InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Humanity's Valor ❯ Daiki Sensei ( Chapter 6 )
K, its been a while again. BUT I have gotten so much information on The Witch’s Hammer, and I need to go thru all the information I have on it (there is a lot) and see what I am gonna use for this baby. Finals were killer, but I got As mostly. I hope this summer I can get a lot more chapters in. And I hope this chapter will make due for how long ive been separating each chapter.
Muse: meh
Disclaimer: I do NOT own Takahashi sama’s characters.
Disclaimer (I think) 2: I will be using exact words from the Malleus Maleficarum (MM) website, and my own character Daiki will be portrayed as the…author, we’ll say, of the Malleus Maleficarum. The MM is a true, real document on the internet, and it is also two volumes of books. Ii have only used sections of the document for use in this fan fiction. Therefore, I own nothing pertaining to the Malleus Maleficarum; I only have borrowed information directly from the site. One site was , and the other site was . I also used information on PVS bodies from a PDF formatted site on xenotransplantation. I do not have the website address for this particular subject. But all the information on the MM and PVS is accurate. Here’s another website that has much more information than I have about its history (very detailed) so check it out: . Its got some stuff on the Formicarius by Johannes Nider too.
PS- do tell me if I need to put down the sections I did use, please.
Houshi- monk, priest
Sama- lord, lady
Chan- umm……I think this is just a formal name given to people that other’s respect
Oba- elder brother
Inu- dog
Kitsune- fox
Taijiya- demon-slayer
Youkii- a youkai‘s territorial marking (sp?)
Youkai- full demon
Hanyou- half demon
Fuzenakki- imperfect, sinful, evil demon
Daiki- noble, valiant, great
Omoi- mind, heavy, thought, massive
“This Fuzenakki Daiki guy, he’s a half demon, like Inuyasha?” Shippo asked.
“Yes, Shippo. He used to be part of our village.” Sango replied.
“Ha, and I thought you used to hate demons!” Inuyasha said.
“Well, Naraku was kinda making you out to be a bad demon, remember? But, no, we weren’t discriminatory to all demons.”
Inuyasha did his trademark ‘keh,’ crossed his arms and jumped up to a tree branch.
“Hey, come back here! I still have important things to tell you!” Sango screamed at him.
“Calm down, I have ‘supersensitive’ ears, remember?” Inuyasha sarcastically replied. He referred back to when they made him take a bath EVERY NIGHT. It made him shiver over and over again just thinking about it…
Sango sizzled when he mocked her.
“My dear Sango is it that time of the month?” the monk asked.
“If it was, you’d know NOT to ask that!”
The houshi put up his hands in defense, and backed away cautiously.
~~~~~~~~~~~~ Present Times- World History Class- 10th Grade ~~~~~~~~~~~~
“Many centuries ago, there was a time when witchcraft, magic, devils, and demons walked among us freely…” the history teacher, Mr. Takayama, began.
The class started to laugh.
“Seriously, now. Turn to page 537 in your book, and we will begin in the 15th Century. There are no direct passages of any of the books described in these lessons, so don’t look forward to any. Here, we start on the witch hunts of Salem,” Mr. Takayama announced.
Half way through the lesson, the history teacher said that he had some information, not in the textbook, about how the witches were condemned, of what manner, and how to determine whether a woman was a witch or not. “I have looked into this deeply, and this volume I hold right now tells everything anyone needs to know about witches. It is a very religious book born of Christian minds, but not widely accepted, because it talks of bewitchments, magic, selling of souls to the devil, and pacts between the devil, god, witches, demons, and humans. Do remember, however, that Christianity is a monotheistic religion. The 15th Century, was a time of religious turmoil and misogyny, so don’t take this to heart. Okay, this book was made by Heinrich Kramer and Jacob Sprenger in 1486, published in Germany the next year. In 1490 the book was banned by the Catholic church, but the book still became the de-facto handbook-”
“De-facto?” a student asked.
“De-facto is another word for actual or effective. As I was saying, it became the actual handbook for the witch-hunters and inquisitors throughout medieval Europe. It was only published 13 times in between 1487 and 1520. Through 1574 to 1669, it was published 16 more times. Kramer had faked a University endorsement, so it looked approved by Pope Innocent VIII, and was then accepted by the church. The printing press by Johannes Gutenberg also upped the popularity of the book, due to the increased production rate. Now, Kramer and Sprenger were members of the Dominican Order and inquisitors for the Catholic church. They submitted the book into the University of Colognes’ Faculty of Theology on May 9, 1487, looking for an endorsement, but the Faculty called it unethical and illegal. And the purpose of the book was to challenge all arguments against the existence of witchcraft and to instruct magistrates on how to identify, interrogate, and convict witches. It asserts that three elements are needed for witchcraft: the evil-intentioned witch, the help of the devil, and the permission of God.
