InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ I am the Moon ❯ A Time of Battle ( Chapter 25 )
[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
A/n: I do not own Inuyasha, Rumikio Takahashi does.
Just a warning there are some heavy lemons scenes in this chapter. Please read at your discretion.
A Time of Battle
I spent hours with Airi talking and I finally went back to my chambers in the middle of the night. I intended to sleep with the twins and let sleep sober up Jin. I quietly entered my suite of rooms and I saw Jin staring at me from the futon. His eyes were burning red and I knew he had drowned his sorrows more. I looked at him and I actually grew a little nervous. I moved away from the door and went to my armoire and pulled out a sleeping gown. I felt him staring at my back and I grew irritated as well. I stripped out of my haori and hakamas and slipped on the gown. I put on a dressing gown and went to the door and called for a servant.
“Can you bring a strong tea and some beef or pork please?” I asked the servant quietly.
“Hai my Lady!” she said and scurried off.
I stood in the hall and waited for her to return and took the tray from her. She bowed low and I said my thanks. I went back into my chambers and went and sat on the futon and glared at the Panyu Lord.
“Drink some tea and eat some food.” I demanded.
“Bitch!” he uttered in anger.
“Reign in your beast with me Jin! I will not speak to you in your primal state!” I seethed.
“You are our bitch!” he repeated.
I stood up and intended to sleep with my sons. He moved fast and he pinned me chest flat against the wall. He was not hurting me but his strength was incredible. I held my breath and knew that his beast was in control and he could do serious damage.
“You are in heat.” He purred into my ear.
“Let me go Jin. I have no wish to be pupped right now. If you can think rationally we are going to have to face Vlad Tepest again and soon.” I said calmly.
Male inu could be deadly in their feral states and my father had warned me not to provoke an older and obviously powerful male. I refused to kowtow to him and he would have calmed quicker but I would not do it. I hardly ever submitted and I did not intend to make a habit of it.
“We can protect our bitch.” He said licking my neck.
“No you cannot every second. I do not wish to be pupped.” I said again.
He growled at me terribly and he yanked me off the wall. He still had not hurt me but he was not being gentle. I knew he was fighting to maintain a shred of sanity but in typical circumstances bitches would have submitted and had been taken by now. I stared at him defiantly and he pushed my head aside and nipped my ear for my disrespect.
“Chastise me all you want but I do not want to be pupped right now. You can pull yourself in and talk with me rationally or I will go and sleep elsewhere.” I said very calmly.
He licked my ear where it bled a little. He had no intentions of listening to rational thought and I jerked away from him. He was angry and aroused from my own heat cycle. I sighed and knew I needed to leave. I moved with speed and went out the door. I could mask my scent and aura quite well and figured I would sleep outside if necessary. I was risking him taking my actions as an invitation to ravish me if found; feral inu minds were pretty basic. A female in heat was fair game. I moved around the palace and went outside a side entrance and went to the gates and let myself out. I was being denied my bed because Jin had too much to drink and was acting a fool. I had never been taken while a beast was already in control. Mine was typically the one out of control. I found a nice large oak and settled at the base. I was pissed but I needed sleep more. I produced a barrier and fell into a light sleep.
I was being hunted; pure and simple. I had awoken to Jin's very powerful and pulsing aura. He had changed form and he was using that form's seriously sensitive sense of smell. I moved with stealth and jumped up into a tree. He continued to scent and I had the feeling he was picking up a trace scent. I made a mental note that his senses were heightened more than a typical inu. I had cut off the bond but I wonder if he could scent other types of things. The idea seemed ludicrous but he kept getting closer. He would see me soon and there was no hiding that. By my behavior of fleeing; his beast would have free reign and consume me. I cursed silently. He was going to find me. I jumped from the tree top to several others. I kept moving in a circle because I did not want to stray too far from the palace grounds. I had not brought my fang. I cursed Jin and his jealous nature. I had been jealous of Sheng's previous encounters but I also had been newly mated. I was frustrated and continued my movements. I could hear him and he was close. I dropped down and moved back to the gate and I was grabbed. He pulled me to him and I became almost wild in fighting him.
“You issued the challenge and we won.” He purred in my ear.
“How?” I asked in shock.
“Later.” He mumbled.
“I do not want to be pupped!” I snarled.
He turned me around and pushed me painfully into a tree base. My claws were gouging his forearms but he paid no heed.
“You would be pupped by the hanyou but not us?” he asked furiously.
“I am not pupped by the hanyou as I am not pupped. I have no wish to be pregnant at all!” I screamed in his face.
He had regained some sense of his conscious self but he was loosing it again with my protests. He divested himself of his ku and pulled my gowns up.
“Too patient for you to come to us.” He muttered.
“Jin! I do not want this!” I cried.
“You want the hanyou!” he said bitterly.
Indecision was evident on his face and his eyes burned redder still. He pulled me away from the tree and laid me on the ground. He pried my thighs apart and lowered his head to my sex and scented me. I fought my instincts as this powerful inu was following his. He lowered his nose and scented me again. I was trying to fight my own beast that he was bringing out in me. He was a consummate lover and knew how to work me. Jin would not force me no matter how angry or how much he wanted it. He would continue to work me until I begged him for it.
He licked my slit slowly and I threw my head to the side. I was trying my best to fight my own primal self that was scratching at my own mind. He continued to lick and scent me and I wanted to scream in frustration.
“Tell me to take you.” He whispered against my sex.
I trembled as his voice sent soft vibrations against my center. I stared down at him and he eyes were their typical stormy blue. My eyes were burning and I cursed at him. He licked me again lazily and my chest was heaving. I knew I was wet and he tasted me. I was in heat and that had to be driving him to distraction.
“Tell me you want me Asuna.” He demanded.
He was going no further than tasting me and scenting me. I squeezed my eyes shut and refused to answer him. I heard him growl fiercely and he took my clitoris in his mouth and suckled it hard and I fought back a snarl. A small whimper escaped my mouth and my hips arched. My claws dug into the soft soil and grass. He seemed to loose his focus and he slowly inserted a finger into me. He found the sensitive spot and stroked me inside and continued to suck on my clitoris. I could not stop the whimpers that escaped my mouth. He continued his ministrations on me and I was totally lost to my beast. My hips arched and he added another finger and I started groaning. He was good at prolonging my need and release but he seemed bent on bringing me my pleasure. He suckled my clit harder and it was an immediate explosion. My thighs quivered violently and my body shook from the stabs of exquisite torture. He pulled back and sat on his knees. I closed my quaking legs and aftershocks shook me.
“I have never taken a bitch against her will.” He said standing.
I looked at him and I had lost my mind already. He seemed calm and blood was roaring in my ears. He had awakened my beast and I had absolutely no sense when I was in this state. I was still seated and I took my night clothes off. I got on my hands and knees and crawled around him.
“Asuna stop.” He said.
I growled at him and he realized I was feral now. I was feeling my need growing and I was hurting.
“You do not want me. Stop!” he ordered.
I whined and he shook his head. He lowered himself and pulled me up. I nipped at his lips and he stared at me with hard eyes. My mind was whirling as we were being denied after our mate had started it. I grabbed his neck with elongated claws and started licking it. I bit into his mating mark and he suppressed himself. I felt that he had given up on us and I panicked. I slammed his conscious with my mind and he tried to brace himself and I assaulted his senses. I used my telekinesis and touched his painfully hard erection.
