InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Hidden Truths ❯ Confusion ( Chapter 10 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Are you sure about your Sexuality Doggy?


Inuyasha walked back in to the main room after a fruitless search of the back hallways where the assassin could possibly be hiding out.

--Inu, any luck?-- Kikyou's voice buzzed in his ear.

Leaning in to the microphone attached to his collar in a unnoticeable fashion, he responded annoyed,

'No. That bastard sure found one hell of a spot.. Has Houshi finished cleaning up the other Assassin, Tennyou took out?'

--Yeah... He's currently at the cocktail bar hitting on three teenage waitresses-- Sango said with a undignified snort of disapproval.

--Hey Inu, why don't you try using #437 on him? That should get him back on task..-- Kikyou suggested, referencing to their personal booklet titled 'Top 1,000 ways to prevent Perverts from being perverted.'

Inuyasha groaned.

'No way am I going too----'

--Please?-- Both girls chimed in together in their sweetest voices.

He frowned. He hated it when they did this.

"...... Feh, fine...'

--Thank you!!--

"Inu, over and out.' He grumbled.

--Miko out--

--Taijiya out--

Inuyasha snorted and grabbed a wine glass off the waiter's tray passing by. Taking a long swig of it, he headed for the pervert.


"So how old are you three beautiful nymphs from my fantasyland?" Miroku said while watching the three of the girls giggle madly.

"I'm 17, Miroku-kun..." One said dreamily as she stared at him with lustful eyes.

"Us too..." The other two piped up, in no better state of mind then the others.

Miroku grinned.

'All with in legal age I see...'

"Well, ladies how about if we---" He began only to be cut off by a loud coo off


He turned around and greeted the Inu hanyou heading his way.

"Hello Inuyasha.. What brings you over to this side of the room?" He offered happily, too off in his world to notice the odd use of the suffix.

The hanyou grinned and placed a clawed hand on his shoulder and his squeezed, while his other hand was free to grasp his wine glass.

"You know I couldn't stay away from you for long, my sweet Me-wok-ee!" He purred to the human with love clearly shining from his eyes to all onlookers.

Miroku's brows drew together in confusion, as the girls behind him gasped in shock.

What the hell...?

"Inuyasha, did you drink too muck again?"

"Of course not..!" Inuyasha laughed, then turned to look at the three pretty women. "Oh, what do we have here? Such beautiful women! Wait.. oh Miroku! did you turn straight again..?! Don't you know how much I loo-ove you?!?!? Why did you beeetttraay me?!?!!" He started wailing with fake tears, while burying his head on the crook of the startled defilement's shoulder.

Miroku patted his back cautiously, as comforting as a confused man with a now-questionable-love-for-the-female-gender friend sobbing upon his broad shoulder.

"Um.. don't worry. about it Inuyasha...?" He turned to explain to the women only to see they had made a hasty departure. "Huh..?"

Inuyasha poked his head up, and seeing the girls gone, straighten and began walking away.

"Come on, lecher we have a job to do!!" He called gruffly.

Miroku stayed still for a moment trying to piece together what just happened.

Three VERY good looking females. Inuyasha acting bi-sexual. Him being -normal-..

Quickly, realizing he was going to be left behind, he ran after the hanyou calling loudly for answers.

"Inuyasha!! Did you do that on purpose?!? Are you -GAY-?!! INUYASHA?!?!?"


Sesshoumaru leaned back in his seat staring at the empty chair that belonged to Tennyou..

Where was she?

'Ai' had left about twenty minutes ago and had yet to return to their table. He shrugged his shoulders and made himself comfortable but still appearing dignified.

He shouldn't complain.. all the better for him she wasn't here..

... it would give him more time to think about this night's happenings.

He frowned as he pressed his fingers tightly around the Sake glass.

He had kissed her...

Why had he done it...?

He couldn't deny he was slightly attracted to her.. she -was- beautiful after all. Her personality a little... A LOT... out of the usual style of the women he was constantly surrounded by.

Like the unruly Kekkai..

It was completely out of his normal attitude... In situations such as those, he could usually control himself and his urges.

But the sight of her inviting lips and with her eyes dazed with guile of their previous dancing, he could deny himself the need.

