InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ I am the Moon ❯ Inner World of the Tiger ( Chapter 65 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

A/n: I do not own Inuyasha; Rumikio Takahashi does.
Inner World of the Tiger
I was dressed in state in an off the shoulder hanfu of royal blue, crimson, and white. I wore the colors of Shanghai and hoped that Mingli would see me. I had gold combs woven into my hair and the rest spilled down my back. I ported to wilds near Tibet. I actually ruled a small state near here but I ran it through magistrates. I was outside a huge and lavish palace. I bowed my head to the guards and they stared at me coldly.
“Would you please see if your lord would see the Lady of Shanghai and the mate of Prince Quon Hu?” I said softly.
One large male growled loudly but left the gate and I waited patiently. Many minutes passed and a young male tiger appeared. He came to the gate himself and he looked like Chao. His hair was reddish gold but his eyes were a startling blue. His features were fine and he was quite pleasing to the eye. He had brownish stripes that were streaked in his hair as well. I immediately went to my knee and bowed before him.
“You are Lady Asuna?” he asked me in one of the most beautiful voices I had ever heard.
“Hai.” I said with downcast eyes.
“Please rise.” He said.
“Lord Mingli I was hoping to converse with you.” I stated.
“I shall take a turn out here. There are many inside that wish the silver inu rather ill.” He replied bluntly.
“Are you one of them?” I asked as bluntly.
“Your father is not on my list of favorites but I shall not hold you responsible for his actions.” He said staring at me.
“I liked your father very much. I am very sorry for your loss.” I said looking away.
“He chose to aid Chen. The Byakko need to learn to keep their noses to home. No offense.” He said sighing.
“None taken.” I said looking down.
“What do you want?” he asked.
“Honestly I wanted to say how sorry I was that your father got mixed up in my family's drama.” I said ashamed.
“He and Lord Chen were very close. Chen has always been trouble and my father always backed him up. I like Chen, I really do but he is a rather selfish male.” He said sighing.
“I hope you may be able to forgive my sire. Chen pushed him to a point where he had no recourse and your father ended up defending his friend.” I said biting my lip.
“Forgive? I do not know but I was told what you said to my men.” He said.
“Oh?” I asked.
“You told them to honor my father and one said he saw sadness in your eyes and that you were haunted.” He stated.
“I am sorry again.” I said bowing suddenly uncomfortable.
“Quon Hu and I are not especially close but I respect him a great deal.” He said as I straightened.
“Quon and I are having some difficulties but I too respect him a great deal.” I said biting my lip.
“You are welcome here Princess. I appreciate your condolences. It takes courage and much heart to do what you have done.” He said bowing.
“Would you come to Shanghai? I am sure you have buried your sire and perhaps some time in a different land?” I asked suddenly.
“Why are you being so kind?” he asked.
“Because I really liked your father and he was very supportive and kind of Quon and me. I am odd for inu I know but I like the tigers in general.” I said candidly.
“I suppose I can.” He said looking away.
“I feel your pain and I know this is not my place but I truly grieve with you.” I said softly.
“I have heard that you have powerful psi yoki.” He said staring me in the eyes.
“Hai. I shall be at your disposal. I feel shame at my sire's actions and I have never felt such. I love and admire him in most things but I feel badly.” I said in a low tone.
“Please stop. I am seeing why Quon was drawn to you.” He said in a fierce tone.
I bowed and retreated several steps.
“I hear the deer get huge near Shanghai.” He said changing the subject.
“Hai. The hunting is very good.” I nodded.
“I shall come with a day or two. Thank you Princess Asuna. This will go a long way to helping heal my people.” He said.
“Should I invite Quon?” I asked.
“I have had enough of the Byakko for now.” He said bluntly.
“I understand. I look forward to knowing a fellow lord.” I said reverently.
He nodded and I ported away. I appeared back in Shanghai and sat at my desk. Chen had managed to fracture his relationship some with the Bengals and for some reason I felt the need to help him repair it.
My feet were in the river and I was lying back watching the sky. I had dealt with the noble councils in Shanghai and Manchuria. Pure inu did get on my nerves in that they liked to argue about everything. I had finally lost my temper and yelled that it was my way because I ruled. I closed my eyes and thought about not much. I had not mentioned to Quon when he had come for Zihao of seeing Mingli. We had a rather intense discussion that had led to one of his mind blowing kisses. I ached for him but I knew it would take time to rebuild the relationship. I had started to drift when I heard footfall. I wore a halter that exposed my stomach and a very provocative low slung hakamas.
“Do you always stick your feet in a river?” I heard Mingli say.
“When they hurt hai. I have been busy with yelling at noble councils.” I said looking up.
He looked down at me and he seemed amused. I sat up and watched him. He wore formal robes of his station in a black male hanfu.
“Do you always dress in state?” I asked.
“Mostly yes. My sire felt that we cubs should always be dressed in our stations.” He said lightly.
“Pardon my state then. I am not a typical inu bitch and I hate kimonos but I wear them.” I said standing.
“Is it true that your new sister has raven hair?” he asked.
“Hai.' I replied.
“It is rumored that she will be a mythic black tiger.” He said in awe.
“Explain what that means.” I said intrigued.
“Black tigers are almost non existent. When one is born it is a big thing.” He shrugged.
“Interesting. Do you like sake?” I asked him.
“I do not partake no.” he said shaking his head.
“Could you partake this once?” I asked.
“Yes. What is the mortal saying, when in Rome?” he said.
“I have been to Rome.” I said smiling.
“I have too.” He smiled in return.
“Have you met a Roman emperor?” I asked playfully.
“No you have me beat.” He laughed.
He followed me into the palace and I watched as the pups were playing in a small field. Mingli seemed interested and watched as well.
“Zihao is home in Hunan.” I replied.
“I have heard he is a rather handsome boy.” He said.
“I think so but I did birth him.” I smirked.
“You should not smile that much.” He said suddenly.
“Why?” I asked.
“You are too charming.” He said walking on.
I walked ahead and led him to my study. I poured him a small cup of sake and myself one as well.
“To Lord Chao.” I said softly.
He lifted his cup and his eyes were hooded. I could hear his pain in his thoughts. He had been close to his father. He looked up at me and I saw tremendous pain.
“Drink it.” I said quietly.
He downed it and made no face. This was the Taiwanese sake that Touga so coveted. He held out the cup for more and I poured it.
“How is it you know what I need?” he asked softly.
“I have lost Lord Mingli. You are quite stoic in your demeanor but your soul is in tremendous turmoil.” I said sitting.
“Thank you for trying to help in this difficult time. I am only one hundred nineteen you know.” He remarked.
“You are older then Quon.” I said.
“Yes.” He said downing the sake again.
“Are you planning to allow yourself to become inebriated?” I asked him.
“Yes. Yes I think I am. I have a small entourage that will be arriving later if you do not mind. Shanghai is famous for its delights.” He said closing his eyes.
“I do not mind. Do you need to partake of those delights?” I asked him gently.
“No. This is good.” He said sighing.
I felt terrible guilt and I kept his sake cup full. He was sad and not really prepared to be a lord. His entourage arrived and it was just a few relatives and I showed them to spare chambers. I found Mingli in the gardens sitting on a bench. He had the bottle of sake with him and I stood by.
“Do you believe in the afterlife?” he asked me.
“Hai I do.” I replied.
“You think my sire is living on?” he asked me.
“I am reincarnated Lord Mingli.” I said touching his shoulder.
“That makes me feel better for some reason.” He said looking over at me.
“You have had quite a bit of sake.” I remarked.
“I was hoping for more.” He said smiling sweetly.
“Hai I can do that.” I said moving away and retrieving more from my cellar.
I came back with the bottle and he accepted it. He did not even bother with a cup and sipped it from the bottle.
“Why are you being this way? Why are you not being cruel?” he asked me.
“Do you wish me to?” I asked him surprised.
“I do not want to like you.” He said angry.
“I understand.” I said looking away.
“You are supposed to be cold like him.” He said referring to my father.
“I can be.” I admitted.
“No not with the tigers. They have said you have been passionate and honorable with all tigers.” He said slurring slightly.
“I respect the tigers as fellow taiyouki.” I said very gently.
“Why did you come?” he asked standing.
“Because he did not deserve his fate. I am horrified and ashamed of the whole damn ordeal. You suffered for no reason because of my family members and I find it dishonorable.” I said sighing heavily.
“You and Quon are having difficulties?” he asked me suddenly changing the subject.
“It is personal. There are issues that we are trying to deal with.” I said touching his hand trying to lend comfort.
Mingli looked at me closely and moved over to me.
“I am not like Lord Chen but I find myself curious.” He whispered.
“About what Lord Mingli?” I asked.
“What made Prince Quon fall in love with you?” He said searching my eyes.
“I am a stubborn bitch.” I said laughing.
“Is this the side you showed him?” he asked.
“No.” I said shaking my head.
“Please call me Mingli. I hate being the lord.” He said sadly.
“Mingli.” I said.
He pulled me closer and his pain was a palatable thing. I allowed him to ghost his lips over mine. I could sense this was not him. He groaned softly and I touched his face. He turned his blue eyes to mine and I hurt for him badly.
“What can I do?” I asked him.
“I know not.” He replied stricken.
He leaned in and began kissing me. I again allowed it as it seemed he needed it. I began to wonder if all tigers could give mind altering kisses. He pulled away and I remained in control. He threw the empty bottle and it shattered.
“Did he die well?” He demanded.
“Hai. He fought well.” I whispered.
“He never stood a chance did he?” Mingli asked me in a furious tone.
“My sire is renowned in battle. Few can match him.” I admitted.
“You can I imagine.” He hissed.
“No. I have never been able to beat my lord in a spar.” I said.
He laid his head against my chest and his claws were fisted in my halter kosode. He scented me closer and he lifted his face a little. I was assaulted with his memories of his cub hood and seeing what a great father Chao was made me even guiltier. He pulled my head down and his lips met mine again. It was desperate and needy. Mingli was as serious minded as Quon but even more so. He was furious with Chen and the Byakko at the moment and he blamed the older tiger for his sire's death. I knew what was happening and I felt helpless to stop it. Mingli undid my kosode and exposed my breasts. He cupped one and gently ran the pad of his thumb over the tip. I fought my body and he seemed fascinated with it.
“How different are you from a tigress?” he asked in a husky tone.
“I know not what you ask.” I murmured.
He undid my hakamas and slipped them down. He was being gentle and his fingers were just touching me a little.
“A tigress is a helpmate. She normally will do as she is told and is loving.” He remarked softly.
“I am unlike a tigress then. I rule my own lands and I never listen to the males in my life.” I admitted.
“Yet it is the daughter of the creature that killed my father that lends a sympathetic ear.” He said angry.
“Mingli, I understand your anger. If you wish to not be here then that is totally understandable. I try and live with some honor and the situation is not one I would have chosen.” I said holding his face.
“Quon would challenge me you know. He would try and kill me for daring to touch his wife.” He said breathing in my ear.
“Quon betrayed me because he was mad at my father. He blamed me for another's actions.” I said flatly.
“Fucking Byakko arrogance.” He hissed.
“It is something I am trying to work on.” I said softly.
“I am going to lie down. I am not myself at the moment and at this moment I want to feel something besides this horrid anger and this huge mantle I am not ready for.” He said breathing deeply.
“Come I shall show you to your chambers.” I said casually righting my clothes.
He nodded and I led him to opulent spare chambers. I opened the door and led him in. Mingli pulled me to him gently and I stared into his blue eyes.
“Help me.” He whined softly.
“Tell me how?” I asked him.
“You seem very confident in ruling and you seem confident in general.” He murmured.
“Some days I am just as afraid as any.” I admitted.
He began kissing my lips and I kept myself calm. He was responding from the sake and his pain. His lips were drugging my senses and I did come to the conclusion that tigers in general were fabulous kissers. He pressed my body against the door and I heard his thoughts that he wanted to hurt the Byakko. I growled lightly and he pulled back again.
