InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ His mistake ❯ 1. ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

“Laura, please pay attention, dear,” the teacher tells her. “Yes sir.”
14:00, Elzendaal college, Boxmeer, Holland. English class.
16 year old Laura is bored. English is one of her top subjects, so why should she pay attention? 4V material is just plain rehearsal.
(Note: 4V stands for 4 VWO. VWO stands for: Voortgezet wetenschappelijk onderwijs (secondary science education) and is one of the 3 courses you can take in Dutch high school (VMBO, HAVO and VWO). It's the highest you can get.
The 4 stands for 4th form which is similar to 10th grade in America.)
She would rather be behind her computer, working on the story she started when she was in 1st form (7th grade). Her brain almost bursts from all the ideas she has thought of to do. If she just…
She's torn away from her thoughts when someone opens the door and, her normal far to restless, class falls completely silence. She looks to the door to see who stands there and almost gets an heart attack when she sees the intruder and her state.
“Miyuki-chan!” The little girl with raven black hair runs to Laura and jumps in her arms.
“Miyuki-CHAN!” the girl starts crying uncontrollably. Laura holds Rin tightly pushed to her chest. She has already noticed the blood on Rin's kimono, around her crotch and she just knows what happened. “Rin, oh my god. Oh my dear god…”
In Dutch the teacher asks: “Laura, who is this girl?” However, Laura seems to ignore him completely. She just keeps on mumbling. “My dear Rin. Oh good god, why?” she mumbles, holding the little girl close to her. She knows who did this to her. But she can't believe it. “How? How could he do this to you? How?” Suddenly she realizes that something warm is flowing over her hand. She looks surprised at her hand, which is red from blood. “Rin, you're… you're still bleeding?” she asks stammering and shivering. “Rin can't stop bleeding… Miyuki-chan,” the girl says. “Wha… SHIT!”
What's wrong, Laura? Can you please tell us what's going on,” the teacher asks again. “Jesus Christ, freaking BASTERD!”
Sir, I'm gonna take this girl to the hospital. She won't stop bleeding.
The hospital?
Yes, I need someone to drive me there and quick! I don't know how much blood she's already lost.
I'll drive you there. But tell me who this girl is and what the hell happened.” Laura bites on her lip. “She… he has abused her… again.
Our master. Damn! I should have stayed with her!” Laura lifts Rin up and walks away with her. “Let's go, mr. van Duren. She needs a doctor.” The teacher follows Laura out of the class, quickly instructing the other students to inform the concierge what's going on and to make their homework. Laura, in the meantime, takes out her phone and tapping her homenummber. `Please, let my dad be at home.'
`Hello, Rob Langeraar speaking.'
Dad, it's me, Laura.
`Oh, hi honey. What's wrong?'
Dad, can you do me a favour? Go to my room, take my black wallet from my desk and come to the hospital in Boxmeer.
`Hospital? What do you mean? What happened?'
I can't explain it now, dad. Just come and ask at the desk for my name or call me when you're there. I need to go now. Later…” *click.*
What did your dad say?
He's on his way. He'll be there in 20 minutes. Can't you drive any faster?
I'll try.” The teacher boosts up the speed a little, while Laura holds Rin tight to her.
513 years earlier.
Her scent, why can't he find her scent? Where did she run off to? He knows what he did was wrong, but… how could he have withstood the temptation? She was his, so where was she now? Suddenly he can sense her again. The scent is thin, but it's there. It leads the yokai to the human village where his half-brother and his mate live. He finally finds the place where he scent is dominant, although all he finds is an old well. “So, she has gone to the other side then. Thinking she can run from me, how pathetic.” He sniggers and jumps into the well to get her back. `No one disobeys Sesshomaru.
Present time.
Dad , I'm here.
Thank goodness, you're alright,” Laura's father says and he hugs his daughter. “I've called you mother, she's on her way here.
“ 'kay. `cause we need to talk. Cops are on their way too.
Yes, come with me. I'll explain it…” Laura takes her father to the chamber where she left Rin with the doctors. However, on the way there…
OUT OF THE WAY!” A few nurses are running through the hallways, driving a hospital bed and followed by a doctor. “Miyuki-chan!” the figure in the bed yells.
“Shit! RIN!” Laura runs after the doctor, followed by her confused father.
Doc, what's going on? Where are you taking her?
She has an internal bleeding near her womb. We need to perform a surgery right away.