But the rewards were satisfactory.

Her lips were soft and sweet, like raspberries, and he was sure he felt a shudder of warmth shoot through him at the romantic touch... which has never happened to him before in all the women he had been with.. which had been many..

What made her so unique to stand out from among them?

Ironically, his thoughts shifted to Kekkai at that precise moment...

He had been studying her the past week, trying to place her position in the Yakuza. She always acted patient and kind with her friends but when speaking to him she was sharp tongued and quick witted. It was slightly amusing although his ego took a bashing every time while she never left with out a gruesome death threat from him.

Kekkai didn't act anything like a person involved with the Yakuza but she had admitted herself she was. He found her to be quite unusual although he couldn't figure out exactly why she intrigued him as to slip out of his emotionless mask so easily when it was perfected over the years by him.

She was by no means, attractive, but he had seen much better looking women then her. Maybe if Kekkai cleaned up a little...

Get better form-fitting clothes, throw away her huge glasses, and did hairstyles better then a six year old.........

Then there was Tennyou...She was completely strong willed, tough, brave, and arrogant...

There personalities were more alike then he first thought...

He shook himself from the disturbing thoughts.

These two women were just causing him more trouble then they were worth... and Tennyou had yet to return.... as if tempting to provoke his wraith.

The conceited witch..

"Sesshoumaaru-saaama...!" A light voice rang out to him.

His sensitive ears twitched slightly as he turned around to see who it was.

He let a small flash of amusement fly through his eyes as he saw who it was.

"Rin, why is Jaken not with you?" He asked in a commanding tone, although it had a voluptuous undertone revealing warmth, only shown to the young girl.

She sent him a shy, toothy grin as a the small ponytail on the side of her head bobbed slightly. She was hopping from one food ot the other and shifting uncomfortably in her formal attire. Sesshoumaru had earlier assigned Jaken to watch over her, but it seemed the toad wasn't doing a very good job.

"Jaken-sama was ordering Rin around and being mean, so Rin tripped him and went to find Sesshoumaru-sama..! Why did you leave Rin-chan alone with Jaken-sama, Sesshoumaru-sama?" The girl asked in a rapid, asinine voice.

"Rin..." He warned. She quieted but still kept the perky grin on her face, not jarred by his command.

"Rin, don't you bother Sesshoumaru-sama!" A screech came as Jaken came running up to them a scolded the girl. "How dare you trip me! Don't you know Lord Sesshoumaru has better things to be doing then talking to---!!"


The servant, concealed in a short human form at the moment, immediately turned and bowed.

"My deepest apologies Milord! It will not happen again! This Jaken.."

"Quiet." He commanded frostily.

The toad did.

Rin looked at him curiously, with her head cocked ot the side in innocent query.

"Sesshoumaru-sama...? Why are you here? You aren't talking or sitting with anyone.."

He kept the growl inside of his chest, once again cursing Tennyou's begotten soul. Then, as if miraculously hearing his mental thinking, He caught her faint, delicious scent coming towards him. He lifted his gaze from the two small individuals to level it with hers.

"What are you doing now Sesshoumaru? Harassing the little children?"

He frowned as his charge and servant turned to look at her.

Rin's large bright eyes turned up to see a pretty lady before her, looking about ready ot burst out laughing. Who was she? Rin had never seen her before.. but she had just called Sesshoumaru-sama like a equal...

Slowly, the wheels in her mind started turning and the only logical answer formed in her head.

This was going to be her new mommy!

But, Sesshoumaru-sama never said anything about it..

Well, if he wanted to keep it a secret, then she would too!!

A large, face splitting smile alight on her face as she tugged on the lady's skirt.

Two green eyes looked down at her, and a gentle smile drew upon her lips enchanting all on lookers as she crouched down in front of her.

"Hello there.. Who are you?" She asked kindly.

"Rin's name is Rin! Who are you pretty lady?" She asked jubilantly.

Kagome's eyes widened slightly.

She'd heard that same sentence before....

*x*x*x*x*x Flashback *x*x*x*x*x*x*

Kagome slashed though the demon with a energy spike and it disambiguated at her touch. Scoffing at the ashes, she turned to look down at the two huddled forms the demon was attempting to attack when she arrived.