“Mingli you need rest.” I said softly.
“I forget you are a telepath. You heard my thoughts hmm?” he asked running the pad of his thumb over my lip.
I reacted and sucked his thumb for a moment. His eyes met mine and he attacked my lips anew. His hands busied themselves with opening my silks again. Suddenly I felt his lips wrapped around a nipple and he was doing exquisite things with his tongue. This young tiger obviously had his share of lovers. He flicked a claw lightly over the neglected peak and I cried out. He lifted his head reluctantly and his eyes met mine again. Raw emotion was bared in his gaze and I almost cried out at what I saw. He undid his hanfu enough that he lifted me against the door and surged up into my center. My claws dug into his shoulders and I had to pant. He buried his face into my neck and kept still for a few moments.
“I should have been there.” He cried in anger.
“You could not be everywhere.” I said through clenched teeth.
I wanted to moan like a whore at the moment as his girth stretched me to almost painful proportions.
“He hated war. He loved my mother and my siblings. He was mated only to her you know. They had seven cubs together.” He groaned softly.
“He was a good man.” I groaned as well.
“I should not be doing this. Gods you feel incredible.” He muttered.
I tried to keep myself from reacting but the pressure and no movement was causing my beast to stir. I ground my hips against his and his eyes widened.
“I cannot take this.” I rasped out.
“Yes. I am sorry.” He said as he began to withdraw.
My eyes rolled back and I cried out in ecstasy. He seemed stunned and my walls clutched him tightly.
“Please. Oh Kamis please.” I begged him softly.
Mingli seemed stunned at himself but he began moving within me. I cried out at the wondrous feeling of him.
“I am not like this.” He mumbled in my ear.
“You should be. Kamis you are divine.” I moaned.
He pulled me from the door and my legs wrapped around his hips. He laid me on the futon and began pushing and pulling. My back arched and I began crying out louder. Mingli closed his eyes and his purring was soft and steady. I felt a thumb on my nub of nerves and it was light but glorious pressure. I snapped quickly and he groaned heavily. I rasped out a long sigh as my body released and I felt beautiful rapture. He allowed himself to follow me but he managed to withdraw from my body as he spilled his seed. He was considerate and I was surprised. He fell beside me and his eyes were closed.
“Thank you for allowing me to do that.” He whispered.
“Hai.” I responded sleepily.
I managed to right my clothes and I crawled from the futon. He was snoring already and I managed to clean him up and get him comfortable. I ported to the river and washed the evidence of our rutting away. It had been a way of exorcising his personal demons at the moment. I ported back to my chambers and fell upon my own futon. I felt for the young tiger and knew he would have to pull himself together and soon.
“Come Baku I know you strike me harder!” I said as my mate clashed his blade against the Kumosaiga.
“I have other things on my mind.” He said grinning lewdly.
“Make love often and you become insatiable.” I smiled at him.
“I think you inviting the tigers here was a good thing. I would never presume to say that what my lord did was wrong but it did have terrible ramifications.” Baku said.
“Well I promise I see very little of the tigers at all. They stay out hunting or in the city itself. If this is good for him then I am glad.” I shrugged.
Mingli was taking me up on my hospitality but was avoiding me totally which I was alright with. I intended to get Zihao myself this time and I had worked up quite a sweat.
“Could you go to Manchuria and deal with Ichigawa? I really am sick of the Manchu Council right now.” I whined.
“Hai I can.” He laughed.
He kissed my neck softly and he released a tiny amount of his spiritual power and I cried out. He chuckled and bowed.
“You are mine tonight.” He whispered.
“Hai.” I breathed.
“Naraku and Ishin have some rather intriguing ideas that I intend to share.” He smiled.
“Really?” I asked him smirking.
“Hai and I am hurting at the moment thinking about it. I will see you later.” He laughed.
He ported out and I noticed he was getting stronger in it. I smiled and walked out of my dojo and straight into Mingli. He met my eyes and seemed sheepish.
“My lord.” I said bowing.
“Please not here. I am not amongst any other tigers.” He murmured.
“Sure. I bid you good day.” I said bowing.
“I am sorry for my behavior.” He cried suddenly.
“What behavior? I only saw a son honoring his sire's memory.” I said as non chalantly as possible.
He was shaken and I bowed to him again. I decided to retrieve Zihao and I ported to Hunan. I nodded to the Byakko and I found Quon. He was playing with our son and he looked up and smiled.
“Hello you two. Are you ready to become a brother again and not an only cub?” I asked Zihao.
“New sister there?” he asked me.
“Hai she is. Maybe her big brother can purr her to sleep?” I asked kissing his head.
He smiled up at me and Quon blinked his silver eyes at me.
“You scent Chao's son. I feel terrible about what happened to his father.” I said honestly.
“I think that is honorable of you.” He said softly.
“He and several of his brothers are hunting and enjoying Shanghai.” I said.
“I am sure they have no wish to see a Byakko at all right now.” He said in understanding.
“No I imagine not.” I said sighing.
“It is our parents doing Asuna. Last time I checked we were only their heirs.” He said softly as he stood.
“I know.” I murmured.
He pulled me to him and I looked up. Zihao hugged our legs and we smiled down at him. Quon kissed my forehead and I held in my begging him to take me.
“I love you very much but I still need time.” I said softly.
“I know and I love you more. I was an arrogant fool.” He said brushing his fingers along my cheek.
“I shall return him in a few days.” I said smiling.
“Thank you.” He smiled.
He kissed our son and Zihao was purring loudly. I ported him and I back to Shanghai. I ran my hands through his silver hair and I took him towards the nursery and I again ran into Mingli. His eyes widened at Zihao. My youngest son looked up at him and gave him an innocent smile. I whispered in his ear and he slipped down and ran off towards the nursery.
“Zihao Masaru Hu.” I stated.
“He is a handsome boy. He is a handsome tiger!” he said surprised.
“You expected an inu?” I asked lightly.
“I did not know what to expect. You had a tiger!” he said.
“Hai I did. His true form is a Byakko.” I said.
“You are an enigma to me.” He said suddenly.
“You wish to dislike my heritage yet I am not a monster correct?” I asked him with a smile.
“Yes.” He said blushing.
“I have been cruel to several species and I have been cruel to Quon but that was personal.” I replied.
“I see.” He said looking away.
“Your father defended his very good friend but he stood up to my sire who is the undisputed leader amongst all the inu. It was an honor thing for my father and yours did it for friendship and loyalty. I find more honor in what your sire did.” I said biting my lip.
“I should not have touched you.” He remarked.
“It was what you needed at the moment. I have had my heart ripped from me and told to go on. He was your father and what I hear and see, he was not a normal lord and loved you his cubs very much. I love my father as much but I do not like the politics of recent events. Never feel shame in taking what you need in order to feel for a moment.” I said very quietly.
“I do not know how to classify you.” He said watching me.
“I can and will be your friend and ally. I will help you in whatever way you require as you build your power and strength amongst our fellow youki lords. You are vulnerable now because you have not ruled but were a prince. You were trained for this but you did not want it. I pray I do not have to take up the mantle of the West. The mantle of my dead mate's lands is enough.” I sighed.
“Yet you crushed the Ming.” He replied.
“I crushed them because they allied themselves with a monster. They allied themselves with a creature that used them to try and take Manchuria and my son. They allied themselves with the creature that raped and tortured me. Hai I crushed them.” I said flatly.
“I have to leave.” He said too suddenly.
“What? Why?” I asked.
“Because as much as I may dislike the Byakko they are fellow tigers. I cannot nor will I destroy my alliance with them and coveting their crown prince's wife and mate is wrong.” He said brushing past me.
“I am your friend Mingli. You can call upon me for aide.” I said after him.
“I cannot have you as a friend because I will follow my instincts and take you from the Byakko. I would take you and mate you. Thank you for your extraordinary kindness.” He said bowing.
“You cannot separate your hormones from good sense?” I asked shocked.
“You managed to steal away a tiger from a stunning tigress. You are dangerous.” He said flatly.
“I see. It was my honor to meet you Mingli. I hope you are able to gather strength from this.” I said bowing.
“Do you know how you feel?” he asked me.
“What do you mean?” I asked.
“You are not supposed to be decent or kind or beautiful!” he snapped.
“I am sorry.” I said confused.
“You feel so incredible. You feel like a haven.” He said in a tortured voice.
“You needed that at that time. I feel no shame in what happened.” I said softly.
“No you are the lord here. You are a mainland ruler.” He said tracing my striped cheek.
“Mingli I hurt for you.” I said closing my eyes.
“I know you do. You made an impression on my father's soldiers. They said you reined yourself in but you conveyed respect and regret. You showed your sire's enemy dignity.” He said running his thumb over my lips.
He was a cauldron of emotion and he needed something to help him heal.
“I should have tried to stop it. It was Chen's doing that my sire reacted.” I said in my own guilt.
“Stop. Please stop.” He said leaning his forehead to my shoulder.
I reached up and ran my claws gently through his luxuriant hair. It was an intense reddish gold and the stripes were subtle. His lush lips were against my throat and I leaned my head back. They barely touched the sensitive skin and he began his soft purr. He looked up and his blue eyes were stormy. He reached up and held my cheeks in his striped hands. Pain was fueling the young Bengal and I knew I should not muddy his waters.
“Mingli.” I said barely above a whisper.
“You wish to assuage your guilt by helping me deal with my loss.” He murmured.
“Hai.” I breathed.
“You did not expect me to be like this did you? You expected me to be belligerent.” He stated gently.
“Hai. You should be.” I said fighting the pull.
“Maybe but Ba would not have wanted me blaming you. He would wish me to maintain the alliance with Chen and therefore you.” He said tracing my lips more.
“I am so sorry.” I cried.
“I know. I should not be doing this.” He repeated.
“What are you doing?” I asked him.
“Forgive me then.” He said taking my lips.
I moaned against his lips and the intensity was dizzying. I began kissing him back deeply. We were in a hallway and he moved his lips to my neck. He was lightly biting and sucking on my skin. He had a subtle passion that was consuming me.
“You give me strength right now.” He said in a rare dialect of Chinese.
I understood him and he made me meet his eyes.
“Mingli you said we should not do this again.” I stated moaning softly.
“Yes this is wrong.” He said softly stroking my breast through my hanfu.
None of his touches were quick and there was a slow sensuality to it. He actually ported us in a small flourish of wind. He fell upon me in the chambers he occupied and I landed on the softness of the futon. His hands gently opened the red robe of my hanfu and exposed the purple under dress. He undid the obi and pulled the purple dress down. He lowered his lips to my breasts and tongued a tightened pink nub. Mingli suckled on it lightly and his gentleness was making me groan. He began his attentions to the other and rolled the peak he had neglected between a thumb and forefinger. I was gasping softly and he looked up at me. He managed to look at me and lowered his lips so they hovered over mine.
“I am ashamed of myself but I need you.” He breathed.
“I want you to take what you need.” I whispered back.
“Open yourself for me.” He said in his heavenly voice.
I almost shyly opened my thighs and he managed to work his ku down.
“Gods forgive me.” He said as he pushed into me.
I moaned and cried out as he pulled back. His hands grabbed mine as he pushed back in slowly. His eyes clouded over in pain again. He was moving slowly as he seemed to draw from the act. My voice was soft but I could not stop my crying out. The pleasure was overwhelming my senses.
“Oh Kamis.” I breathed.
“Not ready.” He murmured.
“You can be.” I cried.
“No. He was great and I am not.” He said in a passion laden voice.
He did not move any faster and continued to bring me to an edge of madness. I wanted to beg him but this was not about me. His reddish gold hair fell around us and he pushed into my harder.
“Oh.” I cried out softly.
“You fit me.” He stated in my ear.
“Hai.” I moaned.