“Asuna! Kamis how are you doing that?” he moaned.
I growled low in my throat and I whined. I was speaking our native tongue and he groaned against my onslaught. He turned me away from him and ran his hands over my naked body. I was having a hard time controlling my power in my feral state and stopped altogether. I could not talk coherently and I was going on pure feeling. He wanted me to tell him I wanted him and I needed him. His hands roved brazenly over my breasts and my hips.
“Please.” I whined in inu.
“Can you calm your beast?” he asked softly
I shook my head no and I knew he wanted me to want him in my conscious state. I fought to contain my beast and my breathing was hard. He held onto my naked form and buried his nose into my hair. I sucked in air and whined.
“Tell me what you want from me. Tell me to leave you alone or tell me something else.” He cried into my ear.
“Please I need you Jin. I need you.” I growled out.
His fingers brushed my nipples and my mind started retreating again. My primal side had been brought to the surface before during a rut but not during my heat.
“Please say it Asuna.” He breathed into my silver hair.
“I want you Damnit!” I cried.
“Asuna, I need you to tell me what you want from me.” He whispered into my ear.
“Cannot think Jin.” I cried.
“Hai you can. What do you want from me?” he demanded with a stronger voice.
His hand drifted to my sex again and dipped into my heat and wetness. He stroked me firmly and my mind was going totally feral. He was trying to make a bitch in heat think clearly and I was losing my mind.
“Kamis I want you filling me.” I said breathless.
“More.” He demanded.
“I want you taking me in our way.” I whined.
“Asuna.” He growled.
“Jin!” I growled back.
“Asuna tell me!” he snarled.
“I want your seed!” I nearly screamed as he had me close to release again.
My limbs were shaking and our power was pressing down. I had never before felt this and this was my inu self crashing into the forefront.
“I will not give you what you do not want, you will not use this as a way of pushing me away.” He said fiercely.
He wanted me to want a pup by him. My breathing was heavy again and I wanted to be joined so badly; my slickness was seeping from me.
“Hai.” I mewled.
“Think clearer Asuna. Say it and mean it.” He demanded from me.
“I want your pup, please!” I ground out.
He pulled me down and we sank to our knees. My back was still pressed against his chest and my head was leaned back consuming his mouth. He was growling loudly and my beast roared again. His hands were to my breasts and nipples; rolling them between his fingers as he kissed my mouth. I darted my tongue and tasted his scorching heat. Our tongues dueled and I growled lightly. My eagerness was evident as his hand drifted to my core again. I was seeping my slippery wetness and he snarled into my ear.
I tried to move onto my hands and knees but he would not let me. I ground my fangs together in desperate need.
“Do you really want me to take you on your knees?” he asked in a deep gravelly voice.
“Hai.” I snapped.
“I want you facing me. I want to see your face.” He said in his passion laden voice.
I turned around and he was sitting with his back to the tree. My red eyes roamed his body and I growled low. He was reclined with his knees drawn up in a relaxed position. I looked at him and he pulled me to him. He lowered his lips to the tops of my breasts and kissed them lightly. He licked my salty skin and I growled again. I was having a hard time trying to maintain my form and Jin sensed it. He pulled me up and he slid into me. He pushed me back so I reclined on his thighs and he put my feet on his shoulders. My knees were close to his jaw and I could not breathe. I held onto his upper arms and his rested on my waist. His face was intent and I shut my eyes at being joined.
“Open your eyes Asuna.” He demanded in a soft voice.
My eyes opened and he shifted his hips. He lifted me up and brought me down and he was seated so deeply in me. He shifted me up and down again and I helped him by using my arms as leverage. We moved in unison and I moaned and I tried to shut my eyes again. He pulled me down harder onto him and I was breathless.
“Open your eyes!” he demanded.
My eyes flew open and his eyes were red again. We continued moving back and forth and my mind was growling and snarling. I opened to him and his eyes widened. We were watching each other's faces and I could not remember seeing a more erotic moment. My breath caught again as he brought me down harder onto his staff. My arms were shaking as the need to shatter into a thousand pieces came over me.
“You feel me? Do you feel how much I love you?” he asked in a gruff tone.
I was overcome and over whelmed with his feelings and I nodded my head. We moved faster and he groaned as my walls were tightening but he held out. My claws dug into his upper arms and I was loosing it. He brought a hand up and held my chin as he continued to move me.
“Stay with me. I know you want to let go but come with me. Stay with me.” He said in his gritty tone.
“No.” I cried out.
“Watch me. Concentrate on me.” He commanded.
I whimpered as the tightening was bordering on painful. I watched his face as he moved us quicker and I held onto his arms. His face was set in major concentration and his aching was evident on his face. I reached over and traced his markings and then his lips. He took my finger into his mouth and swirled his tongue around the tip. He growled fiercely and our movements were becoming frantic. I took my finger back and he reached between us and lightly grazed my nub with a knuckle. My walls clamped down on him and he grunted and moaned loudly. He kept his eyes trained on me and an intense and very powerful climax overtook me and dragged him with me into a mutual orgasm. My legs shook as spasms rocked my body.
“Jin.” I cried out loudly.
“Asuna.” He roared as he spilled his seed.
We clung to each other and I could not think or move. I had never been brought to ecstasy so many times in a row and I was useless. I laid my head back on his knees and laid there. He gathered me to him and kissed me. He tangled his hands in my silver hair as we overwhelmed each other.
“Hold onto me.” He whispered.
I nodded weakly and he teleported us back to my chambers. He gingerly laid me down on the futon and settled next to me. He pulled the coverlet over us and held me to him. Jin moved his hand along my hip and I groaned. I was so overcome and exhausted; my beast was prowling in my mind. I bared my neck to him and he looked surprised.
“No.” he said softly.
I whined again and moved my hair and bared it again. He sighed and lowered his mouth to his mark and bit into it. I sighed in bliss and felt him run his tongue over the wounds and my mind flashed Sheng's death and he pulled back. I was surprised and looked over at him.
“You will not give yourself completely because you think I will leave you as Sheng did!” he accused me.
“I cannot think clearly Jin. I am truly drained.” I murmured.
“When will you totally understand that I am not my younger brother?” he said.
“I cannot think damnit!” I cried.
“I swear you will never let him rest. You cannot give up anything.” He said pulling away.
I cut him off again and turned on my side. I was angry again after we had shared such an emotional connection.
“You toy with me onna.” He growled.
I turned over and I was in a fury. I looked at him and seethed. He reminded me of Sheng but I knew he was not. I opened the connection again and I slammed him with my emotions and feelings for him. I held nothing back and he looked down at me. I proceeded to open the floodgate and share my memories of Sorami. I watched in satisfaction as pain washed over his features. I turned back over.
-You're an ass. - I said in his mind.
-Now I cannot think. - He said as an apology.
“Serves you right. Not everything is about you or what I am holding back from you. I stupidly want your pup. It is stupid right now and I just had Mizuki a month ago.” I said in utter exhaustion.
“I am sorry.” He said softly.
“You should be. Next time do not drink so much sake; you act like a profound idiot.” I said yawning.
“You truly want my pup?” he asked brushing my hair off my face.
“I told you I did. I did not want one right now but you are highly persuasive.” I said trying to fall asleep.