Kneeling down, two small dirt stained faces met her eyes. Twin tracks of tears running down their cheeks. One was small, and she knew it was a kitsune child, the other was a human girl about the same size.

"Are you all right?" She asked as soothingly as possible. They both smelled heavily of dirt and blood, and she had a feeling it was bad.

"N-No.." The kitsune murmured.

Kagome spread out her senses and traced the blood to its source. They each had several wounds on their frail bodies.

"I can help you.. if you wish..." She told then carefully.

They scooted away slightly.

"It won't hurt at all.."

"Yes it will... Your a witch..! You j-just killed that demon..." The kitsune whispered agian.

"No.. No I'm not. I'm a miko, I help people in need." She told them.

They didn't move.

With a sigh, she tried coaxing some more until the human girl finally said wearily

"Rin don't feel good.. can you help Rin?"

Kagome smiled dotingly.

"Of course.."

She moved forward and rested her hand atop the girl's head. Her long ivory fingers and hand glowed blue and warm as it consumed the girl.

As it faded, and Kagome seized her hand back the girl cracked her eyes opened and examined herself.

"Rin better...!" She exclaimed.

"Yes you are.." She answered happily.

The child looked up at her with loving brown orbs.

"Rin's name is Rin! Who are you pretty lady?" She asked.

*x*x*x*x*x end Flashback x*x*x*x*x*

That was they day she had met Shippou. He and Rin had lived with them for a few months before Rin kept leaving for hours at a time before finally disappearing all together. She had mentioned something about a man during her last few days so they had assumed she had found a family.

Kagome gulped down a breath of air while a small shock of power shot throughout her body. Thinking it was just her imagination she shook her head, as Sesshoumaru stared curiously at her suddenly pale face.

"Rin-chan?" She asked quietly.

The child stared inquisitive at her, nodding her head slightly. Kagome let a weak smile grace her lips as she asked

"Tell me Rin-chan.. does the name 'Shippou' mean anything to you?"

The young girl's eyes widened as her grip on Kagome's dress tightened.

"Shippou?! How do you know of Rin's friend?!" She asked.

Kagome placed her hands on Rin's shoulders and let her eyes start to faintly glow a unearthly blue.

Sesshoumaru didn't know how this accomplished anything but Rin's eyes suddenly widened in recongnition and ran in to the older woman's arms crying "Tennyou-sama!"

Kagome gripped on to the young girl for the life of her. She had been enamored of the child and her 'brother' but had long though never to see the child again.

Shippou-chan was going to be so happy when he found out...!

"Tennyou-sama is Shippou-san still with you?" Rin asked pulling away.

"No... he's living with Kagome-san now."

The girl looked utterly confused by that statement, knowing full well of 'Tennyou' and 'Kagome' being the same person. Kagome just sent her a wink and nudged her head slightly to the crowds of people around them, in a silent gesture. Rin understood. She couldn't say her real identity because she didn't want these people too know it.

"Can Rin go visit him with Sesshoumaru-sama sometime?!" She asked, as she began bouncing on her feet in excitement.

Kagome frowned and repeated slowly

"Sesshou..maru... sama...?"

"Yes..!" Rin nodded exuberantly "Sesshoumaru-sama is Rin-chan's Otou-san!!"

Kagome froze in shock as she turned to the lazily lounging Oya-bun, sipping from his glass.



He was her FATHER?!!?!!?


Kagome felt thousands of responses and protests fill her head but the only intelligent thing that slipped past her lips was

"Fluffy is your father...?"

Sesshoumaru choked on his drink as he whipped a stern glare at her at the degrading comment.

He was about to reprimand her when Rin chimed out innocently

"Sesshoumaru-sama has a nickname from Tennyou-sama! Can Rin call you that too Sesshoumaru-sama??!"

His right eye twitched, as he replied through gritted teeth, a firm


Rin pouted.

Kagome gulped, trying to think of something logical to say.

"So.. um..." She began, looking in to the soulful brown eyes of the young girl "If it's alright with Kagome-san, You can visit Shippou-chan.. if it's alright with Sesshoumaru that is..."

The inu youkai raised a elegant eyebrow, arching perfectly on his alabaster skin.