“Gods please.” He moaned out.
“What do you need?” I asked him in a breathy tone.
“I do not know.” He cried.
We were both in need of release but he kept up the slow assault.
“Mingli you will not break me.” I moaned as he pulled back.
He watched me and pushed in harder. I cried out in a needy moan and he began kissing me. This was slowly becoming too much and I was in danger of losing control. He wanted to feel the exquisite tightness that occurred when he was inside of me. He was right and he was seated well. Mingli began a harder rhythm and I met it with equal ardor. He began a low growl that drove me over the edge. I bit onto my wrist and I began thrusting my hips hard into his. His breath caught and met every one of my movements. Mingli brought my wrist to his mouth and licked at the wounds. The overdose of sensation caused a chain reaction and my body reacted. I arched as the tension released as a magnificent and blinding high took me. He reacted as well and I felt his muscles tighten and he managed to roll off of me as he cried out. His hand was still in mine and he gripped it.
“I am going to Chen and making a new treaty but I will not go unless you are there.” He said softly.
“Why?” I asked gently.
“I will concentrate on your countenance and not wish him death.” He said slowly rising.
He kissed my hand and then my lips.
“I go tomorrow.” He stated then stood.
I sat up and straightened my clothes. He turned and looked at me and sighed.
“I will be there then.” I said.
“I shall see you soon then Princess.” He said softly.
I laid back and watched as he righted his own clothing and he bowed. He left the room quietly and I was fighting myself.
I was in Hunan and very uncomfortable. I was dressed in state as in a golden yellow patterned hanfu. I wore a diadem of silver and diamonds. Quon was staring at me and I bowed to him.
“You look like a goddess.” He mumbled.
“The new Bengal Lord is coming he informed me and I thought I should put in an appearance as your mate.” I said softly.
“Dressed as such? The whole of the Xizang will be staring at you.” He smiled.
“Jealous?” I smirked.
“Oh no. I like the other tigers staring at you.” He said coming closer.
I laughed and took his arm. I was brought before Chen and I bowed. I was stiff around him and closed off my mind.
“Asuna.” He said bowing his head.
“Lord Chen.” I said formally.
“May we speak?” he asked.
“As you wish.” I said following him to his den.
“I wish for things to be calmer. I lost my head.” He said in a sorrowful tone.
“Hai you did and now Chao is dead!” I snapped.
“By your sire's hand.” He retorted.
“Searching for your daughter.” I hissed.
“Your sister.” He said with narrowed eyes.
“Hai my sister who you need to remember is half kiang shi. I know my mother and I know you. Do not push my sire again and keep your relationship a secret!” I snarled at him.
He seemed stunned at my outburst and I left the den. I was angry and I saw Mingli across the throne room. His eyes caught mine for a moment and I looked away. He was being bowed to and he neared closer to the Byakko royal family. He stopped in front of Quon and he bowed to the Bengal. I went to my knee when he turned to me. I was being especially formal and he lifted my chin.
“You do not bow to me. You are not just a princess but a lord.” He said softly.
I stood and Quon watched. Mingli lifted my hand and kissed the knuckles.
“Your wife is lovely Quon.” He said looking at the Byakko prince.
“Thank you.” He said coming to my side.
Mingli did not linger and moved on. Quon watched his back and his tail was twitching. He was not pleased at the moment and he grabbed my arm.
“You are hurting me.” I hissed softly.
“He is challenging me!” he snapped.
“What?” I asked stunned.
“He is challenging me!” he said fiercely.
“Why would he do that?” I asked confused.
“Let me think, Ba was an idiot and got his father killed and you are simply the most beautiful nu zi in this room!” he snapped.
“How is that my fault?” I asked.
“It is not but I think you need to go.” He said crossing his arms.
“What? Quon you are making no sense.” I retorted.
“You address the male first. He addressed you first before me. He is letting me know he is interested in you.” He said thinly.
“Could it be that I am a lord and he was paying respect to me?” I asked.
“He is a tiger Asuna as am I. He has every right to be furious with my father but he challenges me!” Quon hissed.
“Then show him who you are for Kamis sake.” I replied gently.
“You are saying ignore him?” he demanded.
“Hai! Kamis you tigers have as many or more traditions than inu. Do you go around pissing on trees as well?” I asked raising a brow.
“No!” he laughed.
“Okay. He is probably doing it because he is angry Quon. He lost his father. I barely saw him in Shanghai as he stayed in the forest quite a bit.” I admitted.
“Chao was a good father. I shall play along.” He sighed.
He led me by the arm and we sat at the dining table. Mingli was conversing with some Amur I recognized and Chen came in and sat down.
“Lord Mingli.” Chen said bowing.
“Yes Lord Chen.” He said bowing as well.
I could see that Mingli was containing his fury. He boldly looked at me and then back at Chen.
“I am grieved at your Ba's passing.” Chen said evenly.
“Thank you.” Mingli answered tightly.
“I wish it had been different.” He answered.
“Well next time keep your prick in your ku!” Mingli hissed.
Chen's mouth dropped open and Quon's grip on me tightened. Chen was the undisputed power of the tiger youki and a younger lord treating him as such was brazen.
“You would let a cub go?” Chen asked archly.
“I would not have fucked another lord's mate to worry about losing a cub Lord Chen but then I am not silver am I?” Mingli said with narrowed blue eyes.
“Your Ba would beat you for speaking as such boy!” Chen snapped.
“Ba thought you an idiot at times. You are infamous for your escapades Byakko. That nu zi over there apologized for her sire. I think the inu justified but he killed the wrong tiger.” Mingli growled.
“I loved your Ba. He was as a brother to me but I suggest you shut your mouth now! I was injured and asked Chao to assist me. I am sorry he passed but I did not kill my friend.” Chen said glowering.
“I am here to work out some sort of treaty Lord Chen but I am not my Ba. You are overgrown cub who owes my entire family an apology and a promise for you to keep your issues within the Byakko.” Mingli said coldly.
Chen was furious and Quon was irritated. I really did not think this my business and I stood and bowed.
“These are private matters that do not involve me. I am sorry for interrupting.” I said trying to leave.
“I will not speak to Chen unless you stay.” Mingli said bluntly.
“Lord Mingli, I am no tiger and even though my family was involved to an extent this is a matter that must be resolved amongst this species. Enough death has already occurred and I would hope that you could honor your great father enough to continue what he wanted. You are his son and therefore his blood flows through your veins. You are as great as he.” I said then bowed low.
I slipped away and I looked over my shoulder. Quon was staring at me with awe and Mingli was floored. I would stay in Hunan but stay out of the negotiations. I went to the forest and changed form. I hunted to pass the time.
Mingli had enough speaking and finally left the table. He had to find the inu princess. He could not hide his admiration and obvious attraction to the foreign nu zi. More than half the tigers in the room were lusting after her. Quon was bristling after his obvious challenge of the morning but he could not help himself. The lady was a vision. He found her sleeping against a tree and her hair was flowing down her shoulders. He just watched her and held in a sigh. He was no celibate creature and he had his share of lovers but she was forbidden by tiger traditions. He knew his actions were no better then Lord Chen.
“Quite lovely is she not?” he heard behind him.
“She is indeed lovely.” Mingli answered Prince Quon.
“Why did you challenge me?” Quon asked raising a silver brow.
“She is lovely.” He said softly.
“She belongs to me.” Quon said in a low tone.
“Does she? She rules several lands and you are but a prince. She seems to have her own system that we tigers use.” Mingli replied.
“Screw you and stay away from my wife. Yes my wife. I not only mated her but I married her in a ceremony.” Quon growled.
“Rumor is you threw her out of Hunan. Good way to keep a wife.” Mingli said in anger.
“I am going to forgive you because you are grieving but I mean it and stay away from her.” Quon said grabbing his arm and releasing a small bit of shoki.
“You do not frighten me Byakko. I go where I please and when.” Mingli hissed.
“Why would you even attempt to do the same thing you accuse my Ba of?” Quon asked in a nasty tone.
“She is attractive and I enjoy looking at her and no more. You should feel quite emboldened that other tigers only wish of having that incredible nu zi in their presence.” Mingli said walking away.
“I do like the fact that you and others envy me. She is an amazing lover and wonderful mother.” Quon taunted.
“Good for you.” Mingli snapped.
The Bengal lord walked away and Quon watched her sleep. He was no fool and the other male was falling for her. He could handle her Japanese mates as they pretty well stayed on that side of the sea. This was different and this was another tiger trying to covet what was obviously his. She stirred and looked up at him.
“Are they done speaking?” I asked.
“For now. Ba really does not like Mingli.” He said.
“I have no comment.” I said rising.
“He wants you.” He said bluntly.
“Who?” I asked.
“Mingli.” He growled.
“For what?” I asked stupidly.
“Gods inu you are being dense. He wants to experience you.” Quon snapped.
“Kamis that is a crock. Most tigers do not like inu remember?” I asked rolling my eyes.
“Well I am glad of your reactions but he wants you.” He said stubbornly.
“You must be mistaken. Come let us eat dinner alright?” I asked of him.
“Yes.” He growled.
“Can I see you roll in the nip herb?” I asked sweetly.
“Only if I get to bury myself in your depths.” He smiled.
“Hmm very tempting. Only if I can bring you to your knees.” I purred in his ear.
“Asuna!” he growled deeply.
“Hai?” I asked innocently.
“Inu are you saying what I think you are saying?” he asked me.
“Hai. I think you realize that you were stupid.” I smirked.
“Yes very stupid.” He purred loudly.
I smiled and he grabbed me. I laughed lightly and he picked me up.
Zihao slept next to me and Quon. I needed to distance myself from Mingli. Making love to him was too intense and could easily become emotional. I kissed Quon on the lips and snuggled Zihao next to him. His eyes opened a little and smiled.
“I need to get back to Ayana.” I whispered.
“I understand. I love you.” He murmured sleepily.
“I love you too.” I said slipping from the bed.
I slipped on a yukata and ported to Shanghai. I went to the nursery and found Ayana starting to stir. Zhou smiled and I put her to my breast. I was trying to nurse her longer than I had before. Ishin was rather opinionated about it as was Nobu. They stressed that since she was a mixed youki that my body produced the best milk for her. I sighed happily and Zhou patted my arm. She knew everything about me and she served me faithfully. I intended to see her mated to an inu noble and elevated. I had been seeing to it that she the nephew of Sir Jouichi. They had been quite friendly and I waited to hear that they were indeed a couple. Zhou looked up and she sensed something.
“Zhou?” I asked softly.
“The Bengal is here my lady.” She said jumping up.
She ran from the nursery and she came back a few minutes later. Mingli was in the doorway and I had covered Ayana's head.
“Hai?” I asked softly.
“You left.” He remarked.
“I have a newborn.” I said sweetly.
“May I see her?” he asked.
I nodded and pulled the cover away from her ebony head. She was slowly eating and he seemed entranced.
“She is half spider?” he asked intrigued.
“Hai. Her sire is the Lord Ishin of the Japanese Tsuchigumo.” I said looking down in love.
“Her sire must be quite a male. She is lovelier than words can describe.” He said touching her soft head.
“Hai. We think she is. Her big sister Mizuki and she look much alike.” I said looking at him.
“I want you to come back.” He said gently.
“I shall but my little angel here needs her haha to feed her.” I answered.
“That is mama?” he asked.
“Hai. Chichioya is baba and hahaoya is mama.” I explained.
“I want to make love to you.” He said bluntly.
I stared at him in surprise and he leaned forward and took my lips in his. I was more than stunned at his actions and I moaned into his lips. He slowly withdrew from the caress and he stroked Ayana's cheek.
“Mingli I am floored.” I said in surprise.
“I know I am being a fool. I am being honest with you but I think I should maintain my distance. I think I could fall deeply in love with you.” He stated.
