InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ High School Days ❯ A two timer ( Chapter 5 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha in any way. Rumiko Takahashi does.

Chapter 5
A two timer

Kagome opened her eyes slowly and looked around. That wasn't her room she was in, and someone had their arm wrapped around her. She looked down and saw that she only had a black T-shirt on and her underwear.
'Did something last night?' She thought she had Kimura laying down beside her, but when she turned around, she almost fainted. Inuyasha was still sleeping soundly with his arm wrapped around her. She slowly slipped from his grip and left to the bathroom.

"Oh my god, what have I done?" She scolded herself in the mirror. She looked at her neck and saw red marks from Inuyasha's kisses.
'This guy was sucking on my freaking blood!' Suddenly the door opened and in came Inuyasha. Kagome jumped in fear and stepped away from the mirror.
"Hey, good morning Kagome." He said.
"Inuyasha...did we do anything wrong last night?" Inuyasha blinked in confusion.
"No...I don't think so...what makes you think that?" Kagome pointed at her neck.
"Okay, first of all, this is not my clothes I was wearing yesterday, and all I'm wearing under this shirt is my underwear...Second of all, look at my neck, you sucked on it like crazy, you blood thirsty freak!" Inuyasha chuckled.
"What, I couldn't help looked so delicious." Inuyasha said seductavely. Kagome flinched.
"Look, you know I'm still going out with Kimura. I don't want to cheat on him."
"You did yesterday." Kagome looked at Inuyasha angrily.
"I was drunk and I didn't know what I was doing." Inuyasha yawned.
"Yeah, well, I always hear that when drunk, people do what they normally wouldn't do when sober and say the truth about everything." Kagome's eyes widened.
"Shut up! I don't want to cheat on him!" Inuyasha walked towards her and pinned her to the corner of the bathroom wall.
"And I say you do. You were all over me yesterday Kagome...You got into a fight with Kimura and eh even slapped you. You came ot me and suddenly wanted to rape me on the spot." Kagome blushed.
"Really?" Inuyasha nodded.
"Really." Kagoem looked away from Inuyasha.
"Why did Kimura slap me?"
"I don't know. I remember we were talking and a knock was heard at the door, then Kimura takes you and when I found you, you were on the floor crying." Kagome felt that knot on in her throat, a sign that she was about to burst into tears.
"Oh...I have to go home. My parents must be worried about me." She slipped from Inuyasha's hold and went into the room.

She grabbed her clothes and stepped back into the bathroom. Inuyasha sat on his bed and stared at the bathroom door. Kagome tried her best to hide the marks on her neck and stepped into the room and grabbed her keys.
"Kagome, Im sorry if im the cause of you and Kimura's fight. If he tries to hurt you, just tell me and I'll be there for you." Kagome nodded.
"Thanks Inuyasha." She turned around to leave, but Inuyasha pulled her by the wrist and turned her around. His lips landed on hers and he wrapped his arms around her. She tried to pull away, but he would only tighten his grip. She gave in and kissed him back. They were kissing, then Inuyasha dropped on the bed with her under him. After two minutes, they finally pulled away for air. Inuyasha started trying to bite her neck.
"Inuyasha...don't..."He reached his hands under her shirt. Kagome wrapped her hands around his neck and pulled him into another passionate kiss.

Finally, Inuyasha pulled away and removed his hands away from under her shirt.
"Sorry...I couldn't resist." Kagome stood up and straightened her clothes.
"It's okay...It kinda made me feel be with you." Kagome said and a small blush formed on Inuyasha's face.
"C'mon, I'll walk you up to your car." He walked out the door with Kagome close behind.
"Hey guys, did you two sleep nice last night?" Kagura said coming behind them. They both blushed.
"You spent the night here?" Kagome asked.
"Yeah, I had to spend my alone time with Sesshy." Kagome giggled.
" cute." Kagura nodded.
"So, where's Sesshomaru at?" Inuyasha asked.
"He's down in the dinning room making the waitresses set up breakfast. Are you joining us Kagome?" Kagome shook her head.
"No, sorry, I have to get back home." Kagura sighed.
"That's too bad...well, I'll see you at the dinning room Inuyasha." Kagura said and walked away.