“I am in love with you.” He said.
“Kamis damn it all! I love you too, now will you sleep?” I snarled.
“I wish to talk.” He said stubbornly.
“Jin, you roused my beast and if you do not shut up I am going to change and eat you!” I snapped.
He laughed and gathered me in his arms and quieted down. My mind was reeling as I had shared such an intense and profound time with Jin.
“Why did you try and drown your feelings?” I asked quietly.
“I never expected to fall this hard. I am almost seven centuries and not once have I felt this strongly for a female.” He said.
I nodded against his chest and I started snoring.
Osamu was hunting; he loved hunting and especially when the prey was especially difficult. He loved fresh blood and would enjoy taking down such delectable prey.
“What are you hunting little inu?” the Tsuchigumo female said.
“Not sure yet.” He said watching her.
“You are obvious little boy.” Airi said.
“Little boy? Well you are an older onna, anything would be little to you would it not?” he smarted off.
“This house has changed immensely since your grand sire's time.” She observed.
“Well he was very powerful and full of himself was he not?” Osamu asked.
“Hai he was. He was quite beautiful for a male inu.” She said staring at him with her gray eyes.
“You are ookami tsuchigumo correct?” he asked sitting on a ledge in the garden.
“Hai. Have you ever seen my species?” she asked him.
“Hai I have. Although I think they must have been rogue. I think many would not cross you.” He stated.
“You are a flirt and arrogant little male. It is refreshing but it will never happen.” She said standing.
“So the big bad Lady Airi cannot handle one little male inu.” He said lying down on the ledge and stared at the sky.
“Why do you even wish to try? I am older than you by a millennium.” She stated.
“Do you want a blunt answer?” he asked.
“Hai be blunt.” She said amused.
“Younger females you have to teach them what to do. You would be an amazing lover I think.” He said staring at her with his brown eyes.
“You are arrogant.” She said smirking.
“My sister shared my memories of our great aunt with me. I find you rather intriguing.” He said staring at her lecherously.
“What kind of memories?” she asked narrowing her eyes.
“I have seen you naked. I would like to see those spots in real life.” He said sitting up and staring at her harder.
Airi looked at the inu male and she laughed. He was very sure of himself and for a second she wondered what he was like and then dismissed it.
“My spots go down my body and my legs young inu. I have stripes as well; did you see that?” she asked condescendingly.
“Hai. I also saw the rather prominent stripe that ends at the top of your delicious back end.” He said smirking.
“Well remember those memories as you take care of yourself.” She said sweetly.
He growled lightly and licked his full lips.
“Do you ever go a day without rutting?” she asked.
“Hai.” He answered as he leaned forward.
“Well then this may be one of those days. You have given me quite a laugh little one.” She said standing.
He stood too and came closer to her and was within inches of her lips.
“How is your sense of smell tsuchigumo?” he asked lustfully.
“Quite good little boy.” She said smiling.
“Can you scent desire?” he asked.
“Hai.” She confirmed.
“Good. I shall fantasize about your luscious body and take care of myself as you suggested.” He said backing up and leaving.
She stared at the young male and could not believe how brazen he was. He was a delectable piece of male but she was sure he was odious fellow.
///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
I was in a dark European castle and it was musty. I wrinkled my sensitive nose and moved along; I could scent stale blood. Dread overcame me and I moved forward. I could not tell if this was a vision or if I was projecting. I came in a main hall and I saw Vlad Tepest. He did not react to my presence so I made no moves. I watched as several scantily clad uppyr females were ravishing and biting a ningen male. They threw their heads back and groaned as they drank his blood. The mortal was in ecstasy and would soon be dead. I was horrified and Vlad just sat back and had a very licentious grin on his face. The scene fascinated and disgusted me at the same time. Vlad looked up and in my direction. I could tell he could not see me but he must have sensed some yoki. I stared at him carefully and his hair was plaited and he skin very pale. His eyes continued to search the area I stood. My hatred was a very real thing and he stood and looked closely around.
“There is a strong uppyr presence in this room.” He muttered to one of the females.
“Yes master.” She said with a seductive voice.
“Shall we give it a show?” he asked her.
“Yes!” the female said.
She slid up next to the uppyr master and opened his richly embroidered jacket. She exposed his deathly pale but toned chest. She started kissing and licking along his skin and started biting him and drinking his blood. I stared in horror but could not tear my eyes away. Her fangs were very prominent and she cut his chest with her claws and licked up the blood. Vlad nodded and the other females moved on the ningen male and pulled out his member and bit into his groin and his chest and neck. The poor mortal groaned in utter pleasure as the disgusting wretches drained him of his life. Vlad bared his fangs and bit into the female's neck and kneaded her bare breasts. He brought his lips lower and bit into nipple and she cried out like a whore. He parted her thighs and shoved several claws into her center and she cried out, I saw blood dripping and I had to turn my head.
“I hope you are enjoying the scene little one whoever you are. I feel your presence and you are strong.” Vlad said in silky voice.
“I imagine you would like to be here and join us.” He continued.
My stomach clenched and I wanted to be sick. He would sooner see me dead and so would I before I participated in such depravity.
“I want to see who has such power.” He said walking around the area I was.
I wanted to wake up; I wanted to leave but I was rooted.
“I imagine you are about to come undone. I could help you.” He said chuckling.
I saw that the injuries I had inflicted were healed and his alabaster skin was smooth. I felt myself being pulled back and I sat up in my futon and screamed. Jin sat up and my chest was heaving.
“What is it?” he asked concerned.
“I saw him. I saw the uppyr king!” I said shaking.
“What happened?” he asked.
I touched his face and showed him my experience and his face blanched. I rolled to my side and grabbed my gown and dressing gown and put them on.
“Are you sure it is real?” he asked as he dressed.
“Hai. I can astral project and I occasionally have visions.” I said as I left my chambers.
`You astral project and you are a seer?” he asked in utter surprise.
“Hai.” I said as I went to my mother and father's chambers.
I reached them and I knocked softly on their door. My father called out a quiet hai. I slid open the door and my mother rolled over and she saw my expression.
“Baby girl what is it?” she asked sitting up.
“Mother please I need your assistance.” I asked softly so as not to wake my infant sister.
“Meet me in the study.” She said.
I bowed and went to the study. Jin followed me hot on my heels and I paced back and forth. My mother came in and sat down. I immediately showed her my vision and she had a disgusted look on her face.
“You were having a vision and he still felt your presence. He is very powerful Asuna. If you have anymore you must tell me as soon as possible. He may be trying to have a connection.” She said.
“What was he doing?” I asked.
“That my dear was sharing a meal. I told you uppyr turn their food into sex.” She said shaking her head.
Jin looked disgusted and looked away. I looked at him and felt bad.
“I am to congratulate you two? You are very recently pupped. I would say in the last few hours.” She said smiling.
Jin looked embarrassed and I nodded.
“I am going to lie back down. If you have another vision contact me through telepathy.” She said.
“Hai.” I said hugging her.
I slowly walked out of the study and Jin gently had my arm.
“Before you ask, she is clairvoyant.” I said.
“You mother and you are actually frightening in your abilities.” He said quietly.
“How so?” I asked.
“You are stronger than any uppyr or hybrid I have ever seen.” He said.
“It matters not if I cannot ease the threat of Vlad.” I said softly.
