InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ I Came to Read, I Stayed to Write ❯ Pygmalion ( Chapter 9 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I hereby disclaim all rights and responsibilities for the characters in this little drabble… especially for the smooth-talking monk who fancies himself a regular `enry `iggins. The true creative force behind the characters would be Rumiko Takahashi.
Originally posted to Live Journal on February 8, 2007.
Growling in frustration Kagome stalked off, leaving a confused hanyou staring after her. Miroku sidled up, “Could've been worse.”
“Yeah, I could be eating dirt right now.” Giving Miroku a sidelong glance, he ventured, “So… what exactly did I do?”
“It's more a case of what you didn't do, Inuyasha.”
“Alright, what didn't I do?”
Miroku gestured towards the remains of their meal. “Did you enjoy today's lunch?”
Blinking at the sudden change in subject, Inuyasha shrugged. “I ate it, didn't I?”
“Do you realize that Kagome went to a lot of trouble to prepare this food?”
“I guess,” Inuyasha replied slowly.
“Did you thank Kagome-sama for her efforts?” persisted Miroku.
Inuyasha crossed his arms defensively and muttered, “Shit.”
“I'm no good with this stuff,” grumbled Inuyasha.
“My friend, allow me to demonstrate.”
Throughout the day, Inuyasha watched Miroku closely. The monk flattered amiably, doled out compliments, and thanked the girls courteously at every turn. The hanyou grunted disgustedly. Figures… he's making me look bad.
At dinner, Inuyasha accepted his bowl silently, sparing Miroku a glance. The monk raised his eyebrows and nodded towards Kagome encouragingly. Looking up, Inuyasha caught girl's eye.
“This is good,” he said gruffly.
Kagome smiled, her cheeks tinged pink with pleasure. “Would you like some more, Inuyasha?” she offered warmly.
As the miko refilled his bowl, the hanyou looked back at Miroku. The monk's eyes were shining with laughter, though he nodded his approval. “It's a start,” he mouthed softly, returning to his dinner.
End Note: This drabble was created in answer to iyfic_contest's theme for Week 86, `Praise.' 250 words.