InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Hidden lies ❯ Chapter 9
[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Hidden lies
Chapter 9
I do not own Inuyasha.
Ofuda woke up in so much pain he thought he was in hell, but--as it turned out--he was still in the cave. What had he seen? The youkai! The lovely, amber-eyed, silver haired beast had strangled him. But, if that was true, why was he not dead? Ofuda tried to move his arms and legs and found them both utterly useless. That's when he really started to worry. I suppose he nearly wet himself in fear when his amber-eyed, violent and dangerously deadly youkai beauty materialized at the opening of the cave. His eyes were fiery and fierce. Ofuda closed his eyes, it was his end. As predicted, he was lifted harshly from the ground by his throat, leisurely, and his poisoned limbs swayed uselessly.
"Stop! Put him down, please!" a voice pleaded. Ofuda's dazed mind took a moment to recognize it before his eyes widened and she stepped forward. Sesshoumau nearly keeled over in shock. Was she protecting him?! Kohaku's jaw dropped. Sesshoumaru let go and Ofuda fell to the ground roughly. He wanted to put Rin's total command over the lovely youkai, and her fear of him into play. Licking dry lips, he sneered up at her. "Huh, I always knew you were good for something. Since you're his master, and you are my slave, order him to fix me up and wait on me in anyway I want," he commanded. Rin's eyes widened and she turned pink in her anger. "Don't you talk about Sesshoumaru-sama that way," she said furiously. "This is between you and me, Ofuda-san." Ofuda lazily regarded her as the poison slowly melted out, aided by his quick hanyou recovery. Sesshoumaru stepped back and said, "Rin, when you are done speaking to him leave."
Rin didn't say anything but sat directly in front of him. "I don't know what I'm expecting to get out of you, Ofuda-san. But now that I see you, disheveled and useless like this, I can only feel pity. What kind of a man are you?" Ofuda leered, "Tch, so rude to your master, Rin. I'm surprised at you. Is this how you're mother and father raised you?" Rin stood up, exploding with, "I wouldn't know, you forced them into their graves early!" She paced now. "I don't know what to think of you. Why would any man do this? Why would any human being, do this? It's wrong, it's wrong, Ofuda-san. You're wrong, you're a bad person." He cackled delightedly, "Am I bad? Oops, so sorry to disappoint, love. Life is cruel, get used to it." Rin faced him levelly, "Life can be beautiful, it's people like you, selfish and cruel who keep it like this. Even youkai, are better than you." Ofuda twitched his fingers subtly, as he replied, "I'm not entirely both, dearest. I'm part hanyou; that's a totally different story. We're oucasts from both humans and youkai. What do you know about it?"
Rin looked down at him sadly, "You're so ignorant," she said softly, pity in her eyes. "You are so sad. You think being part hanyou gives you the right? Don't make me laugh. Inuyasha's not like you. He's full-blood hanyou. He was the real outcast, not you. He underwent sufferings, not you. You are a FAKE!" Ofuda discreetly flexed his toes. "Oh? Who are you to judge, you were nothing but a whore all you're life. I bet that's the only reason this youkai keeps you anyways. You're good in the sac. That's it, so now whose the pathetic one?" He needed a quick distraction, anything. Then he could leap up and grab Rin and us her as leverage against the amber-eyed one. Rin met him, eye for eye and said steadily, "I am no one's whore. When I give myself to a man, it will be for love. Until then I am no one's and nothing you say can ever taint that." Ofuda grabbed her and tugged him close. "Too bad, you will be," he snarled into her ear as his hidden knife found its way into his palm and pressed against her neck.
Ofuda breathed her in delightedly, "Ooh, you smell good, Rin." Rin froze and stopped Sesshoumaru and Kohaku with her sincere brown eyes. "Let's finish this conversation, Ofuda-san." Ofuda cackled, "Tell your youkai lover to get on his knees, Rin. Tell him to prostrate himself in forgiveness before me." Sesshoumaru didn't even blink, he just stood there coldly, looking at Ofuda. Ofuda gulped nervously, "Do it Rin." Rin sighed, "Ofuda-san, I forgive you for everything you ever did. That's why I came. You must have had a terrible childhood to end up like this. And I'm sorry. But that is no excuse to talk to Sesshoumaru-sama like that. You don't need to keep going like this. You probably suffered and you were spurned by your first love and for that I'm sorry." Ofuda snarled in her ear, pressing the knife even more tightly against her neck, "Stop trying to subdue me! You are nothing!" He spun her around and she met his wild gaze with her own, sad one. She raised her hands to caress her face. "I'm sorry," she whispered. He broke away and screamed, "Don't fucking pity me! I am rich, successful, handsome and brillant! Fuck off!"
Rin approached him worriedly. "Ofuda-san, calm down. Please, look at me. I'm sorry I said those awful things. Let's go back to the village and get you fixed up." She reached out to help him and he pulled the knife across his throat. Blood splurted out onto Rin's shocked face and down his neck, like a terrible river of ended life. He gurlged and sank to his knees slowly. The eyes that looked up at Rin were filled with sorrow. "You could have been my daughter," they cried out to her. Rin caught him as he slumped over and her tears left a trail on her blood splattered face. She sucked in her breath and sobbed.
Sesshoumaru's arms pulled her away and Kohaku kicked the knife away from Ofuda's dead body. Rin sobbed into Sesshoumaru's strong chest and she could hear his voice gently whisper, "It's okay Rin, everything will be okay. It wasn't your fault. It wasn't." His arms tightened around her and he lifted and craddled her carefully. Rin hid her face away, accidentally smearing blood on his robes. Not that he cared. Kohaku limped behind them, his heart heavy like lead as he watched Rin's shoulder's shake as she cried.
