InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Hidden Truths ❯ Hacker ( Chapter 7 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]


He stared at her through his luminescent gold eyes as she narrowed her gaze at him while crossing her arms over her chest in defiance. Her father's voice were still plaguing her mind about his 'favor' this morning. And why not take ito ut on the egotistical man in front of her?

"None of your business Sesshoumaru-SAMA." She growled at him, in no mood to play his games.

He raised an eyebrow at her and her anger

"Kekkai you should know violence won't get you anywhere in life.. or are you expecting to live of Kouga's money after college and order servants around like that..?"

Her mouth fell slightly open as she stared at him.

".. Huh...?"

He sneered at her, taking an step forward and said lowly, his voice laced in ice,

"I know who Kouga is and I'd like to know how you know my half brother, wench.. if it`s money and power your after, you will never achieve it.. Kouga is already infatuated with a better woman then you'll ever be and even my half with brother has a wench he loves."

She glowered at him as she felt her eyes leaking red in fury. He stepped back to get an look at her, to relish in her anger.

Which was shamelessly displayed.

How DARE he...!

He as some nerve to say that to her..!

He thought her a harlot?!! Kouga and Inuyasha were her best friends and he thought she was only friends with them because of money....?!?! They were like her brothers!

And what did he mean Kouga was infatuated with an `better woman' then she'll ever be??!?!!!! He didn't mean....

Her eyes widened.

He.. he didn't mean... Tennyou did he..?!!

She WAS Tennyou for goodness' sake!!

Kagome bit down an retort saying just that, for it would have been extremely stupid and would have blown her cover. Instead she narrowed her eyes, so only a mere sliver of bright blue was left (not that he could see it behind her thick glasses anyways) and hissed.

"I don't know where you come up with these 'ideas' of yours Sesshoumaru... but I would never wish in an hundred--no in a THOUSAND years-- to become anything more then friends with either of them. If you have an problem with me then deal with it. I'm here for college so I can graduate and do some good for this screwed up city. So stay out of MY business and I'll stay out of YOURS Oya-bun of the Kumita clan.." She spat the last part in disgust.

She spun away from him so he wouldn't see how he was getting under her skin, Kami-sama knew he'd use it to the best of his advantage. She also didn't want to see the shock on his face at her words and knowing who he was.

Ha... Sesshoumaru.. shocked?

I'd like to see the day THAT ever happened.

Abruptly she suddenly felt an tight grip curl around her arm and whip her back to face him.

Kagome looked at him and her anger instantly melted away replaced by fright at the emotions flying through his normally cold eyes.

He looked ready to throttle her like no tomorrow, and if she wasn't in an classroom with so many witnesses he propbbly would have.

Kagome was trying to keep track of what the emotions were, but to no avail.

"Tell me no more of your lies woman...! Whom ever you decide to play with is no affair of mine. But when you decide to use important members of the Yakuza as your personal lapdogs is when it becomes my business. I am watching you and if we ever converse like this again you will NOT like the outcomes..." He threatened as his vice like grip tightened painfully.

Kagome watched him curiously as she felt the painful grip of his large hands on her shoulders tighten. His face was set in an fixed stare and she felt the promise of pain practically radiating off him.

Kagome resisted the compulsion to shake her head and scold him for his ignorance, like she would a child. It was almost comical that the all mighty Sesshoumaru who was suppose to have all the answers would be so blind to the truth.

She couldn't really blame him. As an Yakuza Oya-bun he'd probably seen many things that would cause his trust in people to waver if not shatter. Although from what she learned from Inuyasha, he had always been like this. Yakuza or no.

Kagome gazed up at him, hiding her piteous look as she set an hand on his chest and pushed away from him slightly hoping he take the hint and let go.

"Sesshoumaru... I can assure you, all my intentions are utterly innocent. I don't intend to `get' with any of them as you think. I just wanted to get through college so I can help my father with his business. Trust me. I only lie when forced. Also I do believe we won`t be HAVING an `next conversation.' unless I'm about ready to die..."

He studied her face, looking for traces of deceit. When he found none, he bobbed his head slightly and released her.

Kagome sighed and started dusting imaginary dust off herself.

"So it's settled then..?" She asked dryly, the only thoughts on her mind were to get school over with today, go to the park with Shippou, eat dinner, and go to bed early.

An simple plan she could hardly wait to finish... with the approve of the ALL COMMANDING -better then thou- Sesshoumaru of course.

She snorted.



"It's settled." He said, his face set in the usual blasé mask.

She nodded once before heading to her original destination. None of her friends were here yet, so no one witnessed what just happened.

All the better, she mused. If Inuyasha heard his half brother's little speeches, he'd be going ballistic and sharpened his claws on the older sibling.

Or, more likely, the other way around.

She rolled her eyes and dug into her heavy bookbag searching for something. Feeling her fingertips graze across an distinct smooth texture, she grinned and pulled it out and set it upon her desktop.

Flipping open the top of it she stared at the loading screen of her laptop with satisfaction. It was the perfect time to start it anyhow.

No one was here to bother her and...

Kagome glanced around discreetly.

... and no one was watching.

Grinning in an flambouyant manner she pulled up a window and typed in a internet address.

It brought up an page displaying the government's seal at the top with blank user and password entry squares at the bottom. Briefly searching her brain for their inside opretive she grinned and happily tapped the name in.

Name: Ayame Kyou

Password: Whitewolf

It took an minute to load before showing an screen of 'top secret' information. Kagome cracked her knuckles as her brows pulled down as she let an low evil laugh escape her lips.

