InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ High School Days ❯ After school fun ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Chapter 2
After school fun

Inuyasha took Kagome to a nice little resturant called, 'The four souls.' They went inside and walked to a table for two. Inuyasha pulled Kagome's chair out and motioned for her to sit. She thanked him and sat down. He walked across the table and sat down himself.
"So, what would you like to eat Kagome?" Inuyasha asked looking at his menu. "Oh, nothing too expensive, I don't want to take advantage of your money." Inuyasha chuckled. "I don't have problems with money, c'mon pick anything." Kagome looked at the menu for a bit then at Inuyasha. "Okay, I'll have some Kare Raisu then." Inuyasha nodded. "Okay...Waiter!" He called for a waiter and a man with a black tux showed up at their table.
"Yes sir, what would you like?"
"I'll take some ramen and she'll have some kare raisu." The man wrote the orders down. "Anything to drink?"
"I'll take a glass of wine and you Kagome?"
"Just water please." The waiter wrote it down and went into the kitchens.
"So Kagome, why did you move here to Tokyo?"
"My father is a businessman and he had a project here, so we had to move."
"Really? What company does he work for?" Inuyasha asked.
"The Taisho company."
"Holy crap, my father owns that company."
Kagome's eyes widened."Really? I didn't notice."
"My last name's Taisho Kagome. It's obvious."
"They never mentioned your last name so I wouldn't know."
Inuyasha chuckled. "So the big and bad Inuyasha is the son of the great Inu no Taisho." Inuyasha amiled proudly.
"Yup." The waiter arrived with their drinks and set them on the table. "Your orders will be ready in a bit sir." Said the waiter and walked away.

"So Inuyasha, what kind of girl attracts you?" Inuyasha took a sip of his wine while looking thoughtful.
"I would say...a cute, honest, nice, sensitive girl who like to have fun and get down and dirty at times." Kagome giggled.
"Have you gotten what you want in a girl yet?"
"No, not yet. But I hope that soon I will." Kagome nodded.
"There are so many guys in this world, but I haven't found my mister perfect yet either. Like everytime I get into a relationship with a guy, they just want me for sex or something, so I dump them." Inuyasha nodded.
"I see what you're trying to say."
The waiter came with a food cart with their orders and set them on the table. "There you are sir. If their's anything you need, just call." The waiter walked away and Inuyasha picked up his chopsticks. "Lets eat." He said and dug into his Ramen bowl

After they finished eating, Inuyasha took Kagome to the truck and they got in. Inuyasha turned it on and drove on the opposite way to Kagome's house.
"Umm...Inuyasha, where are you taking me?"
"Oh c'mon. Your mom won't mind if you come home a little later. Lets go to a party."
"What party?"
Inuyasha smiled. "Bankotsu has a party everyday of the week. Lets drop by a bit, then I'll take you home."
Kagome nodded. "Okay."

They arrived at bankotsu's house and there was surely a party going on. "You're not dressed properly for this party. Here, let em fix you up a bit." Inuyasha reached his hands over to unbutton Kagome's shirt a little, but she slapped them away. "I look just fine." He rubbed his hands and they continued inside.
People were pole dancing on the stripper poles Bankotsu had put up on round counters and others were grinding into eachother on the dancefloor(living room). Bankotsu approched with a beer at hand. "Hey Inuyasha, oh hey Kagome. Did you come with Inuyasha?"
"Well do you want anything? A beer, wine cooler, vodka?"
"No thanks." Bankotsu shrugged. "Get me a beer Bankotsu." Inuyasha said and Bankotu disappeared into the crowd.
"You drink?" Inuyasha asked.
"Hello? Im not old enough." Inuyasha chuckled.
"So, everyone breaks the rules." Kagome shook her head.
"Well not me. Especially on a school night." Inuyasha laughed.
"Oh my god, you need help." Bankotsu arrived with Inuyasha's beer.
"Here you go man." Inuyasha took the can and opened it. "Here, drink some." Kagome looked at him as if he was crazy.
"Hell no."
"Drink some or I'll force it down your throat."
"Bankotsu, get her." Bankotsu grabbed Kagome's arms and held her still. Kagome struggled against Bankotsu'd grip.
"Okay okay, I'll drink some, just let me go." Bankotsu let her go and she looked at the can miserably.
"Do I have to?"
Inuyasha nodded. "Yes, you're so innocent. If you're gonna be in our group, you have to have some sins in your life." He handed her the can and she put it to her mouth. "Here goes." She took a big drink out of the can before putting it down.
"So?" Inuyasha asked. "Thsi stuff is horrible." She said sticking out her tongue. "There'e other drinks like smirnoff, which tastes a little better than this."
"I bring some?" Bankotsu suggested and ran through the crowd.

