InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Hidden Truths ❯ Toasty Toad ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Kagome grinned happily as she left the school grounds intent on going to the park. She held a bag in her arms filled with extra clothes and such for her to change in case of a quick getaway.

Her sensitive senses kept tickling like she was being watched... she figured sooner or later she would catch the person, unless her mind was just playing tricks in her.

Sighing she ducked inside the park heading for an old tree she'd spent many times climbing her child hood. She grinned as a memory flitted across her memory when she was about seven... at this very same park...

************************ flash back**************************

A young girl with long silky black hair and blue eyes sat in an high branch of a tree, smiling and humming under her breath she let the sunshine wash down on her. Her mother was talking to another mother on a nearby branch with long black hair who was really young and pretty. Inuyasha, an long time friend of hers, was sitting in the sandbox arguing in Kouga, her other friend. They were both youkai.. or at least Inuyasha was part demon. But she didn't care what they were. Both were nice to her so they were good in her mind.

Reaching idly out she went to grasp a sakura from a near by branch, when she suddenly felt her balance waver and she slipped off the branch.

She quickly squeezed her eyes shut as she plummeted to the ground not even letting out a squeak of fear as she awaited an painful blow when she hit the ground.

A few seconds passed, but she never felt the cold earth. She cracked her eyes open only for them to widen as she stared up in to two beautiful gold eyes, very much different from Inuyasha's looking down at her. He had a blue crescent moon on his forehead and magenta stripes blazing across his cheeks with flying silver hair floated behind him as they glided to the ground, with the young Kagome still in his gently but firm grasp.

"Thank you..." Kagome whispered smiling at him, now realizing she must have climbed pretty high to still be falling. As to how the boy had been up there so fast she could only guess. Which she voiced quickly "Um.... are you a demon because you move really really fast.. and you look pretty too!"

He snorted thinking 'pretty?' I, Sesshoumaru, am not 'pretty..'

"I am." He said instead, answering the demon part.

"I thought so!" She said grinning again because she had guessed right.

He didn't say anything as they finally reached the ground his white hair falling on to his back.

He set Kagome down gently, but before he could leave she quickly leaned forward and hugged him.

"Thank you for saving me...!"

She pulled away to find a slight shocked boy and she grinned.

Quickly recovering he sent her one curious look before darting off in to the park and out of her view.

Kagome watched him go before something shining caught her attention on the ground. She bent down and found an silver chain with a blue crescent moon pendant on it.

Her eyes widened.

It must have been the boy's and it came off when he hit the ground...

Making up her mind she picked it up and clasped it around her neck, hiding the moon under her shirt.

If she ever saw him again she'd give it back, until then she'd keep it safe for him.

Turning back to the park she found no one had even noticed what had just happened to her. Smiling she walked back over to them, because she had a secret they didn't know about and she wasn't going to tell.

******************** end flashback****************************

Kagome grinned again as she still felt the same necklace hanging around her neck as she ran her hand over the bark of the old tree.

Sighing she leaned up against it, sliding to the ground so her feet were stretched out before her. Closing her eyes she relaxed her body and expanded her senses for any disturbances or sounds.

She picked up shallow breathing behind a bush not ten feet away. Reaching slowly for a rock beside it, in an instant she flicked her wrist; the stone sped off in to the woods until a


sounded. She grinned and walked over to the bush to peer over it. A toad youkai kneeled there rubbing his head where a large red bump was already growing.

Kneeling down she grasped his shirt in her hand and asked in deadly tones

"Why are you following me demon?"

It choked, glaring at her.

"Unhand me human...!!" He screeched at her.

She narrowed her eyes dangerously at him before hitting him solidly over the head, creating yet another lump.

"Stupid toad.. Now who sent you?"

He looked at her an new fear evident there.


She rolled her eyes before noticing a cell phone peeking out of his pocket. She snatched it up with squawks of protest sounded from the demon. She silenced him by a final whap over the head to knock him out.

Pressing speed dial she held the phone up to her ear listening to it ring a few times before a masculine voice said in annoyed tones

"Jaken if your calling again for another stupid update on that girl, I'm going to rip out your throat and feed you to children."

Kagome recognized that voice and smirked saying sarcastically

"Yes I'm sure the children would love giant frog legs for dinner Sesshoumaru..."

There was a dead silence over the phone before he demanded coldly

"What are you doing with Jaken's phone wench?"

She glowered at the phone for a minute as if willing the inanimate object to die. Bringing it back to her ear she said in a deadly serious voice

"What I'd like to know is why you have your men tracking me Sesshoumaru..."

