InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ How I Met Your Mother ❯ Chapter Two ( Chapter 2 )
[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
A/N: Well I'm back with another chapter for How I Met Your Mother. Enjoy!
Afterthought: I just want to thank Breezey1306 for putting this idea in my head. It was originally supposed to be in answer to a challenge for her but it seems that the way it's going, they are not falling in love as slowly as you or even I wanted. It's hard to write about a past that's already happened from Sesshoumaru's POV. Hopefully I'll be able to take another shot at it again soon but until then: Thank-you.
Thank-you for all your wonderful reviews; they are very much appreciated.
Phxazkyote: You caught on fast. I was hoping to keep it a secret fro a couple more chapters, if not till the end. Good job!
How I Met Your Mother: Chapter Two
The words were barely out of Sesshoumaru's mouth before Takara's body was nothing but a blur racing up the stairs. He chuckled softly to himself. She was really enjoying the story of how he and Kagome meta and fell in love. Life back then was so exciting to her. Fighting demons, dark mikos and other villainous characters was so surreal to someone born of the 21st century. He had to admit he missed the Feudal Era from time to time. It was much harder back then but it only made life that much more satisfying. Fighting to maintain his right to rule the Western Lands was an uphill battle everyday. He could never let his guard down or he would loose his birthright to less honorable and unscrupulous individuals. Nowadays the only thing he fought on a daily basis was traffic.
“How times have changed.” He mused. `This Sesshoumaru's life has become unremarkable.'
He sighed once more and trudged up the stairs to Takara's room trying to remember where he had left off last time. Takara was already under the covers and he smiled indulgently at her. She reminded him of Kagome so much with that look of excitement on her face. The last time he had seen Kagome look like that was when she told him she was pregnant. He broke free of his thoughts to find Takara waiting patiently for him.
“I'm sorry little treasure, my mind was somewhere else. Now, where did I leave off last time?”
Takara accepted her father's explanation knowing that he was most likely thinking about her mother and answered, “It was right after you stole the dragon's arm and went to take Uncle Yasha's sword but mom stopped you with her arrow.”
“Ah yes, that's where we were. After that battle, I really started to take an interest in her. Never before had anyone had the audacity, note SAT word, to attack me in such a manner. She was fearless where others would have run and strong where others were weak. Not even Inuyasha could land a blow but she pierced through my armor. The only person ever capable of that feat was your grandfather. I decided after that battle to learn everything I could about your mother. I had greatly underestimated her that day and I swore that it would not happen again. Being a lord I couldn't be absent for long periods of time so I sent some of my most trusted spies to keep tabs on the group. After a time, they came back to me and told me that she disappeared several times a month down a dry well for days at a time. I thought that maybe she was mad but she seemed sane enough every time we met in battle so, I told them to keep an even closer watch over her.
Then they began to bring me even stranger reports of objects that she would bring back with her. A torch that could turn on and off at will and did not burn but yet still it provided light. A device that could play many instruments at once, but none of those instruments were ever present, spikes used to kill others that were worn on her feet, a looking glass you could see straight into the heavens with and a writing quill with ink held inside! To you this might sound crazy because you grew up with all these things but for someone such as me and my spies, who had never seen such wonders they were all very strange. They fascinated me for I was not only a Lord and warrior back then I was also a scholar. I was constantly searching for new things, the more you know, the better prepared you are for life. I told my spies to get me these items and I examined them for weeks on end. When I later confessed this to Kagome, she told me she thought that Inuyasha had taken them. Then she asked me what I did with her stilettos.
“What are stilettos Inupapa?”
“They are very high heels on shoes that grown up ladies wear; though, personally, I think that they're instruments of torture, I still do.”
“Are they the type of shoes Uncle Yasha's lady friend wears?”
“Yes, exactly.” he replied thinking to himself that the floozies Inuyasha ran around with could hardly be termed ladies.
“Well what did you do with them?”
“This is for your ears only; if you tell anyone this I will deny it with my dying breath. Do you understand?”, he asked sternly. Takara nodded her expression grave. “I understand I won't tell anyone Inupapa, I promise.”
“Very well; since my spies told me Kagome had worn them on her feet I tried to do the same.”
“You didn't?!” gasped Takara between giggles.
“I did and they hurt! I don't know how you're mother did it, wearing those instruments of torture day in and day out. As it was, my feet were too big and I was too heavy for the needle thin heels to hold up and they broke.”
“What did mom say when you told her?”
“I didn't tell her. I pretended I had no clue what she was talking about. The next time Inuyasha came over for dinner she berated, SAT word, him for stealing and wearing her stilettos. Needless to say, his lady friend couldn't leave fast enough after that.”
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I hope that you enjoyed. I f you did, tell me so! Till next time. -Byjinder =)