InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ His Promis ❯ One Shot ( Chapter 1 )
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Chapter 1 " His Promise"
The day was hot, the sun was beating on the five travelers. The young black hard, grey eyed girl was loosing her pais and started to fall behind her fellow comrades.
'Its so hot, I don’t know how much more of this I can take?' She thought as she started to drag her feet along the dirt path. The path she knew so well from walking it for so many years with her four other friends. Miroku a lectures monk, Sango a experienced marshal arts fighter, Shippou a young orphaned, and Inuyasha a young man that is on a mission to hunt down the man that killed his mother when he was a little boy.
Kagome and her friends have been wandering the country side of Feudal Japan for 3 years hunting down the man that killed Inuyasha's mother. Sango' father and Mirokus father were also killed by the same demon that killed Inuyasha's mother. Shippou was found by the side of the road half dead because his father and mother died in a battle between lands. Shippou was spared by hiding under there hut. Kagome had been friends with Inuyasha for couple of years before they stated there journey together. She had fallen in love with him and he did her, but as boys are, he was shy to show his feelings and he also was scared of getting hurt. Inuyasha only new his mother for a short time, and he blamed himself for her death. He confided in Kagome once that he should have done something to help her instead of hiding like she wanted him to. Sense that time he has been afraid to get close to any woman for the fear for not being able to protect her. But Kagome was different; she had never judged him for what had happen not like other people did when they had found out his story.
Sense that time he and his friends have been roaming the country side going to village to village asking and hunting down that man, the demon that calls him self Naraku. Kagome was getting tired of walking on this day and wanted to start heading back to the village to get a bath and to get more supplies since they had run out a few days ago. They weren’t that fare from there village. Inuyasha wanted to bypass it and continue searching, but Kagome had other plains.
"Inuyasha, can we please stop at the village for a few days and rest? I am getting really tired and I would love to be able to relax and have a nice hot bath. "
Inuyasha turned and glared at Kagome, and then saw the others faces. He knew that he was out numbered so for once he gave in to them. The black hair, grey eyed boy crossed his arms into his sleeves and gave them a look of annoyance. He didn’t really want to give in, but when he saw Kagomes face, he couldn’t refuse her. He never could when it came to her.
" Alright fine, but I want to make it clear that we are only going to be staying there for no more then two days and then we start looking for Naraku again."
As soon as he finished saying that Kagome put a huge smile on her face. Kagome for some odd reason started to move a little faster then she was. She made her way past Inuyasha, but not before she grabbed Inuyashas wrist and started to drag him along behind her.
"Hey Kagome, slow down I thought that you were tired and hot?"
“I am, but sense we are going back to the village, the faster that we move the faster that we can get there, and that means the sooner that I can take a nice hot bath."
Inuyasha pulled his hand back, as he watched the girl that he had fallen in love with move up in front of the group with Shippou by her side smiling and laughing.
'Man why did I give into her. I know that once we reach the village she is going to want to stay and visits with her family.' Inuyasha thought as he watched her from a fare distance.
Kagomes mother always saw Inuyasha as one of her own, ever sense him and Kagome started to hang out more and more with each other. Kagomes mother knew that her daughter had fallen in love with her young man so she supported her decision on wanting to travel with him, and there friends.
Inuyasha knew that he had feelings for Kagome, but never knew how to get the words out with out sounding like a complete moron in front of her. When Inuyasha first arrived in Kagomes village so many years ago, he kept his distance from people. An old priestess named Kyade took in the poor boy as long as he agreed to help her with tending to the garden and the ill. At that point Kagome new that here was a new young boy living in the village but never knew who he was until one day when her mother got ill, and Kyade came to see if there was anything that she could do to help. That was the first time that he saw her. He would sometimes still dream about the first moment that he laid eyes on her. Sense that day Kagome and Inuyasha were always together. Inuyasha never did tell her about his past in fear that she would judge him for what had happen to his mother. Judge him like so many others had.
