InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ I Am Who I Am ❯ withdrawl ( Chapter 15 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Author's note.

Yup. Been awhile.... yup.


"Let go you wounded pup...." The mighty Lord swung his arm, and easily set himself free from Inu-Yasha's grasp. Inu-Yasha grunted as his fingers slipped from the silk cloth and his body pounded once again on the ground.

"Inu-Yasha!" Kagome shouted and sprinted over to the wounded half-breed. She kneeled to his side and checked his head for any more damage. There was no extra wound, but once again, Inu-Yasha was out cold. Kagome faced her head to Sesshomaru, her eyes showing war. Sesshomaru had hisback turned and his demon legs had made distance from the group.

"Wow. He was rather moody." Miroku commented when they were clear. Sango nodded in agreement while Kagome stayed silent, he hands gently resting on the unconcious beast. After a few moments, the wind began to blow. The breeze carried with it the leaves and som flower petals that were too weak to hold onto its home. Along with the leaves and flowers, the wind carried something else away...Sanity.

Shippo fell to the ground, his hands on his head and knees tucked at his chest. His body began to quiver and shake with no end. His eyes began to twitch and the fur on his tail stood on end. His lips bearly moved, but a whine was easily herd as he chanted two words over and over.

"Gone. She's gone.....Gone." The three humans starred at the change in Shippo. Then a 'mew' was herd. Sango turned her head.

"Kirara?" The little neko demon had transformed itself into its battle size form and was raming its head into the nearest tree, shouting.

"Kirara! S..Stop that! What's the matter?! Kirara!" Sango shouted, running towards her companion, hoping to be able to calm her down.

Kagome starred in shock, then thedog demon opened his eyes and her attention went to him. He happiness to see him awake vanished when she looked into this eyes. They were dull and had no life in them. The hallow eyes looked over in her direction, then his body turned on its side, his back facing her. His arms laid in front of him loosly and his eyes stared straight ahead.


Kagome found herself speechless. "What the?! Hey..Snap out of it!!!!"

"I don't understand this. Kirara was fine all this time? Why now!!!??" Sango shouted after she was pushed on the ground by her much larger friend. Miroku sat on his knees, holding her up by her shoulders. Miroku looked around him at the demons before them.

"Sango look.." Miroku said as he pointed at the demons. "Shaking, Harming oneself, and Deppression. They are all signs of some sort of..Withdrawl.."

"A withdrawl? A withdrawl of what?" Sango asked, eyes full of confussion.

"Think about it Sango. What have they been with this whole time? What's contaminated them, this entire time?" Miroku said, pushing his eagerness in his hints.

"Shika..she's..."Kagome stuttered, entering herself into the conversation.

"Right." Miroku started, "Shika is the product of what? A demon and a human."

"But. Shika's mother was.." Sango stated. "A human with the scent of a demon." Miroku nodded.

"Any spell combined with a demon is dangerous. No matter what it is. The potion was nothing but a spell to attract demons. It has no effect on humans but demons have stronger senses.."

"Her scent. Her scent is the potion. Her scent is a spell within itself, weither she likes it or not." Kagome said, relizing Shika's fear, and the reason for her shyness. She was afraid of having people close to her. But...Kagome looked over at Inu-Yasha. Inu-Yasha liked her for more then her scent, she was blood. And Shippo, he seemed to really love her, but was that just the cause of her scent? would she know if anyone..really liked her for her?

"She'll never know. She'll never know if she's loved by anyone with demon blood in them. The demons will only want to be near her for her addictive smell." Kagome said, her eyes begining to burn.

"The fate of such offspring can't always be helped. Now..Naraku has her for her smell. I'm sure of it." Miroku said, cut off by a grunt from Inu-Yasha. The humans turned around and saw the snow-haired demon sitting up, hands on his head.

"Damn it! My head is splitting."

Kirara fell to the ground her eyes open and her body covered in dirt. She propped up her head and looked around. Shippo fell on his back, eyes closed and sound asleep.

"So..its only temporary." Miroku stated, "Interesting...."