“Miyuki-chan! Where are you!” cries Rin.
“I'm right here Rin.” To the doctor: “I know I'm not supposed to ask this, but please let me go with you.
I can't.
“Miyuki-chan, don't leave me alone!”
Please doc. She's very confused and terrified. I need to be besides her.” The doctor sighs.
Very well then. Jacob, prepare a spare uniform for her.
Yes, sir.” One of the male nurses takes off to get a spare coat for Laura. Laura fills in his place on the bed, besides Rin. She takes the little girls hand in her own.
“Don't worry, Rin. I'm here. Nothing will happen to you now. I'll protect you.” The nurses drive the bed into the surgery room.
8 hours later.
Laura, how did the surgery go?
Oh, hi mom. I'm so glad to see you.” Laura hugs her mother, who has been waiting next to her father before the surgery room. “Surgery went well. They were able to stop the bleeding. She's stable now.
That's good. So, now what?” The threesome walk to the intensive care, where Rin has been brought to after her surgery.
I was just wondering, mom. Wait, I should ask this different. You know that she has been abused, right?”
“Yes, and?”
“Well, I promised I would stay with her. So could she come to live with us, she's an orphan without a home.
Please, she can sleep in my room.”
“Of course. We can't let such a cute little girl die, can we?”
says her father, “what do you think, my love. Shall we take her in?”
“Of course, we will. Maybe we could even adopt her
 220;Thank you!”
Laura flies her parents around the neck and hugs them tightly.
Miss Langeraar? The detective is here,” a nurse says.
“Oh, great. I'll go and meet him, has Rin woken up yet?”
“Yes, and she very scared. She constantly asking for someone called Miyuki-chan.”
“I understand. I'll go to Rin then. Can you send the detective to the IC?”
“Of course,”
the nurse says and she walks away to get the detective. Laura and her parents take off in the other direction, to the IC.
“Detective. Thank you so much for coming,” says Laura. She's sitting on the bed with Rin leaning against her side. The girl has calmed down a little, but is still very shy. “No problem, miss Langeraar. It's my duty. May I ask why you speak English?” the detective asks while he sits down on the chair next to the bed. Rin flinches back when he does. “Shhss… Sore wa aru usetsu, Rin. Kowagaru koto wa ari mase n. Koko de anata wa, nani mo de te iru baai ga dÅ naru ka, watashi wa yakusoku shi masu .(It's alright. Don't be scared. I'm here with you, nothing will happen to you, I promise.)” To the detective she says: “I'm sorry… you were saying? Oh right, why I'm speaking English. Well, you see. The one that's been raped isn't me, detective… uhm…”
“Cornfield, Miles Cornfield.”
“Detective Cornfield. You see, this girl, Rin, is the one who has been abused. She's an orphan and only speaks English and Japanese. So that's why…”
“I understand. Well then, could you tell me something about this all, Rin.”
“Go ahead, Rin. He won't hurt you.” Rin swallows and starts talking about the abusing done by her master.
Few hours later.
“You'd better take good care of her, miss Laura. She's an angel. I wish I had what it takes to catch that basterd but…”
“Don't worry, detective. He's a powerful Japanese diplomat. You'll never catch him for this, he's too good. However, I would appreciate it if I could wear a gun for some time. To make sure I can protect her.”
“Oh course. Take good care.”
“We will.” The detective takes off and Laura walks back to the bed where Rin and her parents are trying to get to know each other. “Miyuki-chan! They said Rin can live with you, is that true!”
“Of course it's true, Rin.”
“Rin is so happy. Now she has a family again.” Laura smiles. “Mum, dad, let's go home. The doctor said that everything is okay now.”
“Okay, let's go then.”
Few weeks later.
I've looked after Rin ever since that day. I never thought that he would come back, so I slowly started to relax again. Rin followed me everywhere. To school, to ballroom-, and Latin dancing, to work and no one cares. My boss and teachers love her, and my colleagues and classmates adore her. She gets lots of attention from my parents. We've successfully adopted Rin and my parents had another surprise for me when they came back from the adoption bureau. Apparently something went wrong and was Rin registered as MY daughter. Now my parents act like they're in heaven. They're so happy to have a granddaughter. I told it to my friends and they found it kind of creepy. Rin is 8 and I'm 16, so… anyways, as I were saying, Rin follows me everywhere, so we ended up in the dancing studio. My instructors were watching her when it happened.
