“Which one?” Kagome’s smile turned wicked.

“Naraku," Inuyasha barked, exasperated, but reassured by her now serene demeanor. Damn, this girl could switch moods like a hurricane could switch direction. Since she’s in Japan, I guess she’d be more of a typhoon. She ran a hand through her hair before answering, and he was fixated momentarily on the scent diffused by the action. For the first time, he noticed how her figured was still discernable through her baggy and worn pajamas. Shit, he could barely keep his hands off of her despite the serious direction of the conversation.

“Not exactly, but since he has no other family, he’s able to help me out.” She told him.

“Why didn't Sango tell me?”

“Well, I wanted to be the one to tell you.” Great Kagome, now you sound like you anticipated jealously on his part. Great.


“Naraku only visits once in a while, but he…I,” she stammered, “Inuyasha, I mean, I wanted to be able to explain it to you, and frankly, you’re so close to my bedroom, I thought that if you knew ahead of time, you wouldn’t consider coming. From what your sister told me, it was here or nowhere for you.”

“Why would it matter that I'm close to your bedroom?” He said it with a blank face, but an intentional snarl in his voice. He hoped she wasn't close enough to see him trembling.

“Come off it, Inuyasha, we’re both adults here. I-“

He interrupted her.

“Kagome, I'm tired. I'm gonna try to sleep now, is that ok?” His voice had dropped all animosity and his cheeks matched the blanched pigment of his hair. Despite their argument, Kagome leaned forward, worried.

“Are you ok? What's the matter?”


She stretched and placed her palm over his brow. “Is your fever back again?”

He grabbed her wrist. The swift motion startled her and his claw tips bit angrily into her skin. He must have realized this because he let her from his grasp immediately.

“I'm tired. Can you bring my medicine in later? I just want to go to sleep.”

“Alright,” Kagome whispered, a little angry and more than a little dazed.


Standing before the trifling fire in her bedroom, Kagome tied an old cotton bandana around her hair to keep it from her face as she slept. The dying embers of the fire popped weakly and, after a brief debate, she added one small log. Her wood supply was almost nonexistent, but she had heard from one of her customers that a storm was coming and she didn’t want to awake completely frozen. Maybe it would be better to start sleeping in the laundry room where it seemed to stay warmer.

Winter had only begun, but already she wished for spring.

She walked to her bed and pulled down the heavy covers, but instead of lying down, turned to the wall. “Inuyasha?” Nothing but the honk of a distant car. She climbed into bed.

Naraku Takeda. Kagome grimaced a little at the thought of her human lover. Scooting over to the edge, she reached a hand out and briefly brushed the wall which she shared with Inuyasha. They were stuck at an impasse and wasn’t sure how to fix it. If they could fix it. Why they should.

Did every conversation between them have to end with such petty words and in such anger? That he was jealous there was no longer any doubt, but instead of speaking as adults, they argued and fought like the children they once were. She was at a loss for a way to salvage their relationship. Ha! Kagome laughed in her head. What relationship? Maybe they were friends, but they couldn’t even be friendly half the time.

She clutched her hand to her mouth just as her next breath was accompanied by a silent sob. She thought of her ward in the next room, of the day he had kissed her, how he had been her first kiss, her first love. But not your first lover, Kagome, she taunted herself. That had been Naraku.

“I don't know if I can do this,” Kagome whispered aloud. Only the wind answered back as she shimmied under her heap of blankets.


He followed the soft foot falls as she readied herself for bed but lay still when she called out to him. His heartbeat quickened once her voice reached his ears. Holy hell, it was remarkable the reaction she could provoke from a guy who rarely gave two fucks. He didn’t want to bring that Naraku up to her like that. In fact, when she first entered he wanted to pull her onto the pallet next to him. But he messed up. He should have let her bring it up, or maybe, just maybe, he could have asked her without making her feel like he was attacking her. Too late.

Ugg, his thoughts were just a jumbled mess without any sort of cohesion.

God, what did he expect? Inuyasha rubbed a palm over his forehead to dull the ache that arose. He wanted to tell her how he was feeling- about her, about the mess they were in. He wanted to bare his heart, but he let his jealousy get in the way.

He listened to her toss and turn. The bed squeaked…it squeaked. Inuyasha could hear every groan of every spring every time she shifted her weight. For a moment he thought his food would rise from his stomach. Great. Just fucking great. I'm gonna hear everything that bastard does to her on that bed, he thought miserably before closing his eyes and vowing to forget her very existence.

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He knew it was morning. That’s about it. What he didn’t know was why it was so windy.


His eyes popped open to the sight of a wide awake and already dressed Kagome. The wench was blowing in his face! She laughed gaily at what he assumed to be his rather startled expression. Her hair was pinned back away from her face and she had a patched brown pinafore over a soft grey shirt. She looked alert and industrious and before Inuyasha could clear his mind from sleep she asked him: “You ready to work, hanyou?”