InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Hidden Truths ❯ Demon Rage ( Chapter 6 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha


Kagome stifled an yawn as she keep an keen eye on the white haired figure five yards away from her. She was on an roof top looking down at him as he walked in all his calm and grace down the sidewalk dimly lit by street lamps. It had been half an hour since she had started stalking him and she had yet to see anything interesting happen. Maybe this was all pointless.

Rolling her eyes she watched him wearily. Kagome cocked her head slightly to the side. She would never usually have thought about this but with the lights playing on his features he really did look handsome. Not like what you'd imagine as an knight in shining armor like the fairy tales, but definitely something... mysterious. Sesshoumaru's golden eyes were slightly illuminated because of his demon heritage and his hair was playing in the wind.

He reminded her of someone... only she couldn't quite place it...

Shaking her head she stood up and turned away from him. What was she thinking...? Looking ahead Kagome caught sight of an large building in the shadows and the end of the street not that far away.

It looked like a warehouse... was that where Sesshoumaru was heading?

As she gazed at him heading for the large front doors, she figured it was.

Only what was the job?

Pushing off the ledge she turned and headed to the other end. Picking up speed as she reached the edge she pushed off with all her strength and went flying through the air and on to the next rooftop.

Not stopping for breath she continued running and leaping across the tops of buildings, careful to stay out of sight.

Right as she landed on the top of the warehouse agilely, Kagome peered over the side and watched as Sesshoumaru halted before the doors.

One thought ran through both their heads.


Sesshoumaru pulled open the heavy doors and walked inside but not before they closed solidly behind him without so much as a tap.

Losing sight of her target she crawled to the top and found an small opening on the side of the building to sneak in. Grinning in success she climbed through it and landed on to an thin iron beam. It was pitch black and hard to see as her eyes adjusted. When her eyes could penetrate through the dark she started walking across it and a few other adjoining bars she soon found an good spot to watch all that happened.

An single light was lit and she saw an figure standing just beyond the shadows, opposite of Sesshoumaru.

She eyed both of them curiously as her muscles tensed. Her senses were picking up the auras' of hundreds of youkai surrounding them... very powerful ones.

What the hell was Sesshoumaru up too..............?!!


He gazed coolly at the demon before him, outlined in shadows. His hands were in his pockets and he flexed his claw-less fingers restlessly as his nose picked up the smells of demons around him. He resisted the need to wrinkle his nose in disgust at all the horrible scents they carried.

Narrowing his gaze at the hidden man he asked in even tones

"What is the information you wished to give me? My time is very precious and if you are wasting it, I shall make your death very painful."

"Kukukuku.... impatient are we Sesshoumaru-sama?" The figure chuckled stepping out of the shadows.

It was an figure cloaked in an white baboon pelt, with slanted red eyes staring at him in cool regard.

"Yes.. well I believe you shall find my information very useful." He said as his eyes closed and only shadows danced across the fathomless dark pits the pelt concealed.

"Get to the point." He growled.

"As I said before in our... brief conversation, The information I have concerns your clan and the Higurashi clan. An threat called Onigumo Naraku is coming to take over all the yakuza in Japan, not sparing anyone."

Sesshoumaru raised an eyebrow.

"Who is this 'Naraku'?"

An deep chuckled echoed form him and rebounded off the walls. his eyes opened and looked at him.

"Why me of course.."

At that moment several demons stepped in to the light, most holding weapons and hissing at him.

'Just like I thought... a set up..' Sesshoumaru thought as he pulled didn't move an inch.

"With that said.. I bid you ado Sesshoumaru-sama.." He laughed and started shrinking in to the shadows.

But that simply wouldn't do.

Sesshoumaru leaped forward, letting his concealing spell fall completely as his fingernails turned in to deadly ivory claws, and his markings appeared on his face as he leapt forward rushing forward to kill the demon.

Suddenly several bulbous tentacles shot out, heading straight for his head.

Sesshoumaru skidded and sidestepped out of its path and began clawing at the vines flying around him. He growled as the demons began closing in as well.

Damn Naraku..!

Growling furiously his eyes began to bleed crimson, yearning for bloodshed.

He felt his body morphing in the an large demon dog as some of the opposing demons scuttled away in fear while others stayed.

The tentacles struck his fur, but no longer had the desired effect of harming him.

So the enemy improvised.