Setting her fingers on the keypad she immediately started pressing the letters and numbers quickly as window after window came up showing images and missions assigned to random spies and officers.

Finally an screen popped up and her clicking slowed as two police scetches loaded on to the screen.

The Thunder Brothers: Hiten and Manten.

Shippou's attackers.

Kagome leaned foward slightly and read what little information was shown in the caption.

'... Supposedly two strong individuals with unexaplainable abilities, and extremely dangerous... should be handle with caution if found... have brutally killed an total of 134... 28 unaccounted for... Last known to be working under an leader named Naraku...'

Kagome froze as she read the last line. These 'brothers' worked for Onigumo Naraku...? Then why were they so intent on killing her when Naraku hadn't yet asked her for an alliance..?

She frowned.

Were they talking about one of Naraku's missions when Shippou stumbled upon them?

If so...

Her eyes widened, as her breath hitched in her throat in shock and realization.

Shippou-chan had said they were planning a murder of an top government official named Jinenji Tomi. She couldn't offer herself up for the counter mission considering she had to go to school and protect Sesshoumaru-sama.. But considering Naraku WAS part of her assignment to the arrogant inu youkai.. she could do it...

Kagome shut her laptop after closing out of the government database with an thoughtful sigh.

Even if she and her teammates go on this mission... what did it have to do with Naraku's plans for taking over the Tokyo Yakuza? What would he gain by murdering an government official?

She glanced at the laptop before her seeing if any of her answers would miraclously appear there.

They didn't.

At that choice moment Inuyasha and the others walked in arguing noisily on what seemed like Miroku's pervertness.

She offered them an small smile as Sango sat beside her and Kouga on the otherside but was ignored at the moment by both girls.

Sango, catching her best friends inquisitive look at her, asked

"What is it Kagome-chan?"

Kagome's eyes shimmered in thought of her planning, offered an slight smirk to her.

"Sango... we just got ourselves an new mission for the weekend. One that will be needing the WHOLE team for..."

The girl's eyes widened. The entire team..? It must be an important job...

"What's the mission?" She said, inadvertly agreeing to the operation.

Kagome launched into an small quiet briefing as the professor walked in an began the lecture.


Sesshoumau glanced down at the girl was currently plaguing his thoughts with unanswered questions. The -wench- was speaking feverently to her female friend on what seemed something important, while she just nodded and made comments every once in an while. They were so engrossed in their whispering that they didn't notice her other friend; the one that had run in to him the first day back at college; reach over and grope her.

Her face drained of color and smacked him upside the head while the -wench- covered her mouth and began shaking her head as if trying not to laugh.

The demon focused his attention back to the teacher but wasn't interested in the lecture, so let his mind wonder.

Who was this Kekkai and how was she tied in with the Yakuza? Surely she couldn't be part of an clan but she knew the leader or one of the leaders and she knew Inuyasha...?Only why was she so friendly to Kouga and Inuyasha when she knew she'd never have them? Isn't that all woman were after.. power and money? If so, then why not try being friendly with him too? He was also an leader but she disrespected him every chance she reiceved...

Sesshoumaru growled lowly as he tried blocking the thoughts out.

Why do -I- care? When she ends up dying for her foolishness and conniving by her own 'friends' hands..? Kouga surely wouldn't have an infatuation for this girl... He was supposedly in love with Tennyou.

His thoughts shifted at the name to what happened last night. He narrowed his eyes.

That irritating woman Tennyou... why would Higurashi assign an annoying wench like -her- to aid me...? And why did he call for that favor this morning for the ball this weekend?

*x*x*x*x*x*x*x* flashback *x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x

Jaken shakily handed him the phone as he buttoned up his shirt in the morning.

"Yes Higurashi-sama?"

"Ah Sesshoumaru... on your way to school already?" He asked in his usually cheery disposition.

"Yes. Is there a reason for your calling me?"

"Oh... yes, yes... I wished to ask you if you've met your new companion yet..."

An small growl erupted from his throat before he could stop it.

Higurashi chuckled.

"I take you have met Tennyou then. But do try and give her an chance... she's an very reliable friend if you do."

"I doubt that Higurashi..." He said coldly.

"Well, then I guess the favor I'm going to ask you will be a little hard..." He murmered.

The demon raised an eyebrow and asked

"What favor?"

"There is a ball this weekend in Tokyo Palace where several government officials will be meeting. It would greatly benifit you if you go, for some of Naraku's most promoniet lackeys are going to be there. Unfortunately for you however..."

"Yes..?" He asked, already planning to go to this party, only he knew there would be an catch byt the way Higurashi was speaking.

"It's a formal affiar which requires a... date. The most reasonable choice for you is--"


"And why not? She is an charming girl and your bodyguard. If not she said she would sneak in on her own with your help or not.. Although if you do go without her..."

"...I'll end up with an brainless nitwit eitherway.." Sesshoumaru finished.

"No.. But I would consider Tennyou as an choice Sesshoumaru.. I'd consider it an favor to me."

Sesshoumaru thought about it for a minute. If he DID go with her... he wouldn't have to stay by herside the entire time... he couldn't handle her that long. In the bargain he'd figure out who worked for Naraku and the Higurashi clan leader would owe him an favor.

"All right I'll go with her."

"Perfect. I'll notify her immediatly. Good day Sesshoumaru."


He clicked the phone off and handed it to Jaken to finish getting ready.

****************** end flash back ********************

Why was Higurashi so intent on his going with Tennyou? He didn't know what it was... but the old man was up to something and he better find out soon or he might fall victim to it.