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

"Say what?! Naraku has?1 Just for this scent thing?!!! That Bastard!" Inu-Yasha yelled, now on his feet, sword and fist waving in the air.

"Yes. Naraku, being made up of so many demons, has greater senses then any other demon. So it is obvious that he would be able to seek her out miles away." Miroku began.

"And he wants her for his own bliss." Sango said, finishing Miroku's thought.

Kagome held onto the sleeping Shippo and Kirara. "She's nothing but a pon to him.."

"Like Kohaku." Sango blurted out, the rest going silent.

Inu-Yasha looked around and pointed his finger to the Genbu God.

"The feather was heading to Genbu. We aint gonna solve nothin if we sit around here. Let's get moving. I'd rather Shika be with Sessomaru over Naraku over anyday!!" Inu-Yasha stomped his feet and the crwed just starred. Never in their life did they expect Inu-Yasha to choose his brother for something. And for something like this. Maybe he hit his head one too many times.

Sango picked up Kirara from Kagome and woke her little demon up, asking her to transform. The little neko was consumed in flames and grew to its massive size. Sango lept onto the demon's back and helped Kagome and the resting cub up. The neko growled and charged off in the air, Inu-Yasha and Miroku not far from behind.

_ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _

Night fell fast among the group. The night air began to coldly nip at their skin. Shippo's eyes opened slightly and his little hands rubbed his face. Kagome and Sango smiled warmly at him. When Shippo gained full awarness of his suroundings he jumped stragt up on the flying neko. The Neko let out a growl and Shippo looked outward.

"She's there...." Shippo said.

"No doubt about it!" Inu-Yasha shouted. Inu-Yasha lept from his last branch and soared slightly in the air, before landing softly on his feet. He stood tall, ripping the bandages off of his head that Kagome had placed on him. There was no time to show weakness or hurt. The strong survive battles. The rest of the group wasn't too far behind andsoon caught up behind the dog demon. Kirara hissed and Shippo glared at the wind being infront of them.

"Let her go!" Shippo shouted.

Kagura grined, she was leaning over a smaller being. The wind demon sat on the ground next to the child, cheek to cheek. The gang knew who Kagura clung to, but it was hard to reconize her. Shika was out of her rags and placed in a lovely Yukata. Her skin was pure and clean and her hair was tied up in a lovely bun, decorated with a gold hairdress, loose strands of her midnight hair hung over her face. Her silver ears were perked up and groomed as her crecent mark was persented boldly on her forehead. Her face showed no emotion and her eyes were dark..dark as the night sky itself.

"Give her back, Witch!" Shippo shouted again. Kagura grinned, hugging the girl close to her. Kagura's face was a slight shade of pink and her eyes were full of lust.

"Kagura is under her scent." Miroku said.

"But..non of the other demons have reacted so strongly to her..." Sango facted in a confused manner.

"Is it possible that...she can contol how strong her scent is? Did she attract Kagura for her safety?" Kagome asked as Shippo sat silent.

"Kagura...." Inu-Yasha growled with warning. Kagura's eyes looked over to the half-breed.

"You want her too Inu-Yasha? This delicious scent...yummy girl?" Kagura grinned, her tongue curling out of her mouth and atattching itself to Shika's cheek, liking her once in an upward motion.

"You'll have to kill me first half-breed."


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Ok that ends there. sorry it has been awhile. And this chapter is short. Well thats all I could really get to at the moment..ADOhhhh Shinny has taken effect in me.

Basically to sum up this chapter, Shika's main ability is from her mother's potion combined by her father's powers. So she literaly is a walking magnet. Is that why Sesshomaru returned? He got one wiff and wanted more?

Why is Kagura acting so 'involved' into her scent? Isit really just a deffense mechanism or is Naraku out to prove a point?

Well thankx for reading and I hope you review, no third degree burns please. If there is any grammer mistakes that are REALLYY noticeable please email me about them and ill fix them when I get a chance. I use word pad to type on and it doesnt have any form of checker on it, so some mistakes I dont catch. So basically please dont bite my head off for something that can politly be emailed to my attention and easily fixed.


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