“I think it is a good idea to distance ourselves. I am your friend despite anything. I do not think I will be going back to Hunan right now then.” I said staring into his eyes.
“Then come back to Lhasa.” He said.
“Wait a minute we say we need distance and you want me to come to Lhasa?” I asked.
“Yes. My heart is pounding here princess. I am having a hard time thinking straight.” He said candidly.
“I cannot leave my daughter.” I said shaking my head.
“Bring her. Bring her nursemaid.” He implored.
“Word will reach Hunan.” I said.
“No it will not. Xizang is even bigger then Hunan.” He said.
“No! I cannot do this.” I said in disbelief.
“Please.” He said taking a hand in his.
“Hai.” I said closing my eyes.
“My grandmere was the ruler of Xizang at one time. She ruled for six centuries and she was a warrior. Tigers are very typically male dominated but she was something.” He stated.
“I cannot imagine.” I said fascinated.
“Yes and she did not mate. You remind me of her. I adored her very much.” He said catching my eyes with his.
“So you are not offended by my brazen ways.” I asked with a smile.
“No I am not but tigers usually prefer a male in charge. Her name was Lijuan.” He stated.
“Mingli I have a complicated life.” I said shaking my head.
“I expect nothing from you. I am hoping my fascination with you will wane some.” He said honestly.
“You are refreshing Mingli. Did your ba teach you absolute honesty?” I asked.
“Yes. I try to not openly tell lies but I can avoid the out and out truth by omission.” He shrugged.
I stood up and pulled her from my breast and I covered myself. I went to my chambers and put some hanfu in a bag. I packed for Anya as well. Zhou took my things and I bowed to Mingli. He took my hand and ported us to Lhasa. We were inside the Bengal palace and it was stunning. It was mostly a white affair with splashes of color on the roof. Mingli had me follow him and I looked around. Zhou was in obvious awe and he brought me to some chambers. They were huge and he showed me to a smaller room that held an infant's bed. Zhou bowed and she took Ayana. He took my hand lightly and brought me to a balcony. The view was breath taking. The palace was built on a mountain and one could see into the valleys below.
“This is my favorite room in the palace.” He said in my ear.
“It is stunning.” I said awestruck.
“These are my rooms.” He murmured.
“Have these always been your chambers?” I asked.
“Yes.” He said running his hands up my arms.
“You wish me to stay in here?” I asked.
“I want to insulate you against rumors.” He said softly as he ran fingertips along my neck.
“By installing me in your chambers?” I asked him with a smirk.
“I am a very private individual. I have had lovers but I am discrete.” He admitted.
He tipped my head back and began kissing me silly. The physical between me and this Bengal was incredible. He was beautiful to be sure but his eyes were so expressive and he was so open. Lord Chao had been fascinating and his voice amazing; Mingli's sent chills down my spine with his. I noticed his tendency to wear his hair down and one hand reached back and massaged his scalp. He released a rumbling purr and I grew bold.
“Shut your eyes.” I stated softly.
“Okay.” He stated.
I had not paid his tail much mind but I ran my fingers along it. He mumbled something I did not understand and I ran my other hand down his spine and “accidentally” ran my claws over the patch of skin above his tail. He sucked in his breath and looked at me.
“Shall I show you what I have learned?” I asked him in a husky voice.
“You obviously know a feline's body.” He breathed.
“My cousin was mated to a yama neko at one time.” I said softly as I began massaging his spot.
“The Southern Kingdom.” He moaned.
“Hai do you know them?” I asked.
“Yes. Hiroshi and I are friends. Oh Gods.” He moaned again as I reached into his ku and firmly grasped his member.
“Can you tell me how this is for you? Your voice is thrilling.” I muttered softly.
“You wish me to think?” he asked in shock.
“Hai.” I said as I began to stroke him.
“Too much to ask princess.” He replied in a long soft groan.
“Too much?” I asked him as my hand tugged on his male nubbins on his chest.
“You are quite good at torture.” He murmured in a gravelly tone.
“Torture? Give me your wrist.” I said in a seductive whisper.
He lifted a wrist and I sank my fangs in. He went rigid for a moment and began a mindless crying out.
“That is torture my sweet Bengal lord.” I said licking his ear.
“So close.” He stated in a ragged breath.
I slid down his body and took him into my mouth. His blue eyes flew open and he released a strangled purr. I gripped his backside and took most of his rather impressive size into my throat. I pushed him gently and he got the idea. He was a very active and participating lover. He thrust into my waiting mouth and he was close to the brink and I could not deny him. I tightened my lips around him and he roared suddenly. My claws gripped his backside roughly and he emptied his seed. I released him and licked along his length.
“Now that was torture.” I smirked.
“Gods I am becoming addicted to you.” He muttered under his breath.
“Exactly how? The rutting is quite amazing.” I mumbled in his ear.
“Everything. I shall loathe seeing you leave.” He said brushing hair off my cheek.
I said nothing as intense attraction drew us. I looked away first and wondered what the hell I was doing. I wondered what he was doing. This was not what I had wanted to happen.
“You look like your father.” I stated.
“Yes I do.” He said from behind me.
“Did you resolve your issues with Chen?” I asked.
“Sort of. I will not be spending great amounts of time there as my ba did but I will assist him in war if need be but I shall not go retrieve your sister for him. Sorry.” He said in anger.
“Please do not apologize Mingli. I like Chen most of the time but this thing with my mother has thrown the whole of the West and Hunan for a loop. My mother is beyond beautiful. She is also a very powerful kiang shi that has a tremendous attraction. Their behavior involved too many people. Masami is a stunning baby onna but her conception was horrible.” I said closing my eyes.
“I am a fool. You have given me so much in such a short amount of time.” He said kissing below my ear.
“I think allowing this to run its course will be good.” I smiled.
He picked me up and brought me to an opulent bed. Mingli began consuming me until I could not cry out anymore.
I slept deeply and awoke slowly as Mingli was running his hand up my bare leg. I mumbled divine in Japanese and he laughed lightly. I opened my eyes and he touched my lips.
“Do you have to go?” he asked me.
“As wonderful as your bed is I do have my own lands that need me.” I murmured.
“How many times have we made love?” he asked kneading my thigh.
“You counted?” I asked him.
“Yes well I lost count at ten or so.” He laughed.
I laid my head against his bare chest. He had barely left his chambers and we had been rather active. The lust was not waning and in fact was worse. We talked about everything and he told me so many things. He was only seven summers older then me but he was widely traveled. I loved listening to him and he could speak with such intensity.
“I hope to see you again.” He sighed.
“Somewhere at sometime. This is a liaison remember?” I said with a wan smile.
“Yes I remember.” He said refusing to look at me.
“Your tigers need you. They need the strength of this family in this awful time.” I said running my hand up his side.
I slowly pulled away from him and he looked none too pleased. I dressed in a white hanfu that was see through at the sleeves and outer portion. I wrapped a flower patterned obi around my waist. He watched me and he was clad only in a sleeping ku. I kept my eyes averted as his form was quite feline like; compact and heavily muscled.
“This is not a liaison.” He stated.
“It has to be Mingli. This has to be enough.” I said refusing to look at him.
“Why? Who says?” he said in a livid tone.
“Common sense.” I said bowing.
“Do not bow to me! Do not supplicate before me. You are my equal.” He snapped.
“Hai but I respect you a great deal.” I said softly.
“I respect you as well. You are my Nirvana princess. You are a place I can go and not grieve but rejoice in being alive.” He stated in a passionate tone.
“Stop! This has to be enough. We need to draw on these memories and this be enough.” I said firmly.
“Why did you come?” he demanded.
“I could not stand the idea that you lost your sire.” I said forcing myself to look at him.
“So when I do see you?” he asked.
“I will bow before you.” I said standing straight and I walked away from him.
I went to Ayana and Zhou. I ported us to Sendai and I went in search of Nobu and Juuna. My favorite inu bitch was still quite pregnant and Nobu was giving her food.
“Hello. I figured you would have had him by now.” I said surprised.
“If she does not by next week then I shall make him come.” Nobu said.
“So says the healer but my mate is wreck.” She replied sweetly.
“Juuna I am sorry if birthing makes me nervous.” Nobu said taking her hands.
“Well can you get me more of that wonderful stuff you make that eases my back ache?” She asked.
“Hai.” He said kissing her softly.
I watched Nobu leave and I sat by her. I laid my head upon her chest and she put a hand on my head.
“Sister what has you so?” she asked.
“Tigers.” I sighed.
“Byakko?” she asked.
“Hai and Bengal.” I said sighing.
“I have heard about all the drama. Your sire killed the lord of the Bengal correct?” she asked.
“Hai. He had a son named Mingli. I went there to say how sorry I was for Chao's death. I asked him to come to Shanghai for a change of scenery. He did and things became entangled.” I admitted.
“You showed a tiger your feminine side.” She said softly.
“Is that what I did?” I asked.
“Hai. Your Prince Quon fell for you as Asuna the warrior princess. This tiger seems enamored with your inner nature.” She said and I felt her babe moved.
“You know he could break the bag surrounding the babe.” I said.
“I have mentioned it but he will not. He checks him several times a day and he is fine. I beg him to make love to me often and he begs not to.” Juuna sighed.
“He lost his first mate in child birth.” I said gently.
“Okay I understand that but I am not a ningen and I am an inu. There is a big difference.” She said.
“I can get my aunt here.” I offered.
“You know what? Do that for me please. Nobu is fired!” she snapped.
I laughed and ported to Edo. I went to the dwelling and Akemi threw open the mat door. She hugged me tightly and I hugged her back.
“Lady Juuna needs your mother. She is ready to birth and she is mated to Ishin's healer.” I explained.
“Oh I have not met your kumo. Come I know what to do.” She said smirking.
Akemi went in and grabbed her mother's miko bag and came back out. I ported us to the Sendai and she looked around. Nobu was with Juuna and saw Akemi. He narrowed his eyes trying to recognize her.
“Hi!” Akemi said coming over.
“Hello.” Nobu said looking her over.
“I am Lady Akemi Higurashi.” She said bowing.
“Asuna who is she?” Nobu asked.
“My cousin and she is half miko.” I said sweetly.
“I am sorry my sweet but I am dismissing you as my mid wife.” Juuna said.
“Excuse me? I am a healer.” Nobu said actually getting angry.
“Lady Juuna is using me instead. Now be a good chichi to be and get out.” Akemi said sweetly.
“Lady Asuna?” Nobu asked in anger.
“Juuna wants this.” I said firmly.
“Fucking females!” he hissed then stood.
He stormed out and Juuna looked surprised. I smiled and I knew he was rather terrified at the moment.
“Break the bag of waters and I will go speak to Nobu.” I said standing.
“Hai.” Akemi said.
I stood and walked to Nobu's garden. He would go weed it when he was upset. Right now he was yanking the hell out of the sprouts.
“She will be fine.” I said.
“She is my mate! I should have the right to deliver my own son!” he snarled at me.
“Juuna is not Ine. Juuna is strong.” I said very gently.
“Juuna is mine! Do you understand that Juuna is my life?” he snapped.
“You have fallen in love with her as you should but she is the one giving birth.” I said.
“I know that! What is it the hanyou plans to do?” he asked.
“She is breaking her water.” I said softly.
“What?” He asked furiously.
“Nobu her mother has extensive training that she has passed on. Her mother is quite unique. Where she is from it is rare for onna to die in childbirth.” I explained.
“Where is that?” he asked in curiosity.
“It matters not but Kagome and Akemi know what they are doing. Come be the chichi and not the healer.” I commanded.
“Hai.” He said going and washing his hands.
I followed him back to Juuna and he sat by her side. Akemi had already done it and Juuna was uncomfortable already. Nobu felt her head and he looked very upset to be just sitting there.
“She was open as I am sure you know.” Akemi said.
“Hai I know.” He replied thinly.
“Nobu?” Juuna asked.
“Hai?” he replied.