One day Inuyasha and Kagome where sitting on top of a hill the over looked there village, the sun was setting; the sky was a light pink with a hint of purple. Kagome had always been bothered why Inuyasha never talked about his past with her? She never asked him about it because she figured that he would tell her on his own, but he never did. So that night on the hill she decided to ask him.
"Inuyasha, why don’t you ever talk about your past? I mean, I know that you came from another village but where? Why don’t you talk about your family?"
Inuyasha didn’t look at her for a minute his head was down, looking at the ground pondering on how to answer her questions. Its not that he did trust Kagome, he was just scared of being her. He took a beep breath and started his tale.
“Kagome, the reason that I never told you, is because my past is full of sorrow and pain. I was born in a village about ten days south from here. I lived with my mother. My father was killed in the wars when I was very young so I don’t remember him at all. My mother and fathers marriage was not a joyful one. They married for love but there family where from nab boring villages that did not get along at all. When there family’s found out that my parents had gotten married with out there blessings they where furious. Both sides wanted nothing to do with them. My mother was thrown out of her village and my father as well, they had no where to go. So they went to live in the woods away from there families to start there lives together. My mother a few years later was pregnant with me. My father wanted her to live in a town where she could have medical treatment if needed. So they pack up there belongs and travels east to the village that I can’t even remember the name of. But that is not important. They were welcomed and found a house that was reasonable. The wars came, and my father was forced to fight. Mother stayed to have me. Finally when she did have me my father had died so it was only her and me from the beginning. Time past, I got older and got to be very close to my mother. I protected her. I would see the other kids fathers protect there families, so I guess I thought that sense I was the only male in mine it was up to me to protect my family, my mother." Kagome had tears building up in her eyes; she couldn’t believe that a boy so young felt like he had to take on so much responsibility. “A few years ago, our village was under attack. My mother told me to run as fast as I could to safety. She told me that she loves me and never to return to the village. I did as she said. I ran so fast that I didn’t even know where I was going. When I finally did stop, I turned around and started to walk back to the village. It must have taken me more then a half a day. By the time I had gotten there the village was completely burned down. I looked for my mother as hard as I could, but I couldn't find her. Then I heard voices coming from a near by pile of smoking wood, the men that attracted the village were still there, and I heard what they where saying. "Nice job men Lord Naraku will be happy, it is to bad that we had to slaughter everyone, I would have loved to have been able to take a few women as prisoners if you get my drift" I could believe my ears I was too scared. After they left I found my mother berried under a pile of rubble. All I could do was burry her under our tree. A tree that she would always tell me stories under. When I had finished my task I vow to revenge my mothers death that I would find this Naraku person and kill him just like he killed my mother. From that time on when I would try to settle in a village people would push me away because I would tell them what happen to me and my mother. Well they would blame me for not protecting her and push me away." By this time Kagome had tears running down her face. She couldn’t believe that people could have been so cruel. Inuyasha sighed in thought. Kagome did the only thing that she could do. She flung herself onto him and took him into a huge embraced.
"Inuyasha thank you for sharing that with me, and I am sorry that you had to go through that. No one should have to go thought that, and I am so sorry that you did. But I hope that you have found a place that you can be yourself and live, and I will never turn from you." Inuyasha couldn't believe his ears the first time in a long time he was excepted for who he was and nothing less. Ever sense then he has wanted to tell her about how he really feels, but couldn’t. He was to scared. He had never shard his feeling with anyone. He didn’t now how to put the things that he wanted to say into words. Wile he was walking down the path all he could do was contemplate on how he was going to tell her. His heart told him to tell her but his mind kept telling him not to, but his mother told him a long time ago to go with your heart. She told him that because that is what she did with his father, and she has never regretted her decision.
' Kagome I promise you this, that when the time is right, my that be today, tomorrow or next week I will not hide my feeling from you any more I will tell you the truth. This is a promise that I make to you and myself.' Inuyasha thought to himself.
In the village Kaede was in her herb garden weeding, when she looked up to see the five travelers walking down the path in the village.
“Well it looks like that they have finally returned. I guess I will go and put on some supper then. They must be hungry for being gone for so long." Slowly Kaede walked into the hut to start preparing the dinner.