Demons were crawling on his back and started hacking swords and axes in to his fur as the tentacles wrapped around his legs so he couldn't move.

He roared angrily as he snapped anything around his muzzle in half, but leaving the rest of his body open for attacks.

Sesshoumaru was growing more and more frustrated by the minute that his basic instincts told him to kill and protect but not able to do anything. His poisonous fog was clouding round them, melting everything as pain filled screams rang in the air.

The large demon dog was about roar again when an blue flash darted before him and he suddenly felt the vines wrapped around the his legs loosen.

Not bothering to know what it was he spun, pleased by the free range of movement, and began biting and clawing the demons away from him.

Out of the corner of his red eyes, he could see the blue figure fighting off demons itself with energy attacks. The glow surrounding it was protecting it from his poison, and his instincts registered the words; strong and ally and approved of the 'it' immediately.

The more he fought, the more his rage decreased as he slowly changed back to his humanoid form and using his energy whip to slice through several youkai at a time.

When none but a few stragglers were left behind he saw the blue figure ahead fighting with another dressed in an baboon pelt.

Naraku! His mind screamed as his eyes flashed red.

He was curious, however, as to who the victor would be as he watched unemotionally.


Kagome took in short gasps and she fired another attack at him. His movements were starting to get slow and it grazed his shoulder.

Naraku growled at her and shot an tentacle at her heart. She blocked it with an chi shield when she spotted an opening.

Grinning unmercifully, she shot her hand out, blue energy sparking at the end of each finger making them deadlier then talons, and plunged it through his chest and ripping through the other side.

The demon gasped as she saw red eyes widen. She whispered to him in low whispers.

"Your dead Naraku.. you'll never rule the Yakuza as long as I'm around."

He smirked then, in an way that made her want to shiver as his body began evaporating in to sand, leaving behind only an broken wooden doll in her grasp.

She cursed under her breath. It was only an Golem.

Looks like her body guard duties weren't over yet.

Letting her aura fade so she wasn't surrounded by her blue shield, her eyes closed trying to calculate how much energy she had just spent. Sango was going to yell at her again for fighting on her own.

She sighed. Oh well... Dad gave me this duty not and I can't bring them in to it yet. Especially not Inuyasha since Sesshoumaru was his half brother whom he loathes beyond words.

Kagome felt his aura coming up behind her and she automatically stiffened her back and set her face into solemn calmness.

Deep breaths... deep breaths................ She chanted as she turned around to look at him.

Her features remained calm but her mind suddenly went reeling.

Sesshoumaru's demon features, which were usually hidden were in view and Kagome took them in, her stomach doing somersaults.

Two magenta strips blazed across each cheek and on his forehead was an blue crescent moon. Then draped across his shoulder was an white fluffy looking tail she tried desperately to not reach out and pet.

Sesshoumaru was very good looking as an human, but as an demon he was gorgeous.


The young demon prince watched the woman before him in amusement as she looked at him in a approving manner. He could feel her eyes on him and in an daze of her own.

Taking advantage of that fact. he looked her over as well.

She was about an head shorted then him, reaching his shoulders. Her body was well toned with her tight clothes showing off her curves in an modest fashion. Her face was pretty with pale skin and dark rich ebony hair framing her face as the rest was swept up in to a bun. Although the thing that caught his attention the most was her bright glowing blue eyes, entrancing him as they sparkled in the dim light.

He realized with an start that it was the same human woman who had ran in to him earlier.

As he gazed at her ears and fingers then, he found no traces of demon features, telling him she was indeed human.

But the way she had fought and that odd blue power she had no human could possibly control. So what WAS she?

Pulling out of his assessments he leveled his gaze with hers.

"Who are you?" He asked monotonously. "And why did you help me?"

She blinked, waking from her thoughts. An small smirk grew on her lips as she spoke seriously, in an musical voice that was pleasing to the ear,

"I was sent by the Higurashi clan to protect it's ally from the clutches of Onigumo Naraku. Namely you Sesshoumaru-sama. Lord Higurashi learned of Naraku's intentions from a spy a few days ago and since I was the closest to Tokyo, and am the best he has, I was assigned to protect you."

"What is your name?" He said while mentally congratulating Higurashi on his choice of bodyguards.

Even though it was an woman.(A/N: sexist bastard ain't he? sorry.. had to say that..! ^-^)


She bowed slightly to him and said in lighter tones "I am called Tennyou."

