InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Hostage Situation ❯ So Important? ( Chapter 14 )
[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Hostage Situation
Chapter 14
I'm gonna let you guys geuss who's Pov this is at first...
Thank you thank you thank you to those of you that have reveiwed! They were so nice, and I hope I don't dissapoint you!
Please please reveiw, I only have 8 in case you guys haven't noticed. So please, please reveiw.
As I stepped out into the hallway I was bombarded by none other than... Miroku.
"So... how was your night?" He asked in his "innocent" voice.
"Better than yours." I answered giving him the "eye."
"Oh my dear Sango, I'm so pleased to hear that you had a most excellent eve.... maybe tonight I could join you?"
"Miroku..." I said as I couldn't stop my eye from twitching.
"It was just a joke my fair lady."
"Ya, whatever. Hey, could you grab those boxes over there and bring them down to the storage room for me?" His answer was a simple nod of the head, and as he winked he left me to my work. I bent down to grab the boxes I had momentarilly put down due to the conversation with Miroku.
As I piled them on top of eachother I realized that they were so high, I couldn't really see. I would have to rely on my "keen" sense of direction to guide me. I tried to make it down the hall to the elevator without SERIOUSLY injuring someone, when I crashed into a person as they stepped out of the elevator.
We both were sent tumbling to the ground... well, at least I was. Somehow this person had evaded the fall, and actually caught a few of the boxes before they hit the ground.
"You okay?" I looked up to be met with these HUGE eyes.
"Ya, I'm okay." I said as I stood up and started brushing myelf off.
"Sorry about that... that was really my fault. I should have been watching were I was going."
"Oh no, it was my fault, I probably shouldn't have been so impatient to get all these boxes down to the ro[om... then maybe I could have actually seen you."
"Well, in that case, do you need some help?"
"Ya, sure!" I said excitedly. Not a lot of people actually offer to help out around here. Sometimes I think they think they're just too good for it or something.
"I'm Sango by the way." I added as an after thought, sticking out my hand for the Crash Course person to shake.
"I'm Kagome." She said with a smile. I stopped in my tracks.
K- Ka- Kagome? Kagome H? No way. They said she was this emotionless pit. They say she keeps to herself and doen't smile very often... he eyes are sometimes what they talk about the most... like when shes on an assignment... she almost blanks out and her eyes become dull as if to block out all feelings.
She must have seen the smiile immediately slip off my face because she stated, "Well, I guess my reputation prceeds me." She laughed at my confused look.
I started to laugh too. Listening to gossip here and believing it, is like reading and believing one of those magazones that tell you Big Foot is still roaming around and Elvis is still alive and Kickin'.
I smiled and laughed to. We picked up the boxes together and I led her downstairs to the Supply Room.
I have to admit, I did not expect the famous Kagome to be like this.
********************************Normal Pov*****************************
I couldn't beleive it. I was actually making some friends. This feeling was one of the ones that I had lost forever... to the endless working of my job... and the fear I had of of loss.
I met this girl right away and she has become one of my closest friends... no that i had a lot mind you. But still, I felt like I was being selfish... I could be putting her... and Inuyasha in serious danger... all because I decided I want to be social.
I mean, that feeling never stopped me from being a loner (t seemed like) before!
Why was this so important now????!!!!!
What was wrong with me? Maybe I should just forget about all this... go back to the way things were...
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so tell me what ya think!
sry it was short, and sorry it took so long
plz reveiw