Moments later she was joined by five starving travelers. “Well I was wondering when you five would be returning?"
Inuyasha sat down next to Keade, “Don’t worry old woman we will only be here for a couple of days." Inuyasha smirked wile he looked into the pot that was over the fire.
Kagome looked at him with discuss, she hated it when he was disrespectful. "Inuyasha what the heck is wrong with you? You don’t need to be so disrespectful to her."
Inuyasha go to his feet and stormed out.
“Man what is his problem? Just because Kagome told him to be a little bit more respectful doesn’t mean that he needs to get an attitude."
“That is his very thing Shippou..." Miroku interrupted. "Inuyasha hates it when Kagome corrects him. It makes him feel powerless, especially sense he has feelings for Kagome it makes it worse."
Kagome looked at Miroku. 'What is he talking about? Could what Miroku is saying true? I mean it has been three years and I thought that Inuyasha would have at least told me by now if he had feelings for me or not?' With so many questions going through her head she ate her dinner. When she was finished, she put some of the left over soup in a cup to take to Inuyasha. She figured that he was hungry sense he had not eaten anything all day, and it was the least she could do sense she did make him mad.
Inuyasha was sitting against a tree that was located by the river.
Inuyasha just looked up at her.
"What do you want?" Inuyasha smirked at her, he was still disappointed at her for what she said to him earlier.
“I brought you some dinner, and I hoped that we would be able to talk with out anyone around?"
Inuyasha looked up at her. Her eyes were twinkling from the reflection of the stars. He held out his hand to except the cup of soup.
“Inuyasha, why haven you ever told me that you hated it when I say things like that?
Inuyasha didn’t say anything,' Man why is she asking me this, she is so beautiful. She has changed so much sense the first time that we met tree years ago. She is going to be eighteen in a couple of days, and with each passing day she gets more beautiful.
"Aren’t you going to answer me?" Kagome asked him with an eager look on her face.
"I would have thought that you would have figured it out by now I mean it has been tree years."
Kagome didn’t say anything for a moment then found her voice.
"You never tell me anything Inuyasha. I mean you say I should now things but in actuality I'm really not sure what to think. You won’t tell me anything, nothing about how you feel about life, or how you feel about me!"
Kagome couldn’t stop herself in time. She had said something that she shouldn’t have. 'Oh no, I said a little too much.'
Inuyasha stared at her, for the first time in a long time he gave into his emotions and agreed with her. He put his head against the tree to gathers up his thoughts.
"Kagome before you came along I didn’t want to trust anyone ever again. I wanted to hide my feeling from everyone even you. For the past tree years I have watched you grow more and more beautiful." Kagome eyes widened. 'This is the first time that he has called me beautiful!'
Kagome couldn’t believe what she was hearing.
"Then, what is the matter Inuyasha?"
She grabbed is arm to make him look at her, but to her surprise he grabbed her hand instead. Holding her hand he gazed into her eyes slowly leaning into her.
"Kagome, I promised myself something and well, I promised myself that when it was the right time I would. I would...”
Inuyasha was a hair way from her face then with half second he put his lips to hers. She was tense for a moment then relaxed. She put her arms around his neck, and both leaned upwards so they where on there knees. When he pulled away from her he left his forehead against hers.
"I promised that I would do that."
Kagome smiled at the young man that she grew to love and respect.
"It took you that long to do that? I'm glad Inuyasha that you made that promise."
Kagome hugged Inuyasha and whispered softly in his ear,
"So what does that make us now? I'm I really the one that you want?"
Inuyasha smiled and nodded
“Good, because I wouldn’t have it any other way."
Kagome smile at him, a smile that was so sincere and innocent that Inuyasha was amazed that he could have found someone like her. He never thought that is his wildest dreams that he would find someone again that excepted him for who he was and so much more. He leaned down and nuzzled her neck as if to say ' Thank you' to her. Kagome didn’t need to hear the words; she understood him and held him close. That night she made a promise to herself. She promised herself that she would never let him go no matter how hard the path ahead for them would be. She would never let him go.
