InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Hitting rock bottom ❯ Crossing the line ( Chapter 1 )
[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
By: Metalmark 
Okay I know Koga and Kagome probably won’t be paired up in the anime but they are a very cute couple still. I made this and yes its my first pairing of Koga and Kagome but I think its good. So here’s the first chapter..
Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha but Sesshomaru is mine! (Lawyers hold up signed document of owner) sigh I was kiddding! I don't own anything!
Chapter 1: Crossing the line
“Yawn…what a day!” Kagome stretched in the morning sun. She and the gang were resting from the jewel shard searching.
“What are you wasting time for…we have to find the jewel shards!” Inuyasha demanded.
“Inuyasha…can’t we ever have a break!” Kagome yelled.
“Wench…you humans are so weak.” Inuyasha crossed his arms muttering.
“Inuyasha….sit boy!” Kagome ordered as the enchanted necklace sprang into action as Inuyasha was slammed into the ground.
“Baka…I’m going to the hot springs to bathe.” Kagome implied walking off annoyed.
“Kagome!” Inuyasha steamed as he pulled himself out of the ground.
“You’re such an idiot.” Shippo commented eating a snack.
“Yes, that’s right Ship…hmm.” Sango stiffened as she felt a lecherous hand on her rear.
“HENTAI!” Sango yelled as she slapped Miroku hard across his face.
“Youch! Sango! It was the cursed hand!” Miroku defended holding his sore cheek.
“Its was you baka!” Sango yelled before walking the opposite way.
She grabbed Kilala and sat beside the tree annoyed.
“That damn Kagome!” Inuyasha sulked.
He felt a presence as he looked up then. It was Kikyo’s soul collectors.
‘Kikyo’s soul collectors?’ He thought looking at them.
Kagome stripped of her clothes as she sat in the spring. The hot steamy water cooled her body as she sweated a bit. Her legs shined as the sun began to come down from the long night.
‘This feels good..’ She thought with an “ahhh”.
She looked down at the jar with the jewel shards then. The shards inside sparkled as she held them in the jar sealed.
‘I wonder how long before we get all the shards…Naraku has a bunch of them…and Kohaku has one too…’ She thought as their images flashed through her mind.
‘Then there’s Koga…’ She thought giving a dazed look. The image of the handsome wolf youkai crossed her mind. With his well built chest and deep blue eyes and long black hair. He was a real sight to behold.
Kagome looked aware of her thoughts and snapped out of them. ‘I shouldn’t be daydreaming about Koga…’ She thought.
She leaned back as the steam raised into the air. She closed her eyes as she leaned against the rocks behind her.
‘How much longer will I be able to stay here…Inuyasha won’t need me after all the jewels are assembled….Kikyo could find them though..’ She thought opening her eyes with sorrow. ‘I wish he understood me…or a least cared about me..’ She thought.
“She’s just a jewel shard detector!” Inuyasha had told Miroku.
Those words had always been speared into Kagome’s heart. If only he knew it.
Kagome gave a sigh before getting out of the hot spring.
She grabbed her clothes and put them on as she placed her shoes on as well.
That’s when she noticed it.
‘Kikyo’s…soul collectors?’ She thought seeing the soaring soul collectors.
“Inuyasha…I see you have found me..” Kikyo applied in her cold, dead tone.
“Kikyo…why are you here?” Inuyasha asked.
“To gather the final jewel shards of course…its my duty as the priestess.” Kikyo stated.
“So you can give them to Naraku.” Inuyasha grunted.
Kikyo gave a half-hearted smile as Inuyasha looked at her suspicious.
“No, Inuyasha I plan to use the jewel shards to purify the demon to hell.” She smiled.
Inuyasha crossed his arms not believing a word she said.
She betrayed them thousands of times and even tried to kill Kagome.
Yet he was enchanted to her. He had to give her his life since she took her own life for him. He owed it to her and promised it so. So he couldn’t go to Kagome when Kikyo was around.
‘I wish I could have them both…but that wouldn’t be right…for neither of us…’ Inuyasha thought.
Kikyo walked over to Inuyasha as he looked at her then.
