InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Humans should act like Humans ❯ Chapter 2 ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter 2

(I'm NOT a human!)

Kikyou-sama - I got two reviews! ^__^ Yay! Thank u!!! anyways… I need more reviews… please??? ^____________________________^


In this fic Kagome and Sota's mom married Sango and Kohaku's dad… so they're stepsister and brothers… okay?? and yes… they are still in the Feudal Era but they have two story houses and stuff…. ^____^;;;


The war between demons and humans have finally ended and demon prisoners are being sold as slaves… with a boy who thinks he is a demon…. What will happen when fate brings him with a tomboy demon huntress??


Sango- in this ficcy she is 14 and a demon huntress in training… she still has Kirara as a pet!! ^___^

Kohaku- is still 12 and also is a demon hunter in training…

Sota- is errrmm…11 in this ficcy… and umm… **sighs** he is also a demon hunter in training.. hey what did u expect?? They are in A DEMON SLAYING VILLAGE… and yes… I know that they are demon exterminators…. But I'll just call them demon hunters or slayers… okay?? ^__^

Kagome- is 14 and a miko in training she has a pet neko youkai as well… Buyo! ^__^

Kikyou- 16 and a miko in training her parents died.

Kaede-10 and uum… is a village girl?? her parents died

Rin- is 8 and she is also a village girl?? she is an adoptive sister to Kaede and Kikyou.

Inuyasha- is 16 and a hanyou… yup! ^__^ he gets to keep his little doggy ears! ((kawaii!!!)

Miroku- is 16 and he is a perverted monk… but when he was very young he was adopted by demons…

Sesshomaru- is 18 and Inuyasha's half brother… no… in this fic they don't hate each others guts…

Kouga- is 15 and he is the prince of the wolf pack…

Shippo- he is 10 in this fic! ^___^

Okay… did I forget someone??? Hmm…. Ooooh well!! ^__^

By the way.. Ranka, Nesheeko and Nisha MIGHT be in this fic… it's up to u guys…. so vote and tell me if u want them in the fic….


"…." - Talking out loud

`….' - Thinking

**….** -Sound

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@_@ "ooowiieee" Miroku's face met the floor.

"now let me treat ur wounds! If u don't I'll just clobber u with my Hiraikotsu!

((bone boomerang)) Sango hissed and put herbs on his wounds.

"ouch!" Miroku whined but sat still.


Sango was taking a walk as she pasted to slave hut she hear whispters.

"Miroku… why don't u go and take those demon words of so we can escape!" Kouga growled.

"baka! U kno I can't do that! It'll shock me! I'm a demon too ya know!" Miroku hissed.

"No!!! ur a HUMAN MIROKU! Soo take off those stupid pieces of paper off!" Kouga yelled.

"I'm going to sleep…" Miroku glared and closed his violet orbs.

"fine! I don't need OUR help!" Kouga declared. **ZZZZZZZAAAAAAAAAPPPP** "ooowwiiee…. @_@"

"see… I told u…. I'll get zapped too!" Miroku snickered at his roasted friend. "night kouga-kun."

`how odd… Miroku thinks he is a demon…' Sango blinked and walked to her room yawning. "I got to get to sleep early, tomorrow I'm startling school." Sango changed onto her pjs and dozed of.


**yawn** "ooh morning already??" Sango groaned and rubbed the sleep out of her eyes. "sooooo sleepy!"

"Sango! Wake up! we're going to be late for school!" Kagome called from the hall. "I'm going out to give Kouga-kun, Miroku-sama and Shippo-chan breakfast…. Okay?? wait for me! I don't want to walk to school alone!"

"okay Kagome! ^__^" Sango called back and got out her school uniform. ((it looks kind of like Kagome's…)) it was pink her favorite color.



"Morning Kirara, Buyo. I'll get ur breakfast in a minute…" Sango said as she put on her skirt.

~|~|~|~ At school~|~|~|~

"hi Kikyou! Wasn't the math test hard??" Kagome asked a pale girl.

"it sure was… but thankfully I studied for it." Kikyou said as the two girls walked down the hall.

"umm… Kikyou….i got a slave yesterday…. An Ookami youkai… he I really cute… but I think he wants to kill me or something… at breakfast time he almost ripped my arm off… I didn't tell Sango yet… she might…**gulp** well… remember what happened to the guy how punched me last time??"

Kikyou shivered. "I sure do… poor guy… I ALMOST feel sorri for him… he had to move away so Sango couldn't kill him… he was lucky… only got two broken legs… before u two became stepsisters Sango's little brother was bullied by a group of boys… when Sango found out… **shivers** all of the boys had every bone in their body broken the next day…"

"sango is my best friend and step sister… but when she is mad… she I VERY scary and Dangerous… and I still want my slave to live… I mean its not his fault he hates humans… we just had a war." Kagome sighed.

"I got a slave yesterday too! -__-" Kikyou said. "he is an Inu hanyou… he has to MOST adorable dog ears! ^___^" Kikyou squeaked. "he doesn't like me a lot… but when I cooked him Ramen…. He became a lot nicer…"

"really?? Could u give me the recipe??" Kagome asked.