“Come let us try and sleep.” He said as we entered my chambers again.
I lay down in Jin's arms and went to sleep. I was immediately drawn back into the European castle. My breathing was harsh and I followed the noises I heard. I came into an orgy of sorts and I had to fight back bile. Vlad looked up and around. I could see his heavy erection and I turned my head. All of them were withering and moaning. The uppyr flashed a wicked grin and stood up. Two of his females scrambled; one took him in her mouth and the other was sucking blood from his thigh.
“Little one you must show yourself to me!” he said in a smooth voice.
“I want you to come to me. Touch yourself for me little one.” He suggested.
I could feel his power and pull and my eyes widened in absolute horror as I realized I wanted to do as he said. He had made a connection and I tried to pull away but his will was very powerful.
“You are trying to leave. I want you to stay. You must see me; I feel your power and I must taste you.” He said in a seductive voice.
I lashed out and he stepped back. He smiled and I grew agitated. He was a devil and disgusting and I wanted away from him. I pressed against the connection and tried to force his hold off of me.
“You are an astral projector. Nice my little one. I shall free you for now but I want you lusting for my touch and my fangs.” He said smirking cruelly.
I woke up and gasped for air. Jin held me and I looked around.
-Mother! He has connected with me somehow. He can feel my presence and pulls me to him. - I pathed.
-Shit! - came her thought.
I was overcome and I stood up. His mental powers rivaled anything my mother and I had. He was old and depraved. I fought down the lust he evoked in me. I looked around and the urge to flee overwhelmed me.
“I have to go Jin. I cannot stay here. I want you to take the boys and go back to Panyu.” I said.
“What?” he asked standing.
“You are the closet thing they have to a father. He is targeting me. I am going to hide for now at a holy mountain.” I said.
“Asuna you are frightening me.” He said staring at me.
“You did not feel his pull. He is strong. I will be at Mount Hakurei-zan. It has a tendency for natural barriers.” I said.
“You are telling me where you are going?” he asked in shock.
“If you love me you will do this thing I ask.” I declared.
“Hai. I will take the twins but I will ensconce them in my palace and come back for you. I cannot believe I am saying this but the hanyou has powerful barriers too. I want you to have him come to you and mask you with his presence.” He said testily.
“You are serious?” I asked in total shock.
“Hai. Never tell me if you see him ever! I hate him.” He said.
“I understand.” I said.
Jin stood and dressed and went to grab my boys. I watched as he took the boys and ported out.
-Mother! Jin wants me to have Naraku shield me with his barrier. I am going to Hakurei-zan. - I pathed quickly.
-Go then. I will come to you later. - She pathed back.
///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
I was in the bowels of the mountain and I was burning. I pressed my forehead against cool stone. I called for Naraku with my soul and he appeared shortly after my call.
“What is wrong?” he asked immediately.
I looked at him and I smiled lazily. I started to undo my obi and it fell to the ground. I opened my yukata and started running my hands over my torso.
“What in Kamis name are you doing?” he asked grabbing my hands.
I nipped at his mouth and sucked on his lower lip. He pulled back and felt my head.
“Asuna answer me!” he said shaking me.
My eyes cleared and I looked at Naraku.
“Put up a barrier. He has found me.” I said
Naraku did as I asked and I felt less of the vile pull. I touched Naraku's face and I showed him my visions. He pulled back and he looked disgusted.
“Who has Mizuki?” I asked.
“I have hired a nursemaid that is related to Mayu.” He said angry.
I nodded and I paced around.
“If I sleep; he pulls me in…right now he has no idea to whom his is connecting but he is so strong!” I said looking up at Naraku.
“I shall kill him!” he muttered.
“He is disgusting! He enjoys the depravity and all the blood. I enjoy a little blood letting but not like that!” I said shuddering.
“You will stay here for now.” He said.
“Hai.” I agreed.
I stayed awake for several days but I was fighting off sleep. I would get into a stupor and tear at my yukata and start moaning. Naraku was furious that this creature could have such a pull and I knew it was because of the uppyr blood in my veins. On the third day I passed out. I was in Vlad's castle and I tried to pull back. I looked down and I was a mere shadow. I was not very distinguishable but I could be seen. I cursed and decided to try and find a way out. His pull was tremendous and I was fighting it; that is why I was still a mere shadow of my self. I was projecting of that I was certain. I could feel his aura and I retreated behind a stone wall.
“I feel you little one. You should not hide yourself from your master.” He purred.
I grew furious at his arrogant and egocentric comment. I kept myself hidden and when he moved so did I.
“You are angry. I feel you stronger this time. I wonder how is it I do not know one of my little ones; you are so strong and I should know you.” He said in his silky voice.
“Vermin!” I hissed.
“You call me vermin? Interesting my darling one. Your aura suggests you are female. I know not of any female uppyr that can resist my pull.” He cooed.
I continued to move when he would come closer and thanked the Kamis for all the stone walls. He was irritated and very aroused. I hated his scent and he could feel my ire.
“Why do you call me vermin when you are my kind? You will see me; you will bow before me and beg mercy from me.” He said in his seductive tone.
“And what is your mercy monster?” I snarled.
“She speaks. My mercy is most enjoyable little one.” He chuckled.
I felt an overwhelming lust consume me and I gasped. I fought the rise of lust in me and I heard the beast laugh. I narrowed my eyes and the desire to fall before him grew to immense proportions.
“I have a pull through your blood. It is surging with power. Did you know little one that I can make you climax?” he asked laughing.
///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
Naraku tried to shake her awake and she was in oblivion she was moaning and had spread her thighs wide and her scent was intoxicating. He had to fight his baser nature and when she had started roving her hands over body and he could see and scent her pleasuring herself; he about lost it. He was growling and wanted to squeeze the head right off the creature. Augusta had been here and gone. She went to get some herbs to throw Asuna into a deeper sleep to where the uppyr would not reach her. She gasped and her hips arched and Naraku grabbed her again and tried to shake her back to her senses. Her eyes flew open and her eyes were red. He moved back and could not sense much from her except a beast on the prowl.
“Why do you back away from us?” she asked.
“This is not you!” Naraku hissed.
“We need you, come here.” She said standing.
“Asuna! Stop!” Naraku snarled.
She moved forward and grabbed his neck. He tried not to hurt her but her grip was deadly. She leaned forward and sank her fangs into his neck and he groaned against her onslaught. She actually drank his blood and then moved her lips to his ear.
“We want you to climax for us. We want to taste you.” She purred into his ear.
“Stop this right now!” he ground out.
He could feel her hands untying his hakamas and she reached in and took firm hold of him. She grinned lecherously and slid down his body. Her felt her hot mouth on his inner thigh and she sank her fangs again into soft flesh and his claws flexed as she drank his blood again.
“Asuna this is not you! Snap out of it!” he said as he bit back a groan.
“It is us.” She said as she slid his member into her mouth.
Naraku moaned in sublime ecstasy but tried to maintain a shred of sanity. This uppyr creature was using her to gain more control and he was helping the beast. His body was rigid as her mouth did amazing things to him. He dug his claws into her shoulders and she growled. He dug them deeper and drew blood. She stopped and she looked up at him with clearer eyes.
“Come on look at me. This is not you to be controlled; wake up!” he snapped.
She slid up his body and watched his mouth.
