InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ High School... And All That Drama ❯ Attempts ( Chapter 7 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Chapter 7: Atempts

looked at Miroku. Miroku looked at Sango. Seconds passed to a minute. A minute passes into minutes. Sango shifted uncomfortably, trying to sit up straiter. Her short black dress didn't object. It was a dress meant to be worn sitting perfectly strait. Miroku cleared his throat, and fixed his cuff link. This was not how he wanted their first official date to happen. He wanted it to be perfect. He made reservations to the fancy resurant, he even "borrowed" his uncle's credit card. He wanted to impress Sango.
'es some bread." The waiter said in a French accent. Then he left. Miroku's hand twitched. He reached and grabbed a piece of bread for himself, then another for Sango. He reached all the way acrossed the table, and gently dropped the roll on her plate.
you" Sango said softly, then looked to Miroku and gasped. Miroku looked to see why she gasped, and nearly choked. He put his arm to close to the candle, and caught his sleeve on fire. He looked around to find something to fix the problem without causing a scene. Grabbing his cloth napkin, Miroku patted the fire out. He dropped the napkin on the table, and smiled with embarrassment at Sango, who's eyes were wide and pointing at the table.
Miroku failed to notice that there were some sparks were still on the napkin, and now the table cloth was slightly on fire. He grabbed his glass of wine (The waiter just gave it to them, even though they are under age.) and threw it on the fire, which of course, grew bigger.
now, half the table was on fire. Sango let out a quiet scream, and threw her glass of water on the fire, which put it out before the water bounced back up and soaked Miroku's head. The waiter came running over. "What? What 'es all of 'zis?" He cried.
flung his head back to keep the wet hair out of his eyes. "We would like out check, fine sir." Miroku said in a dramatic voice.
bread 'es free of a charge, and so 'es zee watar. Your food 'es not yet prepaired." The waiter said, trying to remain calm.
we shall take our leave." Miroku called in the same voice. The waiter fainted. Miroku stepped over him, and linked arms with Sango. "Shall we, my fair lady?" Miroku said, a little to loudly, the entire resturant was still staring at them. Sango nodded, and the walked out.

let go of Sango, once the resturant doors closed behind them. "I'm so sorry Sango, I just wanted to..." Sango was laughing. He tried so hard to impress her, and she was laughing. No, not just laughing, laughing at him. "I'll take you home now." He said, his heart shattered into a million pieces.
Sango gasped, "I have never... gasp... had so much... gasp... fun in my life!"
know, and I'm- what?" She had fun?
I'm dieing, you were on fire!"
chucked, then laughed. Soon him and Sango were hystarical. "I'm still hungry." Sango moaned, whiping a tear from her face.
to go some place more our style?" Miroku asked, pointing to a fast food place. Sango nodded, and they walked in.
they ordered their food, Miroku told the lady it was to go. "To go?" Sango asked. Miroku hardly ever let them eat in his car.
have something to show you." The walked to his car, and Miroku drove, with one hand covering Sango's eyes. He stopped some where, and reached into the back seat. He threw some kind of cover over Sango's head. "Now don't move until I get you, understand?"
where are we?" Sango asked for the millionth time, but for the millionth time, Miroku said that she would see. Miroku got out of the car, but Sango didn't move, Miroku was probally watching her. Sango felt her door being opened, and the cloth was taken off her head. Miroku put one of his hands over her eyes again, and the other on her hip.
he whispered in her ear. Sango felt shivers going up her spine, but did as he said. They stopped walking soon, "On three." Miroku said. "One," his hand shifted nervously. "Two," Sango licked her lips. "Three." Miroku removed his hand and Sango gasped. He had set out a picinc, for just the two of them, their fast food sitting on a blanket, waiting to be ate. Miroku looked at his feet. "I still wanted you to think I was-" but Sango cut him off with a kiss.
you are the sweetest, most romantic, most perfect guy in the world." She cried. She licked her lips again, and stared into Miroku's eyes. "And you're all mine."

ate their hamburgers and stole fries from each other, staring out at the pond Miroku put the blanket in front of. They ate their sundays staring at each other, giving each other a light peck on the lips, when ever the other one "accidentally" missed their mouth with the ice cream. After the finished, Miroku layed down, and pulled Sango down with him, laying her head on his stomach. "This is our spot." Sango said, and Miroku nodded
laying and whispering sweet nothings to each other, Miroku looked at his watch. It was 1:30. "You should probally get home." He whispered.
She said, cuddling closer to him. She now was laying on his chest, and Miroku tucked her head under his chin. Neither made and motion to get up.
uncle was probally out cold, he was a drunk.
father wasn't home, he never was.
was sleeping at Kagome's with Souta, he was safe.
weren't needed by any one but each other.
stayed like that until the first rays of dawn rose, and they watched the sun rise, holding each other. After their light show, they got up and walked to Miroku's car. They drove home silently, holding hands. Miroku waited until Sango was safely in her house before he pulled out of her driveway and into his. They both slipped into their beds. No one noticed they weren't there of the whole night. And they dreamed of each other.

o i loove sango and miroku they r the best. k these chapters were all over the place, but i wanted 2 make their days seperate. its kinda sad about miroku and sango's lives tho, no 1 noticed theyy were gone? ohhhhhhh.... k well i was depressed all day and then i rote and im happy again. im still worried about cam (my friend, short 4 camron) still in a coma, thats wat they call it now b/c hes been out 4 so long, im scared but u guys make it better. love ya!