Chapter 9
I do not own Inuyasha.
Ofuda woke up in so much pain he thought he was in hell, but--as it turned out--he was still in the cave. What had he seen? The youkai! The lovely, amber-eyed, silver haired beast had strangled him. But, if that was true, why was he not dead? Ofuda tried to move his arms and legs and found them both utterly useless. That's when he really started to worry. I suppose he nearly wet himself in fear when his amber-eyed, violent and dangerously deadly youkai beauty materialized at the opening of the cave. His eyes were fiery and fierce. Ofuda closed his eyes, it was his end. As predicted, he was lifted harshly from the ground by his throat, leisurely, and his poisoned limbs swayed uselessly.
"Stop! Put him down, please!" a voice pleaded. Ofuda's dazed mind took a moment to recognize it before his eyes widened and she stepped forward. Sesshoumau nearly keeled over in shock. Was she protecting him?! Kohaku's jaw dropped. Sesshoumaru let go and Ofuda fell to the ground roughly. He wanted to put Rin's total command over the lovely youkai, and her fear of him into play. Licking dry lips, he sneered up at her. "Huh, I always knew you were good for something. Since you're his master, and you are my slave, order him to fix me up and wait on me in anyway I want," he commanded. Rin's eyes widened and she turned pink in her anger. "Don't you talk about Sesshoumaru-sama that way," she said furiously. "This is between you and me, Ofuda-san." Ofuda lazily regarded her as the poison slowly melted out, aided by his quick hanyou recovery. Sesshoumaru stepped back and said, "Rin, when you are done speaking to him leave."
Rin didn't say anything but sat directly in front of him. "I don't know what I'm expecting to get out of you, Ofuda-san. But now that I see you, disheveled and useless like this, I can only feel pity. What kind of a man are you?" Ofuda leered, "Tch, so rude to your master, Rin. I'm surprised at you. Is this how you're mother and father raised you?" Rin stood up, exploding with, "I wouldn't know, you forced them into their graves early!" She paced now. "I don't know what to think of you. Why would any man do this? Why would any human being, do this? It's wrong, it's wrong, Ofuda-san. You're wrong, you're a bad person." He cackled delightedly, "Am I bad? Oops, so sorry to disappoint, love. Life is cruel, get used to it." Rin faced him levelly, "Life can be beautiful, it's people like you, selfish and cruel who keep it like this. Even youkai, are better than you." Ofuda twitched his fingers subtly, as he replied, "I'm not entirely both, dearest. I'm part hanyou; that's a totally different story. We're oucasts from both humans and youkai. What do you know about it?"
Rin looked down at him sadly, "You're so ignorant," she said softly, pity in her eyes. "You are so sad. You think being part hanyou gives you the right? Don't make me laugh. Inuyasha's not like you. He's full-blood hanyou. He was the real outcast, not you. He underwent sufferings, not you. You are a FAKE!" Ofuda discreetly flexed his toes. "Oh? Who are you to judge, you were nothing but a whore all you're life. I bet that's the only reason this youkai keeps you anyways. You're good in the sac. That's it, so now whose the pathetic one?" He needed a quick distraction, anything. Then he could leap up and grab Rin and us her as leverage against the amber-eyed one. Rin met him, eye for eye and said steadily, "I am no one's whore. When I give myself to a man, it will be for love. Until then I am no one's and nothing you say can ever taint that." Ofuda grabbed her and tugged him close. "Too bad, you will be," he snarled into her ear as his hidden knife found its way into his palm and pressed against her neck.
Ofuda breathed her in delightedly, "Ooh, you smell good, Rin." Rin froze and stopped Sesshoumaru and Kohaku with her sincere brown eyes. "Let's finish this conversation, Ofuda-san." Ofuda cackled, "Tell your youkai lover to get on his knees, Rin. Tell him to prostrate himself in forgiveness before me." Sesshoumaru didn't even blink, he just stood there coldly, looking at Ofuda. Ofuda gulped nervously, "Do it Rin." Rin sighed, "Ofuda-san, I forgive you for everything you ever did. That's why I came. You must have had a terrible childhood to end up like this. And I'm sorry. But that is no excuse to talk to Sesshoumaru-sama like that. You don't need to keep going like this. You probably suffered and you were spurned by your first love and for that I'm sorry." Ofuda snarled in her ear, pressing the knife even more tightly against her neck, "Stop trying to subdue me! You are nothing!" He spun her around and she met his wild gaze with her own, sad one. She raised her hands to caress her face. "I'm sorry," she whispered. He broke away and screamed, "Don't fucking pity me! I am rich, successful, handsome and brillant! Fuck off!"
Rin approached him worriedly. "Ofuda-san, calm down. Please, look at me. I'm sorry I said those awful things. Let's go back to the village and get you fixed up." She reached out to help him and he pulled the knife across his throat. Blood splurted out onto Rin's shocked face and down his neck, like a terrible river of ended life. He gurlged and sank to his knees slowly. The eyes that looked up at Rin were filled with sorrow. "You could have been my daughter," they cried out to her. Rin caught him as he slumped over and her tears left a trail on her blood splattered face. She sucked in her breath and sobbed.
Sesshoumaru's arms pulled her away and Kohaku kicked the knife away from Ofuda's dead body. Rin sobbed into Sesshoumaru's strong chest and she could hear his voice gently whisper, "It's okay Rin, everything will be okay. It wasn't your fault. It wasn't." His arms tightened around her and he lifted and craddled her carefully. Rin hid her face away, accidentally smearing blood on his robes. Not that he cared. Kohaku limped behind them, his heart heavy like lead as he watched Rin's shoulder's shake as she cried.