“When I killed you…my life ended as well Inuyasha…I wanted nothing more than revenge when I was killed. But you never gave me that satisfaction…you helped me so I thank you.” She smiled.
“Kikyo..” Inuyasha mumbled looking at her sincere. It didn’t look like she was lying to him this time.
Kikyo placed a hand on Inuyasha’s shoulder as she clenched her other hand up to her chest. She closed her eyes and leaned in slowly towards Inuyasha’s mouth.
She then kissed him on his lips as his eyes widened and trembled shocked. Her lips were cold and dead. For a split second Inuyasha hallucinated.
He then saw the image of Kagome kissing him with her warm, sweet loving lips. Inuyasha then unaware closed his eyes and deepened the kiss. Kikyo quite shocked and pleased kissed him as well.
Kagome walked towards the clearing unaware of what was happening. She walked into the clearing behind a tree and a gasp escaped her softly.
It was Inuyasha kissing Kikyo as he held her waist and their eyes were dreamily closed seeming to be enjoying it. Inuyasha had slipped his tongue into Kikyo’s mouth as he explored it viciously.
Kagome felt tears fall and rest on her eyes as she held her hands up devastated.
“In…Inuyasha..” She gave a quiet sob.
Inuyasha then smelled the scent of salt water fill the air as he broke the lip lock with Kikyo and looked behind him.
There was standing a very heart broken Kagome as tears filled her eyes.
“Shit!” Inuyasha realized what had happened. He was making out with Kikyo in front of Kagome the whole time.
Kagome gave a heart broken look before she ran off into the forest fast.
“Kagome!” Inuyasha called after her as he ran after her.
Kikyo gave a cold look but stood there nevertheless.
“Kagome wait!” Inuyasha ran through the forest and grabbed her arm.
“NO! You have sneaked behind me for the last time Inuyasha! SIT!” She ordered through tears as he slammed into the dirt.
Kagome reached down and with a yank pulled off the enchanted necklace off his neck. “You won’t need this anymore….go with Kikyo.” Kagome gave a fake smile before running off again.
“K…KAGOME!” Inuyasha cried as he saw the beads scatter.
Kagome ran fast as tears blurred her vision. “Good bye forever...Inu…Inuyasha!” She sobbed. Suddenly a demon appeared and tried to attack her. Kagome cried out in terror as the demon aimed its claws for an attack.
Suddenly there was a loud clank sound as Kagome opened her eyes to see another youkai beating the demon. The youkai slammed the demon into the ground as it lay dead.
Kagome sobbed more as tears fell down her face. It was too much. First Inuyasha was gone forever and now she was being attacked by a demon.
“Kagome…” The youkai whispered in a soothing soft tone.
Kagome stopped sobbing and looked at the youkai with her cinnamon brown eyes. It was a handsome wolf youkai with long black hair in a ponytail with deep blue eyes.
“Koga..” Kagome gasped as she lay on her knees.
Koga gave a sincere look at her with sadness in his eyes. He hated to see Kagome crying and didn’t need to know why. He knew for a fact that Inuyasha was the one that caused her this pain.
“Kagome….its fine now.” He said smoothly as he kneeled by her having his arms out.
“K-Koga…wahh.” Kagome sobbed as she fell into his grasp. She cried on his chest as he rubbed her back. “Shhh…I’m here…and that damn Inu-trasha wouldn’t try anything with me here..” Koga comforted.
Kagome looked at him sadly as he gave her a smile.
“Lets go to my den…” He applied as Kagome gave a nod. He then carried her in his arms and headed off with her in a swirl of a twister.
Author’s note: Wonder how Inuyasha is going to take all this. Hmm. Well review and I’ll work on the next chapter. So will Kagome fall fro Koga or will Inuyasha win her back again? See ya guys next chapter. Bye!
Youkai: full demon
Hentai: Pervert
Baka: Idiot
Anime/Manga: InuYasha Fan Fiction | Genre(s): Action / Hentai / Romance | Type: Other | Uploaded On: 05.22.2005 | Pages: 1 | Words: 46 | Visits: 702 | Status: Work In Progress

Okay I know Koga and Kagome probably won’t be paired up in the anime but they are a very cute couple still. I made this and yes its my first pairing of Koga and Kagome but I think its good. So here’s the first chapter..
Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha but Sesshomaru is mine! (Lawyers hold up signed document of owner) sigh I was kiddding! I don't own anything!
Chapter 1: Crossing the line
“Yawn…what a day!” Kagome stretched in the morning sun. She and the gang were resting from the jewel shard searching.
“What are you wasting time for…we have to find the jewel shards!” Inuyasha demanded.
“Inuyasha…can’t we ever have a break!” Kagome yelled.
“Wench…you humans are so weak.” Inuyasha crossed his arms muttering.
“Inuyasha….sit boy!” Kagome ordered as the enchanted necklace sprang into action as Inuyasha was slammed into the ground.
“Baka…I’m going to the hot springs to bathe.” Kagome implied walking off annoyed.
“Kagome!” Inuyasha steamed as he pulled himself out of the ground.
“You’re such an idiot.” Shippo commented eating a snack.
“Yes, that’s right Ship…hmm.” Sango stiffened as she felt a lecherous hand on her rear.
“HENTAI!” Sango yelled as she slapped Miroku hard across his face.
“Youch! Sango! It was the cursed hand!” Miroku defended holding his sore cheek.
“Its was you baka!” Sango yelled before walking the opposite way.
She grabbed Kilala and sat beside the tree annoyed.
“That damn Kagome!” Inuyasha sulked.
He felt a presence as he looked up then. It was Kikyo’s soul collectors.
‘Kikyo’s soul collectors?’ He thought looking at them.
Kagome stripped of her clothes as she sat in the spring. The hot steamy water cooled her body as she sweated a bit. Her legs shined as the sun began to come down from the long night.
‘This feels good..’ She thought with an “ahhh”.
She looked down at the jar with the jewel shards then. The shards inside sparkled as she held them in the jar sealed.
‘I wonder how long before we get all the shards…Naraku has a bunch of them…and Kohaku has one too…’ She thought as their images flashed through her mind.
‘Then there’s Koga…’ She thought giving a dazed look. The image of the handsome wolf youkai crossed her mind. With his well built chest and deep blue eyes and long black hair. He was a real sight to behold.
Kagome looked aware of her thoughts and snapped out of them. ‘I shouldn’t be daydreaming about Koga…’ She thought.
She leaned back as the steam raised into the air. She closed her eyes as she leaned against the rocks behind her.
‘How much longer will I be able to stay here…Inuyasha won’t need me after all the jewels are assembled….Kikyo could find them though..’ She thought opening her eyes with sorrow. ‘I wish he understood me…or a least cared about me..’ She thought.
“She’s just a jewel shard detector!” Inuyasha had told Miroku.
Those words had always been speared into Kagome’s heart. If only he knew it.
Kagome gave a sigh before getting out of the hot spring.
She grabbed her clothes and put them on as she placed her shoes on as well.
That’s when she noticed it.
‘Kikyo’s…soul collectors?’ She thought seeing the soaring soul collectors.
“Inuyasha…I see you have found me..” Kikyo applied in her cold, dead tone.
“Kikyo…why are you here?” Inuyasha asked.
“To gather the final jewel shards of course…its my duty as the priestess.” Kikyo stated.
“So you can give them to Naraku.” Inuyasha grunted.
Kikyo gave a half-hearted smile as Inuyasha looked at her suspicious.
“No, Inuyasha I plan to use the jewel shards to purify the demon to hell.” She smiled.
Inuyasha crossed his arms not believing a word she said.
She betrayed them thousands of times and even tried to kill Kagome.
Yet he was enchanted to her. He had to give her his life since she took her own life for him. He owed it to her and promised it so. So he couldn’t go to Kagome when Kikyo was around.
‘I wish I could have them both…but that wouldn’t be right…for neither of us…’ Inuyasha thought.
Kikyo walked over to Inuyasha as he looked at her then.
