InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Highschool Days ❯ The First Day of Highschool ( Chapter 1 )
Highschool Times
Part One: School Days
Title: Duh, Highschool Times.
Part: One, School Days.
Summary: Kagome, Sango, Inu-Yasha, Sesshomaru, Miroku, Kagura, Koga, Hiten and my friend's character, Ky, all go to highschool together. Kagome is still a miko. Ky, is a mostly
demon girl, with a bit of miko thrown in. While at school, Kagome and Inu-Yasha end up
together, along with Ky and Sesshomaru. But there is more to it than just that. Here is the story.
Chapter One: First Day of Highschool
Kagome stood in front of her mirror, contemplating the outfit she was wearing. It was after all the miko's first day of highschool, and though everyone knew her already, she needed to make
another good impression. She wore a tang top and miniskirt. She changed her mind and grabbed the last outfit she had. A red shirt, blue jeans, and a red hat. Immediately she knew that was her favorite outfit. She grabbed her backpack and rushed into the hall. She banged on her cousin Ky's door. "Are you ready yet?" she shouted. "I'll be out soon Ky yelled.
She too stood in front of her mirror, agreeing with the outfit first. Ky lived with her cousin's
mother, and always called her Mom, too. Her parent's had been killed when she was very young, and Kagome's mother was somehow related to hers. So she was taken in, and had grown to be
considered Kagome's sister. She picked up her backpack, sighed and walked out the door.
"Took you long enough." Snorted Kagome. They walked toward the front door. "Bye Mom." They called. She poked her head in. "Bye dears. See you later." They waved and walked out the door.
As they were walking down the street they heard two voices calling them. "Kagome, Ky!" The pair turned and saw their friends Kagura and Sango running towards them. They stopped to wait. When they caught up they stopped and gasped. "Why didn't you wait for us?" asked
Kagura. Ky smiled. "I guess we forgot." Kagura and Ky started chatting. So did Kagome and Sango. "So." Said Sango. "I heard there are supposed to be two new guys in school." She looked to see her friend's reaction to this news. Kagome was grinning. "Really?" Sango nodded. "Yeah, and they're supposedly real cute too." Kagome was smiling even wider now. "Cool." She said. As they neared the school, they saw Sango's boyfriend, Miroku. Sango waved to him. "Hey, Miroku!" she called. He saw them and turned to run to them. "I still can't believe you're actually dating the hentai, sushi." Sighed Kagura. She covered her mouth. "Whoops, I meant houshi!" she exclaimed, laughing. "Good one." Ky gave her a thumbs up sign. When Miroku got there he walked over to Sango. He put his hand down and was about to grab Sango's butt. "Don't even!" she yelled, and slapped him so hard he fell down. Kagome laughed, and pointed, then said, "Poor sushi." They all giggled then started jumping up yelling, "Sushi, sushi!" A few minutes later a boy with silver hair poked his head. "Did someone say sushi? I want some sushi." He said.
Kagome nudged Sango, "New kid?" she asked. Sango nodded. "Yeah." Kagome stepped forward. "Sorry, there is no sushi. We're making fun of Miroku." Miroku looked glad when he saw the boy. "Help me." He begged. Ky turned towards Miroku, "You know him?" she asked. Miroku nodded. Kagome looked at the silver haired boy. "What's your name?" she asked him. "Inu-Yasha." He grumbled. Kagome reached out to shake his hand. "I'm Kagome." She said. "And this is Ky, Sango, and Kagura" she said pointing to each of her friends in turn. They all said hi to him, but he just grumbled more. Suddenly Ky smelled something odd from Inu-Yasha. She breathed deeply in order to tell what it was. Then she realized. She gestured toward Kagome, "Come here." She whispered. Kagome rushed over. "What?" she asked. Ky stared at Inu-Yasha for a moment. "He's a hanyou." She whispered in a moment. "You sure?" Ky nodded. "Yeah, I'm sure." Kagome grinned. "Hmm.. I think I'll have fun training him." She said still smiling. She rushed back out. Inu-Yasha had disappeared. "Not too friendly is he?" Kagura asked Miroku. Miroku nodded. "But if you think he's unfriendly wait till you see his brother." "His brother?" echoed Ky, questioningly. Miroku nodded "Come on guys, we need to get to class." She said. Kagura and Sango headed off to their class. While Ky and Kagome went their separate ways. Inu-Yasha had disappeared and Kagome had no idea what classes he took.
When she arrived in her classroom, she saw that every seat was taken, except one. She looked for who it was next to. Inu-Yasha. She smiled, and sat down. The teacher wasn't in yet, so she began to question him, not mentioning that she knew he was a hanyou. When the teacher walked in she became immediately silent. Kagome noticed that every girl in the classroom was staring at Inu-Yasha. She began to have thoughts like this, `Back off, he's mine, or no ones'.
Meanwhile, Ky was sitting bored in class.