“Asuna, he will destroy you! Wake up!” he snarled.
She sagged against him and she was gone again. His breathing was harsh and realized what insidious creatures these blood drinkers were. Augusta came back in and Naraku looked at her. He had laid her gently down and had straightened his clothes.
“She bit me and tried to do things.” He said morosely.
“Vlad is wicked. I cannot fathom how he connected with her.” She said as she poured a liquid down her throat.
“Your kind is disgusting!” he said in an angry tone.
“I am not like him Naraku. I drink blood but not of innocents and certainly not to kill. If I blood let it is with my mate in my own bedroom!” Augusta said angrily.
“Where is this creature at?” he growled.
“He is living in eastern Europe. I truly have no idea how old he is, I am five centuries and he has been around as long as I can remember.” Augusta said.
“Why her?” he asked.
“Naraku you really have no idea what strong psi abilities Asuna has? She has surpassed even me. Mizuki will surpass her someday.” Augusta said surprised.
“I do not understand why he would try and take her. She is strong but surely he has powerful females there.” He said in a nasty tone.
“Asuna's blood would be like a charge of yoki. It is like when you two channel each other.” She explained.
“He wants to use her for her blood?” he asked disgusted.
“Hai. Do you not eat meat?” she asked in anger.
“Hai of course I do.” He snapped.
“Have you ever tasted her blood during rutting?” she asked archly.
“I see your point.” He snapped.
“Watch her.” She commanded.
///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
I was back at the castle and fled from the ancient blood drinker. The bastard was going to use me and discard me. I actually jumped up into crevice and waited. He would find me and soon.
“Why do you fight me so? Where are you that you have not come when I call?” he purred.
I clenched my teeth and growled fiercely. He heard me and laughed loudly.
“I cannot come and would not come.” I sneered.
“You voice is stronger. You can coporealize if you want to. Where are you?” he demanded.
I bit my hand and refused to answer. He was using his considerable telepathic power to draw me out.
“I grow tired of your refusal to heed my call.” He said dangerously.
“I cannot come to you fool!” I snapped from my hiding place.
“You must be very far away.” He said chuckling.
I growled and he continued to search for my aura. I kept moving and I know he was angry.
“You are strong indeed to project so far. Where are you!” he demanded.
“Islands!” I ground out.
He looked annoyed and then smiled wide.
“You are in Japan. There are several uppyr there of late. I will kill two birds with one stone.” He said almost giddy.
I growled in a terrible snarl and he laughed merrily.
“No one has ever been able to defy me as you have. I cannot wait to taste you.” He said happily.
I sat up in the bowels of the mountain and gasped. I looked at Naraku and I winced. He looked testy and I stood.
“Why do you look at me like that?” I snapped.
He pulled his haori away from his neck and there was fang marks. My eyes widened and I looked down.
“I am sorry. I was not aware.” I mumbled.
“What happened?” he demanded.
“He is coming to Japan. He is powerful and his pull is almost hypnotic.” I said ashamed.
“What are you intending to do?” he asked.
“What can I do? I can mask my aura and yoki in the flesh. He will just try for my head because I killed Stasio and not for my blood!” I snapped.
“Asuna!” he growled.
“What did you want me to do? Sheng needed his avenging and I had no idea I would bring the wrath of the uppyr bastard!” I snapped.
“Use your head.” He snapped back.
“You may not have liked Sheng but I knew him before I knew you!” I snapped.
“In this life maybe.” He said smirking.
“Naraku do not pull that card out when you refuse to acknowledge that it happened.” I growled at him.
“I do not refute it happened but I refuse for it to dictate who I am now.” He said logically.
“You do not find it intriguing that we have been together before? Does it not make sense why you would want the very thing you detested in this life?” I asked.
“I find it stimulating. I will not let a long dead tsuchigumo lord dictate my feelings for you. I came to my feelings on my own.” He said lightly growling.
“You denied them for a long time. You also have not completely reconciled your ningen half to your youki side.” I pointed out.
“I want you! All of me wants you. That half is very much in order thank you very much!” he snapped at me.
“I mean no offense. I cannot even reconcile my two halves right now.” I murmured wrapping my arms around his waist.
“How soon do you think he will come for you?” he asked lifting my chin.
“I think any time. He will probably come by himself this time. He indicates that there are uppyr still here.” I commented.
“I want you to disappear for now.” He said staring at me hard.
“I will not cower away Naraku! That is not who I am!” I snapped again.
“Yet you expect me to?” he demanded.
“I expect you to help take care of our daughter.” I said flippantly.
He growled low in his throat and I hugged him. He calmed and held me close.
Osamu watched the spider youki move with purpose and was actually almost his father's equal. Osamu was frustrated and very snarly. His sister was gone again and his mother too. Nobody was speaking mentally or physically and he was pissed. Airi had stayed at his father's behest because there were whispers of another uppyr assault. His brown eyes bore into her back and he snarled under his breath. He stood up and left the dojo and went to his chambers. He ran a clawed hand through his silver hair and hated the feeling of helplessness. His sister was in danger again and he sat down at his desk. To top off his bad mood; the onna he wanted was elusive. He always got what he wanted and he wanted her. A knock came to his door and he got up and answered it. His mother came in and sat down.
“I need you to train harder in your powers. Vlad is coming after Asuna. When he realizes we have a whole brood of half uppyr here, he will come after all of you.” She said.
“How can I train any harder mother? I am strong as it is.” He answered.
“You want the female tsuchigumo, she is a telepathic creature. Use your abilities Osamu.” Augusta said.
“You want me to use her to train on?” he asked surprised.
“You are the least prudish of my children son. You know that a physical act can intensify your abilities.” She said sternly.
“Kami mother you are blunt.” He said annoyed.
“Well son you want her anyway!” she snapped.
“Can you stay out of my head?” he asked.
“Please try and meditate more.” She commanded.
He rolled his eyes and she stood up as did he. She hugged him tightly and he looked at her surprised.
“I am afraid Osamu. Asuna is very strong but so are you. You do not give yourself enough credit. She may be the one to wield her yoki in an inu manner; you are not powerless!” she said.
“I know that Mother but she is also the heir for a reason. I have never cared for the mantle of power.” He said.
“Promise me you will do as I ask? Asuna thinks that you could project if you tried very hard.” She said.
“Hai mother I will.” He promised.
“Alright I am going. By the way she does find you desirable.” Augusta winked.
Osamu groaned at his mother's antics. Augusta exited the door and he shrugged and figured now was as good of a time as any. He went back to the dojo and shed his haori and picked up a blade.
“Osamu you wish to spar?” Sesshomaru asked surprised.
“Hai. I am not that terrible with a blade my Lord.” Osamu said bowing.
“You have never shown much interest.” The Western Lord observed.
“Now is a good time. I shall like to be better prepared for another attack from the uppyr.” He said.
He bowed to Airi and she looked at him intrigued. Sesshomaru readied himself and so did Osamu. He knew his father was going to soundly beat him but he intended to make it harder on him. Sesshomaru moved quickly and Osamu side stepped and actually landed a blow. Sesshomaru looked surprised and pleased; he whirled around and knocked his son back. Osamu was concentrating hard and blocked the attack with an upheld blade. Blood oozed from his palm and he jumped back and back flipped to avoid several blows aimed at his chest. He brought his blade down and his father knocked his blade out of his hand. Osamu jerked his hand in a back and forth motion and his own father's katana hit the floor.