“Shut up!” Juuna snapped.
Nobu looked at her and she grabbed his hand tightly. She had been indeed ready but had needed the extra push. I felt Ishin and I smiled. I grabbed Akemi and pulled her behind me. Ishin was only half dressed as he was covered in gore. Akemi's eyes widened and she cast him an appreciative glance. I was masking us and she whistled at him. I laughed softly and Ishin saw her silver hair.
“Who are you?” he demanded of her.
“Wow you are just a piece of art kumo! Damn!” she said laughing.
“Who are you and why are you in my chambers?” Ishin asked annoyed.
“Hello!” I said coming out.
Ishin looked from her to me and then smiled.
“You must be the infamous Akemi.” Ishin said grinning widely.
“Hai I am. I must say cousin you attract some rather mouth watering males.” She said smirking.
“Akemi are you pregnant?” I asked her.
“Hai.” She said openly staring at him.
“Come horney dog.” I said pulling her away from Ishin.
“Ever been licked all over?” she asked him.
Ishin's eyes widened and I dragged my cousin from the room. She was being obnoxious on purpose and I laughed. I took her back to Juuna and then went back to Ishin. I went and sat on the futon and watched him.
“She is interesting.” He said cautiously.
“She is pregnant with a nearly full inu. Inu bitches become rather aggressive when pupped. They also have a tendency to become rather amorous.” I said laughing.
“She stared as if I was meat.” He said shaking his head.
“Well your color is similar to Anupu. Her mate is an ancient inu from Egypt.” I explained.
“Where is he?” Ishin laughed.
“In Jining with Shezmu I believe. They are brothers.” I shrugged.
“The inu that was just like you? The arrogant ass?” Ishin asked surprised.
“He is not an arrogant ass but hai he is just like me.” I smirked.
“He was too familiar with you.” He said in a nasty tone.
“He is not an issue.” I said raising a brow.
“Good. I need a bath.” He said in disgust.
“What did you tangle with?” I asked him.
“A foreign kumo. Lower level and a nasty brute.” He said.
I followed him to the hot spring and he stripped out of his hakamas. His body always managed to put me in a lust and I watched as he sank into the water.
“Where is Naraku?” I asked.
“In the North. Kenta does not deal with me. I do not like the idiot.” He growled.
“I see.” I said as I wet his hair.
I began to wash his ebony silk and he growled very softly.
“Your thoughts are rather lewd my love.” He said with his eyes closed.
“I am sorry. You are beautiful.” I said touching his skin.
“My darling I want to be with you but I have to do my lordly duties just now.” He said sighing.
I smirked and I stripped quickly. I straddled his hips and he looked up. He was the perfect way of anchoring me at the moment.
“Then lord over me for the moment.” I whispered in his ear as I sank down on his staff.
He released a loud moan and I smirked.
Juuna was leaning back against him and she was in pain. She refused any form of pain relief and she looked up at Nobu.
“This is quite painful.” She said smiling.
“Then let me give you a draught.” He said fiercely.
“No I want to feel it as I push our son into the world. I want to know what it is like to give my most beloved mate a pup.” She grimaced.
“I hate seeing you in pain!” he snapped.
“Nobu is it suppose to burn?” she asked.
“Hai.” He remarked.
Akemi checked on her and she looked up and smiled.
“Well healer you son has golden hair.” Akemi smiled.
“Truly?” he asked surprised.
Nobu went and looked for himself. She was crowning and he was also surprised. His son did indeed have the golden hair of his mother.
“I want to do this. I want to deliver my own babe.” Nobu said flatly.
Akemi nodded and Nobu calmed himself as he watched his mate's body work to push out his offspring. Flashes of all the blood and Ine dying hit him but he tried and stayed focused.
“Juuna my love I want you to start pushing with the pains alright?” he said.
“Hai.” She breathed.
He knew she was hurting but she maintained such an air of calm. She pushed herself up and began to bare down with the pains. Nobu tried to be objective as he directed his mate but he was overcome with emotion. He loved this onna more than he thought possible and she was giving him what he had always wanted.
“Nobu! Kamis it hurts. Please it hurts.” She hissed softly.
“His head is passing my love. It will ease.” He said gently.
Juuna actually cried out as she pushed the head out and Nobu was breathing hard.
“Not as hard as you pass his shoulders. This will hurt my love but it gets easier from here. That is very good. Ease up some Juuna.” He instructed.
Lady Juuna was pouring sweat and this was the hardest thing she had ever done. She was crying but not really crying out. She bore down again and she felt the pressure ease tremendously and she looked up. Seconds later she heard a cry. Juuna looked up and saw a golden haired pup. Nobu was not stifling his tears and he brought their son to his mate. His son was screaming loudly and waving his arms around. He wiped him off and wrapped him in a blanket. Juuna was crying as well. He stopped suddenly and looked at Nobu. He was pathing and he stared at the turquoise eyes of his mate in his son. He looked like himself but had her coloring. He smiled down at his boy and knew tremendous love and protectiveness.
“He does not look kumo at all!” Juuna exclaimed.
“I am thinking he may be inu dominant. Kamis Juuna he is so beautiful.” He said smiling.
Ishin appeared in the doorway and he came over and looked at Nobu's son. Juuna was getting impatient and took her son from her mate.
“Sorry.” Nobu smiled.
“Tis alright but I did birth the babe. What say you Nobuyuki?” she asked looking at her son.
“Nobuyuki?” he asked with a wide smile.
“He is my happiness, how about yours?” she asked sweetly.
Ishin looked over his best friend's babe and smiled. Nobu after all this time was truly happy. Nobu becoming a father had seemed the pinnacle of good fortune and Ishin was glad for it.
I was in the West and I was reading correspondence with my sire. A letter whose handwriting I did not recognize caught my attention. It was written in Gan Chinese and it was one of the dialects I was not strong in. I knew immediately that it was from Lhasa, Xizang. I opened the letter and it was an invitation to Mingli's coronation as Lord of Xizang and the Bengal. My eyes widened and Mingli had written a personal note himself. He said it would please him to no end if the Lady of Shanghai and Zhejiang would come to the ceremony. He signed his name simply as “Li” and I blushed profusely. My father stared at me and raised a brow.
“Your heart rate has increased and your eyes widened. What has you so?” he asked.
“I have received an invitation to the coronation of the new Bengal lord.” I replied.
“You are going?” he asked surprised.
“Hai I am. Your issue was with Lord Chen Hu and Lord Chao ended up at the end of your yoki whip. I would not have killed him.” I said respectfully.
“He was asked to leave. He was disrespectful and I am still the Western Lord and no one shall do as such whilst I am in my own lands.” He said coldly.
“As you say my lord and you are right, I am not the Western Lord.” I said bowing.
I left his study and went to my chambers. I went to my armoire and pulled out a hanfu ensemble. The inner dress was a black patterned satin sheath. The outer robe was completely see through and an onyx colored obi adorned the outside. Zhou came in and I sat down. She began pulling my hair up and fitted a diamond and gold diadem onto my forehead. Gold beads were threaded into my hair as well and half my hair was twisted up and pinned and the other half fell down my back past my backside. She also pinned a small garland of wildflowers in as well. She helped me dress in the hanfu and I was pleased with the effect. She smiled at me and bowed. I nodded and I slipped my fang into my obi. I stepped into a pair of jeweled slippers and I proceeded to port to Lhasa. I wondered who would be here and I bowed before the tiger warriors. They allowed me to pass and I noticed someone I had not seen in years, Hiroshi. The whole of the Southern Kingdom's royal family was here. I bowed lowed and Hiroshi came over. He was a rather full of himself male that I gathered was a very feline trait.
“Lady Asuna. Very interesting that you should be here.” Hiroshi said looking me over.
“I was asked I am assuming as the mate of Prince Quon Hu.” I retorted.
“Yet there are no Byakko here. You look amazing my lady but then you always did. I can only imagine what you look like without your silks.” He said with a lazy smirk.
“You are from Honshu and I would feel no remorse in kicking your backside into the next century! I am not just anyone Hiroshi so do not speak to me as such!” I growled low.
“Why are you here inu? You seem to have a bigger affinity for pussy than even Akemi did.” Hiroshi taunted.
“I am sorry for my cousin but I am not her.” I snapped.
“Oh of course you are not. Daichi still loves the little chit. I hear rumors that she has been seen in the lands of the dragons.” He said circling me.
“Back off neko.” I hissed.
“Shall I? Do you enjoy your tiger inu? I imagine you do.” He said smirking.
I struck his cheek and he looked surprised. He golden eyes perused my form and I allowed my Dakkasou to seep to my claw tips.
“Another feline dead at inu hands?” Hiroshi taunted.
I growled and turned. I stalked away from him and he followed. He pushed me roughly and I turned on him. He shoved me to the ground and settled upon me.
“Your family lays waste to whatever it wishes and you face no consequences. Your cousin betrays my baby brother and you father kills a valued friend of my sire.” He growled.
“Get off of me neko!” I snarled.
“I am not a common neko inu. Does Quon make you scream?” he asked in his deep voice.
“Get off of me!” I snarled louder.
I threw him roughly with my mind and he was on me faster than I could have imagined.
“What would make a powerful tiger want you?” he demanded.
“Get off of me Hiroshi!” I yelled.
“Hiroshi!” Daichi yelled.
“What little brother?” Hiroshi hissed.
“She is not Akemi nor is she her father.” Daichi said softly.
Hiroshi slowly got off of me and I jumped up. I looked over at Daichi and I felt for him. I wished I could stop feeling bad for family members. I brushed my silks off and Daichi was speaking in neko I assumed. Hiroshi snarled at me and then walked off.
“I am sorry Lady Asuna. My family is still not thrilled with the West.” Daichi stated.
“I understand but if your big brother wants to fight then tell him to draw a katana.” I said in a low growl.
“You look lovely my lady. I have always respected you greatly.” Daichi said changing the subject.
“Thank you.” I said calming.
“Please forgive Hiroshi. He is a hothead as always.” Daichi said bowing.
“Hn.” I muttered.
Daichi slipped away and I wondered what the hell I had been thinking for coming here. I saw a server with wine and I grabbed a glass. Between my own past and that of my family we had made quite a mess of our political lives. I drained the glass and went in search of Mingli. I decided my presence was not warranted and I wanted to pay him my respects. I went further into the palace and I went straight to Mingli's chambers. I knocked on the doors and I heard him call enter. I slipped in and my jaw dropped. He wore only a garment that covered his groin and I blushed furiously.
“You are not my manservant.” He replied lightly.
“You are not dressed.” I said turning quite red.
“You have seen me without my clothes princess.” He said with mirth.
“Hai I have. I wanted to say that I am glad of your ascension but my presence is inappropriate. You look amazing and I hope this day is a good one for you.” I stammered.
He came closer and lifted my chin.
“I want you here and if staying in here makes it easier for you then so be it.” He said softly.
“I am hated for who my family is Lord Mingli. Hiroshi was rather perturbed to see me here.” I replied.
“Hiroshi is a very good friend of mine and he will listen to me. I want you here.” He said touching my lips with his thumbs.
“You are not dressed.” I pointed out.
“No I am not. Should nothing on be better?” he asked me.
He jerked the light silk covering off and I met his eyes. He reached up and held my face as he began possessing my lips. Forbidden passion coursed through us both and I pulled back.
“You have a ceremony to get ready for. I shall stay on the outskirts and cause no problems.” I breathed.
“Thank you.” He murmured.
“For what?” I asked in confusion.
“For looking so incredibly beautiful and showing up when I asked.” He said pulling the silk back on.
I bowed and escaped his chambers. I went back to the banqueting hall and saw Daichi. He looked up at me and I briefly saw pain in his eyes. He moved closer to me and handed me a glass of wine. I took it and tipped it back and drained it. He smirked and handed me his. I proceeded to drain that one as well and I stared at him. He went and got two more glasses. He handed me one and I drained that too.