Another silence with no answer from the other side.

Grinding her teeth in frustration she said in to the phone

"You can pick your 'Jaken' up in the Sawashi park."

She then rudely clicked the phone off to glare at a nearby tree.

"The gall of that bastard... honestly!" She hissed.

Turning to the toad she smirked deviously... yes she would give him back.. all wrapped and pretty.... and ready for dinner.


Sesshoumaru was still fuming silently as she walked through the park's entrance. Who did that girl think she was?! Challenging him?! Sesshoumaru, Oyabun of the Kumita clan, and a Demon?! While she was a puny human wench with no respect! Challenging HIM?!!!?!?!

He growled lowly in his throat as he followed the toad's scent only to find it mixed in with the faint scent of... smoke?

His eyes twitched in confusion before he entered a clearing.

He froze, a faint twitch on his lips as he stared at what he saw.

Jaken was tied up and slung over a tree branch, gagged and wide eyes. Beneath him an large fire which he was per cautiously close to the flames.

His gaze caught on a paper stuck to an old tree that looked faintly familiar. He went over to it and found it was a letter from -her-.

Hey Sesshoumaru-

Do you like your toad rare or extra crispy?


He smirked at the words as he slid the note in to his pocket for safekeeping. Turning back to his servant he extinguished the flames before untying him.

As soon as the gag was removed Jaken immediately started sputtering with rage.

"Th-That wretched human!!! Wait until I get my hands on her..! Oh is she going to regret the day she crossed THIS Jaken..!"

The inu youkai resisted the urge to roll his eyes at the toad's incompetence.

Turning heels he started leaving the park followed by a ranting toad.

The things he had to put up with.




Kagome was still gloating from her display from yesterday against the toad youkai she entered the classroom beaming and grinning happily.

Sitting down in her seat she quickly took out her notes for class setting them on her desk.

Miroku and Sango came and sat by her doing the same, as they yawned tiredly.

"Hey Kagome sleep well?" Sango asked

"Pretty good.. you?"


"Did you dream about me Sango?" Miroku cut in,


"Sango, violence is not the answer for everything you know.." Kagome said, trying not to laugh as she saw the reddening red hand print on Miroku's face.

"Well tell him that being a pervert, he deserves it." Sango muttered.

Kagome shook her head as she leaned back, trying to keep herself from bursting out laughing.

All of a sudden shouts filled the air as someone roared in the halls outside

"GET YOUR ASS BACK HERE---!!!!!!!!!!"

Kagome's eyes whipped open as another voice shouted back


"It couldn't be could it..?" Sango whispered.

"No...." Kagome groaned. Mentally praying it wasn't...

A figure burst through the doors. Black hair swaying, blue eyes flashing as he shouted

"KAGOME I---!!!!"

Suddenly another person came up behind him, tackling him to the ground shouting


Feeling the stares of several people on them they looked up and looked around the classroom. Faint blushes coming to their cheeks.

Kagome's eyes were wide in shock but it quickly melted in to anger.

She bolted up shouting

"Kouga, Inuyasha what the HELL are you two doing here!??!"

Kagome marched over to them as their eyes widened.

The black haired one jumped up immediately racing to grab her hands in his.

"Oh Kagome how I've missed you...!"

"K-o-u-g-a!!" The other figure screeched kicking Kouga in the head.

Inuyasha got a good look at her saying rudely

"Kagome why are you dressed like that? You look like a geek.."

She glared at him.

"That's the POINT idiot."

The teacher walked in staring at them oddly.

"Is there a problem here...?"

Kagome immediately bowed.

"I'm sorry sensei. I'm suddenly not feeling well...I have to go.."

Turning around she shouted to them.

"OUT... NOW!!!"

They scrambled to do so scared by her temper not for the first time, as she followed them out shutting the door firmly behind her.

Resting her head in her hands she silently asked 'why me?!'

Sighing she turned around and glared at the two of them.

"Okay how did you two get here?"

"Your little brother, Souta, said you were here, and I checked in the office to see what class you had and you were there!!" Kouga explained happily.

Making an mental note to kill Souta next time she saw him, Kagome sighed.

"Gee, and I thought that was private information was meant to STAY private.."

She turned to Inuyasha.

"What's you excuse...?"

"Feh.. like I need to tell you..."

She glared at him resisting the urge to smack him upside the head.

"Inuyasha answer me....!"

"I was trying to stop the idiot from getting here.." He jabbed his thumb at Kouga who snarled.

Kagome shook her head in a sign of defeat.

