InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ High School Days ❯ The next Day ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha in anyway so don't sue me cause' you won't win any money. Inuyasha belongs to Rumiko Takahashi and her only.

Chapter three
The next Day

Kagome arrived to first period to see Sesshomaru and Koga chatting.
"Hey guys." They both looked up at her and smiled.
"Hey Kagome, what's up?" She sat down beside Shesshomaru.
"Not much." Sesshomaru smirked.
"So, what did you do yesterday Kagome?" Kagome flinchd and rapidly tapped on her desk.
"Oh nothing really..I just hung out." Shesshomaru nodded.
"Cool." Kagome went through her first and second classes without having to explain what she did the day before like she had to Sesshomaru.

'Crap, I have Inuyasha next period.' Kagome said in her head. She tried to stay away from Inuyasha as much as possible. She didn't want to talk about the day they had.

She entered the gym and sat next to Kimura, Inuyasha's gym rival.
"Hey Kagome, why aren't you sitting over there with Inuyasha?"
"No reason." He nodded.
"So, do you have a boyfriend?" She shook her head.
"No, I haven't really known anybody here long enough to be my boyfriend yet."
"Why don't I take you somewhere during lunch today. We can talk and get to know eachother." Kagome smiled.
"Sure, I'd like that." He smiled.
"Good." Just then Inuyasha walked into the gym and caught them together. He walked up to Kimura with an angry expression on his face.
"Do you have a reason to why you're with Kagome?" Kimura shook his head.
"Calm down Inuyasha...See you later Kagome." He kissed he rcheek and walked to the other side of the benches. Inuyasha was fuming.
"Did...did he just kiss you?" Kagome nodded.
"It was just a simple kiss on the cheek. We're not going out or anyhting." Inuyasha snapped.
"I don't like him! Stay away from him!" Kagome stood up to him.
"Why should I?! You don't even own me you jackass!"
"I don't have to! Nobody in our gang hangs wiht losers such as him!" Kagome sighed and sat.
"Just shut up and leave me alone Inuyasha." He stopped and looked at her sad face.
'Nice going Inuyasha...Making her mad will surely help you to get her to be your girlfriend.' He mentally yelled at himself. He sat down close to her, but not next to her.

"Okay class, today you will be pared up woth someone to exercise. I will be assigning the pairs though." Everyone booed.
"Okay, Bankotsu and Hakudoshi, you're partners." They high-fived eachother and looked back at the coach.
"Kimura and Jamiri...Inuyasha and Kagome...You are all pairs." Inuyasha's eyes widened. He turned around and looked at a shocked Kagome. 'Thank the gods for pairing me up with her.' He got up and sat right next to Kagome.
"So, we're paired up together." Kagome turned away.
"Heh." She said crossing her arms.

The rest of class was paired up and ready. "We will be like thsi for a whole week, so make friends with your partners 'cause you're not switching." Everyone walked walked to their assigned stations. Inuyasha and Kagome walked to the squat station.
"You go first...I'll help you." Inuyasha suggested. Kagome placed the weight on the back of her lower back, walked forward and spread her legs apart. Inuyasha stood behind her and held her hands.
"Now, now squat." He said in a kind of sexy tone that sent shivers up Kagome's spine. She felt Inuyasha slowly strocking her hands.
'What is wrong with this guy?'

She did about 20 squats and it was Inuyasha's turn. He did 20 as well without breaking a single. They sat down to take a break and Inuyasha sat incredibly close to Kagome.
"Kagome...I want to talk about what happened yesterday." Kagome looked at Inuyasha nervously.
"It was just an accident, I was a little drunk." Inuyasha grabbed Kagome's hand and held it on his lap.
"Really? Becausewhan I kissed you, I felt some connection between us Kagome." Kagoem quickly took her hand away and turned around.
"I don't know Inuyasha...I don't know you that much and I don't think i'm your type. You told me yesterday what you liked in a girl and I'm not really any of those things." Inuyasha turned her around to face him.
"I think you're perfect for me." He said and gave her a small peck on the cheek then whispered in her ear.
"I want you." He said it in a very sexy tone that sent chills up Kagome's spine like the last time. Kagome stood up and looked away.
"Im just...not ready Inuyasha." She walked away into the restrooms. Inuyashs watched her leave, then stood up and walked to the guy's restrooms.

He washed his face with water, then all of a sudden, Kimura walked in.
"Het Inuyasha...what were you talking to Kagome about?"
"None of your business dumbass." He smirked.
"Oh yes it is. Kagome and I are friends and maybe soon we'll become more than just friends, so I want to keep her safe from any other guy trying to make a move on her." Inuyasha groweld.
"I can do whatever thew hell I want. And if I want Kagome, Im gonna get her." Kimura chuckled.
"Well, I guess I made the first move. We'll see who gets her in the end."
"What do you mean?"
"I'm taking Kagome out to eat for lunch today wo we can get to know eachother better." Inuyasha chuckled.
"I did that yesterday, so I'm a step infront of you kid." Inuyasha said and left Kimura fumign in the restrooms.