The day was hot, the sun was beating on the five travelers. The young black hard, grey eyed girl was loosing her pais and started to fall behind her fellow comrades.
'Its so hot, I don’t know how much more of this I can take?' She thought as she started to drag her feet along the dirt path. The path she knew so well from walking it for so many years with her four other friends. Miroku a lectures monk, Sango a experienced marshal arts fighter, Shippou a young orphaned, and Inuyasha a young man that is on a mission to hunt down the man that killed his mother when he was a little boy.
Kagome and her friends have been wandering the country side of Feudal Japan for 3 years hunting down the man that killed Inuyasha's mother. Sango' father and Mirokus father were also killed by the same demon that killed Inuyasha's mother. Shippou was found by the side of the road half dead because his father and mother died in a battle between lands. Shippou was spared by hiding under there hut. Kagome had been friends with Inuyasha for couple of years before they stated there journey together. She had fallen in love with him and he did her, but as boys are, he was shy to show his feelings and he also was scared of getting hurt. Inuyasha only new his mother for a short time, and he blamed himself for her death. He confided in Kagome once that he should have done something to help her instead of hiding like she wanted him to. Sense that time he has been afraid to get close to any woman for the fear for not being able to protect her. But Kagome was different; she had never judged him for what had happen not like other people did when they had found out his story.
Sense that time he and his friends have been roaming the country side going to village to village asking and hunting down that man, the demon that calls him self Naraku. Kagome was getting tired of walking on this day and wanted to start heading back to the village to get a bath and to get more supplies since they had run out a few days ago. They weren’t that fare from there village. Inuyasha wanted to bypass it and continue searching, but Kagome had other plains.
"Inuyasha, can we please stop at the village for a few days and rest? I am getting really tired and I would love to be able to relax and have a nice hot bath. "
Inuyasha turned and glared at Kagome, and then saw the others faces. He knew that he was out numbered so for once he gave in to them. The black hair, grey eyed boy crossed his arms into his sleeves and gave them a look of annoyance. He didn’t really want to give in, but when he saw Kagomes face, he couldn’t refuse her. He never could when it came to her.
" Alright fine, but I want to make it clear that we are only going to be staying there for no more then two days and then we start looking for Naraku again."
As soon as he finished saying that Kagome put a huge smile on her face. Kagome for some odd reason started to move a little faster then she was. She made her way past Inuyasha, but not before she grabbed Inuyashas wrist and started to drag him along behind her.
"Hey Kagome, slow down I thought that you were tired and hot?"
“I am, but sense we are going back to the village, the faster that we move the faster that we can get there, and that means the sooner that I can take a nice hot bath."
Inuyasha pulled his hand back, as he watched the girl that he had fallen in love with move up in front of the group with Shippou by her side smiling and laughing.
'Man why did I give into her. I know that once we reach the village she is going to want to stay and visits with her family.' Inuyasha thought as he watched her from a fare distance.
Kagomes mother always saw Inuyasha as one of her own, ever sense him and Kagome started to hang out more and more with each other. Kagomes mother knew that her daughter had fallen in love with her young man so she supported her decision on wanting to travel with him, and there friends.
Inuyasha knew that he had feelings for Kagome, but never knew how to get the words out with out sounding like a complete moron in front of her. When Inuyasha first arrived in Kagomes village so many years ago, he kept his distance from people. An old priestess named Kyade took in the poor boy as long as he agreed to help her with tending to the garden and the ill. At that point Kagome new that here was a new young boy living in the village but never knew who he was until one day when her mother got ill, and Kyade came to see if there was anything that she could do to help. That was the first time that he saw her. He would sometimes still dream about the first moment that he laid eyes on her. Sense that day Kagome and Inuyasha were always together. Inuyasha never did tell her about his past in fear that she would judge him for what had happen to his mother. Judge him like so many others had.
One day Inuyasha and Kagome where sitting on top of a hill the over looked there village, the sun was setting; the sky was a light pink with a hint of purple. Kagome had always been bothered why Inuyasha never talked about his past with her? She never asked him about it because she figured that he would tell her on his own, but he never did. So that night on the hill she decided to ask him.