"Why haven't you ever drank alcahol before?"
"Because I come from a strict family, and they'll ground me for life if they saw me with an alcaholic drink in my hand."
"Oh." Bankotsu arrived and gave the bottle to Kagome.
"Here you go. That should taste better." Kagome took the bottle and opened it. She put it to her mouth and took a big drink from it. "Thsi is good." She took another another drink and another one till it was all gone. "Now that's what Im talkign about." Said Inuyasha with a smirk on his face.
They walked to where they held all the drinks and Kagome took another bottle of smirnoff. Inuyasha looked at her amazed. "What?" Kagome askedopening the bottle. "Well you were the one complaining you didn't want to drink."
"Well, I like this stuff and this may be the only time I get to drink some." Inuyasha laughed.

After about 20 bottles fo smirnoff later, Kagome was feeling a little tipsy. Inuyasha had been drinking beer, so he was drunk enough to do something stupid at least.
"Hey, do you wanna dance?" Inuyasha asked Kagome. "Yeah, c'mon." She pulled his hand to the center of the dance floor(living room). All of a sudden Inuyasha felt Kagome grinding on him. Everyone else was dancing like that and Kagome followed suit. Inuyasha went along with it and danced with her.

As they moved together, Kagome turned around and looked at Inuyasha. They looked at eachother for a few seconds, then Inuyasha got closer to her face and soon enough, they were kissing. After about two minutes of lip locking, Inuyasha pulled away and looked at her. "I should problably get you home now." Kagome nodded. "Yeah, okay." They said their goodbyes to Bankotsu and left to the truck.

"Kagome, about what happened...inside..."
"Oh don't was just an accident." 'I hope.'
Inuyasha looked at Kagome then opened the truck door to let her inside. He hoped into the drivers seat and drove Kagome home.

When they arrived, Inuyasha parked the truck infront of Kagome's house. "No hard feelings tomorrow?" Inuyasha asked looking down at the wheel. "We'll act as if it never happened, okay?" Inuyasha nodded. "Okay." She stepped out of the truck and walked inside her house. Inuyasha stared at the door of her house for a little then drove off. 'What was I thinking? Kissing her?! I barely know her. She problably won't even talk to me anymore for that. Nice going Inuyasha!' He mentally yelled at himself.

When he arrived at home, Sesshomaru was sitting in the living room watching TV. He turned to see Inuyasha and sighed. "What happened?" Inuyasha looked at him annoyed."Why do you always think I did something bad to someone?"
"Because when I see that look on your face, I know something happened." Inuyasha sighed.
"Okay, vut don't hate me for it...Kagome was walking home and I picked her up and took her out to eat." Sesshomaru gasped.
"You ficking idiot, you don't even know her and you're taking her out to eat? She problably has a boyfriend in her hometown."
"She told me herself she didn't have one. Then I decide to take her to a party and she got a little tipsy..."
"Oh now I know you did something." Inuyasha glared.
"It was an accident. We were dancing amd all of a sudden I looked at her and we started kissing." Sesshomaru gasped.
"Oh my fucking god...You kissed Kagome." Inuyasha nodded.
"Don't even start teasing me because I will rip your damn balls off." Sesshomaru laughed.
""Yeah right. Why did you do it?"
"I dunno...we were just dancing and all of a sudden we were kissing. I thought it was bad to do that, so I took he rhome."
"Good, then you would of raped her if you had the chance." Inuyasha growled.
"No I wouldn't!" He yelled at his older brother.
"Every girl you go out with never lastes...You fuck them and move on the next morning." Inuyasha crossed his arms.
"Well...I wouldn't do that to Kagome."
"Oh really?"
"Really." Sesshomaru smirked.
"Why don't you ask he rot be your girlfriend and we'll see how long you two last." Inuyasha chuckled.
"Yeah right. Like I'd do that."
"Are you afraid little brother?"
"Alright I'll do it. Just get off my back." Inuyasha said walking upstairs to his room. 'He won't last.' Sesshomaru thought to himself, plopping back on the sofa.


Kagome walked silently up to her room and dropped face down on her bed. 'What will he think tomorrow? That was so emberrasing! What of Bankotsu was it?...Kagome, you're such a dumbass!' She silently cursed herself. Tomorrow was gonna be a though day.

A/N: Again Im very sorry for any mispelled words I just have this problem where I type too fast that the words come out in reverse or I mess up the letters on the keyboard. Anyways I hope you all are likeing my story and I hope I get more reviews I really appreciate My first two reviewers, you know who you are. I hope this story gets somewhere and I made thsi chapter a little short so sorry about that, I didn't want ot ruin the surprise.

R/R please

Love: @nime_b@by/ Tsubaru