InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Hidden ❯ Was it really only a dream? ( Chapter 1 )
A beautiful maiden with long, thick, wavy, black hair stood in a field of grass, gazing up at the full moon. She was bare-foot but did not seem to need shoes. Her strapless black dress stopped mid-thigh and had a bow placed on the back of the dress. The ribbons coming off of the bow ended in a curl at her ankles, and it seemed that she had used what was left of the fabric to make a thin, black choker around her neck. Dangling from her ears were small, silver crescent moon and star earrings.
She took a step forward and a light twang reached her ears as villagers shot arrows at her. She jumped at the last minute, did a summersault in the air and landed a few feet from the now arrow infested area. She glared in the direction of the forest some twenty feet away.
"I have done nothing wrong!" She said in a clear, strong, emotionless voice. "Why do you villagers waist your arrows?!"
"Leave us villagers be, foul temptress! Leave and take your dark magic with ye!" A mans voice shouted form the trees.
"Temptress?! I am no temptress, villagers! I may be a demon but I would never sink to the low levels of a temptress!" She shouted, appalled they would think that of her.
"She lies!" A woman said coming out of the forest. She wore dark blue priestess garbs, instead of the usual red. She put her hands together, prayer beads around her hands, and began to chant.
A silver glow enveloped the demon's body and she floated above the ground, fear etched into her facial features. There was a bright flash and-
Kirara's eyes snapped open in an instant. What was that?