InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ I didn't do anything wrong! ❯ What Now?!? ( Chapter 1 )
"Why isn't she back yet" Inu Yasha fumed still staring down at the well from his branch. It had been only a few hours and he was already sulking. "Looky, looky Inu Yasha, she's back" Shipo said waiting to see Inu Yasha's reaction.
"What where is she , Kagome?, where are you I can't smell you, KAGOME!" Inu Yasha looked down at a now laughing Shipo
"Shipo…" Inu Yasha said with a malicious smile that froze Shipos blood in his veins he instantly stopped laughing
"Umm yes" he said trying to sound brave even though his voice faltered,
But running was no use as Shipo turned to run Inu Yasha was already in front of him. Inu Yasha looked down at a now trembling Shipo "If you ever do that again I'm gonna make you wish…" ::sniff sniff::
Her scent hit his nose and he almost fell over she smelled of sweet honeydew. Shipo took his chance to run and went straight for Miroku and Sango who had just arrived.
"Save me, his gonna kill me!" he screamed as he jumped into Sango's arms.
But Inu Yasha had already jumped down into the well to help Kagome out , when all of a sudden the smell of blood hit him, no not just blood Kagomes blood!
"Kagome what happened…!"
"Inu Yasha what's wrong, I'm fine" She said with a confused look on her face…
"Then why is your arm bleeding?" He said noticing a small gash on her arm.
Kagome looked down at her arm and quickly pulled her sleeve down to cover the wound. "It's just a little scratch I fell…"
But he Inu Yasha suddenly interrupted her, grabbing her arm and pushing her sleeve up "that is not a little cut kagome" he could see it was fresh.
"what happened?"
Kagome could see the concern in his eyes, but as soon as he saw her looking into his eyes he let her arm drop back down to her side.
"Just tell me what happened I can smell that shiny silver stuff… that stuff on your bag…?"
"It's called metal" Kagome said looking down at the ground.
"That's the stuff so tell me what happened"
-to be continued shortly