“The volume is divided up into three sections. The first section counters critics who denied the realty of witchcraft, thereby deterring its prosecution. The second describes the actual forms of witchcraft and its remedies. The third section is to assist judges confronting and combating witchcraft. Each of these sections has the now-established themes of what is witchcraft and who is a witch. Its basic themes include infanticide, cannibalism, casting evil spells to harm their enemies, and having the power to steal men’s penises. But this book is far from original. It relied a great deal on earlier works from Visconti, Torquemada, and, more widely known, Johannes Nider’s Formicarius. It was profoundly influenced by humanistic ideologies and the philosophical doctrines of Neo-Platonism. It often refers to the Bible and Aristotelian thought, and mentions astrology and astronomy, which had recently been reintroduced to the West by ancient works or Pythagoras. Now to explain the sections…
“Section one,” he continued, “argues that because the devil exists and has the power to do astonishing things, witches exist to help, if doe through the aid of the devil and the permission of God. ‘It was believed that women were more sexual than men’-”
“I‘d say!” a boy yelled in the back. The class burst out in fits of giggles and laughter.
“Alright, that’s enough. Let me continue…where was I…”
“You were talking about how more sexual women were than men,” Hojo supplied.
“Ah, yes. Thank you. ‘Loose women had sex with the devil, thus paving their way to become witches. To quote the book ‘all witchcraft comes from carnal lust, which is in women insatiable.’ That’s the exact description of the first section. The second section explains the ‘matters of practice by discussing actual cases. It first talks about the power of witches, and then goes into recruitment strategies. It is mostly witches as opposed to the devil who do the recruiting, by making something go wrong in the life of a respectable matron that makes her consult the knowledge of a witch, or by introducing young maidens to tempting young devils.’ Now, this suggests that there is more than one Devil. I have not found any records on there being multiple devils. In all religions, there is only one devil, and then his underlings. Back to the section, ‘this sections also details how witches cast spells and remedies that can be taken to prevent witchcraft or help those that have been affected by it.’
“The third section holds more of a judicial stand than the rest of the book. It ‘describes how to prosecute a witch. The arguments are clearly laid for the lay magistrates prosecuting witches. Institoris and Sprenger offer a step-by-step guide to the conduct of a witch trial, from the method of initiating the process and assembling accusations, to the interrogation,’ and here I will make a point that torture was a legal step in the prosecution of a witch and in some cases, the witnesses, ‘and the formal charging of the accused. Women who did not cry during their trial were automatically believed to be witches.”
There was silence in the room. No one moved. No one made a sound. “…what do you think of all this?” Mr. Takayama asked the class.
“It’s….interesting to say the least. But there’s so much more to be studied and looked into…” Hojo lightly announced his feelings about it.
Mr. Takayama looked at each student. “Eri? Any comments? Or how about you Terri, Shizuka? Daisuke?” he turned to the smart kids for referencing.
Eri shook her head, “It’s a lot to take in. Not many people would look into this stuff, because it’s so foreign to what we know now. And a lot of people wouldn’t understand it. But I don’t know…”
Shizuka shrugged and replied, “This stuff is weird,” and looked back out the window.
Terri said, “She’s right. It is weird…really weird. But so many people don’t know how the old days used to work. It’s a good look into the thoughts of that age. And I know a lot of people don’t touch this type of stuff for the fear of being laughed at, or called emo or goth or something especially when that person could be the complete opposite. People could be very interested in this, but are just afraid to find out more because of public persecution. Anyway, I’m going off on a tangent here. Me? I think it is very remarkable, and I would definitely look into it.”
“I agree with Terri and Hojo,” is all Daisuke said on the matter.
“Is that all, class? No more comments or questions? This book is something unique, I’d say.”
“But, um, Mr. Takayama, what IS the book?” Yumi asked.
“Oh right, yes. The book has many names. Some are Hexenhammer, in German, the Malleus Maleficarum in Latin, which translates into its most common name: The Hammer of Witches. Well, most usually it is called The Witch’s Hammer.”
“Just ‘The Witch’s Hammer’? No ‘The Wizard’s Hammer’? Doesn’t that imply that there can’t be…wizards who would do the same thing a witch does?” Shizuka sat up in her seat.