Kagome smiled an his slightly wide eyes before he hid it quickly behind his mask of indifference. Kagome laughed on the inside at the fact she was pulling the wool over his eyes and it was working well. If he ever figured out who she was, although it was highly unlikely, he would be one pissed off inu youkai.. but she could handle him, if she could stop laughing that is.

Shaking the thoughts from her mind she continued on in an level tone,

"I will be keeping watch over you when I can, but I may not always be there to save you..."

His eyes narrowed and she resisted the urge to laugh her ass off. It was fun to push his buttons..! She DEFINITELY had to try this more often...!

"This Sesshoumaru does NOT require saving. OR an bodyguard." He growled.

She raised an eyebrow at him and said

"Sorry, but I can't leave Sesshoumaru-sama. I don't want to do this any more then you but I have my orders and I don't intend to break my word to Higurashi-sama."

"And WHAT exactly is that suppose to mean?" He asked as his claws flexed at his sides. The only indication of his growing anger.

"Excuse my bluntness, but I just don't like you." She said her eyes narrowing playfully.

A person could get high off this! She thought as she repressed the need to fall on the ground and start laughing.


She's worse then that Kekkai woman!!! He thought infuriated. She stood before him, eyes staring straight in to his without even flinching away or backing down. Only one other woman had gotten under his skin this much was Kekkai when she had spoken to him after her match with his Kendo partner a few weeks ago. How dare -they-!

His claws dug into his palm as he refrained from ripping her to shreds.

Instead he tried regaining his dignity.

"Do you know how many woman would die for an chance to be near me woman?" He growled.

She let out an snort and retorted

"Let me guess... are they all brainless idiots after you for your 'body' Sesshoumaru? Well excuse me for not being an Bimbo and I'm not going to be turning in to one anytime soon so I may drool all over you...."

As she finished before he could reply she turned her back to him and began to leisurely walk away.

"Wench!" He called after her.

"It's Tennyou, like I told you a few minutes ago, moron!!" She said not stopping.

He let his mouth go agape somewhat at her boldness.

How dare she.........!

"Tennyou! If you truly are an part of Yakuza you know of the sins of flesh!" The adding in somewhat arrogance "Your know you will give into them after a while watching me!"

He heard laughter from her direction and frowned in confusion.

"I doubt that very much Sesshoumaru-sama! and please refrain from bringing your sex appeal when talking to me... I just might get sick next time..!"

As soon as the words left her mouth she walked the door as it slammed shut behind her.

He glowered at the spot.

That stupid...

He'd show her.. he's prove her wrong...

Suddenly he jolted back, surprised with himself.

Why was he so mad? She was just an woman. An very annoying and powerful one.

Frowning and schooling his features he left through the same door she exited from heading for his apartment.

His emotions were getting out of line and he'd have to have more patience around the irritating women around him.

As he walked down the street, he ignored the eyes boring in to the back of his head from the roof tops.


Kagome dragged her self groggily down the hall while rubbing her eyes to wake herself up.

She had followed Sesshoumaru to his apartment after their 'conversation' then went to the store to pick up what she originally set out for. She ended up not getting home until late and everyone was asleep.

Not only that but in the morning, havoc ensued when all of them woke up with an few surprises.

Somehow during the night Miroku had saddled up to Sango on the floor and each woke up in the other's arms. Although the positions of his hands on her backside caused Miroku to wake up to death blows. Not only that but Shippou had woken up sometime in the night and put blue dye in Inuyasha's hair and super glued glasses to his face. Kagome, meanwhile, had an embarrassing wake up call. She went to bed last night and forgot she had put Kouga in there earlier when he passed out. So she had been woken up with Polaroid flashes as Sango took blackmail pictures of her snuggled in to Kouga's arms.

She had wanted to kill her best friend, while Kouga asked for doubles.

Kagome shook her head, glasses bouncing on her nose and braids swaying.

Her friends were great but she looked as suspicious as hell, hanging out with two Yakuza members while trying to keep an low profile.

Especially when trying to fool Sesshoumaru.

She sighed and whispered to herself

"How is this going to work...?"

"How is what going to work?" An icy voice spoke behind her.

She spun around and glared at the person she least wanted to see.



That's all for now! ^_^ Hope you liked!