She was setting then up on a play date with Kekkai? No way in hell was he going to put up with that woman, even for Rin..!

The small girl clasped her hands before her and gave him large teary eyes.

"Can we, Sesshoumaru-sama? It's been so long since I've seen Shippou-chan, and Kagome-san! Pretty pretty Pleeeaaase??"

He frowned.

Damn it...

"Yes." He answered, pulling the glass back to his lips for another sip.

"Yeah! Thank you Sesshoumaru-sama! Did you hear that Tennyou-san?! I get to see Shippou-chan!!" Rin cheered.

Kagome laughed at the child.

"I'm sure he'll be glad to see you too, Rin-chan... They have both missed you..."

"I've missed them too!"

The two girls laughed together as Sesshoumaru watched them inconspicuously through the corner of his eye.

They quieted, however, quickly as the lights dimmed around the room leaving a single spotlight on one form moving towards the front podium.

Jinenji Tomi.

Kagome cursed under her breath as she stood straight, a blinding flash hit her eyes, but as she blinked it disappeared. Rin, oblivious to the sudden tension in the air, hopped up in to the chair across of her Sesshoumaru and began fiddling with the chopsticks as Jaken squawked at her.

The ravishing, calm young woman placed a gentle hand on Sesshoumaru's shoulder and leaned down to whisper a warning in to his ear. Her breath was warm against his ears as he forced down a shiver of pleasure that ran down his spine, but her next words brought him instantly alert.

"Be careful. Assassins are here for Tomi. They are strong and will not hesitate to kill anyone in their path."

She didn't wait for an answer from him but continued on through the crowds until she disappeared behind in to a dark hallway.

He watched after her form until then.

Chastising himself, he turned and listened as Tomi made his speech.


Kagome slid through the narrow opening in the ceiling and on to the rafters. Slipping of her shoes, she left them behind as she moved silently atop the beams. Her team had searched every other nook and cranny the Assassin could be hiding in, but to no avail. Kagome had decided this was the only place left. If she was wrong, the mistake would be fatal for her assignment.

Her decision, how ever, did not go to waste as she spotted a figure cloaked in black setting up a sniper ten meters before her.

Kagome reached her hand deftly up her skirt until she felt the handle of her infamous dagger she brought on every job.

Creeping stealthily forward, she stood behind him and raised her dagger before thrusting it downwards.

At the last minute the assassin turned to her, fear in its eyes, as he dodged the attack. His finger on the gun pulled tight as a sound, air crackling shot went off.

Kagome's eyes widened as she was suddenly enveloped by darkness before she realized what happened. The shot had missed it's target and hit the spotlight. Below her shrieks and yells were heard from the panicked guests.

She frowned as she allowed her eyes to glow blue in order to cut through the darkness. She saw his form moving in front of him, holding his crippled, bleeding shoulder. In his other hand she saw the glinting of a deadly kataana. Kagome tightened her grip on her dagger as she saw the assassins face scrunched in hatred and hiss at her.

"Wretched Bitch..!" Hissed a male voice.

She smirked and replied sarcastically.

"Thank you."

Burning black eyes narrowed in further fury until he charged towards her and slicing his blade at her.

She twisted her arm and dodged the blade with her dagger as a small, bright flash flickered in between the metal.

He followed up with another attack and she parried it as another bright clash met her wincing eyes.

Kagome bent backwards and flipped on to a nearby beam a frown on her crimson lips.

It seemed her energy was reacting to the evil aura of his, which met her buildup in power was growing. Her demon energy was about to lash out strongly with being concealed for so long with out being released.

Resisting the feeling of dread building in the pits of her stomach and the painful memories of the past flicker through her mind of when her powers overflowed, she stared in amusement at him as he seethed.

Ignoring the swells of powers flickering over her form, a simple sentence resounded from her lips.

"This should be interesting..."

The assassin charged again forcing her to block.


Sesshoumaru looked amongst the crowds in the dark as they scrambled around the room, tripping over chairs and tables trying to get away.

He had already commanded Jaken to take Rin away, and he knew the little toad would not fail him.

The inu youkai sniffed the air and sorted through the scents to find the one he was looking for. He finally found the delicious scent and traced it. Raising his head, he looked up and his eye caught sight of a small white flash that illuminated two faces. Tennyou's and a hooded one.