The hallway to the gym room was empty besides Kagome standing up against the wall staring up at the ceiling.
'Here's my chance to have alone time with her.' He silently walked up to her, then he pinned her to the wall with his hands so she wouldn't escape.
"Finally alone." He said and she gasped.
"What are you..." She was cut off when Inuyasha landed his lips on hers. Her eyes opened wide, but she weirdly enjoyed the kiss. She kissed him back, then pushed him away.
"What do you think you're doing?" Inuyasha smirked.
"Stop acting like you didn't like that. You kissed me back, so, you liked it." Kagome blushed and tried to get away, but he grabbed her arms and kept her from escaping.
"C'mon, I want you with me. Accept me and I'll make you happy, I promise." Inuyasha said, kissing her neck.
"I'm sorry...I need tiem to think...please." Kagome said and squirmed away from his grasp.
"Right now, I can't return your feelings...I don't know you enough to have feelings for you." She said and walked away. Inuyasha sighed and left to the dressing rooms.

It was finally 4th period and Kagome sat next to Kikyo.
"Kikyo, can I talk to you?" Kikyo nodded.
"What's up?"
"There's this guy who likes me, we've kissed before, but I don't have feeling for him yet."
"Then there's this other guy who I've never even kissed or had anything with him who is interested in me and I gave him a chance to get to know me, but im not sure whi to pick over the other." Kikyo smiled.
"Just follow youe heart, and when the time comes, you'll know who to pick." Kagoem nodded.
"I know that sounds stupid for advice, but that's all I can say for now."
"Thanks anyways." Kikyo smiled and got to work on her computer.

It was finally lunch time and everyone was sitting in the cafeteria table but Kagome and Inuyasha.
"Has anyone seen these two?" asked Miroku.
"Ring, ring." It was Sesshomaru's cellphone and he fliped it open.
"Sesshomaru, it's me, Inuyasha."
"Hey, where are you at?"
"Come to the parking lot right now."
"For what?"
"Just come."
"Alright." Sesshomaru stood up and walked to the parking lot.

"What do you want?"
"I need you to help me. Look, that's Kimura's car. Type in it's liscence plate number so we can track him down."
For what?" Sesshomaru asked taking out his cellphone.
"Because he's taking Kagome out to eat and who knows what he'll try to do to her. I'm not giving up on her." Sesshomaru nodded.
"Oh, I see." Sesshomaru got the liscence plate number on his cell phone.
"There, my phone will track this car down."
"Good, lets go home and get your other car." They hoped onto Sesshomaru's lamborghini and drove home.

Kagome met up with Kimura in the parking lot and they hoped into his car.
"So, where are we going?"
"Wherever you wanna go."
"Well, I don't know that many places around here." He nodded.
"Oh okay, I'll just take you to a nice sushi bar I know of. Do yo ulike sushi?" Kagome smiled.
"Yeah, I eat it once in a while." They left to the sushi bar while Inuyasha and Sesshomaru were barely getting into Sesshomaru's red ferrari.
"Where are they?" Inuyasha asked, reversing out of the driveway.
"They're at that sushi bar close to the school."
"Oh my god, I would at least take her somewhere classier. I took her to the four souls yesterday." Sesshomaru smirked.
"You just want to please her." Inuyasha nodded.
"That's the point."

They arrived at the sushi bar and saw Kimura's car parked there.
"Good, they're here." They parked the car far enough so they wouldn't be able to see it. They got off and walked into the resturant.
"Get down." Inuyasha whispered to Sesshomaru. Sesshomaru ducked behind the plants by Inuyasha and sighed.
"You know, I'm hungru too and I get cranky in class if I don't eat." Inuyasha rolled his eyes.
"We can't be seen or Kagome will hate me for spying on her." Sesshomaru stood up.
"She'll hate you. She doesn't even know I'm with you, so I'll go over and ruin the date by coinsidently coming to the same place for lunch." Inuyasha smirked.
"You're a genius my brother."
"I know."

Sesshomaru walked over to Kagome's table and smiled."Oh hey Kagome, I didn't know you were coming here for lunch. Can I join you?"
"Thanks." He sat down and looked at Kimura.
"Aren't you Kimura?" He nodded.
"Yeah, you're that kid who goes out with every girl available. Kagome I hope you're just friends with this guy 'cause he's a whore.'' Kimura slammed his fist on the table.
"What did you say?!" Sesshomaru smirked.
"I said, You. Are. A. Whore." Kagome grabbed Sesshomaru's arm and pulled him up with her.
"Can we talk?" She pulled him to the little tree where Inuyasha was hiding.
"Did you come here to ruin my date or did you come here to eat?"
"I came here for lunch and I see you with this man whore. I can't just stand by and eat sushi while my friend goes out with a guy that problably has HIV." Kagome sighed.
"I'm not gonna go off and have sex with him or something. I'll be okay." Sesshomaru sighed.
"Okay, but im just trying to be a protective friend who's concerned about his new friend." Kagome smiled.
"I'll be okay Sesshomaru. Just go eat."
"Okay, but whatever you need, I'll help you out." Kagome nodded.
"Thanks." She walked off to her table and Sesshomaru walked behind the small trees.