Don't you dare dropping me, Yannick,” Laura says, laughing in her friends arms. “Of course not,” he says. She laugh a bit harder as suddenly the music stops. She looks up to see the reason why the music has suddenly stopped. She gasps loudly when she sees the reason. A silver haired demon stands in the entrance of the studio. He wears a pair of ragged jeans, combat boots, a leather motor jacket and an old basketball t-shirt. On his left hip hang two swords. Laura walks back to where she has left Rin, on the other side of studio, far away from the demon. She knows that he can smell Rin all over the place, but still.
Can I help you?” the instructor asks.
Marco, get back. I'm dealing with him,” Laura say growling and I lift Rin up, to give her to Martijn, the tallest and strongest boy of the dancing group. “Please look after her for a while,” she says. He nods and Laura walks towards the demon. “What are you doing here, Sesshomaru?” she ask, while preparing herself to summon her sword.
“What a way to greet your master,” the demon says arrogant.
“You don't deserve it to be called master,”
“Oh? Humpf…You're just a servant. So start acting like one and shut up!” he says and he attacks Laura with his whip of light.
&# 8220;And now, I'm taking you both back!” the demon says falsely.
Laura has stopped the whip by letting it roll around the sheath of her sword. “You threw me away like I was nothing; you abused Rin and now… now you're trying to take us back? For what? So you can throw us away again? No way! NEVER!” Laura pulls her sword away with the whip tied to it, causing Sesshomaru to loose his balance. In the moments he needs to recoup, she pulls her sword and attacks him immediately with it. “What would you care, Miyuki? She's just a worthless human. She's not like you and me, she disposable. Exchangeable. Why do you care so much?” asks Sesshomaru while he blocks her attack.
“Rin is not disposable, nor exchangeable. She's a wonderful girl. She's my friend, she's like a little sister to me. But most of all…” Laura pushes harder on her sword, causing Sesshomaru's sword to crack. His expression changes from arrogance to unbelief. “…most of all she is… SHE IS MY DAUGHTER!” Laura yells, she completely destroys Sesshomaru's sword and throws him away. He flies in the bar, destroying half of it. He slowly tries to get up but stops when he hears some strange clicks near his head. Laura has pulled her gun and points it now at his head. “Go away, or I'll call the cops,” she says. He only growls in the back of his throat. “Good.” Laura puts her gun away and walks back to Rin. Sesshomaru gets up quick and to attack her with his poison claw, but… “Miyuki-chan! Look out!” The sound of a single gunshot fills the air. A small bullet hole is formed in Sesshomaru's hair, close to his temple. “I said go!” says Laura, she has pointed the gun at Sesshomaru's head again. “The next one won't miss,” she warns. Sesshomaru gets up and looks how Laura takes Rin in her arms. “I said go!” He takes off, in a trance. Not knowing what to do, nor what he did wrong or what to do now.
Two days later.
`This morning was the body of a young men discovered in the forest near the rural village, Overloon. Apparently he hung himself in a tree. His identity, nor the reason for his actions have been clarifiedyet.The police did find a suicide note in, what appears to be, Japanese. Experts are working on it now…'
The newscast shows a picture of the young man. Laura gasps.
“What's wrong, Miyuki-chan?” asks Rin while she walks to Laura. Laura quickly turns off the TV. “Nothing, some idiot hang himself nothing serious,” Laura says with a smile.
`We're finally free. Rin we're safe! He's gone, he'll never hurt us again!' Laura thinks back to the picture she just saw on the television. The young man who hang himself, with silver hair and pink tattoo's on his face. Sesshomaru… this was his mistake. The worst of his life. He lost both and gained the death.
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I made a great mistake and lost the only ones I ever loved. I will wait for them in the next world. Hopefully, we'll see each other someday soon. Miyuki, Rin, I'm sorry. I hope you will forgive me. I'll be waiting for you both.
Watashi wa Åkina misu wo okashi, watashi ga ima made aishi ta dake wo ushina~tsu ta. Watashi wa karera no tame ni wa, tsugi no sekai de taiki shi masu. Negai waku ba, wareware itsuka wa mamonaku otagai ni hyÅji sa re masu. Miyuki, Rin, gomen ne. Anata ga watashi wo yurushi te hoshii. Watashi wa anata no ryÅhÅ ni ma~tsu te i masu .