“You look as though you needed something other than your normal brash courage.” He said softly.
“Does everyone hate the silver inu?” I asked.
“No. There are many who resent the West though. I hate these kinds of things though. I say we get drunk and hide till the ceremony actually begins.” He said in a conspiring tone.
“That sounds perfect.” I said.
Daichi very casually took a bottle of wine and motioned for me to go outside. I did and I noticed a garden maze. I smirked and followed the neko prince at a discrete distance. Finally we ended up amongst the maze itself and the growth of shrubs and trees was great. He opened the bottle and handed it to me. I smiled and drank from it and handed it to him. He wore the red colors of his house and the lead pattern.
“You look incredible Lady Asuna. How is it that you came to be invited?” he asked in his soft voice.
“I have come to know Lord Mingli.” I said shrugging.
“He is a very good individual. I am sorry I am repeating myself but you look incredible! I have not seen you in a few years.” He said as he took a drink from the wine.
“Thanks Daichi. I have been busy as I am sure you have heard.” I said closing my eyes.
“I do not blame you for Akemi. I know her pain from her childhood and when an inu showed an interest, she gave in.” he shrugged.
“She is not a bad onna Daichi. Fate toys with us you know.” I said feeling the effects of the potent wine.
“I know she is not a bad onna. I know she loved me but that was not enough. My approval was not enough.” He said bitterly.
“Daichi forget about it then.” I said biting my lip.
He was eighty one now and seemed much older. I turned my head and felt horrid again. He moved forward and just hugged me. There was nothing licentious in his hold and he was just looking for comfort at the moment. He pulled away and looked down and his eyes widened. He lowered his lips to my cheek and whispered thank you. He again pulled back and smiled down at me. Daichi was still so sad over what had happened; he stood taller then me and I stood up on my tip toes and kissed his nose. I had forgotten that neko were telepathic and he looked surprised.
“Please do not feel bad for me.” He whispered.
“I do not feel pity.” I said softly.
“I am going to kiss you.” He said pulling me straight.
I was surprised as he pressed his lips to mine. He had no intentions of it being more then his lips touching mine but I groaned into it. I opened my mouth and his tongue mated mine. I came to the absolute conclusion that all felines were incredible kissers. He actually pulled back and began laughing lightly.
“Not very nice listening in on my thoughts.” I said softly.
“You are not even attempting to shield Asuna.” He smirked.
“No I am not. Most tigers are deaf as hell.” I murmured.
He laughed and sat down. He took the wine from me and began drinking it heavily.
“Daichi I am already quite drunk and I know that is what this is.” I said sitting by him.
“Of course. You could not give me the time of day because I am more than thirty years your junior.” He said raising a brow.
“Quon is younger then me.” I bristled.
“Do you treat him as a little cub?” Daichi asked.
I grabbed the bottle and took a deep drink.
“No. Quon has his opinions about everything. He treats me coldly at times.” I said giggling.
“He is snow tiger.” Daichi shrugged.
“I have not treated you ill because of your youth.” I stated.
“No not ill but very much as if I am a kit.” He said leveling me a stare.
“You are a young male. I treat you as you are.” I said confused.
“Asuna you need not feel bad for the sad little neko boy. I have even rutted since Akemi.” He said bluntly.
“You are drunk.” I said.
“Hai I am. So are you.” He chuckled.
“Well you certainly have grown up.” I said impressed.
“Why do you do that?” he asked.
“You are much younger then I right now! I was nearly half grown when you were born.” I said standing up.
“Well if I was young when I met you then I am old enough now to act on it.” He snapped.
“What is it with feline pride? Kamis you are a beautiful male Daichi but you were mated to my cousin.” I said looking away.
“Who left me for an inu and oh let me see a Kamis damn dragon! Not just any dragon but the one that killed your grandsire. I know you know. I know a lot now. I am not so damn gullible. If I want to rut with a gorgeous onna then I shall!” he said standing.
“Daichi I am sorry. I could try and explain that it is partly the uppyr instincts in us but you could not understand.” I said brushing the silk of my hanfu off.
“Do you think me stupid as well as young?” he demanded.
“You are still angry at Akemi and I think you use this as a way of something. I am not just inu Daichi. Akemi is uppyr as well. We have made a mess of our lives and I am sorry that you got dragged into it.” I said with as much dignity as I could muster.
“You are right of course. You are always right.” Daichi said bowing.
“Sweet prince I am truly sorry that we dragged you into our family. I am beginning to think we are poison.” I said sweeping past him.
“I do not think that. I have always been drawn to you and your damn cousin. I was in awe of you at that lake.” He admitted.
“Daichi I cannot be what I am not and neither can Akemi. My birth insured that I had more leeway but Akemi is a lower princess. I rule and therefore I can have a harem so to speak.” I said softly.
“How is that going for you Asuna?” he asked.
“Fine.” I said lifting my head.
“I am sorry. You are right and you are not your cousin. I did not intend to do what we did.” He said actually blushing.
“Well you are quite good at doing what we did. Give me the wine my friend.” I said and downed the rest.
“Why are you here?” he asked me gently.
“Mingli asked it of me and I know it is a mistake.” I sighed.
“Li is such a kind person. He will have to grow more morose in order to be lord.” He said looking at me.
“Like myself? I am a hard hearted bitch.” I laughed.
“I rather like you as you are. Most feline's do prefer strong lovers but mate the good virtuous tigress or neko female.” He said frankly.
“Well I see where my reputation lies. Excuse me Daichi but I do not belong here. I am not good and virtuous.” I said in a hurt tone.
“You take my words wrong!” he snapped.
“How was I supposed to take them young neko? Thank you for the thrill and the talk.” I said bowing.
I ported away and appeared in my cellars at Shanghai, fucking felines had their own damn codes and the inu would never understand. I grabbed a bottle of sake and ported to my chambers. I did not give one damn and poured myself more of the liquid and I intended to forget the damn tigers and yama neko.
I had the worst migraine of my life and I was in the worst mood I could possibly be. I was bathing in the river and heard foot fall. I grew angry at my privacy being disturbed and threw whoever it was with my will. I heard cursing and I recognized Mingli's voice and I pulled myself from the river. I threw on a yukata and went to see the damage I wrought.
“What?” I demanded.
“What have I done?” he asked in confusion.
“Not a good idea to come upon me when I bathe.” I said helping him up.
“You left.” He stated.
“I did and I was very drunk. Now I give you my congratulations. Now leave.” I said rubbing my temples.
“What happened?” he demanded in his glorious voice.
“I was told in kind words what a whore I was. I felt the malice at my presence and you need to find yourself a good and virtuous tigress as I am not but a very good fuck.” I said angrily.
“I do not think that!” he said in confusion.
“Most felines do. It is a thrill and an adventure to bed outside the species but those onna must be whores. I do not have successful relationships with inu. Does that surprise you? I am not a good and proper bitch and I am not a tigress who will bow before her male and beg for his attentions. I do not ask how I can serve and I most certainly do not ask permission.” I said crossing my arms across my chest.
“This has nothing to do with me then.” He said softly.
“No not really. I am really quite proud to know you but cut your losses now. Remember I am the daughter of the cur who killed your esteemed ba.” I said looking away.
He stood up and came to me.
“I wanted you there.” He said in my ear.
“You are being too impetuous.” I retorted.
“How is having a friend there impetuous?” he asked.
“Because I am half inu and our species are natural enemies. I should not feel the kind of pull to you that I do.” I said staunchly.
“You say this now after what has occurred between us? I have counted on you far more than I have my own siblings and you say this trash?” he asked in a morose tone.
“Mingli just go away.” I said walking from him.
“My friends call me Li.” He called after me.
“Remember that you said I cannot be your friend?” I retorted.
“I also remember that we had an intense and beautiful encounter. I remember feeling as though you understood my pain.” He said clenching his jaw.
“Whatever has happened it is not real. You needed some acknowledgement that your ba's death was an atrocity.” I said sighing.
“Not real? Do you say this to make yourself better or me? Has your guilt been cleansed that you said you were sorry?” he said in a bitter tone.
“I am Quon's wife and mate. There are days I do not even want that. I have been taught a very good lesson at your coronation. I have learned my place at last. I shall be an ally when you need one but I cannot be anything more.” I said bowing.
“No! I will know what has transpired.” He said coming within inches of my face.
“Daichi told me his thoughts as well as those of the feline in general.” I said staring at his eyes.
“Daichi is a boy!” he snapped.
“Agreed but he was mated to my cousin who did use him ill. I am looked upon by your kind as some kind of pariah.” I said as my head pounded.
“This will hurt but a moment.” He said as he pressed his hands to my temples.
I nearly shouted out and then my headache was gone. He put his hands down then stepped back. I had wounded him and now I felt horrid. He turned to leave and I growled.
“Yes?” he asked.
I did not think and I moved to him, I cursed his good soul and began kissing him ardently. He did not hesitate and kissed me back. Mingli was not a typical youki of any sort and his lips seared me. Mingli began kissing me as deeply as I had been and my yukata was opened. He slowly moved his lips to my jaw and ghosted them along the skin. He began breathing in my ear and I shuddered.
“I want you to call me Li. I want to be a friend if you will let me. I am not also a young neko boy who has been jaded.” He said then licked my lobe.
“Hai.” I said as I wanted to melt at his voice.
Animalistic hunger ripped through me and he noticed it. His eyes widened just a little and apparently my hunger was apparent on my face. My beast had taken over and I was vaguely aware of it. I whined and I pulled away from him. He held me to him and I thrashed.
“Princess what is wrong?” he asked.
“Go!” I snarled.
“This is your inu nature?” he demanded.
“Hai!” I growled out loudly.
He was strong and I was fighting to contain my animal side. I remained somewhat aware and he was talking soothingly. He gently kissed my neck and managed to hold me down.
“What has brought this on? We are not rutting.” He said softly.
“Denies us! She denies us!” We snarled out.
“She?” he asked calmly.
“Her! We are part of her!” the beast snarled in anger.
“How are you denied? How can I help?” he asked as he strained to hold us.
“Fucking tiger! How can you handle an inu?” We said in a guttural growl.
“Truly you think I could not handle an inu? I am a male tiger and a taiyouki.” He said gently.
We fought his hold and broke free. We knew why we had broken free. The beast was suppressed too often. I staggered from him and changed form. I was still vaguely aware and I took off in a sprint. I figured taking down prey would cool the animal. I was beginning to realize that the uppyr and inu were one at times and fed from the other. I wanted something deeper and more meaningful from Mingli and not get myself entangled in yet another relationship that would dim. I wanted to couple but my rational mind was holding on. I took down a large boar quickly and began tearing at the flesh as I ate in a frenzy. I was terrified at the gusto in which I ate the meat and the blood. I horrified myself at my lack of restraint. I turned my crimson gaze to the most stunning tiger I had ever beheld. His color was so bright and his stripes stood out against the starkness of the reddish gold fur. His eyes were a clear and heaven like blue. He was tall and sinuous muscle was stretched taut over his frame. He moved with such grace that it was like he was a spirit. He moved closer and bowed his head. I continued to stare and he moved slowly closer. He came up to me and began rubbing along my body and purring loudly. He was trying to calm my nerves and he was doing an excellent job. He butted my muzzle with his nose and began licking me. I had never experienced this and he licked along my face and then my neck. I proceeded to lie down and he pinned me down as he groomed me. If anyone would have come upon the scene they would have had a heart attack. Two creatures in total opposition in nature were more than friendly. He began licking my fur along my body and I rolled to my back. I was becoming a mess as something in this seemed forbidden and highly erotic. He did not stop and continued to tongue bathe me as I began a low growl of contentment. He began licking my belly and I yipped in excitement. He turned his gaze to me for a moment and continued to lick along my belly. I threw my massive inu head back and whined softly. He nipped lightly at my haunches and I was burning for him. I felt his nose along my tail and I jerked my head and stared at him. His eyes kept a steady gaze upon me and he lowered his nose and he was scenting me. I knew he could smell my desire. He pulled himself back and actually settled on his back next to me. Mingli was amazing me and I managed to snuggle my body against his. His purring was loud and it lulled me into sleep.