Kouga turning got his first real good look at her. Glasses and all.

"Hey Kag' why are you wearing glasses? and what's with the outfit..?"

She sighed again.

"I'll tell you over a cup of coffee.. C'mon.."

Dragging them behind her she went across the street and choosing a booth in the far back of the cafe.

Their with another heave of air, she took off her glasses setting them on the table as she rubbed her eyes.

"So? What's with the disguise?" Inuyasha pushed.

"I don't want any more trouble then their needs to be this year... I just want to study with out guys bugging me, or things blowing up.. like in jr. high and high school.."

Kouga smirked.

"Ah.. those were the good times.."

She rolled her eyes.

"Not if you actually WANTED to learn something.."

They watched her as she took a sip of the latte, silence raining for a few minutes before her eyes popped open.

"Oh, I forgot to tell you..."

"What?" Inuyasha said.

"Guess who else goes here, senior year actually..."

"Just say it already!" He barked.

With a glare she said.


"WHAT!?!?!!" Kouga and Inuyasha barked.

Kagome resisted covering her ears.

"Will you two keep it down?!?!"

They did but Kouga whispered.

"Does he know who you are?!"

"No... even if he tried getting information about me, I have enough firewalls on my profile that its nearly impossible.. although considering he could find out eventually.. especially with his half brother and other Yakuza lord knowing me..."

"Did he try to hurt you at all?!" Inuyasha said, on edge at the mention of his older half brother.

"No... I've talked to him a few times but only when it was necessary.. Miroku is his sparring partner in Kendo club.. I feel sorry for Miroku.. almost.."

She grinned, remember all the bruises Miroku had shown her and Sango.

"Good.." Inuyasha huffed sitting back in his seat.

"That settles it... I'm staying.." Kouga announced.

Kagome eyes bugged.


"I'm staying here. To protect you, I'll go undercover as well.. Sesshoumaru will never know what hit him!!" He said, battle sparks flying in his eyes.

Kagome snorted.

"Actually he will. That class you just burst in to yelling and screaming... Sesshoumaru has the same class, sitting right in the top row. He already saw you.. that's for sure."

His resolve died, and she smiled slightly.

"I don't care if he knows or not. I'm staying too." Inuyasha said.

Kagome shook her head. Knowing there was no way she could change their minds..

"You two don't have to go undercover all the way... but just remember four things."


"1. No fighting unless absolutely necessary.

2. You have to promise to at least try to stay out of trouble and actually GO to school.

3. My name is Kagome Kekkai like always. No relation to the Yakuza at all.

4. And no stalking me or any of my friends.

Got it?"

"Yep.." Kouga said somewhat sullenly. Those were some of his favorite things to do. But for Kagome.. he would do it!

"Okay then!" She said shoving her glasses back on and looking down at her watch.

"Sango and Miroku should be out in about ten minutes. Meanwhile you guys might want to register and get an apartment or dorm or something..."

They nodded as they left the money for their drinks on the counter and left, fully intending to guard Kagome with their lives.


Sesshoumaru left the classroom still in deep thought over what had just happened not an hour earlier.

'How does that wench know the Oyabun of the Toruiwa clan and my half breed brother?' He wondered.

Walking down the hallway he suddenly noticed flicks of black hair as a woman turned a corner, followed by two men. The exact three that were on his mind the past hour.

Following them, while keeping out of sight, he saw them enter the college office.

He narrowed his eyes.

What were they doing in there?

"GIVE ME THE PEN DOG BREATH!!" Kouga's voice shouted.

"NO WAY YOU SON OF A B----!!" Inuyasha started screeching but a female shout of


"Oh..." Both male voices said in unison.

He smirked.

'Well it seems as if the girl has them under tight reins.. not even his father could calm them down when those two fought..'

Figuring he'd corner her later and question her, he left heading for his car to head for his apartment to get some work done.

Not minutes later a black haired woman stuck her head out of the office watching his back as it moved away. Kagome knew she sensed someone following her again.

She smirked thinking 'Curious are we Sesshoumaru?'

Shaking her head as another fight started between the two she left to go break it up. Wondering with all the problems they were going to cause if it was really worth it to keep her disguise on?

'Yes!' Her mind instantly screamed. She agreed. Better safe then sorry right?

The young hime only wished she remembered that saying when she needed it.


okay that's it for now..! Oh and thanks for the reveiws Frozen Lightning, DespitefulSaint, mooneyoukai, and SilverKnight7! Your encouragement is really helpful!! Well until I update again! Ja ne!!


Miko Angel