“When I killed you…my life ended as well Inuyasha…I wanted nothing more than revenge when I was killed. But you never gave me that satisfaction…you helped me so I thank you.” She smiled.
“Kikyo..” Inuyasha mumbled looking at her sincere. It didn’t look like she was lying to him this time.
Kikyo placed a hand on Inuyasha’s shoulder as she clenched her other hand up to her chest. She closed her eyes and leaned in slowly towards Inuyasha’s mouth.
She then kissed him on his lips as his eyes widened and trembled shocked. Her lips were cold and dead. For a split second Inuyasha hallucinated.
He then saw the image of Kagome kissing him with her warm, sweet loving lips. Inuyasha then unaware closed his eyes and deepened the kiss. Kikyo quite shocked and pleased kissed him as well.
Kagome walked towards the clearing unaware of what was happening. She walked into the clearing behind a tree and a gasp escaped her softly.
It was Inuyasha kissing Kikyo as he held her waist and their eyes were dreamily closed seeming to be enjoying it. Inuyasha had slipped his tongue into Kikyo’s mouth as he explored it viciously.
Kagome felt tears fall and rest on her eyes as she held her hands up devastated.
“In…Inuyasha..” She gave a quiet sob.
Inuyasha then smelled the scent of salt water fill the air as he broke the lip lock with Kikyo and looked behind him.
There was standing a very heart broken Kagome as tears filled her eyes.
“Shit!” Inuyasha realized what had happened. He was making out with Kikyo in front of Kagome the whole time.
Kagome gave a heart broken look before she ran off into the forest fast.
“Kagome!” Inuyasha called after her as he ran after her.
Kikyo gave a cold look but stood there nevertheless.
“Kagome wait!” Inuyasha ran through the forest and grabbed her arm.
“NO! You have sneaked behind me for the last time Inuyasha! SIT!” She ordered through tears as he slammed into the dirt.
Kagome reached down and with a yank pulled off the enchanted necklace off his neck. “You won’t need this anymore….go with Kikyo.” Kagome gave a fake smile before running off again.
“K…KAGOME!” Inuyasha cried as he saw the beads scatter.
Kagome ran fast as tears blurred her vision. “Good bye forever...Inu…Inuyasha!” She sobbed. Suddenly a demon appeared and tried to attack her. Kagome cried out in terror as the demon aimed its claws for an attack.
Suddenly there was a loud clank sound as Kagome opened her eyes to see another youkai beating the demon. The youkai slammed the demon into the ground as it lay dead.
Kagome sobbed more as tears fell down her face. It was too much. First Inuyasha was gone forever and now she was being attacked by a demon.
“Kagome…” The youkai whispered in a soothing soft tone.
Kagome stopped sobbing and looked at the youkai with her cinnamon brown eyes. It was a handsome wolf youkai with long black hair in a ponytail with deep blue eyes.
“Koga..” Kagome gasped as she lay on her knees.
Koga gave a sincere look at her with sadness in his eyes. He hated to see Kagome crying and didn’t need to know why. He knew for a fact that Inuyasha was the one that caused her this pain.
“Kagome….its fine now.” He said smoothly as he kneeled by her having his arms out.
“K-Koga…wahh.” Kagome sobbed as she fell into his grasp. She cried on his chest as he rubbed her back. “Shhh…I’m here…and that damn Inu-trasha wouldn’t try anything with me here..” Koga comforted.
Kagome looked at him sadly as he gave her a smile.
“Lets go to my den…” He applied as Kagome gave a nod. He then carried her in his arms and headed off with her in a swirl of a twister.
Author’s note: Wonder how Inuyasha is going to take all this. Hmm. Well review and I’ll work on the next chapter. So will Kagome fall fro Koga or will Inuyasha win her back again? See ya guys next chapter. Bye!
Youkai: full demon
Hentai: Pervert
Baka: Idiot
Anime/Manga: InuYasha Fan Fiction | Genre(s): Action / Hentai / Romance | Type: Other | Uploaded On: 05.22.2005 | Pages: 1 | Words: 46 | Visits: 702 | Status: Work In Progress
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