"Inuyasha, why don’t you ever talk about your past? I mean, I know that you came from another village but where? Why don’t you talk about your family?"
Inuyasha didn’t look at her for a minute his head was down, looking at the ground pondering on how to answer her questions. Its not that he did trust Kagome, he was just scared of being her. He took a beep breath and started his tale.
“Kagome, the reason that I never told you, is because my past is full of sorrow and pain. I was born in a village about ten days south from here. I lived with my mother. My father was killed in the wars when I was very young so I don’t remember him at all. My mother and fathers marriage was not a joyful one. They married for love but there family where from nab boring villages that did not get along at all. When there family’s found out that my parents had gotten married with out there blessings they where furious. Both sides wanted nothing to do with them. My mother was thrown out of her village and my father as well, they had no where to go. So they went to live in the woods away from there families to start there lives together. My mother a few years later was pregnant with me. My father wanted her to live in a town where she could have medical treatment if needed. So they pack up there belongs and travels east to the village that I can’t even remember the name of. But that is not important. They were welcomed and found a house that was reasonable. The wars came, and my father was forced to fight. Mother stayed to have me. Finally when she did have me my father had died so it was only her and me from the beginning. Time past, I got older and got to be very close to my mother. I protected her. I would see the other kids fathers protect there families, so I guess I thought that sense I was the only male in mine it was up to me to protect my family, my mother." Kagome had tears building up in her eyes; she couldn’t believe that a boy so young felt like he had to take on so much responsibility. “A few years ago, our village was under attack. My mother told me to run as fast as I could to safety. She told me that she loves me and never to return to the village. I did as she said. I ran so fast that I didn’t even know where I was going. When I finally did stop, I turned around and started to walk back to the village. It must have taken me more then a half a day. By the time I had gotten there the village was completely burned down. I looked for my mother as hard as I could, but I couldn't find her. Then I heard voices coming from a near by pile of smoking wood, the men that attracted the village were still there, and I heard what they where saying. "Nice job men Lord Naraku will be happy, it is to bad that we had to slaughter everyone, I would have loved to have been able to take a few women as prisoners if you get my drift" I could believe my ears I was too scared. After they left I found my mother berried under a pile of rubble. All I could do was burry her under our tree. A tree that she would always tell me stories under. When I had finished my task I vow to revenge my mothers death that I would find this Naraku person and kill him just like he killed my mother. From that time on when I would try to settle in a village people would push me away because I would tell them what happen to me and my mother. Well they would blame me for not protecting her and push me away." By this time Kagome had tears running down her face. She couldn’t believe that people could have been so cruel. Inuyasha sighed in thought. Kagome did the only thing that she could do. She flung herself onto him and took him into a huge embraced.
"Inuyasha thank you for sharing that with me, and I am sorry that you had to go through that. No one should have to go thought that, and I am so sorry that you did. But I hope that you have found a place that you can be yourself and live, and I will never turn from you." Inuyasha couldn't believe his ears the first time in a long time he was excepted for who he was and nothing less. Ever sense then he has wanted to tell her about how he really feels, but couldn’t. He was to scared. He had never shard his feeling with anyone. He didn’t now how to put the things that he wanted to say into words. Wile he was walking down the path all he could do was contemplate on how he was going to tell her. His heart told him to tell her but his mind kept telling him not to, but his mother told him a long time ago to go with your heart. She told him that because that is what she did with his father, and she has never regretted her decision.
' Kagome I promise you this, that when the time is right, my that be today, tomorrow or next week I will not hide my feeling from you any more I will tell you the truth. This is a promise that I make to you and myself.' Inuyasha thought to himself.
In the village Kaede was in her herb garden weeding, when she looked up to see the five travelers walking down the path in the village.
“Well it looks like that they have finally returned. I guess I will go and put on some supper then. They must be hungry for being gone for so long." Slowly Kaede walked into the hut to start preparing the dinner.
Moments later she was joined by five starving travelers. “Well I was wondering when you five would be returning?"