"sure… **frowns** Kaede was attacked by a youkai last night… she and Rin are at home. I'm worried…. Do u think I should go back?? No one else is home and I feel bad for leaving them…" Kikyou admitted.

"isn't ur slave home??" Kagome asked.

"oh…l yes he is.;.. but I don't think he'll protect them… he doesn't like humans that much you kno." Kikyou sighed sadly. "it would make thinks A LOT easier if he protected them… ever since mamma and papa died… I've been feeling so… helpless…"

"I know how you feel… when my father died my mother and I feel helpless two… I think that's why she married Sango's dad." Kagome smiled. "Only one more week of school and then it's summer vacation! ^__^ we can finally get our Miko training finished during the summer. Do u think Sango's dad will let us go on a REAL youkai hunt??" Kagome played with her hair.

"maybe… but so far he only needs Ur mom's help… she is the village priestess and a real youkai slayer." Kikyou said and took out her lunch. "want some oranges??"

"sure… where do u think Sango is anyways… she was suppose to meet us here." Kagome pouted as she took an orange. "do u think she forgot us??"

"HIIII!!!!" Sango called.

"never mind… HI SANGo!!! WHAT TOOK U!?!?" Kagome called back.

"**sighs** the evil teacher made me stay after call to clean the blackboard…" Sango frowned and dusted white chalk dust off her pink skirt.

"ooh… here… want an orange??" Kikyou asked.

"no thank u kikyou… I have a peach… and a bow full of rice balls… would u two like some??" Sango opened her lunch box and put it on the grass for them to take.

"yes thank u…" Kagome took one and ate it. "yum! Ur father can sure cook!"

**blush** "welll actually…. I made those…" Sango smiled. "I'm glad they taste good."

"oooh! I want one! ^__^" Kikyou took one and ate it in two bites. :"oooooh!! U MUST give me the recipe!"

"Recipe?? I don't have one… I just added a bunch of stuff together." Sango scratched the back of her head sweat dropping.

@_@;;;;; "oooohh…. Hehehe…. That's okay…." Kikyou sweat dropped. `she has a gift…'

"did u get a slave??" Sango asked. "I have one… his name is Miroku… and u won't believe this… he is a human who thinks he is a demon!"

"really?" Kagome and Kikyou said together.

"I thought he knew he was a human…" Kagome said.

"nope… he thinks he is a demon… I heard him and Kouga talk yesterday… he definitely thinks he is a demon."

"strange…."Kikyou murmured as she took a bite out of her orange, juice squirted everywhere.

"EEEEPP! That ne went right into my eye!" Sango winced as the tears washed the juice away.

Kagome had and orange stain on her green uniform and Kikyou's white and red uniform was now orange and red.

"yuck!" now I Really need to go home… lets go! ^_^" Kikyou whispered.

"our teachers won't miss us… I hope…" Kagome said and the three girls ran home.

Kikyou was Kagome and Sango's neighbor. Sometimes they would sit on the wall and chat for hours.

"Kagome…. Could I borrow ur soap?? My uniform is soaked with orange juice…" kikyou smirked.

"sure… here catch!" Kagome threw the soap over the wall.

"thanks!" kikyou took it and started to scrub her clothing.

"hahaha! ^__^ i got off luck I only got juice in my eye… but it did sting like hell!" Sango grinned.

"shut up Sango!" Kikyou rolled her eye… even though the two step sisters couldn't see her.

"sister kikyou! ^__^" Rin and Kaede ran to her and gave her a big hug.

"Rin missed Kikyou… why kikyou leave??" Rin asked.

"baka! Kikyou needed to go to school Rin-chan…" Kaede poked her little adoptive sister playfully.

"Rin is not a baka!" Rin whined and poked her sister back.

"eep! No poking!! Ehehehe! ^_^" kaede ran back into their house with Rin hot on her trail.

"come back! Rin must get revenge!" Rin giggled.

"kawaii!" Sano and Kagome shouted as they jumped over the wall.

"I love ur little sisters! ^__^" Sango cooed. "I want them! Give me!! ^__^"

"no way! I want them!" Kagome added and giggled.

"not a chance! I'm keeping them! And I'm not sharing! Bwhahaha! ^________^" Kikyou grinned.

"meanie!" the two girls whined and burst into laughter.

"u humans are strange" a male voice snickered behind them.

"ooh! Kagome. Sango. I would like u to meet Inuyasha he is my slave…" Kikyou smiled at Inuyasha but he walked away blushing.

"I wonder what his problem is…" Kagome blinked.

"uuurrrmmmm….. Kagome…. Kikyou…. U two are in ur under wear… u do kno that… right??" Sango rolled her eyes and snickered.

"WhAT!!!!!!!!!" Kikyou and Kagome screamed.

"hahahaha!!" Sango burst into laughter as her two friends blushed and ran to get their clothes.

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Kikyou-sama- hehehe! ^__^ anywys… I don't kno what to say… but I'm sorri it took so long to update… **sighs**

JA NE~!!!!!!!!