I had no idea how long we stayed like that but I scented my brother and jerked up. Mingli was snoring and did not move. Youshiro walked upon the clearing and stopped dead in his tracks.
-Sister? - He pathed.
-Hai? - I pathed in return.
-You do you realize that there is a tiger next to you. - He snorted in my head.
-The tiger is just a friend brother now you may turn around and I will join you in a moment. - I snapped in his mind.
-Hai. He looks very comfortable. - He snickered in thought.
-YOUSHIRO! - I screamed in his head.
He grimaced and sauntered back. I started to move from Mingli's side and his paw caught me. His blue eyes had opened and he licked my muzzle. My eyes widened and he would not stop, I darted my tongue out and licked at him as well. I shook lightly and stood on my haunches. He stretched lazily and lay on his back. I had a wicked thought and lowered my nose to his belly and began scenting and I grew closer to his groin. He released a small roar and I stared at his eyes as I licked on his fur in a suggestive way. He began to pant and I moved my head to his nose and laved my tongue along his striped cheeks. I finally stopped and retreated from him. Wicked and depraved thoughts stole through my head as I slowly changed back to my humanoid self. I stalked to the palace and found Youshiro flirting shamelessly with Zhou. I cleared my throat and he smirked up at me.
“Brother what?” I asked.
“I just wanted to see my big sister. You have not been in the West much and I can port. Seems I know what you have been doing.” He said lewdly.
“I was hunting and that is Lord Mingli. He is the son of the former lord of the Bengal whom our sire killed.” I explained.
“Shit sister!” he cussed.
“Youshiro!” I snapped.
“Like you do not curse at times. I have news for you Suna but I have had many life experiences already. Go ahead and beat me.” He said sitting back.
“Make sure you pull back before you climax and use more discretion.” I said bluntly.
He barked in laughter and I had given up on my brother behaving, He had grown up rather quick and I handed him a cup of sake. I poured myself one as well. I sat down and waited on Youshiro to speak.
“Okay I want more then to be a younger prince. I want some of what you have.” He said.
“You want a massive headache and too many responsibilities?” I asked in jest.
“I want land and I want to rule. Come on Suna, help a brother out.” He smirked.
“Mother's family has claim to many places in central Asia. We could see. Now I wish for your mouth to stay shut and I may let you stay in the city.” I said rising.
“You would let your horney younger brother stay in the city of Shanghai?” he asked excited.
“All I ask is do not make me an aunt. Osamu is trying to catch up with me.” I said raising a brow.
“My sister how you have changed.” He said laughing.
“I have realized making you act as a pup is a lost cause. Now I have a guest and if you have any whilst you are here I do not want to know about it.” I said from the door.
“Truly?” he asked smiling.
“Ignorance can be bliss and what I do not know father cannot use against you.” I said walking on.
I walked outside and Mingli was at the forest edge. I walked slowly and straight into his arms. He held me tightly and we stayed that way. He tucked my head under his chin and he began a soft purring.
“Do you enjoy hugging?” I asked.
“Yes. I enjoy touch in general. We were a very affectionate family.” He said running his hands through my hair.
“You are the most beautiful feline I have ever beheld.” I said softly.
“I have never seen an inu in true form. Yours is very alluring.” He said as his lips found my neck.
“What happened out there?” I asked.
“We slept?” he asked amused.
“No before that.” I said.
“I acted like myself. How did you act?” he asked just touching me.
“I acted myself.” I confirmed.
“So you are an incredibly pretty inu and I am a tolerable big kitty.” He said teasingly.
“I am quite serious Mingli.” I stated.
“Li! I want you to call me Li. I was curious and I wanted to kiss you. It is hard to do in my true form so you ended up with a bath.” He said brushing his knuckles over my cheeks.
“Li.” I stated with more gentleness then I was feeling.
“What happened that let loose your inner nature? Why did you say that you were never freed and you are part of her?” he said as he turned me and began kneading my shoulders.
“I am unsure.” I lied.
“I do not believe that but I shall not pry.” He said pressing his lips to a wrist.
“Li, I am sorry I was not there. I am sure you have things that need your attention. I can only imagine what tiger nobles are like.” I said distracted.
“Yes they can be quite annoying. My princess you are shaking.” He murmured.
“I am not.” I said then shut my eyes.
“What is it you are not saying?” he said in his glorious tone.
“I think we need to slow down Li. I think we need to be allies for awhile.” I stammered.
“Allies? Are you planning anymore wars?” he purred into my ear.
“No but we continue on as we are and we might as well.” I blurted out.
“I am not afraid of any Byakko. I am an elemental youki as well princess.” He said clasping my thigh and bringing his hand slowly up it.
“Elemental how?” I asked in a distracted tone.
“Inu have hell hounds do they not? I can control heat and fire.” He said softly.
His hand took on a reddish hue and he pressed it to my skin lightly. I felt delicious warmth spread throughout my body. I was becoming rather over heated and I looked at him.
“How does that feel to you?” he asked me.
“You are consuming me. Kamis I need something!” I said breathing deeply.
“I shall pull back. You are flushed.” Mingli stated as he licked my throat.
“Mingli please.” I moaned as his yoki continued to skate along my skin.
“I have pulled back princess.” He muttered.
“Part of my yoki.” I said moaning louder.
“How?” he asked intrigued.
“Mating. Part of mating. It feels marvelous.” I groaned.
I turned in his embrace and pulled him down in a blistering slide of our lips. I was loosing all coherent thought again and I gave into my need. I managed to port us this time. We were in my chambers and he began undoing my clothing immediately. He rid me of my yukata and stood behind me. His fingers were skimming my flesh. His way of making love drove me over an edge and I wanted more. I was left needing and that was not common for me.
“Please let me take you now.” He asked nibbling my shoulder.
I nodded and he led me to the futon. I was on my back and he gave me a very passionate glance and he rolled me onto my stomach. I glanced back and he had spread my thighs just a bit. His chest was pressed to my back and he entered me. I released a soft moan and this position was extremely intimate. I felt incredible pleasure but something more from this male. He was murmuring and moaning himself as he moved slowly. I began crying out as he pulled back. Intense feelings skated along my nerves and center. I was losing it quickly and I felt my body tightening around him.
“Gods!” he moaned above me.
My face was contorted in immense gratification. I was biting my lips and noises of my pleasure escaped my throat. My claws gouged the futon and I was moaning louder and I suppressed a scream that threatened to rip from my throat. I felt his teeth and fangs on the back of my throat and I could not stop and I convulsed around him. He released a strangled roar and I felt him bury his nose in my neck. He pulled himself out and as he was spent and breathed roughly. I crawled over to him and began kissing his chest and pulling on his male nipples with my teeth. He began moaning beneath me and I tugged on them harshly.
“Feels so good. More please.” He ground out.
I looked up at him and caught his reddened eyes. Mine were burning as well and I began nipping and sucking along his abdominal muscles. He arched his back and was purring loudly. I swirled my tongue in his belly button and placed kisses along his lower abdomen.
“What are you doing?” he managed.
I did not answer and I settled between his legs. I licked along his inner thigh and caught his eyes.
“You trust me?” I asked him.
“Yes always.” He murmured.
I sank my fangs into his artery and he cried out in near rapture. I drank from him and I was burning again. I pulled my fangs back and slid back up his body. I trapped his lips with mine and he growled under me. I straddled him and rubbed the head of his staff over my nub. He gasped softly and I mounted him. There were deep feelings being communicated as we moved against the other. He sat up and held me to him and he was in me deeply. He pulled me into a deep embrace as we moaned and moved. This was beyond coupling and I did not want it to end. I was gouging his beautiful back and alternately kissing and pressing my cheek to his.
“Asuna.” He groaned.
“Hai?” I managed.
“So much. I need you.” He said in his beautiful voice.
Our bodies were slick with perspiration as we both moved with more urgency. I felt his claws gouge my back as well and we were panting together. He leaned me back just a little so he could begin rubbing my engorged nubbin of nerves. I spiraled out of control and came down with ferocity. His own climax was ripped from him as well. My walls clamped down on him tightly. I watched as his eyes widened as he cried out. His body spasmed as he released his seed. He did not have a chance to pull out of me and he laid his head against my naked chest. We trembled against the other and he finally laid back and took me with him.
“I am sorry. I did not sense it soon enough.” He said softly.
“I rather you in then out anyway.” I said tired.
“It was a thoughtless act and I am most sorry.” He replied.
“I take precautions Li. I am fine and rest assured I am very unlikely not pregnant.” I yawned.
He held me to him and he yawned himself. His hand was running through my hair and he was murmuring in Gan. I gently held his tail and massaged it gently.
“That feels quite good you know.” He chuckled.
“Does it?” I asked with a smile.
“Yes. Will you come back to Lhasa? Please?” he asked me.
“I can after I take care of some things. What are we doing Li?” I asked.
“We are friends.” He smirked.
“You are silly.” I said rising.
“Yes maybe in this incidence but I do so enjoy your presence.” He said honestly.
“I shall come to Lhasa in a few days. As I have said I have things that need dealing with and I shall come.” I said smiling.
“Good. My brothers will begin to wonder where I am.” He sighed rising.
“How many brothers?” I asked.
“I am the eldest of five brothers and I have two sisters.” He said smiling.
“I have a twin brother then two younger brothers and two younger sisters.” I said pulling on a dressing gown.
“Do your parents plan to have more?” he asked amused.
“No idea. My mother has a rough time with pups. I have nine.” I said with mirth.
“Really? So young?” he asked.
“Hai. I do have two sets of twins though. My mother has a twin brother and my grandsire was a twin.” I shrugged.
“So who were you before?” he asked.
“My great aunt Sorami. She was mated to the former funnel web known as Lord Hisashi.” I explained.
“I see. When you said you believed in the afterlife it comforted me very much. I hope my ba's soul will find me again.” He said softly.
“I am sure he will.” I said putting a hand on his shoulder.
“Well I have tarried too long. This has been an amazing visit.” He said stretching.
“I am pleased you showed up.” I remarked.
“Princess I mean when I say that I need you. I found myself forlorn without you.” He said looking at me.
“This is a liaison remember?” I said gently.
“Right and I am a Byakko.” He snorted.
He finished dressing and bowed. I bowed in return and watched as he ported away in the flourish of wind. He was an amazing lover and turning out to be a great friend. I was horrified at my behavior but he could ask almost anything of me and I would deliver. I sighed deeply and dressed. I needed to deal with the noble council of Hong Kong and I had not really dealt with them before. I dressed in a simple cream colored hanfu and a brown obi. I ported to my biggest port city and prepared to deal with foreign nobles.
I was in the Hong Kong palace and Geming was chatting away. I was distracted as I was led to the audience chambers.
“Geming could you perhaps stop talking?” I asked.
“Of course my lady!” he smirked.
I rolled my eyes and walked into a large room filled with all kinds of inu. They were all male and of various ages and inu breeds. I lifted my head and stared them down.
“Gentlemen this is your lady and our ruler.” Geming said to all.
“Welcome Lady Asuna. It is good to finally meet the mate of our beloved Lord Tekeshi,” a black inu said.
“Thank you. I have been detained for too long I fear.” I said bowing.
“I am Kang my lady. So good of you to finally make an appearance.” He said.
I nailed him with a cold stare. He sat and looked amused. He was a chocolate inu and quite handsome but I was put off by his arrogance.
“What is it that this council wishes to say? I have other matters that need attending and an infant to return to.” I said bluntly.
“We should like to know who you intend to rule these lands. You are quite busy and it is rumored that you intend to install one of your pups as heir to Hong Kong.” Kang said.