"Well, did you hear that?" Inuyasha nodded.
"Yeah, keep an eye on her Sess. Don't let her get away from you." Sesshomaru nodded.
"Okay, bur what are you gonna do? People are starting to wonder why you're behind the trees." Inuyasha looked at all the people behind him that were staring.
"Hello? Haven't any of you ever seen someone spy on a girl before?" Everyone turned away and carried on with their lives.
"Okay now, do as I told you and don't let them get to close to eachother." Sesshomaru stood up adn walked to a nearby table and sat down.

"So, what was that about Kagome?"
"Oh, I told him to lay off a bit." Kimura nodded.
"I've seen him protect his girlfriend..way worse than this." Kagome chuckled.
"He's like a big brother. I wonder how Inuyasha can put up with him."
"Kagome, what do you feel for Inuyasha?" Kagome stopped giggling and looked down.
"Yuo know...I don't know what exactly I feel for him. Okay, I haven't known him fro long, but I've kissed him before." Kimura's eyes opened wide.
"You've kissed him?" Kagome nodded.
"Yes, but even though I find his kisses sweet and soft...I just don't feel a connection with him yet." Kimura nodded.
"Do you think soon you'll have a connection with him?" Kagome sighed.
"He tells me he loves me, but I don't feel the same yet." Kimura sighed.
"Well, I like you a lot too Kagome. Do you think we could have a connection and you would choose me over him?''
"Maybe." Kimura smiled.
"C'mon, lets go back to the school." Kagome nodded and followed Kimura back to the car, Sesshomaru and Inuyasha followed close by and hid behind a tree. They got inside the car and followed Kimura's car back to the school.

They parked near the school and watched kimura and Kagome get off the car.
"I hope you had fun with me Kagome."
"Yeah, I did." Kagome was about to walk back to the school when suddenly, Kimura pulls her back and pins her to the car, then starts to kiss her deeply. Inuyasha's heart dropped dead when he saw Kagome kiss him back.
"Damn Kimura to hell." Inuyasha said simply.
"You've got yourself some competition there bro...Don't worry, I've got your back always." Inuyasha nodded.
"Thanks Sesshomaru." He said and looked away from Kagome and Kimura.

After they went inside, Inuyasha parked the car in the school parking lot and walked into the school without a word. Sesshomaru watched him leave and sighed.
"He's heartbroken." He said out loud to himself.

Sesshomaru walked into the school and went to class. The rest of the day went by calmly and oddly. Inuyasha Inuyasha wouldn't look of speak to Kagome. It was kind of weird. It was finally the end of school and Kagome had to see what was wrong with Inuyasha.

She saw him getting into his truck and she quickly ran to him. "Inuyasha!" She yelled and he turned around.
"Oh, It's just you." Kagome was panting from running to catch up to him.
"I you." She said between breaths.
"What about?"
"Drive me to the park." He silenly obeyed and drove Kagome to the park.

They walked to a silent place under a tall sakura tree. "Inuyasha, you've been acting strange since lunch. What's wrong?" Inuyasha looked away.
"Nothing's wrong with me." Kagome made him face her.
"How can there be nothing wrong with you, when you suddenly stop talking to me like that?"
"Im telling you, Im okay." Kagome sighed.
"No you're not! What's the matter with you?!"
"I saw you kiss Kimura!" Kagome gasped.
"I saw you and it tore me apart...I can't see you with another guy because you're very important to me." Kagome blushed.
"Im sorry." He suddenly pinned down her to floor and looked strait at her.
"It's all your fault...I've never felt like this before, and you did this to me. Now im feeling things I don't want to because it makes me make weak inside." He said and landed his lips on hers. Again she kissed him back and they kept on kissing for a few minutes before breaking the kiss for lack of air. Kagome looked away looked, still pinned by the hands to the floor with Inuyasha on top of her.
"I want to return your feelings, but everytime I kiss you, I feel this distance between us that keeps me from loving you." He stepped off her and stood up.
"I see...well, I tried...It just wasn't enough." Kagome looked at him sadly.
"Im sorry." Kagome stood up and stood behind Inuyasha.
"C'mon, I'll drive you home." Kagome nodded and followed Inuyasha to his truck.

He drove her home and before getting off she looked at Inuyasha.
"Maybe one day we do get together, or you'll forget about me and move on and find a girl who will return your feelings." Inuyasha looked away. She got off the ruck and walked into her home.
'Maybe someday.' He said to himself and drove home.

A/N: Oh my god Im so sorry for the huge delay. Im in high school now and everything is super hard. I have advanced classes and the projects are killing me. I almost never get any free time and thats so sad. I finally finished typing this up for you guys and I hope you guys stuck to my story even though it took almost took two months for me to update. Sorry if there's any misspelled words I didnt' get to go through it properlly.

Love @nime_b@by