“Very impressive my son!” Sesshomaru actually smiled.
Osamu was breathing a little harder but stood and bowed. His father had just given him the equivalent of a back slap. He stood straighter and ran a hand through his hair.
“I would suggest tying it back young Lord for battle or sparring with your excellent father.” Airi smirked.
“Your suggestion shall be considered my Lady.” He said bowing.
“I wish to spar again this evening son. You have excelled and I am very pleased.” Sesshomaru said.
“Hai my lord!” he said bowing.
“Lady Airi.” Sesshomaru bowed.
“Lord Sesshomaru!” she bowed to him.
Osamu waited for his father to leave and he turned and circled the spider female. She appraised him with her gray eyes and looked amused. He growled in irritation and came closer to her. He leaned over and scented her at her juncture and her scent hit him. He stepped back and perused her form.
“Are you intending to devour me young Lord?” she asked.
“You deny your desire for me?” he asked her.
“Desire and good sense are two things Lord Osamu. I have not lived this long without common sense.” She said smirking.
He came up to her and he gently pulled her hair and tilted her head up. She was surprised and he lowered his lips to hers. He plied his lips against hers and she allowed him to kiss her. He ran his tongue along the seam of her lips and she let him sweep his tongue. He brought his hands up and held her face. He deepened his kiss and she pulled back.
“Well you are talented with your tongue and lips young lord. I have other things I should be doing than teasing you.” She said bowing.
He pulled her to him and held her backside. She stared at him and he squeezed the firm flesh in his hands. He took a claw and lazily dragged it down the back of her short kimono. The silk split and left her back bare. He turned her around and spread the silk wide open and ran a thumb down her spine that was covered by a black stripe.
“Enough Lord Osamu. You have satisfied your curiosity. I am very different from you.” Airi said darkly.
“It is lust I wish to satisfy. However I would be most satisfied to pleasure you.” He said in a sultry tone.
“You are very good little boy, I will give you that.” She said jerking away.
He grabbed her hand and pressed it to his front and smirked when her eyes widened.
“I assure you Lady Airi I am anything but little.” He dropped her hand and crossed his arms over his chest.
“You are an arrogant bastard. You think you can make any onna moan?” she said staring at him.
“Hai.” He smirked.
“I do not have time for you.” She said.
“Leave. I did not think that the great tsuchigumo warrior Lady Airi would be bested by this lowly little inu.” He said smirking.
“I know what you are doing you brat!” she snarled.
“Do you really know what I am doing?” he asked in a whisper.
He moved behind her and ran his thumb down her striped spine. He felt her shudder and he smirked again.
“You markings are sensitive. Does this bring you pleasure?” he asked whispering in her ear.
“Stop now.” She said in a strained voice.
He stopped but he did not unhand her. He lowered his lips to her and licked her neck and a growl escaped his lips as he fought a strong urge to bite into her soft skin.
“I want you.” He groaned.
“You want a good rut.” She snapped.
“Hai.” He groaned as he scented her skin.
“Down now inu.” She snapped.
“Let me touch you. I will stop when you tell me.” He said growling.
“Why do you want me so?” she asked looking over her shoulder.
“I do not know.” He said.
She did not stop him and he ran his thumbs down her spine and grasped her backside again. He breathed in her scent and he brought his hands around to the front of her kimono. He cupped her breasts through the silk and groaned. He ripped it open and turned her around. He gently pushed her against a beam and opened her legs and he went to his knees and scented her center. Airi squeezed her eyes shut and could not believe a young male was provoking such illicit feelings. He pushed his nose into her curls and scented her more. She felt a tongue along her opening and she groaned loudly.
“Enough.” She cried.
He pulled away and growled again very low. His eyes were tinged pink and he looked very hungry.
“You have made your point Lord Osamu. You would bring me to my knees.” She said straightening up.
His hand was in a fist and his claws gouged his palms. He wanted to bury himself in her heat and scent her; she smelled more than intoxicating.
“Your scent is driving me wild.” He said picking her up.
She wrapped her legs around his waist and he attacked her mouth; he kissed her roughly and sucked on her tongue then her bottom lip. He lips led a trail to her neck and he wrapped his fangs around her pulse point and growled loudly. Her breathing was coming faster and liquid fire pooled between her legs. He was forcing his beast back and snarling as he barely tasted her coppery blood. He had left tiny pricks in her flesh and he tore his lips from her juncture and back to her mouth. Her chest was exposed and he lowered his mouth to her breasts and laved one with his tongue until it tightened and then he tongued the other one. Her breathing was becoming erratic.
“What are you doing to me?” she cried.
He only growled and ran thumbs over her nipples and suckled them more. The pleasure was intense and she wanted him badly. She had underestimated the inu male. The pressure was building she squirmed under him. He dropped a hand too her nether lips and spread them; he dipped a finger into her wetness and brought the finger to his lips and licked it clean. She watched him and wanted to feel him badly. He grazed her clit and she moaned incoherently.
“Osamu, I am begging you.” She whined.
He buried his nose into her neck and a snarl was ripped from his chest. He ground himself in her center and her hands were rigid to not gouge his back. He untied his hakamas and let them pool and he entered her slowly. His own breathing was ragged and his fangs went back around her juncture. He surged up into her and she tightened around him. His hands were on her hips guiding her down in a sensual rhythm. His need to mark her was over powering. He grabbed her wrist and started licking and kissing it; he sank his fangs into her wrist and he let the euphoria take them. Airi could not breathe; her body was being consumed in scorching bliss. He let her feel his rapture and the exquisite pressure that was building in him. She widened her eyes and started to fall and he rubbed her clit with gentle pressure. She bit her own lips to contain her scream of climax as she sagged against him. He surged up into her twice more and pulled out as he reached his own release. He still wanted to sink his fangs into her neck and pulled away from her totally. She let herself sink down and watched as his pulse in his neck was erratic.
“You could have climaxed inside of me. I assure you it is no where close to me being able to conceive.” She said with her eyes closed.
“I did not do it for you.” He said breathing hard.
“Well Lord Osamu, you were right. You are phenomenal lover.” She said breathing slower.
“I wanted to mark you.” He said slowly.
“You flatter me.” She said lightly.
“I have never had the urge to before.” He said staring at her.
“Well there is a first time for everything. We truly must do this again if we can manage.” She said absently.
“Now.” He said.
“Excuse me?” she asked surprised.
He pulled her to standing and wrapped her in his haori and he pulled his hakamas up.
“I have to have you now.” He said picking her up.
“You are very presumptuous.” She snapped.
He reached between her legs and massaged her clit and she moaned in his arms. He carried her back to his chambers and laid her on his futon. He managed to slide his bottoms down and he slid into her center once more. He had her legs on his shoulders and he pounded into her.
“I am going to shatter.” She cried.
She flexed her claws again and she held her hands rigid. Osamu watched her with hooded eyes and brought a hand to his mouth and licked her fingers. He leaned down and kissed her again and again as he continued to fill her. He brought her other wrist to his mouth and he bit into it as he pounded harder and she cried out loudly. He let her legs down and his body was flush to hers. He cupped a breast and lowered his silver head and suckled it hard. He felt her tighten on him but he kept up his onslaught of her senses. His eyes were burning and he lost his mind to his primal self.
