InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Hotaru Ai ❯ Changed ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

The bleeding girl before him let out a soft growl. She was angry with him. This wouldn't do.
“My dear, my dear,” he began, “I am truly dreadful sorry! It seems that I have mistaken my attack.” He side-stepped another fallen body to come closer. When he was close enough to touch her, he kneeled and cupped her chin gently, “I regret, my dear, that you suffer as you do. It was supposed to have killed you.”
The girl's eyes glared at him, loving yet angry, weak yet so strong. He smirked and nuzzled her hair, which was course and matted with dried blood. “My dear, how sweet the feeling would be. To plunge my hands through your thin frame, to lap your blood with my tongue, to grasp your ever-beating heart with my finger, ahh what sweet sweet bliss that would be!”
He chuckled ironically, “Alas, it seems that my efforts of joy have been in vain. Here you lay, as alive as the day I first laid eyes on you. You are in delicious agony, laboring with every breath, I have only managed to continue our little game of cat and mouse.”
He rose, “I must bid you adieu my dear. Heed me though; you will die by my hands alone. Till we meet again, Ka-go-me.” He leapt into the foliage and was soon out of sight. She looked his retreated shadow and let out a long cry. Her friends voices called out to her as she lay in the grass, bleeding from a wound through her chest.
As she drifted into a numbing unconscious, a lone tear slide down her pale bloodied cheek.
“I…I…I loved you…Inuyasha…”
If I get any flames that sound anything like, “OMG!!!111 InuYahsha would neva do tthat 2 Kagume!!!!! You [insert bad word here]!!!111,” they will not be acknowledged.
Inuyasha and all his worlds and characters is owned by Rumiko Takahashi. Yuzuki Potter does in no way shape or form own Inuyasha