InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ How To Get Over A Broken Heart ❯ Solution 2- Keep Yourself Busy ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Author's Note: Thanks for all the kind hearted people who reviewed my third fic. Here's the fourth chapter so don't sue me!!!

Disclaimer: All the characters are not mine, except if this is a different universe and there I made all the entertainment that is. Enjoy. *lost in dreams*

Over-all Title: How To Get Over A Broken Heart

Author: missingbaby

Title of today's Chapter: Step 2- Make Yourself Busy

J Sesshoumaru's POV J

They arrived at his castle an hour before sunset. It was a magnificent sight to behold if you're awake to notice this, but it seems that 'his' human companions didn't care because they are still fast asleep. They just slept on the whole trip. He tried countless times to wake them but instead it ended up in vain. He even doubt if some youkai came and attack them, while they're sleeping, they'll just roll over on one side and refuse to leave that dreamland of theirs.

Sesshoumaru sighed. Even if his mind tells him to drop that blasted wench, he just couldn't do it, not if Rin is attached to her and might fall with that wench and the chances that she might get hurt. He wouldn't admit to himself that the girl is special and held a great part of his heart. For it is truly and utterly impossible for a great lord as such as himself to show any emotions to others especially to a worthless human child. But he had to acknowledge the uniqueness of the little girl and for that he had to give her at least a credit, and maybe that's why he unconsciously left a space there in the corner of his heart for her.

Looking down, he glance at the two sleeping figure. They look like a real mother and child at the moment. They hugged each other as if they both needed each other to live, as if, if one is taken both will wither like a rose taken from its soil.

With no other alternatives, he sighed yet again. So now, he needed to go and deliver their little guest to her room, that he ordered Jaken to tell the servants to prepare, and think of ways to pry the little girl from the wench. Rin needed to go to her room anyway and rest there.

Sesshoumaru entered the large manor and went his way to the girl's temporary room and maybe hers if she decided to stay.

J Shippo's POV J

Shippo felt his heart break for some strange reason. He also experienced the feeling of sadness and loneliness like when his parents died and left him all alone in the world.

He shook his head and assured himself that everything is all right. Besides now he has a new mother, Kagome.

Right. I'm not lonely anymore. I have a mother who will never leave me. He smiled at the thought of this and went to Kaede's hut to eat dinner.

J Kagome's POV J

Kagome sifted her position in the bed. She had awoken quite some time now but she didn't feel the need to wake up, hence her body still aches everywhere especially her legs. She knows she's at Sesshoumaru's place but she didn't mind at all. At least she has a place to stay in. She really didn't know anybody from the time, only some on special occasions like the people they meet on their quest to finding the shards. She frowned at the thought. Shaking her head to clear the horrible thoughts she sat up.

No use in sleeping Kagome. She thought, a knock on the door disturb the serene atmosphere of the room.

"Come in" Kagome called out to the unknown individual.

A girl youkai, more specifically a wolf youkai, entered the quarters of her room. She has wavy-brown hair and was wearing a pink kimono designed with cattleya flowers from back to front. Kagome couldn't see her eyes. She had bowed her head and closed her eyes.

"I'm glad that you're finally awake my lady. What would you like to do now?" The girl asked in a soft voice that Kagome barely heard her say it.

Kagome smiled at the girl. "Maybe if it won't be too much of a trouble, I would like to take a bath."

"Hai. I'll prepare it immediately my lady." The girl turned to leave when Kagome's voice stop her.

"You can call me Kagome if you like. You know I'm really not a royal or have high position on the your government, if you have one that is. So Kagome is just fine, okay." The girl swirled around her eyes now visible to Kagome. It was dark green like leaves in the trees on forest. The girl nodded and turns to leave, a smile creeping quietly to her face.

J Sesshoumaru's J (Study Room)

"Sesshoumaru-sama, the girl has finally awakened. And is currently taking a bath." His right hand informed, kneeling in front of the table that Sesshoumaru used to write things over.

Sesshoumaru didn't stopped reading the scrolls and said, "Once she'd finished taking a bath take her to Rin in the gardens."

"Hai, Sesshoumaru-sama." With this the he walked off and went to wait for the girl.

J Kagome's POV J

The bath was heavenly. It was located outside the castle. It was further at the back of the castle. About an hour of walk you will see a hot spring in the forest clearing. It was huge. Scarcely as large as the one she and Sango always go to take a bath. After relaxing on the spring for about a few minutes, but in actuality really past an hour, she went out of it. Clothing herself in a fine kimono designed with roses in full bloom and with the background of dark blue, which was left for her to wear. After tying her obi she started walking back inside.

When she was close enough to the castle she saw a figure bowing her way. Looking around for somebody other than her. She found none and figures he was bowing to her.

Looking at her. She studied the youkai. Her eyes fell to his light blue hair that just fell to his shoulders, his dark blue eyes that shine like sapphire and his sky blue kimono that contrasts his white complexion.

"Greetings my lady" He took her hand and kissing the back of it. His lips felt like water on the back of her hand. "I'm Sesshoumaru-sama's right hand. He wishes you to go to the garden with Rin."

Kagome just nodded and let him guide her to the gardens. The youkai just led Kagome to the castle through a brown door with several glasses at the side of it. It was the ballroom. It was large. Blue wallpaper adorned the walls and high chandeliers place on the high ceiling. It was bare at the moment because no gathering is to be held that week and has no reason to decorate the place. After letting Kagome stare at the room for a few minutes, he led her to a far side double door that led to a narrow hallway. Reaching the end of the hallway another big room greeted them. It was slightly smaller than the room that they just went through and this part of the castle has ornamentation unlike the other. They went straight ahead where the light is coming from and there she saw the garden. It was exquisite with many flowers and trees surrounding the area. It was a dream world. It was way more beautiful than the gardens of famous people she saw on magazines.

Kagome's attention was brought to the present by the little girl she knew from the encounter from the youkai that try to attack her for the shard.

So she really likes to pick flowers does she? Kagome smiled. She felt her hand fall to her side and turned to glance at her companion with a questioning look.

As if knowing what she means by the look he bowed. "Sorry, but I have to leave my lady. I have many other duties I have to perform before nightfall. I hope we can see each other again." He then turned to leave.

"Alright" She smiled and turned to go to the little girl.

J Rin's POV J

"Hello" A shadowed figure stand tall behind her. Looking around she saw the beautiful teen standing before her and smiled.

"Rin says hi." Rin said and handed her newly pick flowers.

The teen seemed to be in thought for a while. "Rin, what a cute name."

"Rin told beautiful lady her name, so beautiful lady should give Rin her name?" Rin declared cutely.

"Rin-chan you can call me Kagome." Kagome replied cheerfully.

"Rin like Kagome-chan. Rin is picking flowers for Sesshoumau-sama. Would Kagome-chan like to join Rin?" Rin asked Kagome and hoping she'll agree.

"Sure Rin-chan." Rin held her hand and led her to a bush full of wild flowers.

Author's Note: Phew it's finish already. Do you like the new character? Isn't he cute? Hehehehe… Hope you all review.

Thanks to kagome_86, Jenn, and KawaiiAngel for reviewing. Love you all.