“Well, don’t forget that at that time, women sold themselves to men for money, became calling girls. So, again, at that time, it was suitable to say that men couldn’t do such a thing. I have a bits and pieces of copied pages from the book with me…I believe one of these pages contains information why it’s called ‘The Malleus Maleficarum’.” He shuffled around some papers on his desk and looked through the drawers.
“Uh…Mr. Takayama, its ok we don’t ne-”
“Found ‘em!” he sprung back up from the bottom drawer of his desk, holding up some papers.
“Ok…a lot of it is based on misogyny.”
“Which is…” Shizuka asked.
“The hatred or contempt of women.”
“Oh, that’s just lovely.”
“Yeah. Now, before I say anything else, I must protect myself and the other guys in this room. Neither they nor I are insinuating that women are a weaker sex. I am just explaining why the book is mostly directed towards females. So girls, try not to get to offended by what I’m saying. Do remember this is a book from the 15th Century. The Malleus singled out women as specifically inclined for witchcraft because they were susceptible to demonic temptations through their many weaknesses,” the teacher glanced around the room, carefully keeping an eye on the girls who had tempers… “They were weaker in faith and were more carnal than men. Most women had strong personalities and were known to defy convention by overstepping the lines of proper female etiquette. The actual title, ‘The Malleus Maleficarum’ is feminine, giving way to the idea that women were the bad ones. If it had been spelled M-a-l-e-f-I-c-o-r-u-m, which is its masculine form, it would mean that the witch could have been of either sex. Unfortunately it’s Maleficarum,” he finished with a sigh.
He looked around the room again. ALL of the GIRLS were fuming. The desks had cracks in them. Pencils chopped in half were strewn across the floor. Notebooks were wrung in white-knuckled hands. I could even say that steam was visible coming out of the girl’s ears and red faces. Gods…they were pissed…
~~~~~~~~~~~~Sengoku Period- Daiki Residence~~~~~~~~~~~~
The pack stood in front of Fuzenakki Daiki’s door. His hut stood in the middle of a forest.
“Daiki-sensei is a mindful demon, don’t forget. His house may look simple, but inside it is a unique scene. He knows more than anyone else does in the world. Living or not. Don’t talk too much; he will do most of it. Actually, he kind of reminds me of the way you talk, Kagome…” Sango announced.
They opened the door and walked in. As they made their entrance, a sudden feeling of tranquility flooded their senses, and a slight shimmering was seen as each passed through the door. The room looked as if it belonged to an oracle.
A strong smell of incense hung in the air coming supposedly from the fire burning in a great fireplace across the large, circular room. Candles burned here and there, causing a small flicker of light in the deepest shadows in the hut. Glass bottles of every shape and color imaginable hung from sinew from the ceilings. Giant wooden bowls of fruit and pastes lay strewn across the floor. Rugs and furs of every animal covered the ground while wooden poles held up the falling grass-and-sod ceiling. A giant being sat huddled in a corner.
“Sango. I remember you quite well in your younger years. I see you have grown older, stronger, and wiser,” he said in a deep, rumbling voice.
“Hello, Daiki Sensei, thank you. These are my friends, Inuyasha, Miroku, Shippo, and the one in Inuyasha’s arms is Kag-”
“Kagome,” he finished, “I know who she is. She is a reincarnated priestess from the future. She is a very strong girl, who cares very deeply for others, with a strong sense of justice. I have heard of her, yes. She is legendary universally. The woods speak of her, and the wind praises her. The earth is proud of her and the wild waters fear her. The world of now knows she is not one to be trifled with.”
“Yeah, and who helped all that happen!” Inuyasha jabbed his thumb at his chest.
He laughed thunderously, “My young man, I have heard of you also. Your father was the Inu no Taishou and your mother was a human. You ran rampant throughout Japan with no purpose but to destroy and conquer. Then, you found her,” he pointed at Kagome, “sire, and fell in love. She bound you to the Goshinboku for fifty years, where Kagome first met you and awoke you. You then tried to kill her but later have taught her many things, just as she has taught you more. You are her teacher and friend, protector and lo-”
“Okay, yeah, I know what I am,” Inuyasha cut him off.
“Miroku, the monk. Shippo the kitsune. Welcome,” Daiki Sensei opened his arms to them.
Drinks were set on a table in front of him and the troupe set their selves around it while Inuyasha carefully laid Kagome’s body on a bed in the corner.
Daiki Sensei shuffled in his seat. “The victim needs a cure, the accused needs a trial, and the witnesses need a miracle.”
A/N- alright, im so sorry guys but that’s all I can do. I can’t do any more for this chapter it’s taking too long. Im sorry once again.