“I have yet to decide as to whom my heir shall be but Hana is Tekeshi's heir to his homeland in the Northern Lands of Japan. Ang Chi rules by my side in Manchuria.” I stated.
“You have a near full blooded inu in your son Ken'ichi correct?” Kang asked.
“Hai.” I responded.
“Lady Mizuki and Lord Nori are both of the dark youki Naraku and you just birthed a mixed pup named Ayana?” he asked.
“Hai I have.” I responded.
“I think then that Prince Ken'ichi needs to be named the Lord of Hong Kong and you as his regent as you have for Lord Ang Chi.” Kang replied.
“I can see this has been discussed.” I said looking around.
“He is the son of General Yuudai?” Kang asked.
“Hai.” I remarked.
“Tekeshi never said what a fine looking bitch you were.” Kang said raising a brow.
“Sir Kang I suggest you do not mention my dead mate again.” I said growling.
“Why not my lady?” he demanded.
“I miss him terribly and I do not know you. Now if you wish to name Ken'ichi my heir I see no issue with it but leave Tekeshi out of it!” I snapped.
“Well I am glad you see our way.” He stated.
There was a murmuring and I grew fed up immediately. I walked from the room and went to an office of sorts. I had not been in this room before and I noticed a likeness of Katashi and Sheng. I went over to it and touched the surface.
“Why could you not quit being so stubborn; why could you not just give your son his due?” I asked the painting.
“Because that would mean he thought himself wrong.” Geming said from the door.
“You intrude upon my privacy for what reason?” I asked.
“Just basking in your general beauty but your oh so charming self has me captivated.” He said in his cocky way.
“Geming!” I snapped.
“Yes my lady? You do look fetching but I have seen you bloodied and you still look amazing.” He said smirking.
I sighed and looked up at him. He moved closed and bowed. I thought him striking as always but then I figured he knew it anyway.
“Geming can you try and be serious just once?” I asked him.
“I am serious. I find you the most beautiful bitch I have ever seen.” He said.
I clutched my chest as horrendous pain flooded my very soul.
“Ishin!” I cried desperately.
“My lady?” he asked.
I concentrated on Ishin and I ported to his side. He was covered in blood and I stared at yellow and black kumo. It looked deadly and Ishin was ashen terribly. I slit my wrist and began letting my blood clot his wound in his chest. The beast came at me and I threw it back with tremendous force. Fury erupted in me and I did what I never had; the kumo changed form and screamed as he fell to the ground. Blood dripped from his nose and he fell to the ground dead. Ishin was alive but barely. Naraku appeared as well and I knew we were surrounded.
“Where are we?” I asked.
“Prussia. Dear Kamis!” he said kneeling by his soul brother.
I looked up and a blonde haired kumo onna was speaking in a language I did not understand. She was pointing at Ishin and I began growling.
“Naraku what does she want?” I demanded.
“I think she wants Ishin.” He whispered.
She spoke another tongue and I still did not understand her and she narrowed her red eyes. She threw her venom at me and it burned my skin. I snarled and Naraku produced a barrier around us.
“Give me the tarantula!” she hissed in Latin.
“No!” I replied.
“You killed my soldier slut!” she said in a fury.
“You will not have my mate!” I hissed.
“Really?” she said.
She walked through Naraku's barrier and knocked me in the jaw. I went sprawling and she shoved her hand through Naraku. He grunted but managed to throw himself in front of his brother. She grabbed his throat and squeezed. I scrambled and kicked her in the stomach. She grunted and then shoved her claws into my neck. I was frozen and fell to the ground. She gathered Ishin to her and whispered to him.
“So beautiful you are.” She said.
She shoved her claws into the wound in his chest and Ishin cried out softly. I was paralyzed and watched as her venom staunched his wound. She turned her now hazel eyes to me and smirked cruelly. She ported out with my mate and I nearly lost my mind.
Teiran looked down at the stunning tarantula male in her arms and marveled at his beauty. She had seen him dealing with her rival clan and decided she would take him. Her warrior had damn near killed him and she was furious.
“Do you understand me?” she asked him gently.
He barley opened his obsidian eyes and moaned. He had no recognition of her words and she sighed. She stroked her mind to his and he jerked awake. He was Japanese and his eyes were almond shaped and his skin a smooth alabaster.
“You are such a creature.” She murmured in her native German.
He blinked his eyes at her and lust overwhelmed her. She had no idea who the other creatures were but the male was stunning as well. She curled her lip at the female who dared tried to thwart her.
“Do you speak Russian?” she asked him gently.
“Some.” Ishin snapped in return.
“What is your name?” she purred.
“None of your damn business! You injured my mate and my brother whore!” he growled as loud as he could.
“I am Teiran and you have been speaking with my enemies. You should not butt your luscious self in my business tarantula.” She said close to his ear.
“I am a funnel web slut!” he snarled.
She reached into his hakamas brazenly grasped him. Her eyes widened and he snapped his fangs in fury.
“You really are something. I told my soldier to just take you and not kill you. I think I shall enjoy getting you well. So what was the woman?” she asked licking his ear.
“Keep your disgusting tongue off of me!” Ishin snarled.
“The woman what is she?” she asked again grasping him firmer.
“She is inu.” He hissed.
“I do not understand this word inu.” She said lightly running her claws along his member.
“It translates to dog daemon. Unhand me whore!” he yelled.
“Love this dog do you?” she asked.
“Shut up!” he growled.
“I tell you what you I shall let your mate live a little longer if you be a little nicer.” She said nibbling his lip.
Ishin grew disgusted and he fought down the bile that threatened to rise from his gut. This kumo was a very different variety from him and he could see that she could pass somewhat as a mortal. Hatred and concern consumed him. He was terribly weak at the moment and he felt her pull at his hakamas.
“Do not!” He yelled.
“Oh yes!” she smirked.
She ripped the silk from his body and Teiran leaned down and licked his member. He ground his teeth together and he fought back his body.
“Are you mated to just one woman?” she asked him in sultry tone.
“I am mated to my soul mate bitch!” he snarled at her.
She licked again and marveled at his glorious body. She leaned down and licked one testicle and sucked on it for a moment. Ishin about came completely undone and fought his responses harder. The foreign kumo looked highly displeased and grew bolder and took him into her mouth. He tried to feel Asuna and Naraku but he could not. Self hatred consumed him as his body responded to her mouth. He groaned loudly as she sucked and licked him to painful hardness. She was obviously experienced and he held back his moans. Suddenly her mouth released him and he thanked the Kamis for a moment and he watched in horror as she sat up and undid her dress. Moments later she straddled his hips and he felt her claws near his groin. She injected him with a little venom and his eyes widened as pleasure erupted.
“My venom has sealed off the wound in your chest.” She said as she sank down on his length.
He bit his lip to make no noise as her hazel eyes widened. He was in near agony with a raging erection and her tight sheath on him. He had been so busy aiding the Prussian kumo named Jonathan that he had no intelligence on this female. She began wantonly grinding her hips and he let loose a loud moan.
“Tell me your name.” she demanded.
“Ishin!” he cried softly.
“Your gods made you to perfection.” She groaned as she worked her hips in a circular motion.
He fought back his need to thrust and hated his weakness. He had never strayed from Akane when he had been mated to her nor had he strayed from Asuna. He lost his battle and thrust up into her. She moaned like a harlot and he shut down his own mind. He would not make this a complete coupling and he would not give into the desire to take in her yoki. She did try and brush his mind and he refused to look at her as she rode him like a whore. Between her venom and her working her hips had felt his orgasm rip from him and he cried out as he suddenly became spent. She shook above him and leaned over as he shuddered under her.
“You are a god like creature Ishin. You are equipped rather nicely.” She purred in his ear.
“Go to hell!” he hissed.
“Sorry no plans for that. I am disappointed not to share in the complete experience but I shall break you. You should have stayed on your island little boy. Spiders in Europe are rather aggressive. The women rule here.” She laughed as she slowly dismounted from him.
“I will make you pay for touching me.” He snapped.
“How? You are still weak. I saw you fight. You are such a specimen. My males are weaker and are here for our pleasure. "What are you again?” she asked lightly.
“I am a funnel web. I rule with my brother idiot!” Ishin snarled.
“I guess I shall have to bring your brother here as well. Is he as magnificent as you?” she asked sweetly.
“How should I know?” He growled.
“I got the impression of a very close relationship.” She said laughing.
She leaned down and kissed his member and he sucked in his breath. He was unused to being used for a female's pleasure and grew disgusted. Asuna had been paralyzed and his mind was in a tumult.
“What did you do to my mate?” he demanded.
“I injected her with my venom. She did not die which is unusual. I am thinking she has some immunity to poisons in general. The way she was pouring blood into her your wound makes me think she is nosferatu.” She said dressing.
“Fuck you!” he snapped.
“So she is part blood sucker. Very interesting! Do you know how to kill a nosferatu? You pierce their heart and cut their throat open. It is fun really.” She laughed.
“You are an evil slut!” he said struggling to sit up.
“I am evil? You are helping a rival clan to try and wipe out my kind. No I treat you as I would any male amongst my kind.” She said covering him with a blanket.
“Let me go slut!” he hissed.
“No. You shall be kept alive for my pleasure and taught not to interfere in other's business. Now sleep. I find myself rather dying to have you inside of me again.” She smirked as she departed.
Anger ripped through him and he tried to rise again. He wished like hell Nobu was around and looked at where he was. He was in some kind of European style castle and he prayed to the Kamis that Asuna and Naraku were alright.
I crawled over to Naraku and he was injured and surprisingly paralyzed as well. I held onto him and ported us to Sendai. I was relieved that the whore wanted Ishin alive. Naraku and Ishin were extreme in that they were both beyond handsome. I staggered and found Nobu.
“Help.” I said out of breath.
“Asuna! What happened?” Nobu said jumping up.
“Naraku first.” I said as he picked me up.
He took me back to my chambers and Naraku was on the futon. He set me down and went and checked on my mate. He looked up and nodded. Relief flooded me and I knew he would be alright.
“What happened? He will be alright soon enough but this is powerful neuro venom.” Nobu said in fascination.
“A female kumo in Europe took Ishin.” I said disgusted.
“For what?” he asked.
“I am assuming because she said she wanted him Nobu. Ishin is not exactly an ugly creature; neither in his humanoid state or true form. As far as I have seen he is a rather handsome kumo.” I said frankly.
“He is unusually handsome. Females tried to get his notice for centuries. When Akane was alive he acted as if no other existed.” Nobu said.
“I am afraid she is going to use him whilst he weak.” I said disgusted.
“Their species must be female dominated.” He said considering.
“Well she has my mate and I am rather put out by that. This is not political this is pure lust. I saw the looks she was giving him and she was looking at Naraku like he was some rare form of prey.” I said growling.
I saw Naraku twitch and I went to him. He moaned in pain and he looked up.
“That bitch!” he growled.
“She has Ishin.” I said in disgust.
“Not for long.” He said struggling to stand.
“Naraku her venom is potent as hell. You need to sit awhile. I am going back for Ishin.” I said rising.
“Like hell you are alone!” he snapped.
“She was ogling you too!” I hissed.
“I will change form then! Kamis he is my brother!” Naraku said.
“Well he is my mate!” I snapped.
“He is part of both of us now shut it Asuna.” He said standing with difficulty.
“Come on!” I said grabbing him.
We ported back to Europe and I masked heavily. There was no way in hell I was letting a kumo slut have my mate. Naraku changed form before my eyes and he proceeded to turn himself into Jaken. I suppressed a laugh and he glared at me.
“Not exactly what I was expecting but I cannot imagine Jaken attracting anything but another kappa!” I smirked.
“Well he is an annoying creature. Now hush!” he commanded.
“Hai Master Naraku.” I snickered.
He growled and we went in search of Ishin's aura.