They made it to Kagome's car and she stepped in.
"See you later Inuyasha." Inuyasha leaned in and kissed her.
"See ya' babe." He said seductavely. Kagome blushed and pulled up her window. She drove off and Inuyasha walked inside to see Sesshomaru smirking.
"What?" Inuyasha said.
"You kissed her...and yuo slept with her." Inuyasha growled.
"You had something to do with that didn't you?"
"It was a surprise for my little brother...She told me she needed a room and I gave her your's, I knew you still had feelings for her, so I said what the heck." Inuyasha smiled.
"You are evil." Sesshomaru smirked walking back to the dinning room with Inuyasha.
"Of course I am...Im Sesshomaru god dammit." Inuyasha chuckled.
"Yeah, whatever."

They entered the dinning room and sat down.
"Inuyasha, you never told me you had a thing for Kagome." Inuyasha nodded.
"Yeah, I guess I didn't, but now you know." Kagura smiled.
"You two make a nice couple. Are you planning to ask her to be your girfriend?" Inuyasha shook his head.
"No, she's still with Kimura." Kagura looked at Inuyasha confused.
"Really?...They still go out?" Inuyasha nodded.
"Why?" He asked.
"Well yesterday when you and Kagome were in the camp house, I saw grinding and kissing with another girl." Inuyasha's eyes widened.
"What?" Kagura nodded.
"Yeah, they were really gettign it on yesterday until he decided to go look for Kagome."
"Why would he do that?" Kagura shrugged.
"I dunno, maybe because he didn't want Kagome to be suspicious and he decide to be a 'concerned boyfriend'." A growl escaped Inuyasha's mouth.
"That bastard." Ha stood up and left the table.
"Where are you going?!" Sesshomaru yelled after Inuyasha.
"To Kagome's!" He yelled back and a door slam was heard. Kagura looked at Sesshomaru and shrugged.

Inuyasha climbed into his truck and speeded away to Kagome's house.
He arrived and stepped out of his truck and walked up the steps to her house. He got to the door and knocked. A woman answered it and smiled.
"Can I help you young man?"
"Yes, can I speak to Kagome please?" The woman smiled.
"Yes of course...would you like to come in?" Inuyasha stepped inside and sat in the living room couch next to a small kid.
"Are you my big sister's new boyfriend?" Inuyasha looked at the boy and smiled.
"No, but maybe soon." He smiled.
"Well, you do look better than Kimura."
"You really think so kid?" He nodded.
"Sure, with that cool looking hair of yours, you'll win Kagome fast." He stood up and left and Kagome walked in and sat down.
"What are you doing here?" Inuyasha looked up to her and took her hand.
"We need to talk." She pulled on her hand.
"About what?" He stood up and pulled her up with him.
"Not here." He pulled her out of the house and into his truck, then drove off.

He took her to a nearby cafe and went inside. They sat down in one of the table's and made their orders.
"Now, what do you wanna talk about?" Inuyasha sighed.
"Kagome, I don't want to hurt you, but you need to know this."
"Yeah, what is it?"
"Yesterday at the party when we were hanging out in the camphouse, Kagura told me the she saw Kimura kissing with another girl." Kagome was speechless.
"Are you okay?" She nodded.
"Y-yeah...w-who was he kissing with?" She said shakily.
"I don't know, but they were really getting into it last night I heard." Kagome's eyes got watery and she felt she was about to burst into tears. Inuyasha took her hands into his own and rubbed it.
"Don't cry Kagome...He isn't worth it. You're way out of his league and he doesn't deserve you." Kagome nodded.
"'re right." The coffee arrived and Kagome pushed it away and wiped her tears.
"I won't cry...If he wants to cheat on me, then i'll cheat on him." Inuyasha looked at Kagome confused.
"What do you mean?" Suddenly Kagome scooted over to Inuyasha and landed a kiss on his lips.
"Kagome?" He said confused.
"Yeah, If Kimura wants to be a two timer, I can be one too." Inuyasha chuckled.
"Why don't you just break up with him?" Kagome smirked.
"That wouldn't be to fun now, would it?" Inuyasha shrugged.
"Yeah, I guess you're right." He said seductivily.

They left the coffee shop and climbed into the truck.
"Do you wanna go somewhere?" Inuyasha asked her.
"Sure, where are you taking me?" Kagome asked.
"Lets go walk around the mall." He said starting the engine.
"Okay." They fastened their seatbelt and drove off.

A/N: I was tiered and I just don't want to spellcheck anymore. Im trying my best so work with me here.

love: @nime_B@by