InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Hidden ❯ All I Need ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
HiddenI Need

Kagome, dressed in her school uniform, stared at Inuyasha from behind a tree. "Miroku..... she's all I need..." Inuyasha was saying. "Inuyasha.. you should be telling her that.. not me....." Miroku replied. "She'll want me as a human... just like Kikyo.. I know it!" Inuyasha barked. Kagome fainted.
Hours Later____
"Kagome! You're up.." Inuyasha said. Kagome looked around. 'What am I laying on?' she thought. She sat up. She turned around looking at Inuyasha."Was I laying on you Inu?" Kagome asked. 'Inu? She called me Inu' the half demon thought. "Yea.. were you listening to me and Miroku?" he asked her. "You were talking about me.. weren't you Yasha?" she asked. 'Yasha.... so she does like Sango said' "Yes..... you want me as a human don't you?" Inuyasha asked her, expecting the answer yes. "I love you for you..." Kagome blurted out before turning as red as Inuyasha's haori. "You are all I need...I love you."Inuyasha told her.

Kagome woke up, staring out into the trees. "Kagome, come here..." someone whisphered in her ear. She followed the voice. She was alone in a dense area of the forest. "Who are you?" she asked still half asleep. "Inuyasha, wench." he said before doing the unthinkable. Inuyasha pulled Kagome up to him and kissed her. She kissed back. "All I need is.. you" he said.