“Mine.” He cried.
Airi looked at him and cried out as he continued a merciless rhythm. His eyes were burning and he lowered his lips to other nipple and sucked on it till she was painfully tight and releasing again. She nodded numbly and he kissed her mouth and growled loudly. His lips found her juncture and his thrusts were sharp and fast. He rotated his hips and she arched her hips into his and screamed out. He collapsed against her and bit her throat and tasted her life essence as he spilled himself into her. He shook against her and nuzzled her neck. He did not regret it. Her scent had been driving him crazy and he could spend the rest of his life nuzzling her neck and scenting her as if a drug. He kept himself buried in her and he actually started to fall asleep. She groaned beneath him and felt her neck. The young inu was still very much seated inside of her and he was snoring. The young beast had the stamina of a much older youki and she was delighted. It dawned on her that the little man beast had marked her.
“Oh Kamis what have we done?” she said trying to wake him up.
“Tired and you feel so good.” He slurred in his sleep.
“Wake up my little male slut.” She said shaking him.
He rolled over and she was on top. He grinned lazily at her and thrust up into her.
“Ride me then.” He smirked.
“Oh Kami you are going to kill me!” she groaned.
Naraku was furious but I wanted him with Mizuki. My hanyou mate could make my life difficult. I was hoping to draw Vlad away from my family and all the uppyr/inu hybrids running around the West. I could not feel him but I had a bad sense he was close. I moved with stealth and made sure to cover my tracks; aura and scent. I was moving very far north to the island of Etorofu. I could not move farther north than that and not remove myself from the Japanese Isles.
It was colder and I sat on a rock over looking a river valley. There were inactive volcanoes and many mountain ridges. There was bamboo underbrush all over the mountain bases. I had pinned my hair back and I wore a dark green haori edged in bronze and plain green hakamas. My obi was copper colored and my boots were dark brown. I sighed and sat up and moved to find cover in the forests surrounding the mountains. I was afraid to sleep and I kept my mind occupied with terribly lustful thoughts of my hanyou and inu lord to what the twins were eating for supper that evening. I finally had to sleep after four days of no real rest. I had sheltered myself in cave and passed out.
I was as solid as if I was there. I cursed the uppyr bastard and his power. I did not have my fang in my mind but I did have my mental powers. I knew the castle by now and went to a window. I would jump if I had to. I felt his presence coming and I jumped back and tried to shield my aura and scent.
“You are here!” he said from across the room.
I kept myself behind a stone wall and was ready to bolt.
“You cannot hide your aura from me. You have become corporeal this time.” He sounded ecstatic.
“Why do I keep coming against my will?” I said in Russian.
“Because I want it! The first time may have been a fluke but now I draw you here.” He answered in a purr.
I moved quickly and jumped up a staircase and hid behind another wall. He was growing angry at my lack of interest in him. The bastard moved quickly and surprised me when I went to jump again. He pinned me to the stone wall. His face grew furious when he saw my face.
“You!” he snarled.
“Hai! It is I. I see your burns have healed.” I snarled back.
“You are not uppyr.” He said grabbing my throat.
“Your right I am not.” I lied.
“I see your arm healed. If that thing had not stopped me I would have finished you whore!” he seethed right in my face.
I narrowed my eyes and I used every ounce of control and I hurled him back with my mind about ten feet with some force. He looked surprised and I concentrated on his throat and breathing. His eyes widened and he slammed me back into the wall with more telekinetic yoki I had ever felt. I saw a sword at his hip and I willed the thing into my hands and tried to lift it. He knocked it out of my astral self's hands and put a hand to my throat. His black eyes were burning and I felt dread. I thought Jing had scared me but this creature terrified me.
“You are my little one. You are uppyr are you not my beautiful little assassin?” he asked.
I spit in his face and he chuckled.
“You killed my Stasio. You know you should not kill my kin.” He said wickedly.
“He was dishonorable. He betrayed his own family and you are disgusting!” I snarled.
“Why do you care if he was dishonorable?” he purred.
“You need to die a most painful death you wretch!” I snarled.
“You are a mixed uppyr. We cannot procreate easily with other daemons.” He murmured looking at me.
“I do not really care what you have to say.” I said my eyes burning red.
He lowered his lips to mine and kissed my astral self. I could feel heat and hatred coming from him. He was trying to pull my location from me and I slammed up every barrier I could. He was furious but he could not really do much damage to me in this form.
“I release you little assassin. I will find you this day!” he said with an evil grin.
I sat up back in my cave and my chest heaved. I scrambled and grabbed my fang. He knew my aura and he could reach me quickly. He could teleport very easily and I moved fast and jumped down the mountain side. I transformed into my energy sphere and moved with all haste and speed.
I landed on the main island of Honshu and had to stop because of exhaustion. I was in the lands of the ookami and knew Kouga or his ookami brethren would find me if I stopped. I masked heavily and wondered if it would do any good. I decided to seek shelter in the dens and went to the ookami prince's lair.
I walked slowly into the valley that led to Kouga and Ayame and unmasked my scent a little. Kouga almost immediately appeared.
“What are you doing here ice princess?” Koga asked sitting on a rock.
“I need shelter for the night. The forest is too exposed.” I said.
“Come on.” Kouga said and I followed him.
I whirled around and grabbed my fang.
“Get out of here ookami!” I yelled.
“What the hell is goin on?” he yelled as he felt a powerful yoki presence.
Vlad was not appearing but he was there. I looked at Kouga and mouthed run.
“Your dad would have my ass on a spike if I left a pregnant bitch.” Kouga said looking at me.
“I know you are here bastard. You are a coward!” I yelled into the forest.
I was speaking in Russian and Kouga looked at me funny.
-Go to father!- I screamed in the ookami's head.
He stared at me and nodded. I had a firm grip on my fang and Kouga took off in a whirlwind. I moved away from the dens and went further into the forest. I felt him from behind and his hand wrapped my neck from the back. I pulled a dirk and shoved it in his thigh. He roared and threw me from him. I landed on the ground and then rolled. I jumped to my feet and brought my fang around and cut into his chest. He was in a plain white shirt and a black velvet doublet and hose. His hair was long and spilled down his back. I grew a small ball of Dakkasou and threw it at him. He ducked and it barely missed burning him. I threw a rock with my will and it hit him. I channeled my yoki and released a powerful blast. He disappeared and reappeared behind me and grabbed my arms. His will was powerful and I dropped my fang. He had me and I struggled against his amazing strength. I flexed my claws and sank them into his arms and burned him. He roared and lowered his fangs to my neck. He had settled between my legs and bit into my neck. I gasped and felt tremendous licentiousness. My legs came up around his hips and I moaned. In my haze I screamed for Naraku. Vlad chuckled against my neck and was slowly drinking from me.
“You are Stasio's direct kin my beautiful little assassin. Your blood is like a nectar.” He licked the wounds and I groaned.
I felt Naraku's yoki as well as my mother's. I looked over in haze and my hanyou's eyes were burning and my mother was able to throw Vlad off of me with her power. She was fighting him and he tried to turn on her. Naraku threw a barrier up and a tentacle wrapped around my ankle and pulled me to them.
“Watch daemon.” He hissed.
My body arched and I cried out.
“Let her go!” my mother screamed.