Inuyasha sat down next to Keade, “Don’t worry old woman we will only be here for a couple of days." Inuyasha smirked wile he looked into the pot that was over the fire.
Kagome looked at him with discuss, she hated it when he was disrespectful. "Inuyasha what the heck is wrong with you? You don’t need to be so disrespectful to her."
Inuyasha go to his feet and stormed out.
“Man what is his problem? Just because Kagome told him to be a little bit more respectful doesn’t mean that he needs to get an attitude."
“That is his very thing Shippou..." Miroku interrupted. "Inuyasha hates it when Kagome corrects him. It makes him feel powerless, especially sense he has feelings for Kagome it makes it worse."
Kagome looked at Miroku. 'What is he talking about? Could what Miroku is saying true? I mean it has been three years and I thought that Inuyasha would have at least told me by now if he had feelings for me or not?' With so many questions going through her head she ate her dinner. When she was finished, she put some of the left over soup in a cup to take to Inuyasha. She figured that he was hungry sense he had not eaten anything all day, and it was the least she could do sense she did make him mad.
Inuyasha was sitting against a tree that was located by the river.
Inuyasha just looked up at her.
"What do you want?" Inuyasha smirked at her, he was still disappointed at her for what she said to him earlier.
“I brought you some dinner, and I hoped that we would be able to talk with out anyone around?"
Inuyasha looked up at her. Her eyes were twinkling from the reflection of the stars. He held out his hand to except the cup of soup.
“Inuyasha, why haven you ever told me that you hated it when I say things like that?
Inuyasha didn’t say anything,' Man why is she asking me this, she is so beautiful. She has changed so much sense the first time that we met tree years ago. She is going to be eighteen in a couple of days, and with each passing day she gets more beautiful.
"Aren’t you going to answer me?" Kagome asked him with an eager look on her face.
"I would have thought that you would have figured it out by now I mean it has been tree years."
Kagome didn’t say anything for a moment then found her voice.
"You never tell me anything Inuyasha. I mean you say I should now things but in actuality I'm really not sure what to think. You won’t tell me anything, nothing about how you feel about life, or how you feel about me!"
Kagome couldn’t stop herself in time. She had said something that she shouldn’t have. 'Oh no, I said a little too much.'
Inuyasha stared at her, for the first time in a long time he gave into his emotions and agreed with her. He put his head against the tree to gathers up his thoughts.
"Kagome before you came along I didn’t want to trust anyone ever again. I wanted to hide my feeling from everyone even you. For the past tree years I have watched you grow more and more beautiful." Kagome eyes widened. 'This is the first time that he has called me beautiful!'
Kagome couldn’t believe what she was hearing.
"Then, what is the matter Inuyasha?"
She grabbed is arm to make him look at her, but to her surprise he grabbed her hand instead. Holding her hand he gazed into her eyes slowly leaning into her.
"Kagome, I promised myself something and well, I promised myself that when it was the right time I would. I would...”
Inuyasha was a hair way from her face then with half second he put his lips to hers. She was tense for a moment then relaxed. She put her arms around his neck, and both leaned upwards so they where on there knees. When he pulled away from her he left his forehead against hers.
"I promised that I would do that."
Kagome smiled at the young man that she grew to love and respect.
"It took you that long to do that? I'm glad Inuyasha that you made that promise."
Kagome hugged Inuyasha and whispered softly in his ear,
"So what does that make us now? I'm I really the one that you want?"
Inuyasha smiled and nodded
“Good, because I wouldn’t have it any other way."
Kagome smile at him, a smile that was so sincere and innocent that Inuyasha was amazed that he could have found someone like her. He never thought that is his wildest dreams that he would find someone again that excepted him for who he was and so much more. He leaned down and nuzzled her neck as if to say ' Thank you' to her. Kagome didn’t need to hear the words; she understood him and held him close. That night she made a promise to herself. She promised herself that she would never let him go no matter how hard the path ahead for them would be. She would never let him go.
His Promise
By Stephanie Mote
By Stephanie Mote