InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ High School... And All That Drama ❯ Studying ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Chapter 5: Studying
the Sango and Ayame woke up, they expected Kagome to still be mad at InuYasha, but when they woke her up, she sat up right away, and said a cheerful "Good morning!"
stared at her friend, "Aren't you mad anymore?"
shook her head, "Nope he didn't mean it." She got up, "Let's do something." she said, and walked out of the room. Ayame looked at Sango, who shrugged. Kagome was that way, she could go to bed crying, and be perfectly happy in the morning. If got Sango how Kagome could always be so happy.
met Kagome outside the bathroom door as she came out. They walked downstairs and met Sango's little brother in the kitchen. "Hungry Kohaku?" Sango asked. He nodded and Sango started making pancakes for everyone.
I play with Souta today?" Kohaku asked his sister.
you did your homework, I don't want to be up late like last week Sunday."
start now!" Kohaku said, and left the table. Kagome felt bad for Sango and Kohaku. Their mother died about three years ago, and their father was never home. They pretty much had to live on their own. Kagome's mom made sure that they were never alone though, and with Kohaku and Souta friends as well, they were never a burden when they spent the night. The door bell rang.
can you get that, I think I know who it is." Sango asked. Kagome nodded and walked to the door and Ayame followed her.. "Go away and make your own breakfast!" Sango yelled at the top of her lungs. Kagome and Ayame had no idea what Sango meant. Kagome pulled open the door to find Miroku there with InuYasha and Kouga standing behind him.
we're starving!" Miroku moaned, holding his stomach. Kagome stood there and looked at the kitchen, she couldn't see Sango, but some how her friend knew what the problem was.
them in Kagome." Sango said. Kagome stood back and let the three boys come in.
went to Ayame and wave her a quick kiss hello. "He made us come." He said, pointing to Miroku.
walked in and Miroku sat at the table. "You give them homemade pancakes and the most I get is Eggo's. How's that for fair?" He asked.
they don't exspect me to feed them every day." Sango said, putting a huge stack of pancakes on the table. Miroku reached for one, but Sango slapped his hand. "First go get Kohaku." she said.
moaned but got up. "Yes mommy." he left the kitchen and yelled, "Hey Squirt!" he ran up the stairs. He came back into the kitchen with Kohaku next to them, talking about Sango favoring the girls, they hardly ever got pancakes. Sango sighed. "Be happy, or you won't get anything." Sango said, but laughed. Kagome shook her head. 'I will never get their relationship.'
are you guys doing up? Miroku, you're never up before 12:00 on weekends."
at 8:00" Miroku said.
shrugged, that was reasonable, if you had practice, of course you had to... get... up... early. "Oh my god! we slept through practice!" she screamed. She looked at the clock. It was a little bit before 12:00, practice was at 7:00.
will kill us." moaned Ayame.
lap for sure, wait what are we complaining about? A lap is not that bad." Sango said, mood going up.
you're right, god for bid we had to run a little bit." Kagome said.
should skip more often." Ayame agreed, the girls were over it.
they ate breakfast, the girls packed their stuff together again. "Tell Souta I'll call him when I finish my homework!" Kohaku called from upstairs.
Kagome called back. Ayame hugged Kagome and Sango and her and Kouga got into Kouga's Jeep Wrangler. Kagome hugged Sango and her and InuYasha got into his car.
with girls and hugging?" He asked as he tossed his pillow to Kagome. "Hold this." He said.
pushed her pack to the floor by her feet. She rolled up her window and put InuYasha's pillow against it and rested her head on the pillow. "Smells like you, mm" she said, suggling into it. InuYasha was in shock, she liked the way he smelled? She didn't even have an acute sence of smell. "Drive boy." She said, pointing to the road.
no dog!" InuYasha shouted.
sure look like one." Kagome said. She rubbed his right ear for a second before she let her hand fall. InuYasha looked at her in disbelief. 'When ever someone touches my ear, it feels all weird, but when Kagome touched it, it felt so nice, like I want it back.' He thought. He shook his head again, put his car into revease, and drove Kagome's house.