“You are Augusta Elizaveta. You have grown impressive my darling princess. You have trained her quite well.” Vlad said chuckling.
Naraku picked up my fang and intended to go after him and I rolled to my side.
“You need my hands on you my little assassin do you not?” he said to me.
I looked at him and I snarled against his control. He was not controlling my mother so I knew I could fight him. I put a hand on my fang and slowly stood up. I slammed Vlad against a flat rock and he grew furious.
“That is it fight him Asuna.” My mother said.
She actually brought the uppyr king to his knees and I threw Dakkasou at him again. It landed on his arm and burned his alabaster skin. Naraku pulled me and my mother into his miasma and we disappeared. We came into the northern castle and I stumbled away from them both. I tore at my haori and Naraku grabbed my hands. I turned my eyes on him and they were red.
“What has he done to her?” Naraku asked in a fury.
“He is trying to bend her will. I think he intends to drain her.” She said afraid.
Naraku held me and I snarled like a wild beast. I pulled my mate's arm to me and bit into his wrist. He shouted and I would not let go. My mother grabbed me by my hair and shoved me into her neck and I bit in.
“He is bringing this side of her out. You need to take Mizuki and go!” Augusta said in a hurry.
“I cannot leave her!” he said furiously.
“You cannot stay, she will devour you!” Augusta yelled.
Naraku took his daughter from her nursemaid and he disappeared.
“Fight him Asuna! He cannot have you.” She said in my ear.
She ported us to the Western Palace with me still latched onto her neck.
“Sesshomaru!” she screamed.
We fell to our knees and my mother's skin grew paler. I felt my father pull me from her and snarled and moaned.
“Get a barrier up around the palace now!” she ordered.
“The Tepest?” he inquired.
“Hai.” She confirmed.
I threw my father off of me and I backed up.
“Asuna he cannot have you. Fight him my love. I fight his call!” My mother said.
“Oh Kami.” I cried.
“Good baby girl, fight him. You are strong! That is why he covets you.” She said.
My father had stood and had a powerful barrier placed around the palace. I prowled like a caged animal and I shook my head. He was calling me and my head was filled with him.
“She cannot be let out of our sight. The calling will be less once her blood has replenished.” Augusta said.
“How did he find her?” Sesshomaru asked.
“He has a blood link to us all. Stasio was his brother's grand child. We carry his blood in our veins and he wants those of us he can control.” She said.
“Information such as this would have been good much sooner Augusta!” Sesshomaru snarled.
“Well what do you want me to do?” she snarled.
I watched my parents argue and I masked my scent and moved away. I was thinking a little clearer and I moved to a window that faced the forest. I jumped out and landed on my feet. They would notice me gone in but a moment. I passed through the barrier with ease and moved quickly. I was going to end his miserable life. A mist appeared around me and his hands were on me.
“So you are Stasio's grand child; you killed your own grandfather. I delight in you.” He whispered in Russian.
“I will kill you too.” I snapped.
“No you cannot. I shall have you.” He said in wicked tone.
The mist reappeared and he took me. We reappeared in his castle and he shoved me away. There were several uppyr around and I landed in the middle of them. They started touching my hair and undoing my clothes. I threw them with physical brute strength and my mind. Vlad watched amused and stripped his bloodied shirt from himself. The remaining uppyr moved away and he pressed me onto my back and settled between my legs. I realized we were on a bed and I spit at him. His thumb ran over my chin and down my wind pipe.
“You hate me and yet you still come when I call. What are you going to do my little assassin?” he purred.
I ran my hand suggestively down my leg and grabbed my other dirk and quickly brought it up into his gut. He grunted in pain and looked down at me like a piece of rare meat.
“It will take more than a wound from a blade to kill me my darling.” He said leaning down.
He ripped open my haori and exposed my breasts. His fangs pierced the flesh around a nipple and I screamed. He was making it hurt terribly then it turned into euphoria. I gasped and he licked around the nipple and his fang wounds. The other uppyr were watching with lust and hunger.
“Get rid of them!” I snarled.
“I like them to watch when I feast. I will be the only one feeding from you.” He licked his lips.
I brought me knee up and he grunted and I threw him back. I grabbed my dirk and sliced the throat of a female uppyr and she clawed at her throat and fell back. I threw the blade and it landed in the chest of another. Vlad grabbed me from behind and squeezed my hand till I yelped in pain.
“Leave us.” He commanded the others who took their fellow dead blood drinkers out.
I covered my chest and I jumped back. I did not like being another creature's food.
“Why do you care if I killed Stasio. Why do you even care about the affairs of anyone?” I asked in anger.
“Because I can. I am the most powerful of our kind and I can lead the affairs of mortals.” He said watching me.
“Like you did a hundred and fifty years ago?” I asked snarling.
“Oh yes.” He said leering.
“What about your God?” I asked.
“I am God here woman. How dare you question me.” He said in a dark tone.
“I will kill you!” I sneered.
“No I do not think you will and I do not think I will kill you.” He said coming closer.
“You had better kill me or you sign your own death sentence.” I said in a low growl.
Lust overwhelmed me and I tried to fight him. He was angry that I could resist his power and a profound hunger came over me. My eyes were burning red again and I moved on him in an instant. He took a claw and sliced into his neck and he tried to press my lips to it and I jerked back. I pressed my own claws into his throat and he laughed. I started to squeeze and he threw me off. He grabbed my dirk and shoved it into my gut. I grunted heavily and pressed my hands to my abdomen and looked at him with horrible hatred.
“No.” I cried.
“I enjoy pain remember? I shall watch you bleed to death right here.” He said with a terrible grin.
“You bastard!” I screamed.
“It matters not to me my little assassin.” He leaned down and lapped at the blood coming from my wound.
“Stop the bleeding.” I begged.
“Oh yes you are pregnant are you not?” he asked with mock innocence.
“Please stop the bleeding.” I said.
“Alright.” He said as he cut his wrist and dropped the crimson flow over my wound.
I gasped in astonishment as the dirk wound shut. I watched him as he circled me. I knew he wanted something.
“I had every right to kill Stasio. He brought about events that killed my first mate. He tortured my mother and for what? I do not understand your reasoning for any of this. In Japan we know our foes.” I said staring at him.
“I do not care for any of it. I control my own and I make things happen in the world through my kind.” He said darkly.
“You do it because you can. You are disgusting.” I said.
“Yes, I am disgusting, wretched, and decadent. You are a toy to pass my time and I will bring you under my control.” He said purring again.
He stood and left the room and my mind started working quickly. The castle was atop a large mountain and very rugged terrain. I scoffed at the bastard and I intended to help my family from the inside.
Naraku sat in his northern castle feeling as though his fury was going to erupt. His damn, reckless, and stupid onna that he had given his heart had gotten herself captured by a beast that rivaled him in his heyday. He was holding the small silk bag that held the Jewel of Four Souls. He looked over at his daughter as she slept in a small cradle. He was Hisashi in away he knew but he was more ruthless than the dead lord had been. He would kill or be killed and he intended to kill. He stood with his mind made up and the old mutt was going to have to see him because he would not trust his most precious daughter to just anyone. Mizuki's yoki had been flaring especially of late and he wondered at her power. He gathered her up in his arms and disappeared into his miasma. He reappeared at the Western Palace and stood face to face with a very nasty looking inu.
“I am Naraku and I will see Lord Sesshomaru.”