InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ HOW TO LOSE SESSHOUMARU IN TEN DAYS ❯ Epilogue ( Chapter 12 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Kagome laughed as she heard the telltale yell of the name "INUYASHA!" coming from her husband Sesshoumaru.
"Hey momma? What's wrong with dad?" Kagome looked down from her seat at the computer to see to huge blue eyes of a five year old looking up at her. She had white hair with streaks of black.
"Uh, well Alaana...daddy's not in a very good mood..."
"You had better RUN, INUYASHA. Because when I get a hold of you, you will no longer have LEGS to use to get away." Kagome heard Sesshoumaru say venomously.
Kagome felt a tug on her shirt.
"But how come daddy's not in a good mood?" That came from two golden eyes, flecked with blue. Her three-year-old son, Brendan. He had black haired, streaked with silver.
" see, your dad's had some—unhappy pranks pulled on him."
Two more kids came up to her and pulled on her shirt at the same time. Her twins, Karen and Michel. (I can't think of any Japanese guy names, so I'm using American names) They were four years old.
She had another kid, but she was still a baby, sleeping in the crib. Her name was Elena.
"And what were the pranks?" Asked the little boy, Michel. He had white hair with blue eyes flecked with gold.
"And who were they played by?" Asked the little girl, Karen. She had black hair with golden eyes, flecked with blue.
"Lets say someone decided that they were annoyed with daddy's eyebrows and that they no longer needed residence on his face."

Inuyasha ran full speed out the house, but before he could make it anywhere, Sesshoumaru appeared in front of Inuyasha.
Sesshoumaru popped his knuckles and raised his `imaginary' eyebrow.
"I swear I didn't do it Sesshoumaru!! It must--must have been someone else!!"
"Just like it wasn't you when that video of me, drunk, singing 'Milkshake' didn't appear on Youtube last week. I would think you would've learned."
Inuyasha stepped back fearfully as Sesshoumaru approached.
Oh he was in for it now...

"But momma... he's yelling at Uncle Inuyasha." Said Alaana.
"That's right dear."
"But i thought I saw YOU shaving off daddy's eyebrows while he was sweeping (sleeping) on the couch?"
Kagome smiled evilly, letting her old personality young shine through.
"That is also true dear... but that's just between all of you and me. Sort of like a game—keep the secret from daddy."
'He'll never know...'
Kagome thought evilly.
Kagome smirked as she found some old pictures of him asleep with a kitty cat stuffed animal clutched in his claws, cuddling with it, on her computer.
Kagome picked up the phone.
"Yes, I would like 20 boxers (made in a tiled form all over the boxers) of this photo I have on my computer...of which I would liked to be mailed to all of my (coughhiscough) family…."
'HAPPY ANNIVERSARY SESHOUMARU! Don't think I've forgotten about that bet I lost so many years ago...
Kagome glanced at her screen and another picture caught her eye.
“…I would also like to get about 30 shirts made of another picture on my computer….”
It was the one of him in his `drag' outfit that she had glued to him. Hehe, he didn't know that she had already put the pictures on the computer before she deleted it off of her camera.
Kagome laughed manically as she petted her cat Boyou in an evil manner, like they do in the movies.
'He'll never know...'
Suddenly she felt ANOTHER tug on her shirt.
Kagome looked down at her eldest, Alaana.
"Five bucks pweeaassee." Alaana said that cutely as she cocked her head to one side.
"Daddy wouldn't like it if he found out it was YOU who shaved off his eyebrows huh?"
Was she hearing her daughter right??
"Five bucks PWWEEAASSEE and I won't say a woowrd."
Kagome's jaw literally DROPPED.
Was HER OWN daughter blackmailing her?!
...A few more seconds went by...
Yup. That was her daughter all right... Kagome would've been proud of her if it was HER that she was holding up for cash.
"I don't have the money on me right now but if you just wait for me to get to an ATM machine..."
But it was to late. Apparently after hearing the basic 'no' from Kagome's sentence, she decided to spill the beans...
Oh, crap.
Oh, HOLY crap.
Oh, holy FUC--
Not even a MILIsecond passed before Sesshoumaru appeared in front of Kagome, sitting at the computer with a BIG HUGE--covering the ENTIRE screen of the computer--was the picture of Sesshoumaru in his 'drag' out fit that she had glued to him so long ago...Sesshoumaru shivered at the thought. That's right, shivered. He looked at the picture. Then he looked at the incriminating phone she was still holding in her right hand. Then he looked at her, her eyes like a deer caught in head lights.
CRAP...did she happen to mention how SCREWED she was at the moment...that is if by 'CRAP' you don't understand yet... give me a second to ANNUNCIATE...SHE WAS SCCCRRREEEWWWEEEDDD. She was BEYOND screwed. In fact...why wasn't she running yet? Oh yeah...she was.
As soon as she saw Sesshoumaru enter the room, and as soon the 'deer-in-head-lights' moment passed she jumped out of her chair and ran as hard and fast as possible. If you don't understand me yet...SHE RRRAAAAANNNNN. RRRUUNNNN MMMOOOTTTHHHERRRFUUU&, RRRRRUUUUNNNN!!
Now what happened after she ran, of which is obvious completely USELESS, since Sesshoumaru's still a demon, and she still a poor, very, VERY, VEERRRYYY poor weak helpless girl...well I guess it would be best to say that Sesshoumaru hadn't gotten rid of the paint ball guns and the neon green and pink bikini bathing suit that he had threatened her with if she should "choose" to not marry him. Yeah...and I'll just leave the rest to your imagination.
Buahahahahaha, never underestimate Kagome...but then again, I guess the same would have to be said for Sesshoumaru as well. To speak of one, would be to speak of the's amazing how different two people can be, and yet be SOOO a like...
Author's Note:
I decided to do a Epilogue I got an idea and ran with it. Hope you like it! I also made some revisions on all my other chapters and added some stuff in. Thank you for reading!!
Thanks for everything everybody! I got this idea from one of my reviewers on from this story. Thanks a lot l u n a - b l u e l u n a 4 j a m y a h o o . c o m!! It really helped!