was doing her homework when the phone rang. Kohaku was over now and he and Souta were in Souta's room playing some video game. Kagome's mom answered it. "Kagome, honey, some boy is on the phone!" she called.
walked down the stairs to grab the cordless. "God mom, don't say that, now it sounds like boys never call." True, 99% of the time it was Miroku, or Hojo when she was going with him, but hey, they were boys. She got the phone and ran back upstairs.
was outside Souta's room, "Tell Miroku to tell Sango that I'm sleeping over." he said, and disappeared into Souta's room.
that's sad that even Souta's friend knows Miroku's the only one who calls." She clicked the phone on, told her mom she had it, and put the phone up to her ear. "Tell her Kohaku's spending the night." She said.
The voice said, 'Oh god it's not Miroku.' Kagome thought. "What the hell are you talking about?"
took a breath in releif, it wasn't so embarassing, saying something like that infront of him. "Oh hey InuYasha, sorry I thought you were Miroku" Kagome explained.
wouldn't be, we got ditched!" InuYasha cried.

and Sango are out doing something secret and Kouga and Ayame are one of their special holidays."
Kouga and Ayame celebrated just about every anerversary, from monthly to first kiss. It was so adorable.
what are you doing?"
to do homework" Kagome said, looking at her math again.
I'll pick you up and we can figure it out together." With out another word InuYasha hung up the phone. Kagome sighed, 'At least I'll get some help.' She thought, and packed her books up. She stacked them up, InuYasha would have everything they would need. She went downstairs to wait for him and heard her mom washing dishes in the kitchen so she decided to help.
honey, how's the homework.?" He mom asked, looking up from the sink.
alright. InuYasha's coming and we're going to work on it together." she said.
well, you two are certainly spending alot of time together. Is something going on there?" she asked.
Kagome cried, blushing. Her mom just smiled at her and continued washing the dishes.
mother looked at her dauter and smiled, "You've grown up so much." she said.
looked at her mom, "Mom, come on, I..." Kagome was interupped by someone beeping. "Will it kill him to walk two feet to the door?" She said to herself, she turned to her mother and kissed her on the cheek. "Bye mom, be home later."

groaned. "InuYasha, this is hopeless." She whined. She was trying to help InuYasha study for the up coming math test, but he just couldn't pay attention. Truth be told, she couldn't either.
needs trig?!" Inuyasha said, throwing his book.
scientists." Kagome said. InuYasha arched his eyebrow at her. "And NASA people." InuYasha rolled his eyes. "And mathmatitions." she giggled. "And-" InuYasha put his hand over her mouth.
I'm not planing on being any or those. All I need is something to eat."
instantly light up. "Let's get icecream!" she cried. Inuyasha shrugged his shoulders.
growled. "Stupid girl, making me walk." Kagome laughed.
it's ten blocks. Stop whining, you're suppose to be and athlete!" She flexed her arms.
eyed her. "That's pathetic." he said, squeazing her arm. Kagome stuck out her tougue at him, and walked into the icecream parlor.
they both ordered their icecream, Kagome turned to Inuyasha. "Hey, my favorite person" She said. InuYasha just stared at her. "I have no money, and I think you should..." she glanced at him.

I saved you from getting in a car accident!"
you didn't even let me drive."
if we drove, you could be dead!"

Kagome smiled. She sat at a table and waited for InuYasha.
because I'm, so nice, I bought you something else too."

InuYasha had a small bowl with whipped cream in it. And he had the nerve to throw it at her!
Kagome cried. InuYasha had no idea what he was messing with. This meant war.
icecream war, a huge mess, and many angry words later, InuYasha and Kagome were walking down the street, covered in a sticky mess. "I can't believe you got us kicked out of their." Kagome said.
You fought too!" InuYasha cried.
your fault! And now we can't ever go back there again!"
your fault!"
not, don't ever talk to me again INUYASHA!"
don't talk to me KAGOME! And it'd your fault!"
started it!"
you should have been the more mature one and stopped it!" InuYasha said, and smirked, when his mom was alive, she always said that to SesshoMaru, and he got in troble when the brothers fought because he was older.
giggled. "Did you just call yourself immature?" she said through her laughter.
I said..." He thought back. "Damn, I just set myself up for that." They both broke out in laughter. And they were closer than they we before.

yea, that chapter was kinda lame, but it was sooooo good but it kept getting erased and im fed up wit it. sry its beenso long since i updated and this is so short, but ive been soooooo busy. get this! since me and my cuz nick r only 7 days apart, and it was both our sweet 16 b4 xmas, his parents and mine got us a room at peek and peek 4 4nites and 5 days over xmas break! it was soooooo much fun! lol this chapter is dedicated 2 inuyasha_lover_988764 again, b/c u r the ONLY 1 that reviews. hint hint more reviews from others hint hint. kisses!