He watched as another flash sparked a yard away, then three away from that with Tennyou's determined face alighting in each.

What was causing the light?

The room was almost completely clear of people except for a select few. Glancing he saw four forms not too far away from him.

His half brother, Kouga, the boy who was always speaking with Kekkai, and another man with long black hair in a braid and violet eyes.

What the hell was Bankotsu doing here?

The human turned his head to look at him and their gazes locked.

A smirk adorned his face before a cry and shuffling noises were heard above them.

All faces turned upwards again.

"What the hell?!" The assassin's voice sounded.

Two glowing blue eyes shined through the darkness, tinted crimson at the corners and bleeding slowly across the irises.

Sesshoumaru frowned in confusion.

He heard Inu yasha curse under his breath then say loudly in to his collar,

"Taijiya, Miko... We have a problem..!"

"What's going on hanyou?" Sesshoumaru finally demanded.

Inuyasha turned and growled fiercely,

"Shut up Sesshoumaru, I don't have time right now to deal with you!"

"What he means is.." Bankotsu cut in smoothly, walking up beside the other godfather ".. that you better prepare yourself."

Sesshoumaru was about to bark and demand on what that was suppose to mean, but the room was suddenly enveloped by a white light before receding to it's mistress.

A loud crash before them was heard as the assassin's unconscious body hit the floor.

A few cracks of stiff bones were heard as a woman leaped down beside the still form, feeling it's neck for a pulse.

"Hm.. Still alive."

The material draped around her curvy body, swirled as she stood and turned to look at the surrounding men with icy gold eyes. Silver hair floated around her body in a majestic manner as a silver tail flicked behind her and curled around her waist.

Crimson lips turned up in a enticing smile as she said lightly

"My, my...."

"Tennyou.." Inuyasha started stepped slowly towards her.

She leveled her eyes on his, freezing him in his track with their coolness.

"Stay away." She commanded "You know full well what will happen if you take another step."

Obviously he did, for he didn't try to advance further.

"Mistress.." Bankotsu stated, gaining her attention.


"I know you still have some control in your haze. Go spend your energy before you can do any harm."

She frowned but her head slanted in consent.

"I understand."

The enchanting woman turned and silently stepped away from them, her bare feet mere whispers on the floor.

Silver youki began growing around her calves as she levitated slightly in the air, heading for the large window. This new Tennyou was half way there when a small flash of silver cut through the air and delved un to her back.

A small roar echoed from her as she ripped if out of her body to stare at it's tip then at the attacker. The assassin was propped on to a elbow, his hand still in the position of his perfect shot.

"That was for my partner.." the assassin hissed.

Tennyou snarled and threw the dart to the ground while cracking her claws.

"Go!" Bankotsu yelled in fierce tones.

She narrowed her eyes but turned away from them and slipped through the open window in to the night.

All faces in the room visibly relaxed as Kouga stepped over to where the assaulting dart lay. Picking it up between his claws, his face suddenly paled and looked at them, horror in his eyes.

"What is it?" Inuyasha asked.

"Demon Poison."

They all stiffened at the mention of it. Demon poison was the strongest mixture for killing known in the underworld. When injected in to it's victim, first it causes fever, then they become paralyzed, followed by death. It was a gruesome painful thing that even Youkai couldn't survive from without the rare antidote.

"No.." Miroku said under his breath

"Spread out now...! We need to find Tennyou before the effects set in!" Bankotsu ordered. "Inuyasha, Kouga.. get all the men you can together and search for her. I will get my men right now..!"

The nodded and ran out of the building before Bankotsu turned to him.

"Sesshoumaru.. "


"You have the best chance of finding her with you abilities with youki. She will probably be on the East side of town, by the sea.. I didn't want to anger the others by asking you earlier, but if you find her, take her somewhere comfortable and help her. This is all I'm asking of you..."

Sesshoumaru didn't like the idea, but nodded in consent anyways.

He was curious as to what was going on, and the only way to get answers were from them through cooperation.

Sesshoumaru gather his youki around him and went through the window and in to the night sky intent on finding the woman.


That's all folks!!

R&R please!!


*Miko Angel*